Missing Persistant Charges? Help find the Cause of the Bug!



  • samxsamsamxsam Member Posts: 9
    Having the same issue with Apocalypse. Doesn't have any of his charges, therefore cannot allow any mutant to become a Horseman, so it's incredibly infuriating.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,445 ★★★★★
    Username: Dr. Zola
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: 2PM today
    Champion Involved: 6* R3 unawakened Apoc
    Opponent Champion: Dr. Voodoo, Killmonger, others
    Game Mode: SQ
    Quest Node: multiple
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? Yes
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? I stopped playing after chats indicated multiple bugs from update
    Did this happen after updating?: Yes
    I didn’t restart the game other than to log in.

    Dr. Zola
  • Dtd3245Dtd3245 Member Posts: 1
    10:20pm May 3
    Champion Involved (include Rarity, and if they have their Sig ability. Ie. 5-Star Awakened Corvus) Apocalypse 5 star rank 4 awakened
    Stryfe 5 Star Rank 4 unawakened
    Guillotine 6 Star Rank 1 unawakened
    Game Mode Incursions Sector 7
  • MasriopolisMasriopolis Member Posts: 22
    Username: Masriopolis
    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: Today, 04/05/2021 15:30 CST
    Champion Involved: 6* R3 awakened Mister Fantastic, 5* R4 awakened Morningstar
    Opponent Champion: RoL Winter Solider, AQ symbioids Angela and Hela
    Game Mode: RoL Quest + AQ
    Quest Node: multiple
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? Yes
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes, I can attest to those 2, didn't check if more were the case
    Did this happen after updating?: Yes, immediately after updating and loading I noticed the bug. Restarted the game and the issue was resolved.

    OTHER ISSUES: The bug was affecting Mister Fantastic's synergy build. Specifically the Tech/Science syn of indefinite power stings for every debuff was not showing up and was not activating during the fight with either Mister Fantastic or Doctor Octopus.
    There was no issue with Morningstar. She was ramping up normally and all abilities were activating as usual.

  • JohnstoctonJohnstocton Member Posts: 30

    Happens every single alliance war. My first 2 fights nick fury doesn't have a persistent charge. So he goes into the fights with his 2nd life activated. Gets brought down to 30%. After 2 or 3 fights I'll get into the next section and he'll have his persistent charge at that point. So I have to waste revives healing a r5 sig 200 nick fury to finish my lanes. Please fix, this issue is getting costly
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian
    now my android 10 phone has it too....
  • SaddestFactorySaddestFactory Member Posts: 1
    Username: SaddestFactory
    Date/Time: 5/5/2021 @ ~5pm MT
    Champ: 5* Awakened Nick Fury/Aegon
    Opponent: 10 ring tournament: Act1 Chapter 1 Pheonix was where the effects were most noticeable.

    The persistent charges were missing the entire session. I used Aegon on the fights leading up to the Pheonix fight but they were short enough that I couldn't notice if they weren't tracking cross fight, plus I would screw up my combo, so whatever. I went to run Nick Fury for the first time in the quest against Phoenix he immediately started losing health to his neurotoxin. I lost the fight and started checking nodes and checking so nodes that may have caused this. That led me here. Upon fully closing and resetting the game, the persistent charges showed back up and Nick Fury is dead with 1 persistent charge and Aegon has a combo of 0.

    I always figured this was a visual glitch and never paid any mind and this happens to me all the time, and I didn't actually notice if I entered the quest with the persistent charges missing. I rarely use Nick Fury for offense, so this is the first time I've noticed this. If it helps, I also went in with a Stealth Spidey and set his webfoam charge earlier in the quest.

    I don't have video, but I can provide screenshots of the dead NF with 1 charge and Aegon with 0 if required.
  • jaythekidjaythekid Member Posts: 53
    Time approximately 19:30
    Happen in guild quest

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  • Marco_poloMarco_polo Member Posts: 2
    Here are some of it.

  • StarzStarz Member Posts: 158
    Since the update for me personally I have been unable to bring NF to any game mode without him going straight to LMD... Its bad
  • xCristoxCristo Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2021
    IGN: xCristo
    Phone: Samsung Galaxy s10 Plus

    This bug occurs in instances when I reopen the game after it was in standby for some time (sometimes 30 mins, sometimes hours). It affects all the champs in the game in that session, including my champs and the opponents in content, except AQ and AW.
    Closing the game completely and then opening it again fixes this issue.

    This may happen because some of the champs data is requested after the restart, but the charges information is left out.

    P.S. The charges work in all cases as intended (started a fight with corvus at 2 charges, after the fight was over, I restarted the game and there were displayed 3 charges, as intended), except in the case of Nick, which checks if there is a charge displayed??? or something similar.

    Hope this helps to fix the bug! @Kabam Miike
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  • NightscrawlerNightscrawler Member Posts: 10
    Name: Nightscrawler
    Phone: Oppo Find X2 lite running Android 10.

    Further update:

    My Nick and Corvus continue to be affected. Not sure about anyone else, as these are the only 2 I regularly use with charges.

    Upon entering the game, and joining AQ, they were both missing charges. Exiting the game, force closing it, and clearing the cache of the app seems to fix it. I've had to do this at least 3 times this week, and each time it's fixed the issue.
  • urzafrankurzafrank Member Posts: 16
    username: urzafrank
    Phone Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
    Date May 7 2021

    This is constant. This has not gone away in almost a week. This screenshot is after I close the app, force close the app, and clear the cache. This needs to be fixed. it is making the game very hard to play.

  • Hitman565Hitman565 Member Posts: 27

    I was doing the epic difficulty a few minutes ago, and had the Cable and Mr Sinister synergy with me, and for the first 2 fights, it was alright, then suddenly, WHAM, no persistant charges, and I get 'combo'd into oblivion'. This is not the first time this has happened either, but the last time this happened was over a month ago, so I thought the issue was resolved, and now THIS.

    Username: Hitman~565
    Device: Samsung Galaxy A31
    Date: 8th May 2021
  • ArbuzzArbuzz Member Posts: 3

    Approximate Date/Time that you encountered the issue: all then timer since 06.05.21
    Champion Involved: all champions also enemies, charges just dont egzist
    Game Mode: all
    Quest Node : all
    And some further questions, if you have this information as well:
    Did it happen multiple times during one session? Yes
    Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Yes
    Did this happen after updating to v30.0?
    Happend after switching to new phone also when i run gamę on new phone (no charges) and in the same tame i will start game on old one charges are back for a while
    Did restarting the game cause the
    Persistentt Charges to return normally?NO Or did a later session function properly?
    Any Screenshots or Videos you'd like to share. ticket - 85236 contain video's
  • PetromagnePetromagne Member Posts: 4
    User: Petromagne
    OS: iOS 14.4.2
    DateTime: May 9, 2021 9:10am Eastern Daylight Time
    Champion: Apocalypse
    Opponent: Ultron Drone
    Game Mode: Alliance Quest

    I’ve had this happen several times in Alliance Quest where Apocalypse does not stack Persistent Charges when defeating Defenders. The day before, Apocalypse stacked no charges when defeating Archangel in AQ. This seems
    To have begun after the update on May 4th. I have not used Apocalypse in any other game modes recently but will keep note.
  • PetromagnePetromagne Member Posts: 4

    User: Petromagne
    OS: iOS 14.4.2
    DateTime: May 9, 2021 9:10am Eastern Daylight Time
    Champion: Apocalypse
    Opponent: Ultron Drone
    Game Mode: Alliance Quest

    I’ve had this happen several times in Alliance Quest where Apocalypse does not stack Persistent Charges when defeating Defenders. The day before, Apocalypse stacked no charges when defeating Archangel in AQ. This seems
    To have begun after the update on May 4th. I have not used Apocalypse in any other game modes recently but will keep note.

    Following up, continuing to have issues with Apocalypse stacking Persistent Charges in AQ. Even seems he lost charges against Angela. I used his charges earlier in the game to make Sunspot a Horseman but Sunspot was not immune to the bleed effect on the Sabretooth node. May 9th, 1:42pm Eastern Daylight Time.

  • Taz0911Taz0911 Member Posts: 121
    Progress update @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra ? This is a very big game play issue considering alot of the good champs depend on persistent charges. This has been going on for months and there are 12 pages of screen shots of the same thing and you can't even acknowledge this is a big problem. Learn to use the actual in game mail because these forums are pointless and posts just get removed. Like this one probably will if it actually gets read.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    I've restarted my game a bunch today just to test and I've not lost the charges. I noticed it after the hotfix for incursions. I can't 100% confirm it's fixed for me but just wanted to say right now they've been working everytime.
  • DustinhadwayDustinhadway Member Posts: 1
    This is super annoying its crazy when a bug helps us its fixed in 2-4 days but nf constantly not having his charge after every update for over 6 months and 0 effort to help the problem and 0 compinsation for 6 months of problems in the last 6 months ive used so many extra iteams when they would not have been needed if there was no bug amd its so random you get to a boss and need nf with his charge so his fury doesnt get pilfered by dexing right before going real nf cant do it so its been a huge inconvenience please fix soon
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 766 ★★★
    Of course this goes without a fix for months, it only benefits kabam
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★

    This is super annoying its crazy when a bug helps us its fixed in 2-4 days but nf constantly not having his charge after every update for over 6 months and 0 effort to help the problem and 0 compinsation for 6 months of problems in the last 6 months ive used so many extra iteams when they would not have been needed if there was no bug amd its so random you get to a boss and need nf with his charge so his fury doesnt get pilfered by dexing right before going real nf cant do it so its been a huge inconvenience please fix soon

    Abyss Havok took longer to fix than this bug.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,751 ★★★★★
    Every month I m waiting for the update announcements, hoping, the persistant charges will get fixed. Every month I read on "bug fixes" "changed the name ----- in this champion's info description". Every month I m waiting to see "Nick Fury" under the "bug fixes" section. Every, single. month...
  • DrainbamagedDrainbamaged Member Posts: 28

    Several months, but now almost always.
    Anyone that has persistent charges
    Opponent: any
    Game mode: any
    Quest node: any
    It doesn't matter if I restart or not.
    All champs with persistent charges are missing them, fury is the impacted the most.
    This and other bugs have become particularly prominent since the latest update (1135841)
    Restarting used to generally help, but no longer, a later session has never suddenly made persistent charges appear.

    I don't have screenshots of any new info. My problem is the same as everyone else in the post. It's costing revives, time, energy and more, I had to leave my alliance for a less serious one as a result of this and other bugs, and I cannot complete quests with the champs I necessarily want/need to use (eg Fury).

    There is somewhat of a pattern that I have noticed in my case.

    When AQ starts, my champs most often get back their persistent charges. They don't have them all of the time, but most days, and particularly during the AQ week. When the AQ week is over, it's rare that my champs get persistent charges at all. It seems to be irrelevant to whether there is an ongoing war or not.

    Hope this helps
    Another update

    Since the latest update, all of my champs have had persistent charges, most of the bugs I suffered in the game are gone. Most, not all.

    However, all of my fights now have a new thing happening, every time I deal a combo ending blow, most heavies (last hits of multiple heavy), and last hits of special 1 or 2 are resisted by the defender. I don't know if this is something new that has been introduced or what, but it's so far in as far as I perceive, every fight in all forms of the game that I've played so far since the update - Act 7.1, AQ, aw, arenas. Compared to the last few months, this is a holiday by comparison, however I would like to know if this is normal or if it's a bug. It's not a big problem, but it does influence the content I can do, and the way I have to fight (using red magneto doesn't work very well for example).

    Several months, but now almost always.
    Anyone that has persistent charges
    Opponent: any
    Game mode: any
    Quest node: any
    It doesn't matter if I restart or not.
    All champs with persistent charges are missing them, fury is the impacted the most.
    This and other bugs have become particularly prominent since the latest update (1135841)
    Restarting used to generally help, but no longer, a later session has never suddenly made persistent charges appear.

    I don't have screenshots of any new info. My problem is the same as everyone else in the post. It's costing revives, time, energy and more, I had to leave my alliance for a less serious one as a result of this and other bugs, and I cannot complete quests with the champs I necessarily want/need to use (eg Fury).

    There is somewhat of a pattern that I have noticed in my case.

    When AQ starts, my champs most often get back their persistent charges. They don't have them all of the time, but most days, and particularly during the AQ week. When the AQ week is over, it's rare that my champs get persistent charges at all. It seems to be irrelevant to whether there is an ongoing war or not.

    Hope this helps
    I figured I'd give this thread a revisit just before the release of the new update. This last month (May), NO PERSISTENT CHARGES WERE MISSING for me. War, AQ, arenas, EQ, side quests, act 7, I think I took on the punching bag a few times too. Most of the bugs I have experienced were gone too, apart from dropped inputs (but those were NOT more than normal) or short glitchy game freezes causing parries and such to miss.

    I will only follow up on this if the persistent charge problem returns after a future update.

    Not many say this, but for this last month, from my part, thank you for a functional game.
  • muddy17muddy17 Member Posts: 232
    Seems to me it is the interaction between that disorient and parry combo … idk I’m no software programmer.. but this bug has the same effect disorient would have on ur champ .. hope that helps if not my bad I just might be wrong
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