MCoC Roadmap: Prelude



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  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    Any changes to masteries? New masteries, mastery profiles.

    Also raising summoner level? I didn't see that mentioned in the prelude so dunno which day it may fit
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    The fact that they're trying to buff 2 old champs every month is amazing HOWEVER it's still vague.
    "Try" is not the same as 100% confirmed.

    So, if they wanna buff old champs every month, it sounds like rushing things, at least to me.
    So far, all their buffs are good and some are great because they take their time for the changes.
    I'd rather see 2 champs rework every 2 or 3 months.
    If every month, I'm afraid it's gonna be a half-ass testing for the rework champs, and there will be another feedback and bad critics all over again from players, then KABAM will have another thing to look at when they can spend that time to focus on other things i.e. mastery switch feature.

    It's not a pretty view to see a feud between devs and players every month.
    It's toxic.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Yawn...we’ve had the talks in the past. I’ll hold off till I see the timeline for the changes to be implemented and what extent they are. Till then, same ole same ole chit chat.
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  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    Will we know how the champions that are going to be buffed will be decided?
    I'm thinking this could be based on data mined stats for champ use or simply the old champs that have minimal utility and / or damage.

    There are a fair few old champs that are not great but, they have been given synergy buffs and are now somewhat popular.
    Abomination now has a synergy with red guardian that makes him a bit better but, no one is going to be happy pulling a 6* Abom. Ant man and sentry need their dupes and synergies before they're ok and many others are in the same bracket.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★

    Ebony_Naw said:

    bpunk88 said:

    Ebony_Naw said:

    bpunk88 said:

    Very hesitant on enthusiasm here. Many points are things that have been requested for years. Abyss reward nerf sets a disappointing tone for things to come.

    My takeaway for now is that they're finally listening. I share your caution, but am willing to loan some good faith to them and wait to see specifics and timelines. Not sure how anyone could take the announcement as a net negative.
    My concern is that they're just now listening, likely due to other reasons. Regardless I feel they have some work to do to rebuild trust with the player base. I'm hopeful but have low expectations.
    A lot of this stuff has been in the works for a while now, but there are definitely things that changed based on player feedback. We're not just only listening now. We've always been listening, but haven't always had something to say.
    Would love to hear if there is anything upcoming regarding mastery reworks, especially to the reset costs. Any crumbs or tidbits you can share?
    I can't talk any specifics at this time, but I have passed the questions about Masteries on to the team.
    Ummm, haven't mastery talks been going on for a very long time? I remember every one of Dave's interviews he mentioned it. Personally masteries shouldn't cost anything to reset once you've purchased them for starters. I'd also tack on the ability to build presets but that would obviously take more dev work.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 ★★★★★
    That looks really great. I only miss some time window. Of clurse we cant expect all those changes to be life immediately, but some rough time window would be great.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,513 ★★★★★
    Miike, I understand the post for Champions is set for June 29th but there is one thing I am wondering about - 2 champion buffs per month does seem ambitious to say the least. I mean we barely had 3 champion buffs this year. Are you guys sure you’ll be able to handle that pressure? Although we want these changes, will they come in excellent quality?
  • JAYJAY3001JAYJAY3001 Member Posts: 35
    Which Magneto will be buff? Red or White? @Kabam Miike
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  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Siliyo said:

    Miike, I understand the post for Champions is set for June 29th but there is one thing I am wondering about - 2 champion buffs per month does seem ambitious to say the least. I mean we barely had 3 champion buffs this year. Are you guys sure you’ll be able to handle that pressure? Although we want these changes, will they come in excellent quality?

    The key words are “working towards” its highly unlikely that we start seeing 2 buffs a month starting in July.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Siliyo said:

    Miike, I understand the post for Champions is set for June 29th but there is one thing I am wondering about - 2 champion buffs per month does seem ambitious to say the least. I mean we barely had 3 champion buffs this year. Are you guys sure you’ll be able to handle that pressure? Although we want these changes, will they come in excellent quality?

    I think they mean that they will announce two champions a month that are getting buffed and work on them for 2-3 months rather than announcing and buffing two champions in a month. I could be wrong, but that's how I took it to mean. Alternatively, they hired on people to specifically work on champion buffs.
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  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Seraphion said:

    First of all:
    This sounds fantanstic.


    Dont forget the overhaul of the mastery system. We need a FAST and FREE way to switch our masteries once we have unlocked them.

    20k units should be enough to make the switching easy and free.

    Keep going. I think you nailed it with this update.

    20k units?? Typo right?
  • Sharon_a02Sharon_a02 Member Posts: 1
    will the 2 champion buffs mean buffing champions whose abilities were underperforming e.g silver surfers energy damage not being high enough or is it mainly for old champs
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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    I am really excited about these changes and I hope they get implemented properly. A little concerned with the champion buffs, I doubt they will be on the same level as reworks of past champions but will the buffs be similar to the rebalance program? Also I would really like some mastery change(make it free to switch masteries after you have bought it). Masteries are stopping me from doing AW competitively.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Knation said:

    One thing I say I can be excited for before release though is the new soundtrack the one in game is super good however got stale after a while

    Wouldn't it be kinda cool if the soundtrack changes based on who you are fighting? Have the X-men theme from the 90's cartoon series play while fighting them, and so on?
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  • Amadeo01Amadeo01 Member Posts: 212 ★★★
    SparkAlot said:

    Knation said:

    One thing I say I can be excited for before release though is the new soundtrack the one in game is super good however got stale after a while

    Wouldn't it be kinda cool if the soundtrack changes based on who you are fighting? Have the X-men theme from the 90's cartoon series play while fighting them, and so on?
    Oh man, having that x-men song playing would be awesome, lol
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  • Amadeo01Amadeo01 Member Posts: 212 ★★★
    I'm very interested in hearing more about masteries so I hope the team shares some updates/details on that soon.
    Also, I am eager to hear more about how sig stones will become more available. Details on these + the new crystals (less RNG?) will likely have a huge impact on what people go for on July 4.
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