
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,469 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    Jaded said:

    The rewards aren’t worth the energy unless I have spare energy, so I usually only did completion. So much for that.

    Your energy wasn’t worth 100% uncollected? 😂 That’s some #fakenews. The rewards were outdated but not worthless. If this was your take on uncollected then why complain about anything? You are obviously going to do what you want to do, and that won’t change.
    It’s an opinion, not news. You obviously don’t understand. If my options are to do a path of act 6, explore lower difficulties for units, do do uc difficulty, the only reason I would do uc difficulty is if I had nothing else to use the energy on.
    I’m not sure what you’re on. I understand some people don’t do monthly quests just like some people don’t do arenas. But you speak like uncollected event quest is/was beneath you. Your options are your options. Act 6 is permanent content, no need to rush it. Monthly quests are not permanent, hence energy goes to the difficulty you will complete. It isn’t “extra” energy to be put towards cycling content. Extra energy would be considered doing completion on lesser difficulties for units.

    Maybe, just maybe listen to people before complaining about something that only effects those that could not 100% uncollected event quest. If you are choosing not to do monthly quests at all, then your complaint is pretty Much null in void.

    You choose to do whatever you want in game. But it’s pointless to come to the forums to complain about a change that doesn’t apply to you.
    It’s not beneath me, but it’s not a priority either. It would rather do act 6 because it brings me closer to more r3 6* champions. And it has other great rewards. Plus it’s not boring. I always complete uc eq because that’s really obviously necessary. But I’d rather do act 6 than explore. Also I know this is terrible for those who can’t explore it, and I previously stated I would rather do lower difficulties for units because those yield titles, and units that can be used for future abyss runs. And this thread is a complaint that I was standing by. And still do. Also, what are you on?
  • BurroBurro Member Posts: 82
    IMO the 6* shards from monthly EQ should have always been in exploration only. Out of the monthly UC EQ rewards the best ones are the 6* shards and the t5bc shards. The 6* shards and t5bc shards should only be in exploration with the 5* shards and t2a shards in completion. The best rewards need to be for the hardest (or longest) accomplishment. If you can’t do exploration every month that’s fine. Use the completion rewards to keep developing your roster so that you can do exploration every month.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,469 ★★★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    The rewards aren’t worth the energy unless I have spare energy, so I usually only did completion. So much for that.

    What else are you using your energy on that can get you 2500 6* shards and 9k t5b that you're only budgeting your spare energy on this?
    You can read right? Already said what id rather use energy on.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    og_steele said:

    Jaded said:

    The amount hasn’t changed, just when you get them. If you’re complaining because you are unable to complete uncollected event quest to 100% explored than that’s your goal.

    If you can’t 100% it then...keep trying.
    This is how people progress. Hit a wall, figure out how to move the wall, proceed past the wall.

    This is a horrible take . A lot of ppl can’t 100% Uncollected EQ so being able to get those 6* shards from at least completion isn’t a huge help.

    Not to mention, they boosted everything in uncollected BUT the amount of shards you get for 6*. Couldn’t even give these guys an extra 500 6* shards.

    Seems like a real **** thing for Kabam to do.

    If people are struggling to explore UC, they shouldn't be worrying about 6* shards. People seem to try and skip over stages of progression to speed up what they do, and that just doesn't work. UC can be explored with maxed out 4* champs, but because people are now so hyper focused on getting 6* champs, they overlook ranking up 4*.

    Focusing on 4* and 5* roster is more important than worrying about 2500 6* shards for a champ that you'll get 4 months later that most likely won't be what you need or want.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    They just moved the 6 star shards to 100% exploration so just 100% the quest
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    og_steele said:

    Jaded said:

    The amount hasn’t changed, just when you get them. If you’re complaining because you are unable to complete uncollected event quest to 100% explored than that’s your goal.

    If you can’t 100% it then...keep trying.
    This is how people progress. Hit a wall, figure out how to move the wall, proceed past the wall.

    This is a horrible take . A lot of ppl can’t 100% Uncollected EQ so being able to get those 6* shards from at least completion isn’t a huge help.

    Not to mention, they boosted everything in uncollected BUT the amount of shards you get for 6*. Couldn’t even give these guys an extra 500 6* shards.

    Seems like a real **** thing for Kabam to do.

    If people are struggling to explore UC, they shouldn't be worrying about 6* shards. People seem to try and skip over stages of progression to speed up what they do, and that just doesn't work. UC can be explored with maxed out 4* champs, but because people are now so hyper focused on getting 6* champs, they overlook ranking up 4*.

    Focusing on 4* and 5* roster is more important than worrying about 2500 6* shards for a champ that you'll get 4 months later that most likely won't be what you need or want.
    I don’t think that’s fair. Clearing got 900 shards IIRC (600 plus 100 per chapter). You build slowly towards a 6-star the same way master helps you build slowly for a 5. I had a window where I was clearing UC and would 100% 1-2 chapters. That was 1100-1300 shards...not groundbreaking but enough to accrue over time.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,082 ★★★★
    I don't get the point of moving the 6 stars crystal shards to exploration rewards instead of completion rewards....

    Maybe the UC will be a little bit easier to do ? Let's see if its really worth complaining ;)
  • PiviotPiviot Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    Every critic is saying need time

    They removing rewards we WAS getting to now it’s screw you

    So how r we to progress if that’s how we was

    Sorry but it’s a bad change
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,082 ★★★★
    Piviot said:

    Every critic is saying need time

    They removing rewards we WAS getting to now it’s screw you

    So how r we to progress if that’s how we was

    Sorry but it’s a bad change

    The same way you progressed from master to UC. You do the maximum you can without spending too much.
    If you can 100% finish you'll be happy and know you have progressed.
    If not, well either spend more or train more in order to be able to regularly finish UC EQ.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,209 ★★★★
    This is part of a continuous pattern. When kabam gives us one thing they take another away. Has been true for a long time so really nothing new. Giving us the gold some have whined about, iso others have whined about, t2a still others have whined about and are taking shards away in return for giving them to us. Really isn't a surprise! Just more appeasing of one group at the expense of all others. Like our new war matchmaking.
  • Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    Damn for adding units they really needed to do this bs? Disappointing. Those easy 900 6* shards and alright 5* shards wouldn't break the game combined with units
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    Damn for adding units they really needed to do this bs? Disappointing. Those easy 900 6* shards and alright 5* shards wouldn't break the game combined with units

    You also missed that exploration will give a full T2A now. 6000 frags for completion, 30000 for exploration. There's more incentive to actually 100% than last month.
  • Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    Damn for adding units they really needed to do this bs? Disappointing. Those easy 900 6* shards and alright 5* shards wouldn't break the game combined with units

    You also missed that exploration will give a full T2A now. 6000 frags for completion, 30000 for exploration. There's more incentive to actually 100% than last month.
    Still doesn't break the game to give less than a tenth of a six star on completion.. Or even the 5 star shards.. T2a is cool but you can literally get 2 a week anyway
  • Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    The rewards update is cool and all, but it wouldn't be game breaking to give a bit of everything on completion too, like it used to be.
  • nfernonferno Member Posts: 71
    If I’m reading it correctly they upgraded the chapter completion and exploration rewards and the Act completion and exploration rewards are as they always are. The cavalier difficulty is the one without Act rewards
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    ItsDamien said:

    Damn for adding units they really needed to do this bs? Disappointing. Those easy 900 6* shards and alright 5* shards wouldn't break the game combined with units

    You also missed that exploration will give a full T2A now. 6000 frags for completion, 30000 for exploration. There's more incentive to actually 100% than last month.
    Still doesn't break the game to give less than a tenth of a six star on completion.. Or even the 5 star shards.. T2a is cool but you can literally get 2 a week anyway
    Sure. But if we look at JUST the UC rewards, no side events, AQ, AW, Variant, Story or anything else. You would rather just earn 900 shards per month, taking 11 months of EQ to form one 6*, 4 months of EQ for one 5*, and 12 months of EQ to form one T2A, rather than spending around a weeks worth of energy spread throughout a month to earn a 6* in 4 months, a 5* featured amount every 2 months, and 1 T2A a month is insane to me.

    For the same length of time you earn almost 3 times the 6* over 11 months, 3 times the amount of 5* shards over 4 months, and 12 times the amount of T2A over 12 months.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    ItsDamien said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Damn for adding units they really needed to do this bs? Disappointing. Those easy 900 6* shards and alright 5* shards wouldn't break the game combined with units

    You also missed that exploration will give a full T2A now. 6000 frags for completion, 30000 for exploration. There's more incentive to actually 100% than last month.
    Still doesn't break the game to give less than a tenth of a six star on completion.. Or even the 5 star shards.. T2a is cool but you can literally get 2 a week anyway
    Sure. But if we look at JUST the UC rewards, no side events, AQ, AW, Variant, Story or anything else. You would rather just earn 900 shards per month, taking 11 months of EQ to form one 6*, 4 months of EQ for one 5*, and 12 months of EQ to form one T2A, rather than spending around a weeks worth of energy spread throughout a month to earn a 6* in 4 months, a 5* featured amount every 2 months, and 1 T2A a month is insane to me.

    For the same length of time you earn almost 3 times the 6* over 11 months, 3 times the amount of 5* shards over 4 months, and 12 times the amount of T2A over 12 months.
    And units 😍
    and more Gold.
  • Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Damn for adding units they really needed to do this bs? Disappointing. Those easy 900 6* shards and alright 5* shards wouldn't break the game combined with units

    You also missed that exploration will give a full T2A now. 6000 frags for completion, 30000 for exploration. There's more incentive to actually 100% than last month.
    Still doesn't break the game to give less than a tenth of a six star on completion.. Or even the 5 star shards.. T2a is cool but you can literally get 2 a week anyway
    Sure. But if we look at JUST the UC rewards, no side events, AQ, AW, Variant, Story or anything else. You would rather just earn 900 shards per month, taking 11 months of EQ to form one 6*, 4 months of EQ for one 5*, and 12 months of EQ to form one T2A, rather than spending around a weeks worth of energy spread throughout a month to earn a 6* in 4 months, a 5* featured amount every 2 months, and 1 T2A a month is insane to me.

    For the same length of time you earn almost 3 times the 6* over 11 months, 3 times the amount of 5* shards over 4 months, and 12 times the amount of T2A over 12 months.
    Here's the thing. All those things that you aren't looking at
    I look at them.
    You basically agreed with me with the first word. Nothing game breaking to add a few in there for a quick 900 if you're just short of a six star. Nice rewards bump but no valid reason to not have a decent spread across completion and exploration.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    ItsDamien said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Damn for adding units they really needed to do this bs? Disappointing. Those easy 900 6* shards and alright 5* shards wouldn't break the game combined with units

    You also missed that exploration will give a full T2A now. 6000 frags for completion, 30000 for exploration. There's more incentive to actually 100% than last month.
    Still doesn't break the game to give less than a tenth of a six star on completion.. Or even the 5 star shards.. T2a is cool but you can literally get 2 a week anyway
    Sure. But if we look at JUST the UC rewards, no side events, AQ, AW, Variant, Story or anything else. You would rather just earn 900 shards per month, taking 11 months of EQ to form one 6*, 4 months of EQ for one 5*, and 12 months of EQ to form one T2A, rather than spending around a weeks worth of energy spread throughout a month to earn a 6* in 4 months, a 5* featured amount every 2 months, and 1 T2A a month is insane to me.

    For the same length of time you earn almost 3 times the 6* over 11 months, 3 times the amount of 5* shards over 4 months, and 12 times the amount of T2A over 12 months.
    Here's the thing. All those things that you aren't looking at
    I look at them.
    You basically agreed with me with the first word. Nothing game breaking to add a few in there for a quick 900 if you're just short of a six star. Nice rewards bump but no valid reason to not have a decent spread across completion and exploration.
    But people had no incentive to actually explore, now they do, and they will be rewarded for it more so.
  • Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    ItsDamien said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Damn for adding units they really needed to do this bs? Disappointing. Those easy 900 6* shards and alright 5* shards wouldn't break the game combined with units

    You also missed that exploration will give a full T2A now. 6000 frags for completion, 30000 for exploration. There's more incentive to actually 100% than last month.
    Still doesn't break the game to give less than a tenth of a six star on completion.. Or even the 5 star shards.. T2a is cool but you can literally get 2 a week anyway
    Sure. But if we look at JUST the UC rewards, no side events, AQ, AW, Variant, Story or anything else. You would rather just earn 900 shards per month, taking 11 months of EQ to form one 6*, 4 months of EQ for one 5*, and 12 months of EQ to form one T2A, rather than spending around a weeks worth of energy spread throughout a month to earn a 6* in 4 months, a 5* featured amount every 2 months, and 1 T2A a month is insane to me.

    For the same length of time you earn almost 3 times the 6* over 11 months, 3 times the amount of 5* shards over 4 months, and 12 times the amount of T2A over 12 months.
    Here's the thing. All those things that you aren't looking at
    I look at them.
    You basically agreed with me with the first word. Nothing game breaking to add a few in there for a quick 900 if you're just short of a six star. Nice rewards bump but no valid reason to not have a decent spread across completion and exploration.
    But people had no incentive to actually explore, now they do, and they will be rewarded for it more so.
    Ah yes one t2a. Alright, maybe up the 5 and 6 star shards in exploration too and people will have even more incentive to explore lol
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    I 100% it anyways so I’m cool
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    I have done my calculation sheet.

    Overall, if you 100% the new Uncollected a.k.a full exploration, there are 3 things being nerfed:

    1) 5* shards - from 7,500 to 6,000
    2) T5 Basic Catalyst Fragments - from 9,000 to 6,000
    3) 4* shards - from 2,700 to 2,400

    Other stuffs have been boosted.
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    edited September 2020

    What was the point of the change to the Uncollected rewards? You didn't actually buff any rewards except adding a few units, gold, and iso, but why would that change the other rewards. I find it really annoying that most of the 5 star shards are locked behind exploration rewards when it was different before. Same with the 4 star shards. It was nice being able to get 1.5 4 star crystals just by completing Uncollected difficulty because it is a great, quick source of iso if get a dupe.

    The units will add up say you did it 12 times (1 year worth) that’s 1800 units I’m free to play so I like it
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