Are you disappointed in this months calender?

This months calender is just disappointing. Really? A t4 basic catalyst? Is that the best you can do? Also you said 5* shards will be easy to get. Doesn't seem like it. Thanks for disappointing everyone kabam, now imma guess Miike is gonna close this thread. Get in before the lock!
Are you disappointed in this months calender? 297 votes
you're getting free stuff just for logging on each day, something you do every day anyway.
If I were Kabam I'd pull the calendar to stop all your ungrateful whining
it's ok for beginers getting a 3* but for people who have at least 15 4* it's garbage. the best thing this month is the units for how bad the calender is. it's part of their game and it needs to be good. if you are a beginer and like the calender ok but for the mid to end game players it's absolute ****. Doing map 4 is better than that ****.
ya ik they never listen to anything like aw is **** and so are the calenders
you don't understand in august they gave 5000 5*. now they are giving 6 or 7 crystal shard crystals wich is 250 phc shards per crystal. c'mon its not even a fully formed phc
What they gave in August is irrelevant to what's in October's calendar.
Do you honestly expect the calendar to get better every month?
You'll be expecting a fully formed 5* crystal and 5* awakening gems in December.
Be happy with what you get for FREE and earn the rest.
It's not the best calendar they've done but you can't expect 5k 5* shards every month surely?
That's the fundamental issue. When one Calendar is favorable, the expectation is that they will all be the same, or better. Every month is different. At the end of the day, we get free Resources for turning the game on. Free is free.
Hell yes I expect it to get better every month. Really it should get better for each consecutive months you log in on an individual basis. Guys in their first month don't need or deserve the same as those of us who have been playing for a year. A 3* to them is awesome. A 3* to me is totally irrelevant. Duping it produces 4* shards but really at this point 4* are already being integrated as the new 3*. I don't fight 4* in war or aq for the most part. It's usually 10k+ 5*.
So should rewards get better? Yes they should.
Oh and they're not free. Time is money. This game is f2p and as such requires decent attainable free rewards to remain so.
In event quests and arena.
Go and earn them
I’m disappointed in you
You crushed my world
Now that's whining about whining!! At least we are trying to make a difference and have a legit complaint! I don't understand people like you. Read the poll. You are not very popular.
Except that in Kabam Miike's post about how more 5* shards will be readily available, he pointed to the calendar as an example.
Seriously, go troll something else.
We the real majority WANT more rewards.
Does anyone ever heard of asking for a pay raise. You never say well i get paid more than enough. Btw nothing is FREE, our time is very valuable and kabam isn't taking us seriously enough.
IF YOU THINK THEY ARE FREE then that means your probably unemployed.
Anyone that has commom sense and a job knows that every second counts.
So opening the game daily even if only to collect CALENDAR rewards is not FREE.
Calendar rewards need to be greatly increased.
Also a NEW UNCOLLECTED CALENDAR needs to be created for us UNCOLLECTED
If you see this game as being like a job that you should be paid for maybe you need to learn the definition of the word "hobby"
If its not rewarding enough you end up finding a more rewarding hobby.
Most of us consider our time as a premium. So we want premium things for our time.
Its evident that we have some that dont value their time or are posting as secret agents.
Cause who in their right minds would argue about getting paid better rewards.
Any smart person would rally to support better things not argue with those that want improvements
Considering the whole war issue, I really expected better. All these bugs with 15.0 and up are really detrimental to the game. At least do a decent calendar to make up for our losses due to vision, specials, dashes, etc...