Allow me to earn more Gold

I know this seems to be a heavily talked about topic, but it seems it is falling on deaf ears. Just increase the gold acquisition or lower the gold requirement to level up our champions. Kabam has too much control over our characters. If I want to rank/level up all of my characters, then I should be able to do that, and within a reasonable time frame as well. It should not take years to do this.The golden crystals are a joke as well. Come on Kabam, make it fun. Don't limit us on the champions we can take up. Stop bull guarding the gold resources.
You just won't get it for free. You will still be required to play the game, beat the content, and then you will get the gold rewards alongside it. As long as you do it properly, you will never have problems with getting gold
The gold deficit To rankup materials from act6 is probably 200 hours worth to grinding, loosen up a little bit please kabam, bump the rewards and send compensation to those who’ve done it, it was a reward that you didn’t increase to scale, asking us to increase arena time after 4 years to keep up with the other resources now available is just infuriating, I’ve given up, games got boring I’m just ranking future rank ups to stop cats expiring then sitting on them in their lowest at r4/1 or r5/1 until I slowly string gold together, and yeah the glory Store gold crystals, only need to buy a thousand or so for a 5/65 rankup, you could leave their cost, increase their reward by tenfold and it might actually help
That’s just the most convenient excuse someone lazy would use.
I have 2 school going kids (aged 6 and 8), work, and still find pockets of time to make sure I don’t run low on the ONLY infinitely farmable resource in the game. I don’t buy Cavs or Odins as well.
(Not the first time I’ve sent a screenshot of my gold balance. You’ll see that despite my rank ups, my gold always maintains around the 90m mark.)
- Rank up champs only during Level Up unless absolutely necessary to do so otherwise. Advancement events are negligible. Would take the revive and units anytime over the 4* sig stone.
- Plan your rank ups. You should know how many T2A/T5B you are sitting on, and who are the champs you will need to take to R4/5 in terms of priority, then ration your gold accordingly (at least for a start). If you really want to go into the exact Math of it, calculate a rough estimate of gold intake on a weekly basis and you’ll know how much you can afford to spend per week.
As a general guideline, if you only rank up during Level Up events, grind arena, open your BCs and don’t over-rank your champs to clock the level up points (eg you only need to rank one champ to R5 to claim the full level up milestone rewards, but instead you ranked 2 champs to R5 instead of waiting for the next event), it’s very likely your intake > output.
6*s are slightly different cause they cost more gold than 5*s and give less points in Level Up. But we only get 1 6* every 1-2 months thereabouts so with all the excess gold after spending for the 7-15 Level Ups across this duration can be used to splurge on 6* rank ups.
Remember, patience pays off a lot. Being in a rush to rank a shiny new champ that only serves as bragging rights will do you no good.
Until you build up roughly 5-10m of gold reserves, you need to spend them very very wisely. All the good habits you would have built then will carry over and you’ll never have gold problems again.
I believe this is a false premise. This game is all about acquiring and ranking up champions. If everybody had all their champs maxed the game would get very boring very fast.
Main problem is people use “life” as an excuse to be lazy (similar to how “work can be tiring and I don’t have the energy to exercise”), then put the blame on someone else.
From another perspective, if I don’t do AQ and don’t do monthly EQ and don’t play AW, should I be “entitled” to rank/level up all of my characters within a reasonable timeframe as well? (Note: “reasonable” is VERY subjective.)
I have 23 million. I’m using gold only to open my alliance quests. It’s easy to get. Save your gold crystals and open them during summoner appreciation.
Hit first 3 milestones in arena.
Farm potions in ROL and get gold at the same time!
2 hours a day in arena? Do you have any lull periods in your day that you’re doing something that can accommodate a concurrent activity (like watching television, walking from point A to B, cycling in the gym)?
The 12+k units you see on my screenshot were all grinded for. Waiting for July 4th to drop.
It roughly takes about 3 million gold to take up a champ to max rank. And grinding all arena milestones in 4* basic, 4* featured and 5* featured gives me about 1.8 million gold per month and 1.4 million from incursions which sums up to 3.2 million. So it can be annoying bc I can't rank up them quickly and start exploring Act 6.
So yeah if someone hasn't grinded arena before then they can have gold problems for sure when they get good champs. It takes a lot of time for players like us to build gold equivalent to your level.
Kabam needs to double the iso for 6 star dups and increase the amount of iso by 50% for 5 star dups. This would actually solve the gold issue or they can cut 5 star and 6 star rank ups in half. Its just getting to the point that gold will no longer be sustainable when 6 stars shards are as available as 5 star shards are now.
I have 2 alts that run 0 arena. Yes, gold is ALOT more scarce but both of them are sitting at roughly 18-20 R5/R2 equivalents and have 4-5m of reserve gold (+320k BCs thereabouts because they're in a Map 5 alliance). It's all about resource management. Both of those accounts have also completed A6 and finished spending the T2A from the Completion rewards.
We can agree to disagree on what constitutes "fun".
Edit: With regards to accommodating it during my day? I used to do that all the time. 2017-2018 was my best time in game. I could run arena as I was leaving my home and finish a round of 5* before I got into work. Ran another round quickly during my lunch break and then a round during my free evening time. But my gold costs were much less then and even though I was gaining more gold, that was taken away when I started Map 7 and started leveling 6*. I realised I would have to up my arena time to make it and that turned me off from it. There wasnt an increase in acquisition as my progression was increasing so it wasnt worth it.