Was there ever any elaboration on why Cyclops was considered one of the best champs in MCOC?

Title says it all. Believe it or not, I really enjoy using Cyclops (I prefer blue over Red). More so because I am a fan of the character, but overall (with the right synergies) he can be fun to play for lower level questing. I've seen little jokes here and there about how Cyclops is one of the best and initially I thought this fell in the same category as the "GROOT is the BEST" memes that show up everywhere. Apparently its been said that Cyclops is one of the most effective champs. I'm curious if there has been any elaboration on this theory. Karate Mike did a video on using Cyclops, but he's great with just about every champ in the game. Is there something that I am missing? Cyclops is fun to use, but I haven't seen anything that makes him come across as overly effective.
But to answer your question, cyke is garbage. His best usage is a synergy piece and thats it.
This meme saw the future
This is why he is the best. Little throwback but still valid to this day.
Where it all started...
I can't stop laughing.
My 3* Groot can finish that fight faster.
I let Havok hit Cyclops and he died as quick as I expected. I admit his specials don't do anything, but he still takes regular damage and is a noodle for attack in most scenarios. I'll gladly take Colossus or Warlock to a Havok fight over Cyclops and have someone useful the rest of the path in the mean time.
If you like that matchup that much though, continue to do controversial you. Not selling me on it though.
No way I'm bringing a Cyclops to counter Havok when any armor up champ can handle him. Cyclops biggest advantage is not taking damage from Havok's specials, so I can see the value if there's some crazy power gain like all or nothing, but I'd still take Warlock for that match up so I'd have a counter for the entire path.
Cyclops still takes damage from Havok's egular hits and not gonna waste rank up resources for a single niche fight with lackluster damage and no ability to use my own specials... Argue however you want (controversial as usual), but he's still not great for most content. Maybe one day, he'll get a real buff that will change more minds, but an AQ participation ribbon buff ain't gonna do it.