so what about those who complete initial run of act 6? or explore 100% act6 in hard mode

@Kabam Miike any news for those who clear that bad guy the champion 6.2 and complete initial run of act 6 or did 100% in hard mode anything special reward for them or any compensation
I won’t even ask for my units I know we won’t get them but if we get revives and potions in a 40-60% refund that way, that would be cool
Act stuff comes with the June 23rd announcement. I'm sure they have a plan for if they plan on compensating anyone for act 6.
Can we just appreciate that they listened for a bit and have some patience?
But if they don’t, then too bad. The important thing in the end is people will have a better time in Act 6.
But they can't expect to be made whole, because the game does get easier over time and the general principle is if the game gets easier, every veteran shouldn't expect to somehow get compensated for seeing the original difficulty. Lowering attack rating is mathematically identical to just making all future champions have five times the health. That's of course not going to happen, but there are all sorts of more subtle ways in which the game gets easier. It is super obvious that defeating the Collector (5.2 version) is way easier today than it was when the first players became Uncollected. But they don't deserve compensation for that fact.
If Kabam does reduce attack and other difficulty elements, the players who already did the content should get something, but that something should have nothing to do with how much potions or units they spent. That was their choice. It should be in recognition that in retrospect, it was never supposed to be that hard in the first place. Its not that it is now easier, it is that the original difficulty was a mistake. And whatever they get for that, it won't be to try to "equalize" things. There's no way to do that, and no one should expect them to try.
If anyone thinks they spent 2000 units, so they should get back at least half, I don't think that kind of thinking is something the game should honor. I'm not saying such players should definitely not get units, I'm saying that type of exchange should never happen. We can't make revisiting a difficulty error contingent on whether or not Kabam is willing to refund what players originally spent on it. Because then the best thing for Kabam to do is just never revisit difficulty.
If they make act 6 easier for everyone else to get through, awesome. You get exactly what I got for less effort and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
Now with abyss, people get less for doing the same thing I did and it's this giant injustice. I don't understand or agree with why they're removing shards from it honestly. They should just leave them. For whatever reason though they're not. We all make choices based on currently available information and effort requirements, sometimes we just have to live with them.
Also, this isn't bugged content, it's a design shift. Compensation doesn't even make sense
Hopefully people will have an easier time after the change.