so what about those who complete initial run of act 6? or explore 100% act6 in hard mode



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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Nocko said:

    Nocko said:

    Part of the issue with fixing some of this stuff is they know the player base will scream for compensation...
    If you've completed the content, great, congrats but you dont need compensation. You made the decision to complete the content in its current state and you made the decision to spend money and resources.

    If they give you some compensation, great but the constant demand for compensation MUST be a contributing factor in Kabam being hesitant to fix some of the complaints.

    They're hopefully going to make that content more fun and enjoyable for the entire community, that's compensation enough. (For full disclosure, i havent 100% Act 6. Only completed an initial run)

    I mean I agree, I don't particularly want or expect them to give anything to those of us that finished it. However, how is this any different than the abyss reward update? People chose not to do the content at the time the rewards were originally. Now they've changed them and there's 47 kinds of uproar about it.

    If they make act 6 easier for everyone else to get through, awesome. You get exactly what I got for less effort and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

    Now with abyss, people get less for doing the same thing I did and it's this giant injustice. I don't understand or agree with why they're removing shards from it honestly. They should just leave them. For whatever reason though they're not. We all make choices based on currently available information and effort requirements, sometimes we just have to live with them.
    I suppose the difference is they're buffing the rewards there, so those who already completed have a right to receive the full rewards and i dont agree with them stripping off 15k of 6* shards from those rewards, and agree thats not fair...

    I think rewards and difficulty of content are kind of separate deals, but i get where you're coming from.
    I think your last line sums it up... you'll eat some **** on ACT 6 100% and ill benefit, but you benefit from Abyss 100% and i eat ****... and maybe thats just something we have to live with so new players dont suffer through what we have
    If it were up to me they'd leave the abyss shards in and not give out anything for act 6 and I'd be fine with it. It's not up to me though.

    I just get kind of annoyed when people only see their side when they get the short straw and never look at it from someone else's view. You losing out doesn't mean someone else didn't too and doesn't make what you lost any worse.

    I'd rather no one lose anything but that's a completely unrealistic expectations in a lot of instances. Expecting them to undo all my rank ups and resource uses after abyss so I can choose better with the nexus crystal is ridiculous. I still lost the choice. Sucks when you lose out but as long as it's an overall win I'm fine with it which I think both the abyss and act 6 changes will be.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    This is the same situation as for the Captain MCU in the Abyss.
    Kabam decrease the difficulty so people having done act 6 (totally or partially) before should get some sort of compensation for the resources they used due to the high difficulty.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Did they give compensation when Act 5 or LOL was changed? Don’t think so.

    You were happy and comfortable to do it at the difficulty it was and that’s the end of it.

    That’s like saying I should be given an Aegon/ghost/Corvus/doom etc because you got to explore it using those champs and I don’t have them.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Stellar said:

    This is the same situation as for the Captain MCU in the Abyss.
    Kabam decrease the difficulty so people having done act 6 (totally or partially) before should get some sort of compensation for the resources they used due to the high difficulty.

    Not even close to the same, CMM was bugged, act 6 is working as intended
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Qfury said:

    "You were happy and comfortable to do it at the difficulty it was and that’s the end of it".

    I disagree. A lot of us have done act 6 completely unaware a change was coming or even being discussed. So yes at the time we had no choice but to do it in its current state.

    I can guarantee you 90% of the people that have done act 6 wouldn't of touched it if they knew there was a "nerf" coming.

    Ridiculous logic, you absolutely had a choice not to do it. Again, you were happy and comfortable to do it in the state it was and that’s the end of it. There’s always a chance content will be re balanced, just as act 5 and LOL was.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Markjv81 said:

    And your 90% comment is utterly false, most people did it to stroke their AQ ego, if you get compensation will you then hand back all the extra rewards you got from having an inflated prestige for the last 6-12months?

    That's a ridiculous way to look at it honestly. If you really feel that way you'd be fine with them completely gutting the rewards when they nerf the difficulty. In that case you would have been fine with not doing the content for the rewards on offer, so, now you'd get an option whether you'd think it was worth doing for reduced rewards.

    I'm not arguing for and don't want "compensation" but this whole well you had higher prestige argument to stroke your ego thing, dude seriously get a grip.

    People had a choice to do the content for the offered rewards. They chose not to. You okay with them gutting the rewards along with the difficulty? If not, your point has zero weight whatsoever.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Can’t remember a time when rewards were reduced once content was re balanced so no, rewards should stay the same.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Markjv81 said:

    Can’t remember a time when rewards were reduced once content was re balanced so no, rewards should stay the same.

    Doesn't matter if there's a precedent for it or nor. You CHOSE not to do something for what was available at the time.

    If rewards change later, it's absolutely no different that there being a design change later and difficulty being adjusted. You made a decision based on current information.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Qfury said:

    "You were happy and comfortable to do it at the difficulty it was and that’s the end of it".

    I disagree. A lot of us have done act 6 completely unaware a change was coming or even being discussed. So yes at the time we had no choice but to do it in its current state..

    You did in fact have a choice. Everyone has a choice. You can choose to do it now, or you can choose to do it later. It will be easier later. It always is easier later. How much easier and on what time scales no one knows. But you can't say you had no choice, because it is plainly obvious everyone has that choice. Most players do not in fact feel compelled to do all the content in the game as quickly as humanly possible.
    Works both ways though. If the rewards get adjusted after you've chosen to not do the content yet, then you made that choice to not do it originally.

    I don't want a single thing from the act 6 change as I could not possibly care less. What I have a problem with is when some of you try to weight the choice of waiting higher than doing content originally. You don't get to complain when rewards gets changed after the fact if you're fine with difficulty being changed after the fact and rewards staying the same.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★

    Markjv81 said:

    Can’t remember a time when rewards were reduced once content was re balanced so no, rewards should stay the same.

    Doesn't matter if there's a precedent for it or nor. You CHOSE not to do something for what was available at the time.

    If rewards change later, it's absolutely no different that there being a design change later and difficulty being adjusted. You made a decision based on current information.
    Wrong, content always gets easier, either through changes to the content itself, release of new champs or in higher ranks of champs available. Those who did the content knowing this accepted that and have been rewarded justly.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    If however kabam chooses to reduce rewards with re balanced content (highly unlikely) I’ll be fine with that.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Can’t remember a time when rewards were reduced once content was re balanced so no, rewards should stay the same.

    Doesn't matter if there's a precedent for it or nor. You CHOSE not to do something for what was available at the time.

    If rewards change later, it's absolutely no different that there being a design change later and difficulty being adjusted. You made a decision based on current information.
    Wrong, content always gets easier, either through changes to the content itself, release of new champs or in higher ranks of champs available. Those who did the content knowing this accepted that and have been rewarded justly.
    This isn't via new champs or higher ranks or any other natural progression curve in the game though. This is a straight up design change. If the design of the content can be changed so can the rewards. So yeah swipe 25% of the rewards from act 6 and you say you're cool with that and you might have a point. Until then it's just I want something bc I want it and screw everyone else.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Bc all of you who didn't finish abyss didn't finish it knowing you weren't willing or able to so suck it up and take what's on offer currently. You don't get to have it both ways and not look like a jackass
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Can’t remember a time when rewards were reduced once content was re balanced so no, rewards should stay the same.

    Doesn't matter if there's a precedent for it or nor. You CHOSE not to do something for what was available at the time.

    If rewards change later, it's absolutely no different that there being a design change later and difficulty being adjusted. You made a decision based on current information.
    Wrong, content always gets easier, either through changes to the content itself, release of new champs or in higher ranks of champs available. Those who did the content knowing this accepted that and have been rewarded justly.
    This isn't via new champs or higher ranks or any other natural progression curve in the game though. This is a straight up design change. If the design of the content can be changed so can the rewards. So yeah swipe 25% of the rewards from act 6 and you say you're cool with that and you might have a point. Until then it's just I want something bc I want it and screw everyone else.
    Same as act 5 and LOL changes, no compensation was offered and no rewards were reduced just as they won’t be this time. In your words “suck it up”
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Can’t remember a time when rewards were reduced once content was re balanced so no, rewards should stay the same.

    Doesn't matter if there's a precedent for it or nor. You CHOSE not to do something for what was available at the time.

    If rewards change later, it's absolutely no different that there being a design change later and difficulty being adjusted. You made a decision based on current information.
    Wrong, content always gets easier, either through changes to the content itself, release of new champs or in higher ranks of champs available. Those who did the content knowing this accepted that and have been rewarded justly.
    This isn't via new champs or higher ranks or any other natural progression curve in the game though. This is a straight up design change. If the design of the content can be changed so can the rewards. So yeah swipe 25% of the rewards from act 6 and you say you're cool with that and you might have a point. Until then it's just I want something bc I want it and screw everyone else.
    Same as act 5 and LOL changes, no compensation was offered and no rewards were reduced just as they won’t be this time. In your words “suck it up”
    Yeah bc those happened months after they were released .

    Again reading comprehension fails this place, I don't want anything from this at all and don't want to see the rewards reduced at all. My whole point comes back to the abyss shards reduction pity party. If you're fine with the changes to Act 6, well time to suck it up and accept the changes to abyss as well. Thanks for backing me up
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Can’t remember a time when rewards were reduced once content was re balanced so no, rewards should stay the same.

    Doesn't matter if there's a precedent for it or nor. You CHOSE not to do something for what was available at the time.

    If rewards change later, it's absolutely no different that there being a design change later and difficulty being adjusted. You made a decision based on current information.
    Wrong, content always gets easier, either through changes to the content itself, release of new champs or in higher ranks of champs available. Those who did the content knowing this accepted that and have been rewarded justly.
    This isn't via new champs or higher ranks or any other natural progression curve in the game though. This is a straight up design change. If the design of the content can be changed so can the rewards. So yeah swipe 25% of the rewards from act 6 and you say you're cool with that and you might have a point. Until then it's just I want something bc I want it and screw everyone else.
    Same as act 5 and LOL changes, no compensation was offered and no rewards were reduced just as they won’t be this time. In your words “suck it up”
    Yeah bc those happened months after they were released .

    Again reading comprehension fails this place, I don't want anything from this at all and don't want to see the rewards reduced at all. My whole point comes back to the abyss shards reduction pity party. If you're fine with the changes to Act 6, well time to suck it up and accept the changes to abyss as well. Thanks for backing me up
    Act 6 was also released months ago, 12 for 6.2 champion and 4 for 6.4.

    Your whole point seems moot then considering no one in this thread has mentioned anything about abyss.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    Qfury said:

    "You were happy and comfortable to do it at the difficulty it was and that’s the end of it".

    I disagree. A lot of us have done act 6 completely unaware a change was coming or even being discussed. So yes at the time we had no choice but to do it in its current state..

    You did in fact have a choice. Everyone has a choice. You can choose to do it now, or you can choose to do it later. It will be easier later. It always is easier later. How much easier and on what time scales no one knows. But you can't say you had no choice, because it is plainly obvious everyone has that choice. Most players do not in fact feel compelled to do all the content in the game as quickly as humanly possible.
    Works both ways though. If the rewards get adjusted after you've chosen to not do the content yet, then you made that choice to not do it originally.

    I don't want a single thing from the act 6 change as I could not possibly care less. What I have a problem with is when some of you try to weight the choice of waiting higher than doing content originally. You don't get to complain when rewards gets changed after the fact if you're fine with difficulty being changed after the fact and rewards staying the same.
    Kabam is almost certainly *not* going to do what I suggested, but what I suggested for Act 6 was that they leave both Act 6 and Act 6 rewards alone, and make an easy(er) path through it for first time completion that had lower rewards commensurate with the lowered difficulty, leaving the original difficulty for players to attempt later and get the original rewards. Meanwhile, everyone who had already completed Act 6 would get those rewards retroactively automatically.

    But all changes have to have a design justification. Increasing rewards or lowering difficulty have design justifications associated with them. Lowering rewards can also theoretically have design justifications, but that hurdle is typically much harder to overcome, because the game is designed for the reward/effort ratio to increase over time, but not to decrease. Still, I can't think of a single time when I "weighted" the time component of a gameplay choice in regards to rewards. That's axiomatically a concept that doesn't exist in my game design vocabulary.

    If you are making reference to the Abyss rewards, I'm on record as saying my first choice would have been to leave the rewards unchanged and make the Abyss Nexus available for any player who completes Abyss 100% to buy once, at any time in the future, regardless of when they explore Abyss, for 15k 6* shards. That is, in spite of how some people attempt to characterize it, a time neutral change to the game, or rather to be more precise as time neutral as all other game additions can be for any game as a service.

    There are no absolute rules in game design. And the higher the simplification, the less likely any statement about game balance or game fairness is going to be remotely true.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    Qfury said:

    "You were happy and comfortable to do it at the difficulty it was and that’s the end of it".

    I disagree. A lot of us have done act 6 completely unaware a change was coming or even being discussed. So yes at the time we had no choice but to do it in its current state.

    I can guarantee you 90% of the people that have done act 6 wouldn't of touched it if they knew there was a "nerf" coming.

    No one knew any change was coming. Redesigning a Boss is not the same as saying it's bugged. Did people get Compensation for old Juggs in Act 4?
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Can’t remember a time when rewards were reduced once content was re balanced so no, rewards should stay the same.

    Doesn't matter if there's a precedent for it or nor. You CHOSE not to do something for what was available at the time.

    If rewards change later, it's absolutely no different that there being a design change later and difficulty being adjusted. You made a decision based on current information.
    Wrong, content always gets easier, either through changes to the content itself, release of new champs or in higher ranks of champs available. Those who did the content knowing this accepted that and have been rewarded justly.
    This isn't via new champs or higher ranks or any other natural progression curve in the game though. This is a straight up design change. If the design of the content can be changed so can the rewards. So yeah swipe 25% of the rewards from act 6 and you say you're cool with that and you might have a point. Until then it's just I want something bc I want it and screw everyone else.
    Same as act 5 and LOL changes, no compensation was offered and no rewards were reduced just as they won’t be this time. In your words “suck it up”
    Yeah bc those happened months after they were released .

    Again reading comprehension fails this place, I don't want anything from this at all and don't want to see the rewards reduced at all. My whole point comes back to the abyss shards reduction pity party. If you're fine with the changes to Act 6, well time to suck it up and accept the changes to abyss as well. Thanks for backing me up
    Act 6 was also released months ago, 12 for 6.2 champion and 4 for 6.4.

    Your whole point seems moot then considering no one in this thread has mentioned anything about abyss.
    Meant the other changes even though the LoL changes were very fast bc of people rolling through it with broken champs, the rest weren't.

    Doesn't matter if it was mentioned. Doesn't make it remotely moot. People here that have said all is well with the act 6 changes have also said that removing the 15k shards from abyss is unfair.

    This whole "you chose to do it early" nonsense some of you love throwing out is just that, nonsense. You chose to do it late, so you should be fine with them reducing rewards as well. I don't think they will or want them to do that in this instance but this false sense of you think you're smarter, or whatever it is you need to tell yourself to make yourself feel better about not doing content, attitude is silly. If no one did it before you then whatever issues you feel there are, would never even be addressed bc you'd all be sitting at 6.1.1, 6.2.6, or wherever you gave up. Does that make us entitled to more than you? Of course not. That also doesn't make you entitled to what those people got if rewards get changed later.
    You seem to be arguing with me over stuff I never said then and about points that aren’t mine, maybe you need to pick someone else’s statements to quote then.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Qfury said:

    "You were happy and comfortable to do it at the difficulty it was and that’s the end of it".

    I disagree. A lot of us have done act 6 completely unaware a change was coming or even being discussed. So yes at the time we had no choice but to do it in its current state..

    You did in fact have a choice. Everyone has a choice. You can choose to do it now, or you can choose to do it later. It will be easier later. It always is easier later. How much easier and on what time scales no one knows. But you can't say you had no choice, because it is plainly obvious everyone has that choice. Most players do not in fact feel compelled to do all the content in the game as quickly as humanly possible.
    Works both ways though. If the rewards get adjusted after you've chosen to not do the content yet, then you made that choice to not do it originally.

    I don't want a single thing from the act 6 change as I could not possibly care less. What I have a problem with is when some of you try to weight the choice of waiting higher than doing content originally. You don't get to complain when rewards gets changed after the fact if you're fine with difficulty being changed after the fact and rewards staying the same.
    Kabam is almost certainly *not* going to do what I suggested, but what I suggested for Act 6 was that they leave both Act 6 and Act 6 rewards alone, and make an easy(er) path through it for first time completion that had lower rewards commensurate with the lowered difficulty, leaving the original difficulty for players to attempt later and get the original rewards. Meanwhile, everyone who had already completed Act 6 would get those rewards retroactively automatically.

    But all changes have to have a design justification. Increasing rewards or lowering difficulty have design justifications associated with them. Lowering rewards can also theoretically have design justifications, but that hurdle is typically much harder to overcome, because the game is designed for the reward/effort ratio to increase over time, but not to decrease. Still, I can't think of a single time when I "weighted" the time component of a gameplay choice in regards to rewards. That's axiomatically a concept that doesn't exist in my game design vocabulary.

    If you are making reference to the Abyss rewards, I'm on record as saying my first choice would have been to leave the rewards unchanged and make the Abyss Nexus available for any player who completes Abyss 100% to buy once, at any time in the future, regardless of when they explore Abyss, for 15k 6* shards. That is, in spite of how some people attempt to characterize it, a time neutral change to the game, or rather to be more precise as time neutral as all other game additions can be for any game as a service.

    There are no absolute rules in game design. And the higher the simplification, the less likely any statement about game balance or game fairness is going to be remotely true.
    You basically equated them designing and awarding a crystal with better odds at a specific champion to new champions being added into the game. New champions being added and then the chances of actually getting them and pulling champions you used resources on already from crystals are factors that can be taken into account when making a decision. And that losing out on the ability to make an informed choice to use things like awakening gems and sig stones was no different than natural game progression.

    That's just not remotely true though. I've got a good idea how likely I am to get a newly released or any other specific 6* champ on the normal release schedule in game. It's incredibly low even as a spender. I cannot however be expected to take into account am entirely new crystal be designed and then awarded for content I completed months ago. I can only be expected to make a decision based on currently available information. Making a purchasable crystal still leaves me at a disadvantage as I decided whether or not using available resources was worth it vs odds of actually obtaining a better champion in the near future.

    I lost out on a major choice and used AGs that are infinitely harder to replace than 15k shards. Personally I hope, and would be shocked if they did, don't touch the act 6 rewards. I'd like to see everyone get back the 15k shards from abyss as well. The attitude some of you have toward people that lost out on something far more valuable than 15k shards that will more than likely give absolutely nothing of legitimate value is laughable.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    I feel like it in a useless argument. People who did the content early and who waited to complete did not because of a choice. YOU made the decision in the end to wait or do it as soon as it came out. So, if compensation comes or not, it is a product of your decision. I did 6.2 knowing it may change because I wanted to see what the fuss was about. If they decide to compensate me, great. If not, no problem. Kabam already stated that rewards are subject to change. There will be a uproar again if they reduce the rewards.
  • ImGodMFImGodMF Member Posts: 459 ★★★

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Can’t remember a time when rewards were reduced once content was re balanced so no, rewards should stay the same.

    Doesn't matter if there's a precedent for it or nor. You CHOSE not to do something for what was available at the time.

    If rewards change later, it's absolutely no different that there being a design change later and difficulty being adjusted. You made a decision based on current information.
    Wrong, content always gets easier, either through changes to the content itself, release of new champs or in higher ranks of champs available. Those who did the content knowing this accepted that and have been rewarded justly.
    This isn't via new champs or higher ranks or any other natural progression curve in the game though. This is a straight up design change. If the design of the content can be changed so can the rewards. So yeah swipe 25% of the rewards from act 6 and you say you're cool with that and you might have a point. Until then it's just I want something bc I want it and screw everyone else.
    Same as act 5 and LOL changes, no compensation was offered and no rewards were reduced just as they won’t be this time. In your words “suck it up”
    Yeah bc those happened months after they were released .

    Again reading comprehension fails this place, I don't want anything from this at all and don't want to see the rewards reduced at all. My whole point comes back to the abyss shards reduction pity party. If you're fine with the changes to Act 6, well time to suck it up and accept the changes to abyss as well. Thanks for backing me up
    Act 6 was also released months ago, 12 for 6.2 champion and 4 for 6.4.

    Your whole point seems moot then considering no one in this thread has mentioned anything about abyss.
    Meant the other changes even though the LoL changes were very fast bc of people rolling through it with broken champs, the rest weren't.

    Doesn't matter if it was mentioned. Doesn't make it remotely moot. People here that have said all is well with the act 6 changes have also said that removing the 15k shards from abyss is unfair.

    This whole "you chose to do it early" nonsense some of you love throwing out is just that, nonsense. You chose to do it late, so you should be fine with them reducing rewards as well. I don't think they will or want them to do that in this instance but this false sense of you think you're smarter, or whatever it is you need to tell yourself to make yourself feel better about not doing content, attitude is silly. If no one did it before you then whatever issues you feel there are, would never even be addressed bc you'd all be sitting at 6.1.1, 6.2.6, or wherever you gave up. Does that make us entitled to more than you? Of course not. That also doesn't make you entitled to what those people got if rewards get changed later.
    "You chose to do it late" is literally and entirely false. I had Abyss initial clear done literally a month or so after I pulled Aegon and Doom. Both went instantly from r1 to r5, I also used a generic AG on void and a skill AG on Aegon. Void also went r1 to r5 as soon possible. I have just taken 6* torch to R2 to do my 2nd abyss path. I was not capable of doing Abyss before I got these champs, nor are a lot of people. You had every chance to wait, and every chance to not rush into using your oh so rare and exclusive resources.

    I also do not have the time to do 4 paths before the 25th to bank the extra shards.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    ImGodMF said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Can’t remember a time when rewards were reduced once content was re balanced so no, rewards should stay the same.

    Doesn't matter if there's a precedent for it or nor. You CHOSE not to do something for what was available at the time.

    If rewards change later, it's absolutely no different that there being a design change later and difficulty being adjusted. You made a decision based on current information.
    Wrong, content always gets easier, either through changes to the content itself, release of new champs or in higher ranks of champs available. Those who did the content knowing this accepted that and have been rewarded justly.
    This isn't via new champs or higher ranks or any other natural progression curve in the game though. This is a straight up design change. If the design of the content can be changed so can the rewards. So yeah swipe 25% of the rewards from act 6 and you say you're cool with that and you might have a point. Until then it's just I want something bc I want it and screw everyone else.
    Same as act 5 and LOL changes, no compensation was offered and no rewards were reduced just as they won’t be this time. In your words “suck it up”
    Yeah bc those happened months after they were released .

    Again reading comprehension fails this place, I don't want anything from this at all and don't want to see the rewards reduced at all. My whole point comes back to the abyss shards reduction pity party. If you're fine with the changes to Act 6, well time to suck it up and accept the changes to abyss as well. Thanks for backing me up
    Act 6 was also released months ago, 12 for 6.2 champion and 4 for 6.4.

    Your whole point seems moot then considering no one in this thread has mentioned anything about abyss.
    Meant the other changes even though the LoL changes were very fast bc of people rolling through it with broken champs, the rest weren't.

    Doesn't matter if it was mentioned. Doesn't make it remotely moot. People here that have said all is well with the act 6 changes have also said that removing the 15k shards from abyss is unfair.

    This whole "you chose to do it early" nonsense some of you love throwing out is just that, nonsense. You chose to do it late, so you should be fine with them reducing rewards as well. I don't think they will or want them to do that in this instance but this false sense of you think you're smarter, or whatever it is you need to tell yourself to make yourself feel better about not doing content, attitude is silly. If no one did it before you then whatever issues you feel there are, would never even be addressed bc you'd all be sitting at 6.1.1, 6.2.6, or wherever you gave up. Does that make us entitled to more than you? Of course not. That also doesn't make you entitled to what those people got if rewards get changed later.
    "You chose to do it late" is literally and entirely false. I had Abyss initial clear done literally a month or so after I pulled Aegon and Doom. Both went instantly from r1 to r5, I also used a generic AG on void and a skill AG on Aegon. Void also went r1 to r5 as soon possible. I have just taken 6* torch to R2 to do my 2nd abyss path. I was not capable of doing Abyss before I got these champs, nor are a lot of people. You had every chance to wait, and every chance to not rush into using your oh so rare and exclusive resources.

    I also do not have the time to do 4 paths before the 25th to bank the extra shards.
    You waited on specific champions?
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