What is the easiest Shadow Base Raid for you?

Usually, I go for the FF one, or the robot one, because I have Quake and Magneto. Which to you go for? This is also so I can do some data collecting. Please explain why you find your choice the easiest.

What is the easiest Shadow Base Raid for you? 205 votes
Wait a moment....
maybe im just using my champs as farms.
No unavoidable damage and manageable opponents.
For the robot day I can't use AA, I have fun with Hype, CMM and Aarkus (don't have mags)
Saturday: CAIW (for Dragon Man with synergies of armor break & petrify) + Corvus (avenger & tech charges all over) + Proxima (to get CG anti-evade for Ultrons) + Warlock (petrify charge for CAIW) or Medusa/Hyperion (cuz robots) + Red Magneto (if I can't be bothered and one-shot the path