Missing Persistant Charges? Help find the Cause of the Bug!



  • Rowan2009Rowan2009 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2021
    Username : WARLOCK SUPREME~2
    Date and Time : 22/4/2021 - 11:44 & 12:26
    Champion : Apocalypse 5 star unawakened
    Opponent : Black Panther ( Civil War ) & Moon Knight
    Game mode : Event Quest - 3.1 & Incursions
    Quest node for Event quest - Power Play - 2

    Yes , this has happened multiple times in one session.
    Yes , multiple champions were missing persistent charges.
    Yes , this happened after updating to V.30.0 .
    Restarting the game did not make the persistent charges return normally.

    Apocalypse didn't have his persistent charges but each fight I played with him in the event quest or incursions , his prowess from the beginning of the fight was always 4 max. Additionally I couldn't do the horsemen synergy.

  • KuroijinKuroijin Member Posts: 1
    IGN: おしたがみ
    Date and time: April22, 2021 22:00
    Champion involved: NICK FURY 5*
    Play mode: ALLIANCE QUEST MAP5
    AGAINST: don’t remember ( some one with poison )
  • MJWolverine21MJWolverine21 Member Posts: 19
    Username : MJWolverine21
    Approximate Date/Time : Since this month update. From the beginning maybe.
    Champion Involved : 5★ Awakened Nick Fury
    Opponent Champion : ~Any
    Game Mode : ~Any (Monthly Eq , Monthly Side Quest , Alliance Quest )

    Nick Fury's LMD getting destroyed at the start of each fight almost on every quests.

    Ruining my April's Contest of Realms side quest completion/exploration attempts, to get all the objective rewards. We demand compensation. 😤
  • Panda99_Panda99_ Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2021
    Time-2.30pm isd
    Champion- 4 star nick fury awakened
    Quest- master side quest and in arenas too
    Opponent-ppool, hulk Ragnarok, cap WW2,s Gwen etc
    Yes it happened multiple time. Corvus charge was ok but Nick's not.

  • NightscrawlerNightscrawler Member Posts: 10
    Name: Nightscrawler.
    Date/time: first noticed 21/04, around 23:00 BST. I haven't played the game much this year.
    Affected champs: No persistent charge icon appears on any champ. Have played with 5* Awakened Nick Fury, who always starts with LMD destroyed, and 5* Awakened Corvus, who has no charges at all. Various opponents.
    Game modes: Monthly event quest, side quest and alliance quest.
    Occurs all the time, in every game session.
    All champs affected.
    I update the game as soon as updates are released. I haven't noticed this problem before now, as I have taken a break from the game, and hardly played this year so far.
    Restarting doesn't help. Problem persists when new session is started.
  • Joe_2457Joe_2457 Member Posts: 1
    Name: Joe-2457
    Date/Time: First noticed approximately 3 weeks ago, today April 23rd around 0400 MTN.
    Affected champions: various champions in all game modes. Today Nick Fury 5* awakened in Alluance war, starting first fight with LMD deployed and cost most of my health. Started AW yesterday and persistent charge was shown. Logged in today to continue and it was no longer there.
    Modes: Seen in all modes except arenas.
  • Mr_ShakesMr_Shakes Member Posts: 1
    I didnt have this problem until this last update. And it only happens to me in the side quest where I use the keys. No charges for Corvus, no charge for Nick Fury. I can run the monthly on Cavalier or Uncollected and all the charges are there. Only the side quest
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★
    I don't know if it has been said before but elsa doesn't shrug off non damaging debuffs when persistant charge bug is there.
  • Azazell0Azazell0 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2021
    Username: Azazello
    Date: 24.04.2021
    All champions with persistent charges lost them, included all star levels.
    All types of quests, arena
    Happened on IPhone SE 2020

    cdn.net/6029252/uploads/editor/ul/ya8rz4npd4pq.png" alt="" />

  • StarkContrastStarkContrast Member Posts: 14
    Username: starkcontrast95
    Champion: spider man (stealth suit) 5*, unawakened
    Date:24th April
    Opponent: Abyss Luke Cage
    Restarting is not helping. I tried twice in the space of 7 hours.
    It took me a couple revives to take darkhawk down, but the bug is roadblocking me. I have revives expiring, so please advise on what to do.
  • Dnasty75Dnasty75 Member Posts: 10
    Username: dnasty75

    Apocalypse persistent charges not applying. It happening in the side quest.

    Date/time: 4/25/21 08:00 am

    Won 2 fights with Apocalypse and they aren't showing up.

  • RealMickeyDRealMickeyD Member Posts: 11
    My account name is RealD.
    All of my champions are missing persistent charges from 6 stars to 2 stars.
    I noticed it yesterday in incursions an still don't have them 24 hours later
  • GolanshuGolanshu Member Posts: 38
    Game name - GOLANSHU, happened many times last time happened yesterday during playing cavalier difficulty, monthly quest. During fight in 3.2.1 with daredevil clasaic
  • NightscrawlerNightscrawler Member Posts: 10
    Name: Nightscrawler.

    Update to my previous post.

    Both Nick and Corvus have been working fine for at least a couple of days, in both the main and side monthly quests, and even earlier today. Upon logging in tonight (approx. 23:20 BST), I went straight into AQ with Corvus, and his charge icon was missing, and no charges registered for any fights. I then went into the side quest with the keys with Nick, and he has no charges, and starts with his LMD already dead, so starts losing health straight away...
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    Name: Kfd2010

    Issue: Nick Fury starting in his "true" phase, persistent charge not showing up
  • KoutavitoKoutavito Member Posts: 14
    Id: Koutavito
    Just happened in AQ, against Dr Voodoo just before 2nd mini boss, Map 3. Affected Captain Marvel and Corvus. Restarting game fixed it.

  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian
    What is the timeline to fix this bug? Yet another war season is about to begin and im unable to use my persistent charge r3s in war.
  • OwrnsOwrns Member Posts: 37
    Kabam mike this isn't recently. I complained about 6 months ago about nick fury. Getting joke now. About time people got compensated for him not working properly
  • BeannoirBeannoir Member Posts: 1
    User Name: beannoir
    Always with 5/65 awakened Nick Fury.
    No persistant change when starting fight so Nick loses his LMD. Always in AQ for me Map5.
    For the last two weeks everyfight in AQ it's getting really frustrating.
    I'm on a Pixel 5 on the most recent version
  • xd2pbutlxd2pbutl Member Posts: 1
    Username - xd2pbutl
    5 star awakened Nick Fury
    Opponent- Jabari Panther & Storm pyramid X bosses
    Side quest Contest of Realms

    On 2 separate occasions my Nick Fury did not go into his second stage. I had about 150 sig level.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
    Username: Ty Edge
    4/27 and 4/28/21
    6-star sig 60 Apocalypse and 5-star sig 200 Wolverine.

    It appears that sometime during an incursion, Wolverine lost his designation as a Horseman and Apocalypse was unable to reapply.
  • TJayTJay Member Posts: 38

    Date and time-29 april 2021 around 9:30am IST
    Champion involved-Aegon Rank 4 level 55 awakened and around sig 70
    Opponent champion -kingpin
    Game mode-Story quest
  • CaptainnomadCaptainnomad Member Posts: 35
    5* Nick fury. Happens randomly. He will start as his real self but the persistent charge is still present following fights he may or may not have his lmd. Most recently happened yesterday.
  • Mr_WiffMr_Wiff Member Posts: 244
    Username: Kratos47
    Date and Time: April 28th 00:04 GMT
    Champion Involved: Corvus Glaive (5 star) 5/65 SIG 140 and Morningstar (5 star) 4/55 SIG 60
    Opponent champion: Cable for Corvus/ Black Panther Classic for Morningstar
    Game mode: T4 basic arena

    Bug only appeared in that 1 series of arena that session but have experienced the bug in event and story quest, the effects of the persistent charges did still work even though the icon was not visible.
  • loader187loader187 Member Posts: 222 ★★
    I just did 5 dual matches every single one did it. If you search a person and duel them it has done it for me 100%
  • Replix2uReplix2u Member Posts: 3
    Nick: replix27

    Champ: nick fury for like thousand times. 5* Awakened sig around 95.

    Guys its been really long time since nick fury worked well. He is still broken and it costs me a lot of resources and nerves. His true phase is starting at the begining of fights even in alliance quests. Its really frustrating. Looking on these forums shows u did nothing with it for months. No solution, no compensation, just nothing...
  • HannaHanna Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2021
    Username: Hannavengers
    OS: Android MIUI 12
    Champs: All champs with persistent charges such as NF, CMM, Apoc, Morningstar, Guilly2099 and more..
    Time occur: Random time such as 09:00 GMT, 22:00 GMT
    Date occur: Once or twice in a day, everyday, since a month ago.
    Game mode: Arena, AQ, AW, Event Quest

    Way to resolve: Need to restart the game multiple times or login again some other time to get the charge back. Its not just visually affected, it does affect the gameplay.

    This is so frustrating especially when playing AQ and AW. Please, help us do something. Thank you.
  • DrainbamagedDrainbamaged Member Posts: 28

    Several months, but now almost always.
    Anyone that has persistent charges
    Opponent: any
    Game mode: any
    Quest node: any
    It doesn't matter if I restart or not.
    All champs with persistent charges are missing them, fury is the impacted the most.
    This and other bugs have become particularly prominent since the latest update (1135841)
    Restarting used to generally help, but no longer, a later session has never suddenly made persistent charges appear.

    I don't have screenshots of any new info. My problem is the same as everyone else in the post. It's costing revives, time, energy and more, I had to leave my alliance for a less serious one as a result of this and other bugs, and I cannot complete quests with the champs I necessarily want/need to use (eg Fury).

    There is somewhat of a pattern that I have noticed in my case.

    When AQ starts, my champs most often get back their persistent charges. They don't have them all of the time, but most days, and particularly during the AQ week. When the AQ week is over, it's rare that my champs get persistent charges at all. It seems to be irrelevant to whether there is an ongoing war or not.

    Hope this helps
  • Ace2319Ace2319 Member Posts: 619 ★★★
    Username: Ace~2319
    Date and time: 5/3 4:30pm
    Champion: Nick Fury
    Game mode: AW

    Restarting did not help, happen to multiple champs (torch, Corvus, sabertooth, any champ I own with the charge)

  • _darkplague_darkplague Member Posts: 6
    May 4th, 0647 Hong Kong time
    Logged to war, first fight with NF against Hit Monkey and no persistent charge. Going to be an awesome war.....

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