
  • GoDlyZorGoDlyZor Member Posts: 150
    It absolutely is the unwillingness to do things.

    I also became cavalier soon after it was released. I did not buy any of the t5cc deals for money in order to get to thronebreaker. I enjoy grinding arena and am always at a healthy amount of gold and units because of that. I did not pay a single cent to get the units that I used to clear abyss. I simply ran arena hoarding BC for months. I only had 1 horsemen so opted for a different team to complete it.

    Story wise i've completed act 6 and 6.1 100%,book 2.1 100%, variants 2-5 100%, cavalier eq 100% every month and try to do the special objectives.

    It's not as much rng as you say. you can get a full t5cc from either act 6 100% or abyss completion. You can get a 25% selector from 6.4, 25% selector from book 2.1 exploration and a 15% selector from book 2.1 exploration offer for 3500 units. that's 65% from SELECTORS there is lots and lots of random if you combine all that has been available since t5cc release not including things like aq 10% weekly and more and more every day there are people getting to thronebreaker without even having to do act 6 100% or abyss completion. You really can't have it both ways. You either put in the effort in the content you have available to achieve it or you don't. That's the only problem and solution that I see here....

    Rhulk is a fantastic champion. I'm sorry you don't feel that way and think that you HAVE to rank a select few to make it worth it. If that's how you feel, fine. But don't complain when you have so many options available to you.
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  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 891 ★★★★★
    Others around me has their initial act6 completion, and they are either already TB, or near, while I'm here sitting

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  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    I think they could add 2 percent T5cc gems as the reward for duping a 6 star, considering you get no shards for that. Would help.
  • PeaRatPeaRat Member Posts: 152
    Did this guy just say rhulk is average at best. Lmao he is an amazing champ and I took him to R3 unduped with no regrets.
    Also many people have 100% abyss as f2p players just got to save up those units
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    walkerdog said:

    I'm not sure its a healthy thing for the endgame to be somewhat walled off by such a high amount of grinding, but we are playing a mobile F2P game. They almost all have either shaky or downright morally vile structures. I think mcoc is on the shaky side most of the time which I can live with.

    I think people forget that the game is a constantly moving and evolving target. The effort it takes to earn any resource in the game drops over time. So whenever something new comes out at the high end, it *has to be* super hard to get, because only super hard to get things are remotely interesting to pursue for the highest tier players of the game. But that drops over time as the high tier players start chasing the next super high thing, and everyone else gets to spend a lot less effort to catch up to them (or rather, to where they were).

    T4CC used to be incredibly difficult to get. You could grind for literally hundreds of hours to get a single one. T5CC is easier to get for Cavaliers today than T4CC was for everyone outside of the top 50 alliances back then**. But over time they got easier to get, not just for the top players but for everyone. Players now get such resources basically for free.

    Thronebreaker has been out for only a few months. It should be judged not on how hard it is for middling Cavaliers to stretch to get, but on how hard it is for the top 0.5% of players to get. For the top 0.1% of the players it took practically no effort to get: they were already there. For the players just below them, it took some effort but not a lot. For the players below *them*, it will take some months of effort to get.

    For the players below *them* it probably looks like a ridiculous grind. But that's because it is intentionally so. You can grind your fingers off to try to stretch to get it, or you can just play the game normally and Thronebreaker will eventually come to you naturally.

    I think that's not just an acceptable way to handle the moving target that is the end game, I think that is the *best* way to handle the moving target that is the end game.

    ** Back then someone posted on the old forums a set of calculations that implied that based on their best effort, it was going to take them three *years* to form a T4CC. And their calculations were *correct* - I checked them myself. However, what they failed to account for, and I specifically called out, was the idea that the earning rate for T4CC was going to be constant over those three years, which of course it wasn't. No Cavalier trying seriously to earn T5CC is going to take three years to do so even at today's rates, much less what the rate will slowly increase to over time.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Why you assume people have to pay to finish act6 or abyss? Me and my pal decided to grind 15k units for cyber weekend and when the deals came he decided to do abyss, completely shredded it
    We are both f2p all the way. Don't throw **** at who are better than you
    Also RHulk is a beast i advice not to sleep on him

    red hulk is fine but not worth a rank 3. and not saying everyone payed for abyss/ act 6. but it is like 95% of everyone
    Why does it matter if a champion is worth an R3 or not?
  • AztecAztec Member Posts: 293 ★★
    Here we go again and again. Good luck dude. Byee
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian

    Why you assume people have to pay to finish act6 or abyss? Me and my pal decided to grind 15k units for cyber weekend and when the deals came he decided to do abyss, completely shredded it
    We are both f2p all the way. Don't throw **** at who are better than you
    Also RHulk is a beast i advice not to sleep on him

    red hulk is fine but not worth a rank 3. and not saying everyone payed for abyss/ act 6. but it is like 95% of everyone
    Why does it matter if a champion is worth an R3 or not?
    I don't even know what most people mean by "worth." Do you play the champ? Would it help if the champ was stronger? Then it is worth ranking up.

    The actual correct question is: do you have a better use for the resources than to rank up a champion? If the benefit of ranking up is low enough you might want to sit on the resources and wait for a better option.

    But if the benefit is "become Thronebreaker" and Thronebreaker is something you actually want to be today, I don't see how ranking up a champion that is generally useful and would benefit from the rank up and for which you have no other options for the rank up resources is a problem. It seems to be an easy choice. The only hard choice is whether to rank up a champion you literally do not use at all. I probably wouldn't advise doing that to get Thronebreaker. But any champion for which you would actually benefit from the rank up because you actually use it is, in my opinion, fair game.
  • ImGodMFImGodMF Member Posts: 459 ★★★
    Rulk gains value in tier 5 wars, he doesn't lose value outside of it. I love him in my questing teams. It's funny, the people without an R3 Rulk are the ones assuming where he's useful.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★

    2: getting a t5cc can also be classified as pay to win by people who buy offers that gives them t5cc fragments or pay units to do an abyss run or 100% act 6 (don't lie if anyone says they didn't pay to do those tasks, don't tell me you grinded thousands of units, you payed.

    If this is your thinking, then you don't deserve Thronebreaker.

    Plenty of people who saved or farmed potions and revives to do abyss or chipped away at act 6 and 100% it and didn't pay for units to get it done.

    I don't agree with the requirement to have a r3 champion, as having a fully formed t5cc catalyst should be enough as you literally have the means to r3 a champion but maybe not a champion you wish to. However i also feel they could of simply kept throne breaker at 100% act 6. I have a feeling part of putting the requirement of a r3 champion and initial completion of act 6 was to drive more players to do Abyss. My advice to people who want to become throne breaker would be do initial clear of abyss, provided you have certain champs that can do it.

    Since TB introduction you should of saved units for abyss or worked on 100% act 6. The fact you done neither and expect to become Thronebreaker is why most people disagree with this post, because you just seem lazy.

  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    ImGodMF said:

    Rulk gains value in tier 5 wars, he doesn't lose value outside of it. I love him in my questing teams. It's funny, the people without an R3 Rulk are the ones assuming where he's useful.

    Yeah I use him all over the place. I rarely deal with hazard shift anymore and I still use Rulk constantly.
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    I know this isn’t the point of the post but as someone who qualified for throne breaker before it was announced and now has 6 r3s, I’m a huge fan of Rulk and am considering taking duped Rulk to r3 over unduped Torch. Thoughts?
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Osfan8 said:

    I know this isn’t the point of the post but as someone who qualified for throne breaker before it was announced and now has 6 r3s, I’m a huge fan of Rulk and am considering taking duped Rulk to r3 over unduped Torch. Thoughts?

    I'd say go for it. Considering you like playing Rulk, I'd say it'd be a fun rankup to do.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Osfan8 said:

    I know this isn’t the point of the post but as someone who qualified for throne breaker before it was announced and now has 6 r3s, I’m a huge fan of Rulk and am considering taking duped Rulk to r3 over unduped Torch. Thoughts?

    I've ranked up Capiw, Rulk, and Void over Torch already. There's very little a R3 Torch can do where Torch is a good option that a R5 Torch can't do.
  • YawYeetYawYeet Member Posts: 34

    Osfan8 said:

    I know this isn’t the point of the post but as someone who qualified for throne breaker before it was announced and now has 6 r3s, I’m a huge fan of Rulk and am considering taking duped Rulk to r3 over unduped Torch. Thoughts?

    I've ranked up Capiw, Rulk, and Void over Torch already. There's very little a R3 Torch can do where Torch is a good option that a R5 Torch can't do.
    Was debating either r2 my torch or red hulk, think im doing rulk now that you made me think about it lol.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    YawYeet said:

    Osfan8 said:

    I know this isn’t the point of the post but as someone who qualified for throne breaker before it was announced and now has 6 r3s, I’m a huge fan of Rulk and am considering taking duped Rulk to r3 over unduped Torch. Thoughts?

    I've ranked up Capiw, Rulk, and Void over Torch already. There's very little a R3 Torch can do where Torch is a good option that a R5 Torch can't do.
    Was debating either r2 my torch or red hulk, think im doing rulk now that you made me think about it lol.
    One thing to consider is the buff to 6* champions in act 7. That r3 HT will be hitter a lot harder then the r5 5*.

    But if you generally enjoy playing the champ and play him a fair bit then nothing wrong with ranking up Rhulk. The game is meant to be fun
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    YawYeet said:

    Osfan8 said:

    I know this isn’t the point of the post but as someone who qualified for throne breaker before it was announced and now has 6 r3s, I’m a huge fan of Rulk and am considering taking duped Rulk to r3 over unduped Torch. Thoughts?

    I've ranked up Capiw, Rulk, and Void over Torch already. There's very little a R3 Torch can do where Torch is a good option that a R5 Torch can't do.
    Was debating either r2 my torch or red hulk, think im doing rulk now that you made me think about it lol.
    They're both amazing champs. I just don't feel that Torch gains an awful lot from being at higher rank other than a bigger health pool. I'll eventually R3 him but I'm honestly not even sure if he'll be my 4th science R3.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Bidzy7 said:

    YawYeet said:

    Osfan8 said:

    I know this isn’t the point of the post but as someone who qualified for throne breaker before it was announced and now has 6 r3s, I’m a huge fan of Rulk and am considering taking duped Rulk to r3 over unduped Torch. Thoughts?

    I've ranked up Capiw, Rulk, and Void over Torch already. There's very little a R3 Torch can do where Torch is a good option that a R5 Torch can't do.
    Was debating either r2 my torch or red hulk, think im doing rulk now that you made me think about it lol.
    One thing to consider is the buff to 6* champions in act 7. That r3 HT will be hitter a lot harder then the r5 5*.

    But if you generally enjoy playing the champ and play him a fair bit then nothing wrong with ranking up Rhulk. The game is meant to be fun
    That I disagree.

    Torch deals damage by building his smoulders and you’ll rarely use him in a fight that he can’t. Each smoulder increases incinerate damage by 12%.

    This means a R2 v R3, the 16% increase in damage, is offset by 1.33 smoulders, and the additional 700 damage (using a 5*R5 v R3), is offset by another 2-3 smoulders.

    How long does it take to build 4-5 smoulders?
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    you may only use him in matches where he can build up smoulders, but not everyone else would.
    Heck the reason why he got a buff was to make it so he could be used outside of favorable matches without losing too much damage. If someone enjoys using him they will play him in a lot more matches then just ones where he will get smoulders. an example being disstrack lanes

    Also if you actually bothered to read my post rather then clicking disagree and making a post about something i wasn't even saying, then you would of read i was specifically making a comparison between a r5 5* and a r3 6*. As I saw worknprogress mentioned it in the discussion before and another user decided to not r2 his HT, i figured i would mention the buff 6* get in act7 as something to consider as well.

    Even when comparing a r2 to a r3 there is still a difference in damage done, albeit not a huge one. It's also a 18% difference in damage not 16%. Some people will look at that and think that's a good enough reason to r3 HT others will not.

    The more damage you can do the quicker the fight ends. the quicker the fight ends the less chance of messing up.
    Also the 18% increase in health is also nice as it means you can take more block/parry hits which means you have to use less pots and you can survive longer.
  • AkaButterzAkaButterz Member Posts: 9
    Okay I know I am late to the game here but let’s be honest people, this is a money grab by Kabam.

    The majority of people who became Thronebreaker when it was first introduced spent money on this game. Now yes there are exclusions to the rule but its just that, exclusions. No way a free to play player is 100% act 6 with little to no resources and grabbing this title immediately without spending money.

    I just beat the grandmaster and am only half way to a tier 5 CC. Don’t say arena because having a full-time job, kids, and being in an alliance don’t give you time to grind that out enough for units unless you ignore your family and responsibilities. So yes, this is a money grab and majority, not all but majority spent money on this phone game.

    My recommendation is beat grandmaster and 100 act 6.1, this gives you half and now that Cavalier difficulty gives you nexus it is a lot easier. I need 2 monthly quests of Cavalier difficulty if I am lucky and can choose mystic both times to get a 6 star to rank 3. With that being said that is over 6 months since this came out to be able to achieve this title. There are people who take 2 and 3 stars and one-shot bosses with similar PI, they should get this title immediately not be stuck waiting on tier 5 CC....period.
  • AkaButterzAkaButterz Member Posts: 9
    And why does everyone think they can talk any way just because your not in person. Your so tough on the internet. Its called respect, you rude (insert imagination here) people should get some.
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★
    Ok who necroed this goddamn post
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian

    Okay I know I am late to the game here but let’s be honest people, this is a money grab by Kabam.

    The majority of people who became Thronebreaker when it was first introduced spent money on this game. Now yes there are exclusions to the rule but its just that, exclusions. No way a free to play player is 100% act 6 with little to no resources and grabbing this title immediately without spending money.

    I just beat the grandmaster and am only half way to a tier 5 CC. Don’t say arena because having a full-time job, kids, and being in an alliance don’t give you time to grind that out enough for units unless you ignore your family and responsibilities. So yes, this is a money grab and majority, not all but majority spent money on this phone game.

    My recommendation is beat grandmaster and 100 act 6.1, this gives you half and now that Cavalier difficulty gives you nexus it is a lot easier. I need 2 monthly quests of Cavalier difficulty if I am lucky and can choose mystic both times to get a 6 star to rank 3. With that being said that is over 6 months since this came out to be able to achieve this title. There are people who take 2 and 3 stars and one-shot bosses with similar PI, they should get this title immediately not be stuck waiting on tier 5 CC....period.

    Of course the majority of people who became Thronebreaker on day one has spent at least some money on the game, because spending offers an advantage. That's like saying the majority of people who became Thronebreaker on day one were in high tier alliances or played the game more. But whether it is *impossible* for a free to play player to have become Thronebreaker on day one, that's false because actual F2P players became Thronebreaker on day one. The fact that they exist kinda makes that statement obviously false.

    Thronebreaker is only a money grab if you spend money to get to Thronebreaker, and no one needs to spend to become Thronebreaker. You'll probably get there sooner if you spend, but then it isn't Kabam forcing you to spend, it is you forcing you to spend.

    Thronebreaker is not a medal for demonstrating you can intercept well or do Cavalier difficulty with two star champs or anything else. It is a progress hurdle. You get it for reaching certain progress milestones, not for proving you "deserve" it. You get a certificate for completing marathons. You don't get that certificate by proving you're in better shape than the other runners. You cross the finish line, or you don't. You don't get to dictate to the race that you deserve a completion certificate because you're good enough, and you don't get to complain you don't have enough money to travel to the race or buy the best shoes or can't take off work. You cross the finish line, or you don't.
  • Fear_of_Clowns2099Fear_of_Clowns2099 Member Posts: 893 ★★★
    Whomst has revived this 4 month old thread?
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