Unpopular opinion: ghost is overrated

I know I'm about to get like 200 disagrees but in my opinion, ghost is pretty overrated. She needs almost all of her synergies to get her major benefits, requires an insane amount of skill to play, requires the ai to play along, needs wasp or the enemy not to be stun immune so that she can throw off sp2 properly, needs debuff heavy match-ups to convert into furys for the massive damage, and gets completely shut down by any armor breaks.. Before anyone says im just mad because I don't have her, I have a 6 star version but I barely use her because of all of the requirements to have a really good match-up with her.

Personally I do not use her over a lot of my other champs. But that is because I simply am not skilled enough to use her properly. If you are skilled with her. There is very little content she cannot shine in.
Usually when people don`t like her, they cannot play her properly.
She is a very very good champ. But like Quake you just need to know how to play her. Unlike say a corvus, who pretty much anyone with 2 vingers can clear content with.
All Wasp does is give her unblockable specials which if you practise enough, you won't need. Also, her base damage on the sp2 by itself without any furies is still pretty good as by that time you usually already have 1 or 2 cruelties. Also, it looks like you don't run suicides.
-Opponent doesn't need to be stunned to get the special 2 off without Wasp
-Saying she gets shut down by armour breaks is a weak argument as basically every champ has something that shuts them off
-She's not reliant on debuff-heavy matches to deal massive damage
-She does require skill, but the payoff is worthy enough to lift Mjolnir
Maybe it's your preference, but there's just overwhelming evidence to suggest she's on top of the game regardless of anyone's opinion of her.
My advice to you is to use ghost more. From what you’ve said it sounds to me like you haven’t practiced much with ghost or know how to use her well. She’s a character that you continue to learn things the longer you use her and you never stop learning. I hope this cleared up your misconception that ghost has very niche requirements to use her properly. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
-AI has to play along yes, but mostly if you push the enemy into the right corner they become more aggressive.
-Damaging debuffs are just extra, not a must have in every match
-Armor breaks: true, just avoid using her in those matches.
-Still very good unduped, just let the enemy hit you only once while phasing and yeah less power
You also have to use her phase mechanic and not block so you can get the most out of that.
Synergies make her even better, but she can be op without them.
Cav can range from someone who's got 6.1 completion to someone with act 6 explored but no r3
edit: oh and there are a ton of debuff lanes in act six anyway, so id advise getting better with her because shes amazing for the content you seem to be doing
Saying a champion is overrated because of the skill cap is not really a valid point. Ghost requires a fair bit of skill to play, but any decent player could learn her in a week or two. All it is is the timing of when to retaliate, the rest comes with time.
In almost all endgame content the AI is aggressive enough to play ghost, nodes like oscillate mess with her a bit on armour phase but not overly. Besides, her crit passive is short enough to dodge around for a bit until it comes back, or hit their block/intercept if you need.
Simply not true, this is where the skill you talked about comes in. There are a few ways to throw the sp2 off without wasp. Fair enough some require stunable opponents, but phasing up to an L2 and then doing one parry, is a lot better than using other champs and parrying/intercepting the whole way. And regardless, there are a couple ways to throw the special off without parrying at all and getting them all to crit, just takes a bit of practice. Again, that is not a reason to say she is overrated. I can't use her therefore she is bad is a terrible reason.
Again, not true. I regularly get 50k plus hits on her L2 with not a damaging debuff to convert into fury in sight. Throw a couple of heavies with her in the corner and she's good to go.
Quake is overrated because she gets shut down by true strike, Corvus is overrated because he gets shut down by buffet, Nick fury is overrated because he gets shut down by bleed immunity, Magneto is overrated because he gets shut down by stun immunity.
The beauty of this game is that every champion has their strengths and weaknesses, every champion performs in one area well and others not so much. Ghost has a hell of a lot of strengths, not of which you mentioned, and a couple of very minor weaknesses. Most armour break comes from champs you don't wanna bring ghost into anyway, cosmic champs mainly, and a couple of nodes, none of which even completely shut her down. Crumbling armour means you just need to land one hit and everything is back to normal. Slightly annoying, but not a roadblock.
Ghost is one of the most well rounded, adaptable champions in the game. You're welcome to your opinion, but if you learned to ghost and took her through act 6 and 7, you would see how much of the game she makes so very easy compared to lesser options.