Unpopular opinion: ghost is overrated



  • ProximaMidnight_8ProximaMidnight_8 Member Posts: 285 ★★

    silentag said:

    Sorry, but based on your post history, you seem to fundamentally not understand the champ, and that’s ok. But it seems a little hard to qualify your post if you first don’t seem to have a firm grasp of the use of ghost. And that’s ok, give it some more time and actually explore using the champ. If you can dupe her and learn to use her, I think you will find so much content getting much easier for you. But posting that a champ is overrated when you haven’t taken the time to learn them seems a little shortsighted. I’m sure if you framed this as asking for help to learn how to use her, a number of the community would come together to give you a leg up.

    I spent an entire day dueling winter soldier with her and the only way she's able to get a sp2 without parry is wasp synergy. I understand how she works.
    these two sentences contradict one another

    You clearly don't know how she works if you can't use Ghost's specials without wasp and without parrying.
    not everyone has insanely high skill
    Imagine thinking that not being able to get hit for 2 seconds is “insanely high skill”

    Oh, and you get free power when they miss
    mine isn't awakened. also, thats not the problem I have with her. my problem is it is very difficult to perform phase sp2 without parry or wasp
  • TChalllaTChallla Member Posts: 85
    I also don’t see what the hype is about but feel it’s because I don’t use her or learned. I have a duped five just sitting on the bench
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  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    I am not an avid Ghost player myself - I pulled her from a crystal late, ranked her up, and use her occasionally if a path calls for it. But she is not my designated content clearer, as I can't use her to her fullest potential. Whenever new content comes out, there are always posts saying "Ghost destroys it" or "My Ghost easily handled the entire path." When I attempt to use Ghost for the same content, she does okay. But I understand that that is a reflection on my ability to use her.

    Even though I am not a good Ghost player, I never use the Wasp synergy (Despite having a Wasp as a 6-star). The phase-SP2 is all about timing. If you are able to get the timing down to parry (as most average players should be able to do), you can get the timing down for this. Even if you can only pull it off 25% of the time, its worth it.

    Being overrated means she can't do what people are claiming she can do; there are mountains of evidence on the forums and on youtube of people using Ghost to clear difficult content. Even though personally I am not good with Ghost, I can see how in the proper hands she can do almost anything.

    You definitely misspoke with using the term 'overrated', as that definitely primes people on this forum to immediately pile on hate on you. I do see your underlying point though - some champions are hyped up a little too much by others compared to what they seem to do for your personal account. For me, Aegon fits that bill (but then again, I have never gotten above 500+ hit combo so I have never seen the top end of what he can do).
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  • KlLLKlLL Member Posts: 118 ★★★

    idk what you guys want me to say. that im a terrible player? yeah I said that already. that I cant play ghost right? yeah. we all know that. im just giving my opinion and people are telling me things that I already know

    That's just it! Why diss a character that requires skill to reach high potential if you don't have said skill? That would be like dissing quake cause you can't play her. Or dissing tigra. It makes no sense. There's a difference between saying someone is overrated and not being able to master them.
    I cant play tigra and I actually like her better. I have 0 skill whatsoever. as a result, ghost is just gonna sit there at rank 1
  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
    Whoever revived this just wanted to see OP get bashed. Like c'mon his already dead 😭😂
  • The_Blue_JaguarThe_Blue_Jaguar Member Posts: 255 ★★
    TL;DR: I don’t know how to use Ghost.

    (Which, in his defense, does decrease her value a lot.)

    But seriously, if you don’t know how to use her, it can make it seem like she’s synergy dependent. Timing her specials can be tricky while maintaining her heavy fury, and DoT debuffs contribute greatly. But she is a ridiculously good answer to countless fights. Check out some YouTube if you want to see some good demonstration on how to use her.
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    Huh this is still going
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★

    I still don't see why she's amazing though

    You literally have a single R5 and are likely still on 6.1... to be quite frank you are literally so inexperienced that you have no comprehension on what she can achieve synergiless. I bring her into Act 6, 7, AQ, AW, etc synergiless without issue. The biggest thing that she can do is (with Hood) avoid all damage of all kinds. You don’t need to stun the opponent to use specials, just backdraft intercept. Please DO NOT comment on a subject you have no knowledge of, much less critique it and call it an “unpopular opinion” when you’re plain WRONG.
    I've watched many ghost videos. I know how she works and I've tried many times to do these things but I cannot. I love how instead of trying to help and explaining you just decide to call people inexperienced for not having on point ghost skills. youre likely a thronebreaker who just likes to look down on people who are in the situations you were in and instead of being constructive, just attack people for not being able to have the same skill as you. if youre not going to be constructive, why bother commenting?
    Not even Throne Breaker (I would be if I had good R3 options, though). I don’t look down on anyone besides those that use illogical arguments to support their lack of knowledge & skill. Also, I give a bit of feedback on how to use her synergiless. I said, “You don’t need to stun the opponent to use specials, just backdraft intercept.” If I recall correctly. My skill level is slightly above average if not average. I’m not the worst I’m not the best but if your going to base arguments off of fallacies it doesn’t help you whatsoever. I used to do the same thing and make up excuses as to why I couldn’t do something until I finally realized that’s not how the world works. Hopefully you come to realize that as well.
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★
    Also, who the hell necroed this thread? Lmao
  • GowthamreddyGowthamreddy Member Posts: 37
    @ProximaMidnight_8 learn to use her first we don’t need wasp and parry too,playing with her needs skill I agree ,even playing with any champ needs it. Ghost doesn’t need furies too her damage normally is enough if u need more damage just intercept a heavy and use sp using 200% power boost ur opponent will be gone
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