Back Issues #5: Blood and Venom



  • Zuluwoarrior1Zuluwoarrior1 Member Posts: 16
    Kudos Kabam... you again got the variant content spot on. Well done👍
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★

    H3t3r said:

    xNig said:

    Soobe said:

    Really disappointed in this varient. It's for top end game players. Who have all champs. I hav no spider verse champs starting 4* about it. How can you go from last varient being great to this.

    That’s just because you don’t have the roster for it.

    Overall I found V5 fun, and I believe that’s how Cavalier difficulty should look like. Challenging encounters that don’t outright kill you (eg Iceman where if you don’t have a Meph ranked, you won’t outright die to Coldsnap and just need to be more careful when playing).

    Globals were good too. It didn’t make your champs crazy OP like V3 did, which is good. It benefitted if a change of playstyle was adopted (eg weaving heavy into attacks, or using lesser used champs nowadays like Spark and DV), or we could just ignore the globals and play the fight normally.

    Side note is the attack values are pretty high, close to 6.3-6.4 levels, where defenders can kill you in one combo.

    Besides that, did the full exploration today, spent 1 L1 revive in total. 😊
    That iceman honestly wasn't that bad. Just brought in vtd as he had the highest hp out of my team and I just tanked the coldsnap. I do agree this is what Cav difficulty should look like
    See, I used Claire for Iceman. I just avoided him while the initial Coldsnap was active and once it expired, just spammed Sp2s with the curse of blood active to regen back the damage. Easy fight, it was a fun challenge to figure out how to counter it.
    @xNig 1 revive? That’s impressive, I think I ended up using around 11-15 total, I had some bad luck with Mephisto and the Domino’s Crit Failure killing me a lot. It was definitely to cheapest variant for me.
    Haha thanks. Had to restart a few paths a couple of times cause wasn’t in a good condition playing. Would have been better if I had a Claire though.

    Spent that revive on SW cause was too lazy to drag the fight out with R4 Meph so zerged her down with DV SS Doom and Magik. 😂
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Akumaccb said:

    xNig said:

    Soobe said:

    Really disappointed in this varient. It's for top end game players. Who have all champs. I hav no spider verse champs starting 4* about it. How can you go from last varient being great to this.

    That’s just because you don’t have the roster for it.

    Overall I found V5 fun, and I believe that’s how Cavalier difficulty should look like. Challenging encounters that don’t outright kill you (eg Iceman where if you don’t have a Meph ranked, you won’t outright die to Coldsnap and just need to be more careful when playing).

    Globals were good too. It didn’t make your champs crazy OP like V3 did, which is good. It benefitted if a change of playstyle was adopted (eg weaving heavy into attacks, or using lesser used champs nowadays like Spark and DV), or we could just ignore the globals and play the fight normally.

    Side note is the attack values are pretty high, close to 6.3-6.4 levels, where defenders can kill you in one combo.

    Besides that, did the full exploration today, spent 1 L1 revive in total. 😊
    As for me I spent no items on exploration and I’m gunning for 100% itemless 😊
    Unboosted, no suicides, didn’t use VtD for regen too. 😊
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,383 ★★★★★
    This variant is just stupid difficult. I’ve explored v2-4 and completed variant 1 when im saying this. You guys did a great job with each variant being more and more and more manageable after the next but it just seems like we went back in the direction of variant 1? Why make content so difficult ? Is it to make people brings out their wallets and mass spend on revives? I know I’ll get backlash from endgame players saying its easy, but that just further proves my point. This variant exploration is targetted to the deep end game players. Extremely dissapointed
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,229 ★★★★★
    I haven’t explore this variant yet but in term of complete, it’s much easier than variant 1.
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    GagoH said:

    This variant is just stupid difficult. I’ve explored v2-4 and completed variant 1 when im saying this. You guys did a great job with each variant being more and more and more manageable after the next but it just seems like we went back in the direction of variant 1? Why make content so difficult ? Is it to make people brings out their wallets and mass spend on revives? I know I’ll get backlash from endgame players saying its easy, but that just further proves my point. This variant exploration is targetted to the deep end game players. Extremely dissapointed

    Like all variants, it’s all about having the right counters. And if you do, it’s one of, if not the easiest.

    But if you want to make the argument that it is more difficult, then just compare the rewards to previous variants.

  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    GagoH said:

    This variant is just stupid difficult. I’ve explored v2-4 and completed variant 1 when im saying this. You guys did a great job with each variant being more and more and more manageable after the next but it just seems like we went back in the direction of variant 1? Why make content so difficult ? Is it to make people brings out their wallets and mass spend on revives? I know I’ll get backlash from endgame players saying its easy, but that just further proves my point. This variant exploration is targetted to the deep end game players. Extremely dissapointed

    It’s supposed to be more difficult, and this Variant is arguably closest to “end game content” as compared to Variant #1 when it was first released.

    Variants #2-4 were crazy easy for the rewards it gave out.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,715 ★★★★★

    biggest bs ive ever played. such overpowered champs and nodes. one combo and your full r5 5star or r2 6star is dead...that has nothing to do with skill, everyone slips up sometimes. and to all those who flexing here and say they doing this itemless, i bet to 99% thats straight up lies. have a nice day

    Lol I’m for the most part items less wont lie I’m Hav use 4 revies In totalt and and only the last 2 camper to go in inmagie I’m wil use arund 5 reviews more. Since the last chanper is a bit harder and longer. So I’m not 100 item less but it definitely durable to do its item less
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Everyone calling this one BS because it’s harder than V2-4.
    Think of V2-4 (and 1 I suppose) as stepping stones from act 5 to act 6.
    And V5 as a stepping stone from cavalier to act 6 completion/exploration.
  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    Just got done with my completion run, super happy to have pulled science 4-5 I can now take torch to r5 and tackle abyss.

    Personally found it fun & total spend 200 units, but I only have one mystic at r5 and thats sym supreme, only going for the mystic/science crystals from now on to expand my mystic roster once I've got bwcv at least I'll aim for exploration

    Team used
    Sym supreme


  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,947 Guardian
    This was much much easier than v1......
    FUn challenge so far. I do have a fairly stacked mystic+r5 venom+r5 stealthy to explore, which may be why its not hard. That said, been using 4* voodoo for chap2, so its basically just rankups required. I think v4 was more "fun", but his one is fun enough. Should be 100% by tonight, 3 revives in so far (domino i hate you)
  • SatsuiNoHadouSatsuiNoHadou Member Posts: 753 ★★★
    xNig said:

    Akumaccb said:

    xNig said:

    Soobe said:

    Really disappointed in this varient. It's for top end game players. Who have all champs. I hav no spider verse champs starting 4* about it. How can you go from last varient being great to this.

    That’s just because you don’t have the roster for it.

    Overall I found V5 fun, and I believe that’s how Cavalier difficulty should look like. Challenging encounters that don’t outright kill you (eg Iceman where if you don’t have a Meph ranked, you won’t outright die to Coldsnap and just need to be more careful when playing).

    Globals were good too. It didn’t make your champs crazy OP like V3 did, which is good. It benefitted if a change of playstyle was adopted (eg weaving heavy into attacks, or using lesser used champs nowadays like Spark and DV), or we could just ignore the globals and play the fight normally.

    Side note is the attack values are pretty high, close to 6.3-6.4 levels, where defenders can kill you in one combo.

    Besides that, did the full exploration today, spent 1 L1 revive in total. 😊
    As for me I spent no items on exploration and I’m gunning for 100% itemless 😊
    Unboosted, no suicides, didn’t use VtD for regen too. 😊
    Unboosted as well, no VTD as he’s only r3. Tbh honest suicides are more of a bane to me as I’ve died quite a few times due to recoil, but alas still itemless.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,234 ★★★★★
    edited August 2020
    i just randomly checked out the attack values LOL ... kudos to anyone who does completion and exploration. entering fights already at a huge disadvantage is crazy. some disadvantage sure but they still haven't found the sweet spot of what's an appropriate attack value, block damage etc

    a rule of thumb is that it's excessive when the values you have set for your summoners to obtain is double, triple sometimes even five times less that of the enemies you expect them to go up against. this is why compensation for Act 6 must be VALUE.

    this is from someone who has completed the content. i mean it's crazy the amount of skill involved yet sometimes getting comparable rewards is like pulling teeth.

    and yes ... power gain is always such a cheap, lack of design ideas node.

    and they haven't fixed the heavy to reset disperal charges yet. you may or may not get a reset after a heavy. not like it affects the fight though smh (sarcasm)
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    It’s pacify mastery or the global being activated that messes up with the resetting of Flux Dispersal (since people tend to stun then heavy).
  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 810 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike I can't use the generic r3-4 gem on carnage, it won't let me select it, only the non-year restricted cosmic r3-4 gem. Is there a workaround?
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    I would say this is the best V so far.


    - super good rewards in general

    - for completion you gain 4-5 gem crystal, 5k 6* shards, 2-3 gen gems and a lot of gold (which is only 6 paths)

    - in most chap are more than a few easy paths

    - cheese is back on the menu, boys:
    in chap 2 with mystics that dont nulli
    buffs (Dr Voodo, Magik etc)

    - there are a few tricky fights but aside from that Mephisto with extra powergain nothing felt like **** (Maybe I just dont have a good enough counter or played bad, I even struggled with Claire)

    - they said the difficulty would increase (I think its the easiest V they made) / you can say "its only easy for you bc you have the perfect counter like doom, claire, magik, venom etc" and you are right but every V has champs that do very good.

    I had the key champs for every Varriant and if you look at it from the point that you have the best counters V5 is imo the easiest by far.

    There are maybe 4-5 hard lanes and non super annoying fight. Some chapters have 4 fights before the boss.

    - you use the least champion from every V

    - you cant bring strong synergies like Nick or Heimdal

    - Mystic class has the lowest champs (and a lot of champs that arent out for long = lower chance everyone has them)

    - V5 is suicide unfriendly (even tho I did it with "half suicides"/ Double Egde) I used Claire for that Void then and Magik is nice with Double Egde

    All in all:

    No extreme **** like V4 last chapter 3.2, V3 with that Rouge, very long lanes, a lot of hard matchups and some hard bosses, V2 with those ambushes, long lanes + some very tricky nodes and bosses (no need to talk about V1) + a lot better rewards!

    Best V so far in my opinion ( ofc thats only the case if you have the champs for it 🤷🏻‍♂️)
  • MiStaLovaMiStaLova Member Posts: 942 ★★★
    Just make another one... 😜

  • ThedancingkidThedancingkid Member Posts: 274 ★★
    Only completion so far, exploration will wait until I pull or rank a few ideal champs.

    It was good fun, and I got to use a couple of champs I rarely do, Carnage and Guillotine which is always nice.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Overall this variant was solid. Couple of niche matchups but there are ways around them or really just straight through them if you bring someone able to bulldoze it.

    Overall like that the global buffs are useful but not required(as someone who has no ranked spider verse champs).

    Overall this seems like a fair look at what the later parts of cavalier difficulty could look like(maybe without the niche match ups).

    Those that think it too hard you probably aren’t ready. Also those comparing to past variants this one is supposed to be harder(kabam flat out said it). Rewards bump means harder content. It’s still easier the variant 1 was at release and likely still is easier than variant 1.

    More content like this please. Overall this month feels great because I’ve spent my time clearing events like this and on heralds verses auto fighting the lower levels of event quest for scraps.
  • KeiosEffectKeiosEffect Member Posts: 9

    Just starting to explore chapter 1 and looking at the nodes I noticed the above. 100 responsibility instead of 3??.
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,473 ★★★★

    4 stars kick azz!
  • BomeisterBomeister Member Posts: 5
    Why can't we use Sinister 6. They're technically Spider Verse aren't they?
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Bomeister said:

    Why can't we use Sinister 6. They're technically Spider Verse aren't they?

    Because it says spiderverse heroes. Sinister six are not heroes.
  • becauseicantbecauseicant Member Posts: 412 ★★★
    Attack values are way too high, a single missed parry equals death. The fights are fine, nodes are fine, but these attack values are 17k+ which you've already admitted is excessive. The number of fights is lower meaning you can just restart the path over and over until you don't make a single mistake but it's just not fun when a single mistake = death. This was the same issue with the middle to end of Act 6, insane attack values that punish everything except intercepts.
  • SandPounderSandPounder Member Posts: 356 ★★★
    Sinister Six tagged champs are looking at V5 and feeling worse about themselves right now
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    Sinister Six tagged champs are looking at V5 and feeling worse about themselves right now

    I'm sure their time to shine in a future variant will come.
  • KING_FROST1KING_FROST1 Member Posts: 1
  • Ezra7676Ezra7676 Member Posts: 677 ★★
    edited August 2020

    I've done a few test runs and find it more than I can handle without a ton of items. Also don't have the champs for. I'll concentrate on act 6 and monthly/side events for a bit instead.

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