Throne Breaker Title Discussion [Merged Threads]



  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    @Sillyboy710 it comes down to RNG and being at a power level fit for the rewards... I’m waiting to get my medusa awakened from a gem as she’s my best option for 6.2.2 sinister and I know it’s not what you want to hear but patience is an essential part of this game.

    The thing is I believe that I am at the power level to deserve the rewards but just coz I haven't got the RnG to r3 a 6* I must have patience? We all know that the value of the rewards depreciate significantly in this game that's why newer players wont 100% LoL anymore coz the effort is not worth the rewards. By the time I can R3 a 6* the value of the percs wont be as much as now so having patience is not gonna cut it here.
    Yawn. I've completed act 6. Don't have a R3. I've got over 15k units and could do an abyss run or finish exploring act 6 if I wanted to. I don't feel the need to get the title the minute it's available though. All the complaints are funny. God forbid some people have to wait a bit to get the latest thing lol. If I had better RNG I'd have done the abyss with the Aegon I don't have. It's all good.
    Its not about waiting dude all other progression titles in the game are beat this content get upgraded rewards never has what I decide to do with my resources been a factor until now
    OK, that's true. This one is different. My 6* luck is the worst of anyone at my level that I know. That's one of the reasons I haven't worried about getting R3s. I still don't have a problem with the title. Really we've only had two, Uncollected and Cavalier. Other progression titles were retroactive. I don't feel like two titles set a precedent that can never be broken.
  • Master_Dan_1000Master_Dan_1000 Member Posts: 56
    I don't understand why the title can't just stay as it is for 100% act 6? Why change the requirements.
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  • edited September 2020
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  • Master_Dan_1000Master_Dan_1000 Member Posts: 56
    Lainua said:

    I don't understand why the title can't just stay as it is for 100% act 6? Why change the requirements.

    It goes along with requirements for uncollected and cavalier titles, but because it's not enough - act 6 is too easy these day - so they add this 6* thing.

    But they are making it easier!

    Initial act 6 run + initial abyss + luck = title
    Act 6 @ 100% + bad luck = no title

    The second required much more time, skill and deeper roster. Ive nearly finished an inital act 6 run on a second account and its quite easy since they nerfed it. Initial abyss is pretty much Aegon, Doom and Torch + units and you're sorted.
  • Cma1323Cma1323 Member Posts: 68
    Personally I can see both side to the argument, and I am still just under 50% away from a t5cc that I could use to r3 someone. All I have done is act 6 completion and while I have the 4 horsemen to run abyss I dont have the time. Most, if not all, title progressions come with doing something in each act. UC came from act 5, Cav with act 6, and while most would expect the same to happen for the next progression with act 7 and to be fair it probably will. Most of the community is getting in an uproar and kabam is getting a lot of grief, partially their doing, but we also dont know what the rewards are gonna be for doing a chapter 1 completion in act 7. What if the rewards add up to a fully formed t5cc? Then the next title progressions is pretty much like all the others. Granted there is still the aspect of a 6* worthy to r3 but ideally anyone doing act 7 has at least 1 champ in their roster that is worth taking to r3. Time will tell I guess but I think Kabam should just announce the plan to release act 7 and also the rewards just to save themselves the headache.
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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    Tbh kabam should have made it prestige gated. Odds are if your ready to r3 a 6 your probably 10k prestige. Make that the goal as it is achievable with 5 and 6 stars as is and doesn't force you to waste t5c. The hardest to acquire resource should not be thrown down the drain for a progression title.

    You want the top progression title in the game gated behind 10k prestige?! You're having an absolute laugh here man
    No I want the progression based title to be not rng dependent. Tbf the only difference between 1 r3 and 10k prestige is rng. What world does forcing a r3 pat equivalent to skill.
    They are giving a new tier to players who have hit the r3 level of progression in the game.

    The title is dependent on an r3 not rng. If you haven’t progressed far enough to have an r3 you can work towards it.

    No one is forcing r3s on anyone, you’ll get there in time prolly sooner than you think with book 2 on the horizon.

    Finally the r3 has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with roster progression as stated by Kabam.
    I know 10k prestige is. Is also something to work for and takes time.

    They are forcing you to r3 a champ. How do you get the title? R3 a champ but rng gives you nothing but let's say skill t5c but you have no skill 6 or only kingpin. How do you get the title and how is that not rng dependent?

    The title will open better crystals and calendar probably buying offers so you need it similar to cav.
    The title is meant for people who have acquired multiple t5cc. While you can choose to use your first t5cc to obtain it that is not forced; and likely a poor choice because that next tier no matter what it offers is unlikely to replace that t5cc any time soon while the perks of the new tier are unlikely to have an impact on your account worthy of just using that first t5cc for the sake of it.

    Those better crystals and new calendar are not going to replace that t5cc so it’s likely a bad trade on top of not being very useful compared to cavalier.

    Finally say using that t5cc changes the game for you due to the new tier (yeah right) then you’re simply making a trade off which is still a choice and not an uncommon choice since players at the highest levels regularly make sacrificial rank ups.
    Oh and it targeting multiple than make it 5 r3 that's multiple
    It is possible that the one Rank 3 option was a compromise against one of the very problems people have been commenting on in the thread: namely the effects of random champion acquisition. A player at the point where they are working on solid teams of rank 3 champs is getting T5CC fast enough that they've overcome the randomness inherent in forming them. They will be forming multiples of those. But they are still subject to random 6* champion acquisition, and Kabam hasn't taken the same steps to mitigate that as they are starting to with 5* champs. So it is possible for two players to be doing identical things and gaining T5CC rank up resources at the same basic rate, but one of them to have more actual rank 3 rank ups as a result of random chance.

    Making the requirement one rank 3 champ is probably a compromise designed to catch as many players as possible capable of ranking multiple rank 3s. Most players capable of ranking up multiples will have probably ranked up at least one, or will in the near future.

    Which means if you barely have one T5CC and no champ of that class to rank up, you're probably lower than the target group for Thronebreaker. If you have multiple T5CC and still no appropriate champ to rank up, then you're just very unlucky, and in this game sometimes you just have to wait out very bad luck. But if you do have that many, and still earning more, the odds are pretty good that you'll get an appropriate rank up option sooner than later. It isn't perfect, but it is not an unreasonable compromise given those parameters.
    But this is where the system is wrong. Make it 100 act 6 explore as that's a full t5c or abyss run through. Both achievable, both progression based both no rng gate.

    Me not spending bar occasionally and the t5c selectiors are out of my range. I'm at 50% of 2 t5c but others are lower. Where do I get them. The 2 ways I said. Now factor in the rng of crystals 4 of the 6 classes I have an option and already r2 and resources to r3. I'm in the process of act 6 explore and have the depth and skill that the dreaded 6.2 gates are meh to me.

    In a couple weeks time (at current pace) I'll be done with explore. If I get tech or skill I still can't get throne breaker it is a flawed system.

    All I want is the rng element removed from the equation. If act 6 explore is too much then just a have a t5c to it to stop dud rank ups for it.
    There you have it flawed system because ccrider474 wasn’t able to put in the bare minimum to obtain it.

    Dude it’s not meant for players who are praying to rngjesus.
    So you're saying a progression title bare minimum is pay cash? What's the bare minimum? I did say tie it to abyss or act 6 explore that seems like not bare minimum at all. I quit for a year and came back took a pair of r4 5 400k account to over 1m account with 5 r2 6 (unfortunately skill and tech options allude me) and 12 r5 in under a year of returning. Yep bare minimum is definitely my standard.

    You can't pretty up a stupid decision that forces rng to be in your favour. Only way atm to not worry about rng is cash.
    No, Kabam is saying for this title (which is targeted at players who have currently done all content) you need to have an r3.

    You are saying if You cannot make use of the very first t5cc you obtain the system is flawed. That is the bare minimum, that is not a flaw in the system the option is a loophole.

    Act 6 explore is more or less the bare minimum in terms of time but as time goes on you can do even less.

    When you have put in the time and effort by exploring content there is no “rng gate”. It appears to you there is one because you want to get a title with the least amount of effort possible when it is designed for those who have currently put in the maximum amount of effort while allowing enough blessed individuals to sneak in and giving a mulligan to those who are cursed.

    And no Goldilocks is concerned with rng there are plenty of players who are not.
    Sweet so you agreed with me act 6 explore is bare minimum so make that the title threshold. And all are happy.
    Nope, for me it’s abyss 100% and act 6 100% (that’s what I did before my first r3) but Kabam are more forgiving so they’ve given people multiple avenues after they do a a single clear of act 6.
    Tbf I would even be happy with that. Seems steep for average Joe but it is something that has no rng whatsoever to it. And atm I left my allaince to a dead one for all my champs to be free to work on this.
    What part of “this is n9t for the average joe” are you missing?
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Berjibs said:

    Sorry the system is contradictory and doesn’t achieve its own goals.

    Campaign progression titles help segment players so that we can appropriately target content and rewards to different levels of progression and roster maturity. With the switch to both a test of skill/progression and roster maturity, we’ll be able to do that for the top-tier players.”

    Maybe using current data, ownership of a r3 is a great indicator of the kind of progression level they want to use this title to target content towards.

    However now it’s become the hurdle you need to jump to reach the next level of rewards and future content the way people approach taking a champ to r3 completely changes.

    Let’s assume for a second here that sinister and mordo nodes get nerfed as widely expected, act 6 completion is not much of a leap from cavalier. You big dogs are already saying act 6 completion is so easy it’s not even worth regarding as an achievement. Anyway, if you can get through 6.2 then the rest poses no significantly increased challenge ime, the biggest thing was the increased attack values which have now been butchered.

    So now we get small accounts circa 500k or less regularly beating act 6, they will definitely have a 6* as they basically been given a couple in last two months through easy side quests and the SA calendar. They have a generic r2 gem, 25% of a T5cc of their choice and a stack of t5b and t2a from beating GM. All they need to do is complete that T5c catalyst. They don’t need to complete any more content, just sit tight for selector deals.

    The target of throne breaker is to segregate those at the highest level of progression, meant only for true end gamers (according to some here) so they can tailor future content towards them (say kabam).

    How does the summoner above fit into that category?

    They don’t and it just creates the same vast chasm of capabilities wrt completing content that is currently what kabam say is the problem with cavalier and why they need throne breaker.

    All that’s going to happen is the threshold of ability at the bottom gets raised ever so slightly.

    Their own system completely fails in its objective.

    Their system does not miss the objective, you miss the point. The target is for the largest of rosters. There will ALWAYS be a small number of summoners who luck out and get into whatever progression title, just because of the very nature of the game. including some people of skill (because lets be honest if your account is 500k and you beat the collector there is at least a decent amount of skill) or luck does not completely fail in its objective.

    You also assume the title of "throne breaker" is some sort of moving goal, and not a stationary target meant to grow over time, it is the later, and later they will come out with a new title to segment the community.
  • DarkSoulDLXDarkSoulDLX Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    If Kabam gave us a full t5cc selector and generic 6 star awakening gem at the end of act 6 no one would have this problem because we could just rank up any champ we have. Most players no matter how bad their roster is have at least 2 or 3 god tier champs undupped once you get into 20's with 6 stars. This is an artificial RNG problem that didn't need to be there but from a profit motive it makes the most sense. People will be opening up their wallets to blitz through act 6 in less than a week.

    But if the requirement was, say, 100% Act 6, then wouldn't the same thing happen: people would feel compelled to spend past Act 6? As difficult as Act 6 to most players, if you're willing to spend an unlimited number of units on it you can do almost any path with average skill. So instead of having to suffer through bad RNG, would it be better if lots of players simply felt they had to spend cash to clear Act 6 immediately, rather than eventually?

    People say that completing Act 6 is about skill, but that's not entirely true. It is *usually* more about skill than RNG, because most people won't spend exorbitant amounts of units to clear it, because even the very good rewards at the end aren't worth spending more than a certain amount. But if you place a progression title at the end of it that people are saying is sufficiently valuable that they are considering ranking up champs they would otherwise not rank to r3, wouldn't many of them feel compelled to do anything else besides bad rank ups? Whatever the requirement is, if some people feel forced to do a bad thing to get it, won't they feel forced to do every other bad thing to get it that the requirement mandated?
    You basically just said

    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Seraph said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Camby01 said:

    Sabretooth, Killmonger, Ghulk, Magneto, Colossus, and Ronin are all solid 6r3 candidates.
    No they're not. They aren't dupped. You need a dup to keep up with the prestige rank, if you rank anybody especially an Omega red for r3 6* with 0 dups will hold you back even further than simply waiting for the dup. These items are still way too rare to rank up, unfortunately a title is tied to it.
    Then thats on you to not rank them up not kabam. I would personally rank them up except sabre. Def mags and colossus but you are waiting for the near perfect situation which has its downsides like every other decision in the game.
    Yeah, that's the whole point. I want to feel good about the rankup and I have that option. I'm saying its not cool to put the new story progression with that gate. Overall the title is super easy to get so I'm not mad about it just saying I feel for the people who have to force a rankup. Not hard to understand.
    It is understandable that people don't want to go out of their way to do things they aren't happy with just to progress. But Thronebreaker doesn't require people to do that. You could simply wait until you have a rank up option you are happy with. You're only required to do something you aren't happy with if you want Thronebreaker immediately and don't have an option you're happy with. And that's less understandable, because first that's saying that not only must the game give you progression options you're happy with, it must always do so immediately. And that only breeds unhealthy entitlement in the playerbase.

    And second, because the game has to sell something, the thing it most strongly monetizes is impatience: it sells the ability to get now what everyone else will get eventually. That's the best, softest monetization gate possible, because no one is permanently paywalled away from progression. Spenders only get there faster, they don't get anywhere everyone else can't get to eventually. If you mandate that the game must always give people expedited ways to make progress, even at the very highest levels of the game, you neuter that monetization option away. Which means much more harsher paywalls would have to be created to monetize instead.

    No one is forced into a rank up. Everyone has a choice to make, and they should be responsible for that choice. And if enjoying rank ups is something a player prioritizes, then they should hold off on ranking up their first rank 3 until they pull a champ they will be happy to rank up. it will only delay reaching Thronebreaker by some period of time, not blockade them off of it forever. But if they want the Thronebreaker title more than they want to feel happy about their first rank 3 rank up, then that's the choice they should make as well. And the idea that games shouldn't present tough choices to players is false. In my opinion the best games always do.
    All they're doing here is rewarding the players with good rng, nothing to do with clearing content and in my opinion they are forcing players to take their trash to R3 rather than waiting for either a champ they want to play or a good prestige champ.
    Well that's your opinion, but it is a self-fulfillingly destructive one. If you believe you are forced to make bad rank up choices, you will make bad rank up choices and be unhappy. If you believe you are not forced to make bad rank up choices, you won't make bad rank up choices and you will be happy with your rank up choices. And there's nothing Kabam can do to convince someone who doesn't want to rank a champ up to actually do it. That is something only the player can do to themselves.

    This is literally no different than someone saying that the Abyss is bad because everyone wants the rewards in it but not everyone can actually complete it so Kabam forces people to spend money to plow through it Heck, let's go all the way and say that Kabam forces players to merc it.

    Nobody is forced to merc Abyss, that's just an excuse. If they can't do it now, then they simply have to wait until they can. If you don't have a rank 3 option you want to rank up, then you wait until you do. Saying Kabam is forcing you to do anything is just an excuse for poor judgment.

    Someone is right now about to say that Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG. However, a player's roster composition strongly influences both whether an individual player can reasonably do Abyss with their skill level, and how much units it costs. So RNG does determine, for the majority of players, whether they will even attempt it, and what it will cost if they do. So saying Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG is a completely false dichotomy. *Everything* in this game is about player skill and player roster combined. And player roster always has a random component to it, and always will.
    Making your response take up a whole page isn’t going to get your point across, nor is over complicating your sentences by using words most people here will have to google the definition of. Seriously, kabam could release a single piece of tier 1 iso 8 for 500 dollars and you would be all over it
    It is still a respectable opinion and I think having all sides involved is a huge pro for Kabam in itself and I do not think any response should ever be so blaintly ignored

    I do not deem wise nor appropriate to condemn an opinion to any sort of hatred unless it's contents factually equate to so

    Wow did you actually think your going to come off as intelligent from this one? They teach you words like those when you are 11-12 in the UK. Also yes it is a fact that Rank 3 6 stars are still waaaay overkill for a title requirement. Around 3% of players are going to get this title and increase the gap between them and regular players even further
    I was not trying to offend you but I am sorley confused
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    If Kabam gave us a full t5cc selector and generic 6 star awakening gem at the end of act 6 no one would have this problem because we could just rank up any champ we have. Most players no matter how bad their roster is have at least 2 or 3 god tier champs undupped once you get into 20's with 6 stars. This is an artificial RNG problem that didn't need to be there but from a profit motive it makes the most sense. People will be opening up their wallets to blitz through act 6 in less than a week.

    But if the requirement was, say, 100% Act 6, then wouldn't the same thing happen: people would feel compelled to spend past Act 6? As difficult as Act 6 to most players, if you're willing to spend an unlimited number of units on it you can do almost any path with average skill. So instead of having to suffer through bad RNG, would it be better if lots of players simply felt they had to spend cash to clear Act 6 immediately, rather than eventually?

    People say that completing Act 6 is about skill, but that's not entirely true. It is *usually* more about skill than RNG, because most people won't spend exorbitant amounts of units to clear it, because even the very good rewards at the end aren't worth spending more than a certain amount. But if you place a progression title at the end of it that people are saying is sufficiently valuable that they are considering ranking up champs they would otherwise not rank to r3, wouldn't many of them feel compelled to do anything else besides bad rank ups? Whatever the requirement is, if some people feel forced to do a bad thing to get it, won't they feel forced to do every other bad thing to get it that the requirement mandated?
    You basically just said

    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Seraph said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Camby01 said:

    Sabretooth, Killmonger, Ghulk, Magneto, Colossus, and Ronin are all solid 6r3 candidates.
    No they're not. They aren't dupped. You need a dup to keep up with the prestige rank, if you rank anybody especially an Omega red for r3 6* with 0 dups will hold you back even further than simply waiting for the dup. These items are still way too rare to rank up, unfortunately a title is tied to it.
    Then thats on you to not rank them up not kabam. I would personally rank them up except sabre. Def mags and colossus but you are waiting for the near perfect situation which has its downsides like every other decision in the game.
    Yeah, that's the whole point. I want to feel good about the rankup and I have that option. I'm saying its not cool to put the new story progression with that gate. Overall the title is super easy to get so I'm not mad about it just saying I feel for the people who have to force a rankup. Not hard to understand.
    It is understandable that people don't want to go out of their way to do things they aren't happy with just to progress. But Thronebreaker doesn't require people to do that. You could simply wait until you have a rank up option you are happy with. You're only required to do something you aren't happy with if you want Thronebreaker immediately and don't have an option you're happy with. And that's less understandable, because first that's saying that not only must the game give you progression options you're happy with, it must always do so immediately. And that only breeds unhealthy entitlement in the playerbase.

    And second, because the game has to sell something, the thing it most strongly monetizes is impatience: it sells the ability to get now what everyone else will get eventually. That's the best, softest monetization gate possible, because no one is permanently paywalled away from progression. Spenders only get there faster, they don't get anywhere everyone else can't get to eventually. If you mandate that the game must always give people expedited ways to make progress, even at the very highest levels of the game, you neuter that monetization option away. Which means much more harsher paywalls would have to be created to monetize instead.

    No one is forced into a rank up. Everyone has a choice to make, and they should be responsible for that choice. And if enjoying rank ups is something a player prioritizes, then they should hold off on ranking up their first rank 3 until they pull a champ they will be happy to rank up. it will only delay reaching Thronebreaker by some period of time, not blockade them off of it forever. But if they want the Thronebreaker title more than they want to feel happy about their first rank 3 rank up, then that's the choice they should make as well. And the idea that games shouldn't present tough choices to players is false. In my opinion the best games always do.
    All they're doing here is rewarding the players with good rng, nothing to do with clearing content and in my opinion they are forcing players to take their trash to R3 rather than waiting for either a champ they want to play or a good prestige champ.
    Well that's your opinion, but it is a self-fulfillingly destructive one. If you believe you are forced to make bad rank up choices, you will make bad rank up choices and be unhappy. If you believe you are not forced to make bad rank up choices, you won't make bad rank up choices and you will be happy with your rank up choices. And there's nothing Kabam can do to convince someone who doesn't want to rank a champ up to actually do it. That is something only the player can do to themselves.

    This is literally no different than someone saying that the Abyss is bad because everyone wants the rewards in it but not everyone can actually complete it so Kabam forces people to spend money to plow through it Heck, let's go all the way and say that Kabam forces players to merc it.

    Nobody is forced to merc Abyss, that's just an excuse. If they can't do it now, then they simply have to wait until they can. If you don't have a rank 3 option you want to rank up, then you wait until you do. Saying Kabam is forcing you to do anything is just an excuse for poor judgment.

    Someone is right now about to say that Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG. However, a player's roster composition strongly influences both whether an individual player can reasonably do Abyss with their skill level, and how much units it costs. So RNG does determine, for the majority of players, whether they will even attempt it, and what it will cost if they do. So saying Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG is a completely false dichotomy. *Everything* in this game is about player skill and player roster combined. And player roster always has a random component to it, and always will.
    Making your response take up a whole page isn’t going to get your point across, nor is over complicating your sentences by using words most people here will have to google the definition of. Seriously, kabam could release a single piece of tier 1 iso 8 for 500 dollars and you would be all over it
    It is still a respectable opinion and I think having all sides involved is a huge pro for Kabam in itself and I do not think any response should ever be so blaintly ignored

    I do not deem wise nor appropriate to condemn an opinion to any sort of hatred unless it's contents factually equate to so

    Wow did you actually think your going to come off as intelligent from this one? They teach you words like those when you are 11-12 in the UK. Also yes it is a fact that Rank 3 6 stars are still waaaay overkill for a title requirement. Around 3% of players are going to get this title and increase the gap between them and regular players even further
    That is their target with this, like literally, they have stated this, this is NOT for the average player, this is something for the average player to work towards. Not everything needs to be, nor should, target the average player.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Mcord117 said:

    If I took any of my options to r3 as a 6* it wouldn’t even increase my prestige at all. They wouldn’t make my top 5. I would still be 10,193

    People shouldn’t sit here going back and forth with whales. They apparently thrive on convincing themselves they are in a position to look down their nose at you. The more you argue with them the more they get off.

    Everyone for the most part will eventually get this title and by the time they do the gap this claims to address will be far worse than it is today. And then they will create something else.

    pointing out you are using poor logic and missing points is not looking down noses at you, it does not matter what level you are, if you use poor logic you will get called out., and I am not even a whale.

    For example, your last sentence. They make no claim that this is supposed to address a gap in the way you imply. The sole purpose of this is to target content. Where you get that this is supposed to address a gap I am not even sure. But you are correct on one thing, most people will eventually get the title and that is how it is supposed to be. when cav came out it was also fairly exclusive, but the bonuses drove people to get it, this will do the same.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    Mcord117 said:

    If I took any of my options to r3 as a 6* it wouldn’t even increase my prestige at all. They wouldn’t make my top 5. I would still be 10,193

    People shouldn’t sit here going back and forth with whales. They apparently thrive on convincing themselves they are in a position to look down their nose at you. The more you argue with them the more they get off.

    Everyone for the most part will eventually get this title and by the time they do the gap this claims to address will be far worse than it is today. And then they will create something else.

    You mean how Uncollected and Cavalier titles worked? Weird how game progression works.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Berjibs said:

    Lormif said:

    Berjibs said:

    Sorry the system is contradictory and doesn’t achieve its own goals.

    Campaign progression titles help segment players so that we can appropriately target content and rewards to different levels of progression and roster maturity. With the switch to both a test of skill/progression and roster maturity, we’ll be able to do that for the top-tier players.”

    Maybe using current data, ownership of a r3 is a great indicator of the kind of progression level they want to use this title to target content towards.

    However now it’s become the hurdle you need to jump to reach the next level of rewards and future content the way people approach taking a champ to r3 completely changes.

    Let’s assume for a second here that sinister and mordo nodes get nerfed as widely expected, act 6 completion is not much of a leap from cavalier. You big dogs are already saying act 6 completion is so easy it’s not even worth regarding as an achievement. Anyway, if you can get through 6.2 then the rest poses no significantly increased challenge ime, the biggest thing was the increased attack values which have now been butchered.

    So now we get small accounts circa 500k or less regularly beating act 6, they will definitely have a 6* as they basically been given a couple in last two months through easy side quests and the SA calendar. They have a generic r2 gem, 25% of a T5cc of their choice and a stack of t5b and t2a from beating GM. All they need to do is complete that T5c catalyst. They don’t need to complete any more content, just sit tight for selector deals.

    The target of throne breaker is to segregate those at the highest level of progression, meant only for true end gamers (according to some here) so they can tailor future content towards them (say kabam).

    How does the summoner above fit into that category?

    They don’t and it just creates the same vast chasm of capabilities wrt completing content that is currently what kabam say is the problem with cavalier and why they need throne breaker.

    All that’s going to happen is the threshold of ability at the bottom gets raised ever so slightly.

    Their own system completely fails in its objective.

    Their system does not miss the objective, you miss the point. The target is for the largest of rosters. There will ALWAYS be a small number of summoners who luck out and get into whatever progression title, just because of the very nature of the game. including some people of skill (because lets be honest if your account is 500k and you beat the collector there is at least a decent amount of skill) or luck does not completely fail in its objective.

    You also assume the title of "throne breaker" is some sort of moving goal, and not a stationary target meant to grow over time, it is the later, and later they will come out with a new title to segment the community.
    I don’t assume the title is a moving goal, where did you get that from?

    As to your first point, I’ll flip it, how does the system fulfil the objective?

    How different is this new segment of players really gonna be to what is currently cavalier?

    They’ll have a champ at r3, that will be about it.

    It fulfills the objective by allowing them to target groups with content, and other perks... Literally as it says. In the title of cav they have tier own rewards, their own cal, their on difficulty (after a long time.). That is litterally their goal and something they can do with this.

    pretty different. Largely different. They will have at least competed the most skill based content in the game, and likely have more than 1 r3. You dont compare the bottom of the pool to the top of the lower pool, you compare the average players in each pool.
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★

    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    If Kabam gave us a full t5cc selector and generic 6 star awakening gem at the end of act 6 no one would have this problem because we could just rank up any champ we have. Most players no matter how bad their roster is have at least 2 or 3 god tier champs undupped once you get into 20's with 6 stars. This is an artificial RNG problem that didn't need to be there but from a profit motive it makes the most sense. People will be opening up their wallets to blitz through act 6 in less than a week.

    But if the requirement was, say, 100% Act 6, then wouldn't the same thing happen: people would feel compelled to spend past Act 6? As difficult as Act 6 to most players, if you're willing to spend an unlimited number of units on it you can do almost any path with average skill. So instead of having to suffer through bad RNG, would it be better if lots of players simply felt they had to spend cash to clear Act 6 immediately, rather than eventually?

    People say that completing Act 6 is about skill, but that's not entirely true. It is *usually* more about skill than RNG, because most people won't spend exorbitant amounts of units to clear it, because even the very good rewards at the end aren't worth spending more than a certain amount. But if you place a progression title at the end of it that people are saying is sufficiently valuable that they are considering ranking up champs they would otherwise not rank to r3, wouldn't many of them feel compelled to do anything else besides bad rank ups? Whatever the requirement is, if some people feel forced to do a bad thing to get it, won't they feel forced to do every other bad thing to get it that the requirement mandated?
    You basically just said

    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Seraph said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Camby01 said:

    Sabretooth, Killmonger, Ghulk, Magneto, Colossus, and Ronin are all solid 6r3 candidates.
    No they're not. They aren't dupped. You need a dup to keep up with the prestige rank, if you rank anybody especially an Omega red for r3 6* with 0 dups will hold you back even further than simply waiting for the dup. These items are still way too rare to rank up, unfortunately a title is tied to it.
    Then thats on you to not rank them up not kabam. I would personally rank them up except sabre. Def mags and colossus but you are waiting for the near perfect situation which has its downsides like every other decision in the game.
    Yeah, that's the whole point. I want to feel good about the rankup and I have that option. I'm saying its not cool to put the new story progression with that gate. Overall the title is super easy to get so I'm not mad about it just saying I feel for the people who have to force a rankup. Not hard to understand.
    It is understandable that people don't want to go out of their way to do things they aren't happy with just to progress. But Thronebreaker doesn't require people to do that. You could simply wait until you have a rank up option you are happy with. You're only required to do something you aren't happy with if you want Thronebreaker immediately and don't have an option you're happy with. And that's less understandable, because first that's saying that not only must the game give you progression options you're happy with, it must always do so immediately. And that only breeds unhealthy entitlement in the playerbase.

    And second, because the game has to sell something, the thing it most strongly monetizes is impatience: it sells the ability to get now what everyone else will get eventually. That's the best, softest monetization gate possible, because no one is permanently paywalled away from progression. Spenders only get there faster, they don't get anywhere everyone else can't get to eventually. If you mandate that the game must always give people expedited ways to make progress, even at the very highest levels of the game, you neuter that monetization option away. Which means much more harsher paywalls would have to be created to monetize instead.

    No one is forced into a rank up. Everyone has a choice to make, and they should be responsible for that choice. And if enjoying rank ups is something a player prioritizes, then they should hold off on ranking up their first rank 3 until they pull a champ they will be happy to rank up. it will only delay reaching Thronebreaker by some period of time, not blockade them off of it forever. But if they want the Thronebreaker title more than they want to feel happy about their first rank 3 rank up, then that's the choice they should make as well. And the idea that games shouldn't present tough choices to players is false. In my opinion the best games always do.
    All they're doing here is rewarding the players with good rng, nothing to do with clearing content and in my opinion they are forcing players to take their trash to R3 rather than waiting for either a champ they want to play or a good prestige champ.
    Well that's your opinion, but it is a self-fulfillingly destructive one. If you believe you are forced to make bad rank up choices, you will make bad rank up choices and be unhappy. If you believe you are not forced to make bad rank up choices, you won't make bad rank up choices and you will be happy with your rank up choices. And there's nothing Kabam can do to convince someone who doesn't want to rank a champ up to actually do it. That is something only the player can do to themselves.

    This is literally no different than someone saying that the Abyss is bad because everyone wants the rewards in it but not everyone can actually complete it so Kabam forces people to spend money to plow through it Heck, let's go all the way and say that Kabam forces players to merc it.

    Nobody is forced to merc Abyss, that's just an excuse. If they can't do it now, then they simply have to wait until they can. If you don't have a rank 3 option you want to rank up, then you wait until you do. Saying Kabam is forcing you to do anything is just an excuse for poor judgment.

    Someone is right now about to say that Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG. However, a player's roster composition strongly influences both whether an individual player can reasonably do Abyss with their skill level, and how much units it costs. So RNG does determine, for the majority of players, whether they will even attempt it, and what it will cost if they do. So saying Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG is a completely false dichotomy. *Everything* in this game is about player skill and player roster combined. And player roster always has a random component to it, and always will.
    Making your response take up a whole page isn’t going to get your point across, nor is over complicating your sentences by using words most people here will have to google the definition of. Seriously, kabam could release a single piece of tier 1 iso 8 for 500 dollars and you would be all over it
    It is still a respectable opinion and I think having all sides involved is a huge pro for Kabam in itself and I do not think any response should ever be so blaintly ignored

    I do not deem wise nor appropriate to condemn an opinion to any sort of hatred unless it's contents factually equate to so

    Wow did you actually think your going to come off as intelligent from this one? They teach you words like those when you are 11-12 in the UK. Also yes it is a fact that Rank 3 6 stars are still waaaay overkill for a title requirement. Around 3% of players are going to get this title and increase the gap between them and regular players even further
    I was not trying to offend you but I am sorley confused
    I must have really fired you up for you to whip out your dictionary. Again, can you give me a point I can argue? Because all your spouting at this moment in time is nonsense.
    Lormif said:

    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    If Kabam gave us a full t5cc selector and generic 6 star awakening gem at the end of act 6 no one would have this problem because we could just rank up any champ we have. Most players no matter how bad their roster is have at least 2 or 3 god tier champs undupped once you get into 20's with 6 stars. This is an artificial RNG problem that didn't need to be there but from a profit motive it makes the most sense. People will be opening up their wallets to blitz through act 6 in less than a week.

    But if the requirement was, say, 100% Act 6, then wouldn't the same thing happen: people would feel compelled to spend past Act 6? As difficult as Act 6 to most players, if you're willing to spend an unlimited number of units on it you can do almost any path with average skill. So instead of having to suffer through bad RNG, would it be better if lots of players simply felt they had to spend cash to clear Act 6 immediately, rather than eventually?

    People say that completing Act 6 is about skill, but that's not entirely true. It is *usually* more about skill than RNG, because most people won't spend exorbitant amounts of units to clear it, because even the very good rewards at the end aren't worth spending more than a certain amount. But if you place a progression title at the end of it that people are saying is sufficiently valuable that they are considering ranking up champs they would otherwise not rank to r3, wouldn't many of them feel compelled to do anything else besides bad rank ups? Whatever the requirement is, if some people feel forced to do a bad thing to get it, won't they feel forced to do every other bad thing to get it that the requirement mandated?
    You basically just said

    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Seraph said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Camby01 said:

    Sabretooth, Killmonger, Ghulk, Magneto, Colossus, and Ronin are all solid 6r3 candidates.
    No they're not. They aren't dupped. You need a dup to keep up with the prestige rank, if you rank anybody especially an Omega red for r3 6* with 0 dups will hold you back even further than simply waiting for the dup. These items are still way too rare to rank up, unfortunately a title is tied to it.
    Then thats on you to not rank them up not kabam. I would personally rank them up except sabre. Def mags and colossus but you are waiting for the near perfect situation which has its downsides like every other decision in the game.
    Yeah, that's the whole point. I want to feel good about the rankup and I have that option. I'm saying its not cool to put the new story progression with that gate. Overall the title is super easy to get so I'm not mad about it just saying I feel for the people who have to force a rankup. Not hard to understand.
    It is understandable that people don't want to go out of their way to do things they aren't happy with just to progress. But Thronebreaker doesn't require people to do that. You could simply wait until you have a rank up option you are happy with. You're only required to do something you aren't happy with if you want Thronebreaker immediately and don't have an option you're happy with. And that's less understandable, because first that's saying that not only must the game give you progression options you're happy with, it must always do so immediately. And that only breeds unhealthy entitlement in the playerbase.

    And second, because the game has to sell something, the thing it most strongly monetizes is impatience: it sells the ability to get now what everyone else will get eventually. That's the best, softest monetization gate possible, because no one is permanently paywalled away from progression. Spenders only get there faster, they don't get anywhere everyone else can't get to eventually. If you mandate that the game must always give people expedited ways to make progress, even at the very highest levels of the game, you neuter that monetization option away. Which means much more harsher paywalls would have to be created to monetize instead.

    No one is forced into a rank up. Everyone has a choice to make, and they should be responsible for that choice. And if enjoying rank ups is something a player prioritizes, then they should hold off on ranking up their first rank 3 until they pull a champ they will be happy to rank up. it will only delay reaching Thronebreaker by some period of time, not blockade them off of it forever. But if they want the Thronebreaker title more than they want to feel happy about their first rank 3 rank up, then that's the choice they should make as well. And the idea that games shouldn't present tough choices to players is false. In my opinion the best games always do.
    All they're doing here is rewarding the players with good rng, nothing to do with clearing content and in my opinion they are forcing players to take their trash to R3 rather than waiting for either a champ they want to play or a good prestige champ.
    Well that's your opinion, but it is a self-fulfillingly destructive one. If you believe you are forced to make bad rank up choices, you will make bad rank up choices and be unhappy. If you believe you are not forced to make bad rank up choices, you won't make bad rank up choices and you will be happy with your rank up choices. And there's nothing Kabam can do to convince someone who doesn't want to rank a champ up to actually do it. That is something only the player can do to themselves.

    This is literally no different than someone saying that the Abyss is bad because everyone wants the rewards in it but not everyone can actually complete it so Kabam forces people to spend money to plow through it Heck, let's go all the way and say that Kabam forces players to merc it.

    Nobody is forced to merc Abyss, that's just an excuse. If they can't do it now, then they simply have to wait until they can. If you don't have a rank 3 option you want to rank up, then you wait until you do. Saying Kabam is forcing you to do anything is just an excuse for poor judgment.

    Someone is right now about to say that Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG. However, a player's roster composition strongly influences both whether an individual player can reasonably do Abyss with their skill level, and how much units it costs. So RNG does determine, for the majority of players, whether they will even attempt it, and what it will cost if they do. So saying Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG is a completely false dichotomy. *Everything* in this game is about player skill and player roster combined. And player roster always has a random component to it, and always will.
    Making your response take up a whole page isn’t going to get your point across, nor is over complicating your sentences by using words most people here will have to google the definition of. Seriously, kabam could release a single piece of tier 1 iso 8 for 500 dollars and you would be all over it
    It is still a respectable opinion and I think having all sides involved is a huge pro for Kabam in itself and I do not think any response should ever be so blaintly ignored

    I do not deem wise nor appropriate to condemn an opinion to any sort of hatred unless it's contents factually equate to so

    Wow did you actually think your going to come off as intelligent from this one? They teach you words like those when you are 11-12 in the UK. Also yes it is a fact that Rank 3 6 stars are still waaaay overkill for a title requirement. Around 3% of players are going to get this title and increase the gap between them and regular players even further
    That is their target with this, like literally, they have stated this, this is NOT for the average player, this is something for the average player to work towards. Not everything needs to be, nor should, target the average player.
    BG just got his first 6 star rank 3, does he count as an average player? Yikes honestly mate
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Tiger360 said:

    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    If Kabam gave us a full t5cc selector and generic 6 star awakening gem at the end of act 6 no one would have this problem because we could just rank up any champ we have. Most players no matter how bad their roster is have at least 2 or 3 god tier champs undupped once you get into 20's with 6 stars. This is an artificial RNG problem that didn't need to be there but from a profit motive it makes the most sense. People will be opening up their wallets to blitz through act 6 in less than a week.

    But if the requirement was, say, 100% Act 6, then wouldn't the same thing happen: people would feel compelled to spend past Act 6? As difficult as Act 6 to most players, if you're willing to spend an unlimited number of units on it you can do almost any path with average skill. So instead of having to suffer through bad RNG, would it be better if lots of players simply felt they had to spend cash to clear Act 6 immediately, rather than eventually?

    People say that completing Act 6 is about skill, but that's not entirely true. It is *usually* more about skill than RNG, because most people won't spend exorbitant amounts of units to clear it, because even the very good rewards at the end aren't worth spending more than a certain amount. But if you place a progression title at the end of it that people are saying is sufficiently valuable that they are considering ranking up champs they would otherwise not rank to r3, wouldn't many of them feel compelled to do anything else besides bad rank ups? Whatever the requirement is, if some people feel forced to do a bad thing to get it, won't they feel forced to do every other bad thing to get it that the requirement mandated?
    You basically just said

    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Seraph said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Camby01 said:

    Sabretooth, Killmonger, Ghulk, Magneto, Colossus, and Ronin are all solid 6r3 candidates.
    No they're not. They aren't dupped. You need a dup to keep up with the prestige rank, if you rank anybody especially an Omega red for r3 6* with 0 dups will hold you back even further than simply waiting for the dup. These items are still way too rare to rank up, unfortunately a title is tied to it.
    Then thats on you to not rank them up not kabam. I would personally rank them up except sabre. Def mags and colossus but you are waiting for the near perfect situation which has its downsides like every other decision in the game.
    Yeah, that's the whole point. I want to feel good about the rankup and I have that option. I'm saying its not cool to put the new story progression with that gate. Overall the title is super easy to get so I'm not mad about it just saying I feel for the people who have to force a rankup. Not hard to understand.
    It is understandable that people don't want to go out of their way to do things they aren't happy with just to progress. But Thronebreaker doesn't require people to do that. You could simply wait until you have a rank up option you are happy with. You're only required to do something you aren't happy with if you want Thronebreaker immediately and don't have an option you're happy with. And that's less understandable, because first that's saying that not only must the game give you progression options you're happy with, it must always do so immediately. And that only breeds unhealthy entitlement in the playerbase.

    And second, because the game has to sell something, the thing it most strongly monetizes is impatience: it sells the ability to get now what everyone else will get eventually. That's the best, softest monetization gate possible, because no one is permanently paywalled away from progression. Spenders only get there faster, they don't get anywhere everyone else can't get to eventually. If you mandate that the game must always give people expedited ways to make progress, even at the very highest levels of the game, you neuter that monetization option away. Which means much more harsher paywalls would have to be created to monetize instead.

    No one is forced into a rank up. Everyone has a choice to make, and they should be responsible for that choice. And if enjoying rank ups is something a player prioritizes, then they should hold off on ranking up their first rank 3 until they pull a champ they will be happy to rank up. it will only delay reaching Thronebreaker by some period of time, not blockade them off of it forever. But if they want the Thronebreaker title more than they want to feel happy about their first rank 3 rank up, then that's the choice they should make as well. And the idea that games shouldn't present tough choices to players is false. In my opinion the best games always do.
    All they're doing here is rewarding the players with good rng, nothing to do with clearing content and in my opinion they are forcing players to take their trash to R3 rather than waiting for either a champ they want to play or a good prestige champ.
    Well that's your opinion, but it is a self-fulfillingly destructive one. If you believe you are forced to make bad rank up choices, you will make bad rank up choices and be unhappy. If you believe you are not forced to make bad rank up choices, you won't make bad rank up choices and you will be happy with your rank up choices. And there's nothing Kabam can do to convince someone who doesn't want to rank a champ up to actually do it. That is something only the player can do to themselves.

    This is literally no different than someone saying that the Abyss is bad because everyone wants the rewards in it but not everyone can actually complete it so Kabam forces people to spend money to plow through it Heck, let's go all the way and say that Kabam forces players to merc it.

    Nobody is forced to merc Abyss, that's just an excuse. If they can't do it now, then they simply have to wait until they can. If you don't have a rank 3 option you want to rank up, then you wait until you do. Saying Kabam is forcing you to do anything is just an excuse for poor judgment.

    Someone is right now about to say that Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG. However, a player's roster composition strongly influences both whether an individual player can reasonably do Abyss with their skill level, and how much units it costs. So RNG does determine, for the majority of players, whether they will even attempt it, and what it will cost if they do. So saying Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG is a completely false dichotomy. *Everything* in this game is about player skill and player roster combined. And player roster always has a random component to it, and always will.
    Making your response take up a whole page isn’t going to get your point across, nor is over complicating your sentences by using words most people here will have to google the definition of. Seriously, kabam could release a single piece of tier 1 iso 8 for 500 dollars and you would be all over it
    It is still a respectable opinion and I think having all sides involved is a huge pro for Kabam in itself and I do not think any response should ever be so blaintly ignored

    I do not deem wise nor appropriate to condemn an opinion to any sort of hatred unless it's contents factually equate to so

    Wow did you actually think your going to come off as intelligent from this one? They teach you words like those when you are 11-12 in the UK. Also yes it is a fact that Rank 3 6 stars are still waaaay overkill for a title requirement. Around 3% of players are going to get this title and increase the gap between them and regular players even further
    I was not trying to offend you but I am sorley confused
    I must have really fired you up for you to whip out your dictionary. Again, can you give me a point I can argue? Because all your spouting at this moment in time is nonsense.
    Lormif said:

    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    If Kabam gave us a full t5cc selector and generic 6 star awakening gem at the end of act 6 no one would have this problem because we could just rank up any champ we have. Most players no matter how bad their roster is have at least 2 or 3 god tier champs undupped once you get into 20's with 6 stars. This is an artificial RNG problem that didn't need to be there but from a profit motive it makes the most sense. People will be opening up their wallets to blitz through act 6 in less than a week.

    But if the requirement was, say, 100% Act 6, then wouldn't the same thing happen: people would feel compelled to spend past Act 6? As difficult as Act 6 to most players, if you're willing to spend an unlimited number of units on it you can do almost any path with average skill. So instead of having to suffer through bad RNG, would it be better if lots of players simply felt they had to spend cash to clear Act 6 immediately, rather than eventually?

    People say that completing Act 6 is about skill, but that's not entirely true. It is *usually* more about skill than RNG, because most people won't spend exorbitant amounts of units to clear it, because even the very good rewards at the end aren't worth spending more than a certain amount. But if you place a progression title at the end of it that people are saying is sufficiently valuable that they are considering ranking up champs they would otherwise not rank to r3, wouldn't many of them feel compelled to do anything else besides bad rank ups? Whatever the requirement is, if some people feel forced to do a bad thing to get it, won't they feel forced to do every other bad thing to get it that the requirement mandated?
    You basically just said

    Tiger360 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Seraph said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Camby01 said:

    Sabretooth, Killmonger, Ghulk, Magneto, Colossus, and Ronin are all solid 6r3 candidates.
    No they're not. They aren't dupped. You need a dup to keep up with the prestige rank, if you rank anybody especially an Omega red for r3 6* with 0 dups will hold you back even further than simply waiting for the dup. These items are still way too rare to rank up, unfortunately a title is tied to it.
    Then thats on you to not rank them up not kabam. I would personally rank them up except sabre. Def mags and colossus but you are waiting for the near perfect situation which has its downsides like every other decision in the game.
    Yeah, that's the whole point. I want to feel good about the rankup and I have that option. I'm saying its not cool to put the new story progression with that gate. Overall the title is super easy to get so I'm not mad about it just saying I feel for the people who have to force a rankup. Not hard to understand.
    It is understandable that people don't want to go out of their way to do things they aren't happy with just to progress. But Thronebreaker doesn't require people to do that. You could simply wait until you have a rank up option you are happy with. You're only required to do something you aren't happy with if you want Thronebreaker immediately and don't have an option you're happy with. And that's less understandable, because first that's saying that not only must the game give you progression options you're happy with, it must always do so immediately. And that only breeds unhealthy entitlement in the playerbase.

    And second, because the game has to sell something, the thing it most strongly monetizes is impatience: it sells the ability to get now what everyone else will get eventually. That's the best, softest monetization gate possible, because no one is permanently paywalled away from progression. Spenders only get there faster, they don't get anywhere everyone else can't get to eventually. If you mandate that the game must always give people expedited ways to make progress, even at the very highest levels of the game, you neuter that monetization option away. Which means much more harsher paywalls would have to be created to monetize instead.

    No one is forced into a rank up. Everyone has a choice to make, and they should be responsible for that choice. And if enjoying rank ups is something a player prioritizes, then they should hold off on ranking up their first rank 3 until they pull a champ they will be happy to rank up. it will only delay reaching Thronebreaker by some period of time, not blockade them off of it forever. But if they want the Thronebreaker title more than they want to feel happy about their first rank 3 rank up, then that's the choice they should make as well. And the idea that games shouldn't present tough choices to players is false. In my opinion the best games always do.
    All they're doing here is rewarding the players with good rng, nothing to do with clearing content and in my opinion they are forcing players to take their trash to R3 rather than waiting for either a champ they want to play or a good prestige champ.
    Well that's your opinion, but it is a self-fulfillingly destructive one. If you believe you are forced to make bad rank up choices, you will make bad rank up choices and be unhappy. If you believe you are not forced to make bad rank up choices, you won't make bad rank up choices and you will be happy with your rank up choices. And there's nothing Kabam can do to convince someone who doesn't want to rank a champ up to actually do it. That is something only the player can do to themselves.

    This is literally no different than someone saying that the Abyss is bad because everyone wants the rewards in it but not everyone can actually complete it so Kabam forces people to spend money to plow through it Heck, let's go all the way and say that Kabam forces players to merc it.

    Nobody is forced to merc Abyss, that's just an excuse. If they can't do it now, then they simply have to wait until they can. If you don't have a rank 3 option you want to rank up, then you wait until you do. Saying Kabam is forcing you to do anything is just an excuse for poor judgment.

    Someone is right now about to say that Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG. However, a player's roster composition strongly influences both whether an individual player can reasonably do Abyss with their skill level, and how much units it costs. So RNG does determine, for the majority of players, whether they will even attempt it, and what it will cost if they do. So saying Abyss is about skill and R3 is about RNG is a completely false dichotomy. *Everything* in this game is about player skill and player roster combined. And player roster always has a random component to it, and always will.
    Making your response take up a whole page isn’t going to get your point across, nor is over complicating your sentences by using words most people here will have to google the definition of. Seriously, kabam could release a single piece of tier 1 iso 8 for 500 dollars and you would be all over it
    It is still a respectable opinion and I think having all sides involved is a huge pro for Kabam in itself and I do not think any response should ever be so blaintly ignored

    I do not deem wise nor appropriate to condemn an opinion to any sort of hatred unless it's contents factually equate to so

    Wow did you actually think your going to come off as intelligent from this one? They teach you words like those when you are 11-12 in the UK. Also yes it is a fact that Rank 3 6 stars are still waaaay overkill for a title requirement. Around 3% of players are going to get this title and increase the gap between them and regular players even further
    That is their target with this, like literally, they have stated this, this is NOT for the average player, this is something for the average player to work towards. Not everything needs to be, nor should, target the average player.
    BG just got his first 6 star rank 3, does he count as an average player? Yikes honestly mate
    Well BG is totally free to play and took 6 months off the game, and even he has a rank 3 despite having done only 1 abyss path.
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  • SeraphSeraph Member Posts: 65
    ADDIS0N said:

    Seraph said:

    I've done a run of Chapter 6 and Abyss, have 50 6-stars, a science T5 CC, a science AG, but no worthy science champs to R3 as my first. Now I'm forced to do a bad rank up in order to get the benefits, how does that make any sense?

    Who do you have for science 6* champs?

    Just curious.
    I think this is the first constructive, non trolling comment I've seen on this forum, so thanks for that :)
    I have Wasp, Gulk, Electro, Luke Cage, Spider Gwen, Yellow Jacket, ABomb, CapWW2, Ant Man

    I think I'd want to use the AG on CapIW, Void, Thing, Torch, MR Fantastic or Red Guardian
  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 503 ★★★
    I like the introduction but the 6* R3 requirement should be excluded or changed to 2x 6* R2 or something like that.
  • SeraphSeraph Member Posts: 65

    Wow so many people are over reacting, I don’t think people really know who this title is aiming for. Players at upper level of play have already an average of 8 6 star r3. This is who the title is aiming for. We have a player in our alliance with 12 6 star r3

    How do you know that's who they're aiming at? Surely they'd just give the title to those who have 8 6-star R3's in that case?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    Ronny_ said:

    Kabam exe stopped replying lol

    What else would a Mod have to say. No one has said anything new since like page 4. It's the same argument back and forth for 31 more pages.
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★

    xNig said:

    The 6* R3 requirement is complete BS. I have 27 6* and not a single one of them is R3 worthy as they are either **** champs or need the dupe which will never happen if I take them beyond R1.
    Thanks again Kabam for being completely out of touch with your player base, your road map was just a farce to get us back in line and where's the damn help all button you promised us by September the months nearly done and nothing

    Screenshot your 27 6* champs then? 😊

    This is why I hate it when people complain about having no one to rank up. They almost always have plenty of rank up options but since they aren’t Ghost, Corvus, or Doom they just whine about it. Man-Thing, Hulkbuster, Sentinel, Morningstar, Mojo, Psylocke, and even GG and Dorm are all good/viable 6r3s.
    sinister mojo and Aegon even unduped
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