Which game mode can be removed all together to save summoners in game time?

Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★
I really feel that we have to invest a lot of time in game to progress. Which game mode if scrapped can save us the most in game time? Personally speaking it could be:
Remove Side events and put rewards in main monthly quests.

Which game mode can be removed all together to save summoners in game time? 206 votes

Side Events - Buff main event rewards
MasterSmokeNoodes_PsychoakumaAb_SamadRaikisDiksh619Raichu626brandinhophil56201K00shMaanNo_oneukPappaBunnyH3t3rHassamaMamaTimebombsastomNewlinstheorySamuelabcdefg 18 votes
Arena - Put down the rewards in Incursions
Haji_SaabChriz4061TJ82SpicyslicerWardenclockNojokejaymspiderknight616TheHoodedDormammuBuckyBruhTatteredSailredsoxpatsfan89ChampioncriticcrossshatterLPH_337charmkevverDr_Z01dbergGoDlyZorDarkEternitySleipnirrodliving_legend_1 51 votes
AQ - I find this monotonous and boring. Those rewards can be in AW itself.
becauseicantJim0172Mqc19Furious_Fighter1Panchulon21ElhadjeeAleortitaniummorroDenzel116LordSmasherZipioMobile_P0tat0CtuchikPit_Berserker22Uvogindeepblack12MauledFabwiziQuietusDK 31 votes
AW - I personally enjoy the challenge tbh. It's short and not time consuming imo.
FabiusBRbuffajrheruheru511YotzhephaestusLuciusVorenusOesername123adramelchPGUNZ4694Solrac_2Foxhero007kikiFurieuxMike18211ch4rnKw4zyNoOnexROFaisaljavedPizzaGuy245TaZ_4178Austin555555 74 votes
Something else?
phillgreenR_D_JrSundance_2099CliffordcanKabiraz77MagonusKerneasTexas_11Lovejoy72Colonaut123RemeliAmazing_Demon05CASrinivasAgent_T1_ShuNeu_1ProximaMidnight_8GreekhitDarkDuelistDRAGONDUDE963Another_Name 32 votes


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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    AW - I personally enjoy the challenge tbh. It's short and not time consuming imo.
    Unio77 said:

    Well it's not necessarily played by everyone but I think RTTL should be removed. I don't know anybody who has fully completed the whole thing due to the other requirement you need to enter LOL.
    It's just a waste of space.

    Lol, I completed even after the requirement was removed. Not as bad as you'd think especially if you have champs like Quake an AA who can bypass all the global nodes.

    I did it with their 4* versions back in the day.
  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
    Kill_Grey said:

    Unio77 said:

    Well it's not necessarily played by everyone but I think RTTL should be removed. I don't know anybody who has fully completed the whole thing due to the other requirement you need to enter LOL.
    It's just a waste of space.

    Lol, I completed even after the requirement was removed. Not as bad as you'd think especially if you have champs like Quake an AA who can bypass all the global nodes.

    I did it with their 4* versions back in the day.
    Lol good for you that you did it. But majority of players haven't. Ever since the restriction was lifted there's no need to do it.
  • Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Side Events - Buff main event rewards
    wow, that's great to hear. I personally find this game too much time consuming. I am addicted to grinding all featured 5 stars. Side events like current are so boring... If given an opportunity, I would personally like to combine multiple game modes like aq+ aw and come up with a better design with better rewards. Similarly I think side events should be merged with main monthly quests if they are so lengthy. Side events such as celebrity challenges or small events are fun.
    Arena takes me around 12 hours per day of grind to put up 90m. That's the worst time eater. It's boring yet the only guaranteed way to get the champ you want. I have had 20+ tries for featured this month with no wolverine. I had the rest from Arena so kind of no luck.
    Incursions is super fun as I play it with my wife. She is Cavalier player and plays when she wants to for fun.

    Thanks for your valuable inputs. I hope kabam can keep rolling some quality of life changes, specially to arena!

  • Silver_SagaSilver_Saga Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    AW - I personally enjoy the challenge tbh. It's short and not time consuming imo.
    I already have removed it from my life and it feels good.
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,184 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020
    Arena - Put down the rewards in Incursions
    After grinding for a few months, I now despise Arena.

    Gimme my Cyber Weekend deaaaals!
  • 1_ShuNeu_11_ShuNeu_1 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Something else?
    They should trim down the “substitute teacher” style pointless endeavors
    Or the trickle reward system where you do the same quest everyday to gain 10% of something

    I like challenging content but when it becomes grueling it becomes boring and easy to avoid all together

    Short and sweet quality over quantity style changes
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  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    Arena - Put down the rewards in Incursions
    I only do Special Arenas like Mephisto/Platinpool ... yeah. Otherwise just every now and then for Special Goals or Daily (Alliance) Task.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    AW - I personally enjoy the challenge tbh. It's short and not time consuming imo.
    Unio77 said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    Unio77 said:

    Well it's not necessarily played by everyone but I think RTTL should be removed. I don't know anybody who has fully completed the whole thing due to the other requirement you need to enter LOL.
    It's just a waste of space.

    Lol, I completed even after the requirement was removed. Not as bad as you'd think especially if you have champs like Quake an AA who can bypass all the global nodes.

    I did it with their 4* versions back in the day.
    Lol good for you that you did it. But majority of players haven't. Ever since the restriction was lifted there's no need to do it.
    Definitely a great place to practice and test some new utility champs.
  • Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Side Events - Buff main event rewards

    They should trim down the “substitute teacher” style pointless endeavors
    Or the trickle reward system where you do the same quest everyday to gain 10% of something

    I like challenging content but when it becomes grueling it becomes boring and easy to avoid all together

    Short and sweet quality over quantity style changes

    You basically summed up what I could not!
    @Kabam Miike Listen to the player base..we do have jobs and personal lives lol
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  • RemeliRemeli Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Something else?
    No reason for them to remove anything. Nobody’s forcing you to play all the game modes. I have not touched arena for a year (except 1-2 special arena) and only run the cavalier monthly. I have limited play time so i pick what i want to run.
  • MagonusMagonus Member Posts: 530 ★★★
    Something else?
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  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,880 ★★★★★
    Something else?
    Idt anything should be removed.
    Incursions - playing with your friend
    EQ - seriously, what would you do 90% of time
    Arena - hell no, then it'd be a p2w game
    AQ - source of free catalysts
    AW - source of shards
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  • Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Side Events - Buff main event rewards
    Kerneas said:

    Idt anything should be removed.
    Incursions - playing with your friend
    EQ - seriously, what would you do 90% of time
    Arena - hell no, then it'd be a p2w game
    AQ - source of free catalysts
    AW - source of shards

    That's why if you see my comments above, i suggested merging content like side event + main event.
    AQ + AW
    Better and less time consuming Arenas
    More quality life changes to the game overall
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  • Another_NameAnother_Name Member Posts: 180
    Something else?
    I could go without incursions
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