Gonna make an Immortal Abomination Progress Tracker soon
Feel free to use my template. Oh and
Dude I want an Immortal Abom so bad.
I got him as a 4 Star from The Epochs... I'm probably gonna Rank him up anyways because that Weakness on Block makes him Tanky and should be Great for Variant 6.
@ Crcrcrc and iHulk, 3 small payments of $1,999.99 for a 12% chance at getting him. @ Fluffy_paws and 6* Archy @ CGR2020 and CGR @ PuttPutt and Immortal Abomber @ SpideyFunko and Guardian Immortal A-Bomber
@ Crcrcrc and iHulk, 3 small payments of $1,999.99 for a 12% chance at getting him. @ Fluffy_paws and 6* Archy @ CGR2020 and CGR @ PuttPutt and Immortal Abomber @ SpideyFunko and Guardian Immortal A-Bomber
How many times do I have to ask you to stop tagging me before you actually stop tagging me.
Erm...why do you want him so badly? Just wondering
He is awesome, he has some of the coolest mechanics I’ve seen in this game, and it is one of my favorite comic series.
Saaaame, though imo this doesn't feel like Immortal Hulk (not even talking about Abilities here)... I feel like this needs to become the new Savage Hulk and we get a remade Immortal Hulk, his Animations and even Model just don't scream Devil Hulk to me... Something I feel like everyone could agree on though is "Where Is The Sadistic Grin?!" that's like one of his most defining traits and it's Nowhere on the Champion, or what about the Sp3...
Instead of the Puny God Reference it should've been This Scene... The enemy punches Hulk in the gut (like in Cable/Havok's and Manthing's Sp3s), he doesn't flinch, the Enemy looks up, Hulk is just Towering above looking down on them and does that Signature Sadistic Grin, you cut to the Enemy's First Person View, the 2 Giant Hands start to cover the Screen, Cut To Black (like in King Groot's Sp3), you hear Crunching and Smashing and Screaming, cuts back to Hulk walking away and the Enemy Crying against the Back Wall... Simple, Unsettling, and something actually in reference to the Comic/Character, I came up with this in like 5 minutes just from looking at I think the First Issue of the Comic again...
Have you gotten farther in the series? In the later issues it’s revealed that Immortal Hulk only does what he does because he wants to protect Bruce Banner. He was never evil or cruel, just trying to keep him alive. That’s why he doesn’t have the evil smile from the first issue. That was one of the only places it appeared because Bruce was trying to stop Immortal Hulk from being as evil and sadistic. That sp3 would be awesome, but if we were to make one true to the character, then I think it should be the opponent hitting Immortal Hulk and knocking him down, then they walk away and he gets up, veins and eyes glowing, and walks behind them. Then he hulk smashes them into the ground.
Yeah I've been kept up to date, the smile wasn't necessarily evil though. It's like it's just showing this is a Different Hulk, not a Dumb Brute but a Smart "Take It Personal" Guy who we later see knows how to play it from the Shadows and will go to extreme lengths to Defend Bruce but still has the Strength and Endurance to rival most other Hulks. (That whole Power Scaling thing being tied to Bruce and how much he holds back giving each Hulk the potential to be the "strongest, but that's a whole other discussion, bottle line Immortal Hulk is stronger than Base Savage Hulk) Idk that could look cool it's just the idea of him getting pushed down by any champion is a little ehh, even though they explain the way Iso-8/Battlerealm puts everyone on an equal playing field, all the hulks are supposed to be these imposing mountains. If we ever see his True Form outside of the Mindscape that would be an awesome Sp3, enemy hits him, starts to grow, he's just hunched over the enemy, grabs them and immediately throws him against the Wall with a massive slam, the one huge punch, walks away and morphs back into the regular Hulk Form. But we still don't know if he can even manifest like that outside of Banner's Head so it's only an idea.
That would be so cool. I just ordered issue #41 and I really hope that he can appear like that in the real world.
When they left off he was "dead" in The Below Place right? (Hooked up to Banner like some weird Flesh Computer?) I'm assuming he'll come back after a bit and with how much emphasis they put on "this guy is always held back by being in Banner's Mind, even when he got Real Pissed and busted out the Chains he was Still not a max power" I'd have to guess it'll come into play.
This comment finally left approval so I can respond
I’m hoping that for a series finale(The writer confirmed it will end at 50) Bruce releases the full power of Immortal Hulk and the reptilian version finally comes out for real. That would be awesome.
I’m ranking my 5* IM Hulk slowly to R5 (R3 rn) and I’m saving for the featured 6* aswell with him being my 4th best choice with Apoc, CGR, and duping my Spidergwen being above him.
This will make me feel better maybe I’m 79 dual crystals into my hunt for a void... yeaaa now I’m waiting for spider pig to be added to the pool might as well
I spent 865k shards before getting doom. Dual + Featured crystals. After a while it doesnt really register
I’m hoping that for a series finale(The writer confirmed it will end at 50) Bruce releases the full power of Immortal Hulk and the reptilian version finally comes out for real. That would be awesome.