Immortal Hulk Progress Tracker

Day 1 of me tracking my progress for iHulk.
5* shards saved: 5,553
6* shards saved: 1,947
Days until iHulk enters the 5* featured: 16.5
Days until iHulk enters the 5* basic: 86
Days until iHulk enters the 6* basic: 86.5
I have one Epoch cav tomorrow for an attempt at him.
I just thought I should keep this in one spot instead of all over the place. Enjoy watching me fail to get iHulk repeatedly!
Do you mean this iHulk? 🤩
Unfortunately, the answer, having used him in bits and pieces of content this week is he doesn’t fill any holes.
That or include him with some synergies that made og hulk more useful, like sor supreme, HB, she hulk, etc.