Y'all could have kept these alliance tickets, and refunded the actual resources we poured into the alliance treasury.
I would much rather have the millions of gold — and thousands of battle chips an loyalty.
My alliance runs Map 5 which is now free, so yeah that's my opinion!
I would much rather have the millions of gold — and thousands of battle chips an loyalty.
My alliance runs Map 5 which is now free, so yeah that's my opinion!
Player A has 2,000,000 gold. They donate 1,000,000 to their treasury. They cannot take this gold out now.
Player B has 1,000,000 gold. They don't donate.
Both players have 1,000,000 gold now. They both rank up a champ. Now, they have no gold. They are both at the same standing.
But, now the 1,000,000 gold Player A donated is now given back, which means he now has 1,000,000 gold, while Player B has 0.
That means Player A can rank up another champ, putting them in a better position than Player B.
Normally, this wouldn't happen at all, since once you put in your resources into the Treasury, you can't get them back. Player A now has an unfair advantage.
Player A would not have donated their million gold in good faith that the donation system would refund their resources if drastically changed. They would instead have ranked up the champion that you are arguing is an unfair advantage.
In layman's terms, they were robbed in the name of solving the "resource loading" problem. Being innocent of wrongdoing, I believe that player should have the choice to be refunded original resources if desired.
Sorry, try again next time.
If resources were refunded, there would be far more complaints on the forums about unfair advantages. Kabam did what was fair. And you really can't say that not refunding in resources is unfair.
Why is it so unreasonable for people to request their resources back when they would no longer have anything to use their replacement currency on and they are just taken away entirely?
But I've learned my lesson about donating more than the minimum entry fee. My alliance will not make that mistake again.
Lets turn it around. Player A has 2m gold. Upgrades a champ, only has 1m left. Doesn`t donate.
Player B has 2m gold. Is loyal to his alliance and donates 1m. Cannot upgrade a champion with that 1m, and is left with 1m.
Both players can upgrade a champ for 1m. Player A already spent his rescources, because they werent needed in his alliance or he simply didn't donate.
This is actually our situation, but taken a couple days before. There is not FAIR starting point to say what is fair and what is not.
Sorry for the grammar. Not native, too little time to run it through a check.
Now, giving players resources that they don't own anymore is unfair.
"There is not FAIR starting point to say what is fair and what is not." Tell me why?
Also, the Treasury isn't a bank. You can't take resources out as you please.
2. So you're basically saying since ______ did a bad thing, I can do ______? That's invalid. You can't say "Since I saw a man rob a bank and not get caught, I should be able to rob a jewelry store. No. That's not how it works.
And plus, did you even read my explanation about why that would be unfair?
Kabam should allow us to at least sell the Alliance Tickets for gold or battle chips. My alliance will always do Map 5, nothing more! We all work, have lives and kids — we get great AQ rewards weekly.
The tickets are just sitting their going to waste.
What do you mean "it won't be used"? It'll be used in the form of tickets. You were never able to get your resources back, period. Why should this be any different?