You're Crazy!

I've always been somewhat of a free thinker in the game. This is Phoenix. She was Duped once. That's right. I put 80 Sigs into her because I like her, and I had no other options at the time. Anyone have any other crazy (not mainstream) choices they want to share? Go ahead. Think for yourself!

Yeah I have one of those.
Definitely not a bad champ at all, but I think he is a tad underated and I don't see a lot of people talk about him
Psylocke is my only r3 and while I don’t think Ronin is that strange of a rank up, people seem to think he is. I think Ronin is really underrated but most importantly, he’s fun to play.
It’s worth noting that while Ant-Man is sig120, none of those sig levels are from dupes. I only pulled Ant-Man once and after failing to awaken him for months, I used a science awakening gem and put 119 sig stones into him.
It’s criminal that your comment has so many disagrees. I love him stealthy too, took him to 6 star r2 and he has great damage and utility. In my opinion, he is nearly as good, if not better, than aegon and nick fury.
Before I knew the buff
She’s not at rank 5 yet but I do plan on it for the future. She’s such a fun champion to play and can have some really insane matchups.