Show Up Difficulty Feedback [Title Edited for Clarity]



  • Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    I asked this in the past too, whether the difficulties will be the same. Now come on, showdown scores are measured by many factors which show that the boss isn't meant to die. For show up, you have to complete the fight to even get the rewards, which for that difficulty and restriction, are absolutely not worth it. Atleast allow the entire roster for the fun difficulty. Never imagined I'll feel bad for having a 5* torch and Colossus but not the 4*
  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    My only problem was that the fight isn't a "fun" challenge. It wasn't difficult, it was just boring. Has anyone tried CMM? I guess she could do it in less time than Medusa..
  • slackerslacker Member Posts: 781 ★★★★
    edited August 2020
    I don't mind SS as he has no defensive ability and CMM if the bouns damage from mystic scale like abyss, but the IMIW is the real trouble as the attack value and massive health, auto-block,etc,..he gonna be a real nightmare
  • IcejrIcejr Member Posts: 431 ★★★
    edited August 2020
    Here is Thor vs Silver Surfer Fight ,
    Not Solo’d But It’s Not Required any boost or too much revives even No Suicide mastery 🙂

    I can say,The rewards are not worth it with this difficulty !!!
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    Did it again and soloed with Medusa. Very well done content @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious

    That's what we want.

    I intended to rank 4 Collosus for this fight turnt out not necessarily.
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  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    edited August 2020
    Jaded said:

    If you don't have the roster or skills to do it, then it's not for you

    Huh? Use your common sense big guy. You don't have to defend Kabam about literally everything. This is not about having the skills or roster, it's about common sense. What kind of common sense goes into making a 1.4 million health Silver Surfer with insanely niche nodes (need a consistent armor breaker or coldsnap immune) AND you can only use 4 star champions. 4 STAR CHAMPIONS. The last time I've upgraded a 4 star champion was a long, long time ago. And all of this for 3k 5 star shards?! Pathetic.
    It's optional. You don't have to do it. They made a challenging quest to make us think outside the box. It's free to try and you can attempt it as much as you want. I tried it and after a couple attempts, for sure not going to waste my time on it. They said all along that this was supposed to be a very hard challenge.
    Think outside the box? In what way? Literally the only requirement for this fight is skill and a cold snap immune champ. Colossus is going to own the leaderboard since he’s the hardest hitting coldsnap immune champ.
    Coldsnap immune is not the only way to go. There's a much larger group of Champions that have access to Armor Break, and that ability does not activate when Armor Broken. I am definitely not the most skilled player here, but I found the most success with Medusa using the Karnak synergy. One heavy attack and that ability is finished for the whole fight.
    You’re spreading lies now Miike. I tried three times with medusa only to get coldsnap everytime off the first hits. Pictures as proof...

    Yup still not worth it of a company to promote an event just to lead to disappointment. Oh well easy pass, complete everything else but I’ll leave this garbage.

    Should have kept the event just for youtubers, since that’s the only people trying in the competition part.
    thats not a lie, the armour break applys after the medium connects so you can still get coldsnapped from that medium, you only wont get coldsnapped when there is an active armour break. Since that armour break is not there then there is no way for it to be prevented.
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  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    If you don't have the roster or skills to do it, then it's not for you

    Huh? Use your common sense big guy. You don't have to defend Kabam about literally everything. This is not about having the skills or roster, it's about common sense. What kind of common sense goes into making a 1.4 million health Silver Surfer with insanely niche nodes (need a consistent armor breaker or coldsnap immune) AND you can only use 4 star champions. 4 STAR CHAMPIONS. The last time I've upgraded a 4 star champion was a long, long time ago. And all of this for 3k 5 star shards?! Pathetic.
    It's optional. You don't have to do it. They made a challenging quest to make us think outside the box. It's free to try and you can attempt it as much as you want. I tried it and after a couple attempts, for sure not going to waste my time on it. They said all along that this was supposed to be a very hard challenge.
    Think outside the box? In what way? Literally the only requirement for this fight is skill and a cold snap immune champ. Colossus is going to own the leaderboard since he’s the hardest hitting coldsnap immune champ.
    Coldsnap immune is not the only way to go. There's a much larger group of Champions that have access to Armor Break, and that ability does not activate when Armor Broken. I am definitely not the most skilled player here, but I found the most success with Medusa using the Karnak synergy. One heavy attack and that ability is finished for the whole fight.
    You’re spreading lies now Miike. I tried three times with medusa only to get coldsnap everytime off the first hits. Pictures as proof...

    Yup still not worth it of a company to promote an event just to lead to disappointment. Oh well easy pass, complete everything else but I’ll leave this garbage.

    Should have kept the event just for youtubers, since that’s the only people trying in the competition part.
    thats not a lie, the armour break applys after the medium connects so you can still get coldsnapped from that medium, you only wont get coldsnapped when there is an active armour break. Since that armour break is not there yet there is no way of prevention.
  • AceOfDiamondAceOfDiamond Member Posts: 197 ★★
    edited August 2020
    Don't know about others but my Dr doom with Mr fantastic synergy made short work of silver surfer with two l1 revives and few pots.. For me it was worth it in terms of shards and resource use.. But got shafted with the pull as I got an OG Ironman as reward.
  • striker_overlordstriker_overlord Member Posts: 15

    So, for the next week bosses, can we make them a little bit harder and challenging?

    Like, make Captain Marvel immune to the damage back from mystic champions. And IW IM should have some healing abilities, so that we need to outdamage it.

    Just some ideas. Don't make them as easier as this silver surfer was

    Also add aggressive regen and unstoppable buff for more fun :-)

  • Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    edited August 2020

    So, for the next week bosses, can we make them a little bit harder and challenging?

    Like, make Captain Marvel immune to the damage back from mystic champions. And IW IM should have some healing abilities, so that we need to outdamage it.

    Just some ideas. Don't make them as easier as this silver surfer was

    Also add aggressive regen and unstoppable buff for more fun :-)

    And how about a node where if the defender even touches you (blocked hits count too) you instantly die. What say @will-o-wisp? Also maybe pair defensive with a special node where the opponent is inflicted with a passive degen if they don't land a hit every 2 seconds?
  • edited August 2020
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  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★

    What pisses me off the most is that I can’t get the gold I really really really need that gold right now

    Not being facetious at all but if gold is that big of a need, just unit-man it.
  • Krishang_1710Krishang_1710 Member Posts: 29

    Hey all,

    This is correct. This is a participation event for that want to be a part of the Summoner Showdown, but don't feel comfortable competing in the Showdown qualifiers. It's a taste of what our Competitors are facing and is not meant to be easy.

    It is still meant to be a challenge and a test of skill.

    I understand your point, but it's not fair for those who don't have the correct champs up as 4*s, it's not about feeling uncomfortable to compete, it's just that if we wanted to to it we would've done the showdown difficulty too, you made showdown for Cavs only , well I'd like to meet a player who's not cav and can pull defeating that surfer off, I don't know about anyone else but I'm not ranking up 4*champs to do this for barely 3k 5* shards, the gold was a decent chunk could've helped a lot of people, but it didn't, I don't mean to be disrespectful but this event the so called "easy " show up difficulty wasn't meant for the major player base just for the end game players, that's all!
  • No_oneukNo_oneuk Member Posts: 1,430 ★★★★★
    edited August 2020

    Hey all,

    This is correct. This is a participation event for that want to be a part of the Summoner Showdown, but don't feel comfortable competing in the Showdown qualifiers. It's a taste of what our Competitors are facing and is not meant to be easy.

    It is still meant to be a challenge and a test of skill.

    I understand your point, but it's not fair for those who don't have the correct champs up as 4*s, it's not about feeling uncomfortable to compete, it's just that if we wanted to to it we would've done the showdown difficulty too, you made showdown for Cavs only , well I'd like to meet a player who's not cav and can pull defeating that surfer off, I don't know about anyone else but I'm not ranking up 4*champs to do this for barely 3k 5* shards, the gold was a decent chunk could've helped a lot of people, but it didn't, I don't mean to be disrespectful but this event the so called "easy " show up difficulty wasn't meant for the major player base just for the end game players, that's all!
    I did it as uncollected with my 4/40 medusa. Took like 20 minutes but I killed it. For 20 minutes of work I think it's definitely worth 3k 5* shards personally.

    And yea, it wasn't easy, I didn't expect it to be and I actually really liked that it wasn't easy tbh.
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
    t1a, t4b, and if you're in a semi or retirement alliance, t4cc are too scarce to waste on 4*s after they were made extinct in Act 6. 3* would of have been the sweet spot because the resources there for eligible players are readily available. Unfortunately, the Kabam team missed the mark here. Thankfully the show up rewards are underwhelming so no harm, no foul on skipping this event.
  • Anish_108Anish_108 Member Posts: 131
    bdawg923 said:

    Easy skip. So dumb. What a waste of time. Way to get everyone excited for no reason

    Yet another stupid hype train parked for the whales. Smh
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    In the end I liked it. If you got a counter ranked it’s a pretty fun challenge. The coldsnap aspect is tough at first but there are a few creative ways around it.

    Healthpool could have been half the size and they could have scaled it to bringing 3* imo to make it more accessible, less rank up cost. That’s my gripe it’s marketed as being inclusive but it’s roster dependent and some would have to spend valuable resources to rank up a 4* champ that then potentially gets no further use in the game. Others may just not have an option full stop. Why not allow 3*s too for synergies to open it up a bit more?

    Rewards are not amazing but fine for the effort especially if you get all 3 done, assuming a similar difficulty.

    At least people will be talking about this one and proud they got it down vs the complete non event bosses in v5 and the rehashed uncollected eq that is the boss rush. I guess boss rush might be cool for newer players that hadn’t already done all of those fights 8 times each...
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 567 ★★★

    Hey all,

    This is correct. This is a participation event for that want to be a part of the Summoner Showdown, but don't feel comfortable competing in the Showdown qualifiers. It's a taste of what our Competitors are facing and is not meant to be easy.

    It is still meant to be a challenge and a test of skill.

    Many players do not join and not be interested in Summoner Showdown though.
    If it's a side event to warm-up & advertise, it should be an encouraging/affordable event.
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