Which game mode can be removed all together to save summoners in game time?

I really feel that we have to invest a lot of time in game to progress. Which game mode if scrapped can save us the most in game time? Personally speaking it could be:
Remove Side events and put rewards in main monthly quests.
Remove Side events and put rewards in main monthly quests.
Which game mode can be removed all together to save summoners in game time? 206 votes
It's just a waste of space.
I did it with their 4* versions back in the day.
Arena takes me around 12 hours per day of grind to put up 90m. That's the worst time eater. It's boring yet the only guaranteed way to get the champ you want. I have had 20+ tries for featured this month with no wolverine. I had the rest from Arena so kind of no luck.
Incursions is super fun as I play it with my wife. She is Cavalier player and plays when she wants to for fun.
Thanks for your valuable inputs. I hope kabam can keep rolling some quality of life changes, specially to arena!
Gimme my Cyber Weekend deaaaals!
Or the trickle reward system where you do the same quest everyday to gain 10% of something
I like challenging content but when it becomes grueling it becomes boring and easy to avoid all together
Short and sweet quality over quantity style changes
@Kabam Miike Listen to the player base..we do have jobs and personal lives lol
Arena is absolutely essential to my personal progression more than maybe any other game mode outside of the Story but I would be in full favour of any change that decrease the amount of time needed in that game mode.
Edit: Also don't make variants of a Side Quest only available on a very specific day of the week. It's annoying that someone can't do a part of the content because real life makes them busy on a certain day of the week.
I mean, I'm not in an alliance so IDGAF about AQ and AW anyway, nor do I play much arena, but Incursions are dire.
Incursions - playing with your friend
EQ - seriously, what would you do 90% of time
Arena - hell no, then it'd be a p2w game
AQ - source of free catalysts
AW - source of shards
Better and less time consuming Arenas
More quality life changes to the game overall