Future of Variants [Merged Threads]

Add a new difficulty for Variants quests? like variant caviler difficulty?? since Variant geared towards mid-level players, so just pump the numbers and it can be geared towards end-level players as well.
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Post edited by Kabam Miike on
I believe it was said that 2017 gems weren’t ready yet, so that’s a disappointment, but beyond that...
5* r4 class crystal (should be a r5 crystal)
5* crystal
9k t5b shards
600 6* shards
500k Gold
5/5 class rank up gem (should be 6/2)
5* class AG
18k t5b shards
5* crystal (should be a 6*)
1 million gold
Chapter rewards;
2016 5/3 class crystal (should be 5/4)
250 6* shards
100k Gold
2016 5/4 class crystal (should be 5/5)
300 6* shards
10x 5* class sig stones
100k Gold
The t5b shards need dramatic increases. Our alliance only runs map 5 in 1 bg and can still afford 18k t5b a week in glory. That’s way out of whack.
The 6* shards throughout are also very underwhelming.
Either the difficulty needs to be toned down to match these rewards or the rewards are in need of a major upgrade.
V3 was easier with sentinel
V4 was even easier
So rewards are actually better then the difficulty should give
In previous years those were two of the rarest in game resources there were. Now they are a weeks worth of gameplay for most.
Here's your clown award for being just that.
How did you know ???
They have endgame rewards and the difficulty is for endgame players.
Especially Variant 1. You can not convince me that Variant 1 is geared towards mid level players. Heck naw