Please don’t release another rarity



  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Eh, 7*s I’d probably play less and less until I don’t log in anymore. Sorry, be inventive with the game not rinse and repeat.

    You want to make the game great. Buff everyone you said you would and make champions more available. THEN 7*s may make sense.
  • BuffBeastBuffBeast Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★★
    Instead of making another rarity for ALL champions, it could be like the best of the best marvel characters or something. Like the cosmic entities for example. It’d be interesting if it was like that, however I doubt we’d get characters like the living tribunal or the beyonder
  • TheMailmannTheMailmann Member Posts: 120 ★★
    This is so far into the future. The possibility of an R4 is there but only in catalyst fragments so far. When more contents are released, I doubt we’ll even be able to form the amount of required T3 alphas by the end of this year.

    Although, when 7 stars are introduced in the future, I’d rather they create exclusive champs for 7 stars. Something like Weapon X, probably different iterations/costumes of existing champs with completely different mechanic. Every pull will at least be exciting. Even though some will be duds, pulling a new rare champ will still be a good thing
  • CorkscrewCorkscrew Member Posts: 547 ★★★
    IKON said:

    Well, when we have R5 6*, what's the next way to progress then? If you don't have another level of progression, you basically have ended the game.

    This was what I alluded to in another discussion about max sig. Because obviously we don't have 7* shards. It does beg the question what comes next.

    I would love if they could add another rank to how existing 5 and 6*s so that we can live with them a little longer.

    The other thing I would love to see is "gear". Give us something else to chase other than champs. These can be added to champs, so difficulty can continue to scale, but instead of need bigger and better champs, we can add gear to them to make them more viable for the content.

    Don't make the mistake of reading this as wanting content locked behind a particular piece of gear in the same way some fights only have one or two champ counters. Gear would open the door to make non viable champs viable, much like synergies. It would also mean that our champs that we grow to love don't become redundant so soon.
  • Dawnbringer_1Dawnbringer_1 Member Posts: 268 ★★
    edited April 2021
    There are other ways to progress than just 7 stars, could always come up with a way to further upgrade six stars after Rank 5. A system that offers a new kind of upgrade or something like making glass cannons more tanky and giving tanky champs more attack abilities but I suppose it would take a lot of work that kabam may not be up for the task.
    There’s also the matter of making the game more grindy outside of arena, AQ and AW because being able to buy any and everything at this rate we will be at 10 stars in a few years. If you choose not to do arena, AQ or AW it literally means nothing when you can buy more with a card and become an endgame player in a matter of months. Endgame status needs to have more of a defined meaning based on time and progress so people don’t finish game so fast.
  • Dawnbringer_1Dawnbringer_1 Member Posts: 268 ★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Instead of 7*, why not just keep adding levels to 6*? So R6, R7, etc. Maybe after R5 they add a new signature ability(for sig levels 200-400). It keeps the game moving without having to chase champs again

    You said it yourself: it makes it so you don't have to chase champs again. That is the good part. It is also the bad part.

    You're not going to eliminate the chase itself. You're going to be chasing something. If it is not champions, it will be something else. And whatever that thing is, it will have similar properties to champions: there will be tiers of that stuff just as there are rarity tiers of champions. And there will be lots of it, it won't just be like catalysts where we're chasing just a couple of them.

    Suppose Kabam decided to stop at 6* champs and go a different route. Let's say that route was an advancement system that sit on top of 6* champs. Some games have gear-like or skill tree-like end game systems (think advanced mastery trees). Instead of chasing every single champion they would probably introduce special advancement gear specific to each champion that you would have to chase like a champion-specific awakening gem to unlock new progress.

    So you wouldn't be chasing Ghost and Quake and CGR again. You'd be chasing Ghost quantum amplifier gear and Quake enhanced bracers and Cosmic Ghost Rider, uh, sapphire fish bowl helmet instead. The chase would be just like it is now, except instead of having to chase a 7* version of a champ you have to chase the end game gear of that champ on top of also chasing the champ as a 6* rarity.

    I think people are making the common mistake of assuming that they are aware of all possible options, and ask for the one they think they wouldn't suffer the problems they want to avoid. But it is trivially easy to not introduce 7* champs but still reproduce the exact same chase occurring now, just refactored in a different cosmetic way. It could, in fact, be even worse. What those people are really asking for is for the chase to be mostly over. They want to see the end of the tunnel, where the only things left to chase are the small number of things they don't already have. Kabam, can keep adding things, but they will always have most of them. That's never, ever going to happen.

    This game is built in large part on the chase. It can change what you chase. It won't eliminate the chase, or the effects of random rewards on the chase, or the timelines for pursuing the top tier stuff. It is reasonable to assume that Kabam is looking to the future and trying to decide what shape that chase will take. But the chase represents the boundaries of those possibilities. They can experiment with different colors, but they will still have to paint within the lines of the chase.
    This is true, however, I think the point that people are trying to make is to reduce the repetition, people like to experience new things so if game just repeats it self in the manner of hunting down champs over and over then most people are gonna go off seeking the hottest new game instead. Chasing new is good, chasing some old is not. So chasing ghost gear would be far more interesting than chasing another ghost, especially if it gives her another cool ability at least in my opinion.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Eh, 7*s I’d probably play less and less until I don’t log in anymore. Sorry, be inventive with the game not rinse and repeat.

    You want to make the game great. Buff everyone you said you would and make champions more available. THEN 7*s may make sense.

    Same. It's getting really irritating because I have 50 5 stars and my last 4 have been dupes. I love rng and all, but getting the dupe when I don't have 130+ out of 180+ really takes the fun out of the game. Kabam need to first introduce dual class crystals for 6 stars , wish crystals and all that difficult content promised "soon" and then think about moving to next star level.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    Instead of 7*, why not just keep adding levels to 6*? So R6, R7, etc. Maybe after R5 they add a new signature ability(for sig levels 200-400). It keeps the game moving without having to chase champs again

    You said it yourself: it makes it so you don't have to chase champs again. That is the good part. It is also the bad part.

    You're not going to eliminate the chase itself. You're going to be chasing something. If it is not champions, it will be something else. And whatever that thing is, it will have similar properties to champions: there will be tiers of that stuff just as there are rarity tiers of champions. And there will be lots of it, it won't just be like catalysts where we're chasing just a couple of them.

    Suppose Kabam decided to stop at 6* champs and go a different route. Let's say that route was an advancement system that sit on top of 6* champs. Some games have gear-like or skill tree-like end game systems (think advanced mastery trees). Instead of chasing every single champion they would probably introduce special advancement gear specific to each champion that you would have to chase like a champion-specific awakening gem to unlock new progress.

    So you wouldn't be chasing Ghost and Quake and CGR again. You'd be chasing Ghost quantum amplifier gear and Quake enhanced bracers and Cosmic Ghost Rider, uh, sapphire fish bowl helmet instead. The chase would be just like it is now, except instead of having to chase a 7* version of a champ you have to chase the end game gear of that champ on top of also chasing the champ as a 6* rarity.

    I think people are making the common mistake of assuming that they are aware of all possible options, and ask for the one they think they wouldn't suffer the problems they want to avoid. But it is trivially easy to not introduce 7* champs but still reproduce the exact same chase occurring now, just refactored in a different cosmetic way. It could, in fact, be even worse. What those people are really asking for is for the chase to be mostly over. They want to see the end of the tunnel, where the only things left to chase are the small number of things they don't already have. Kabam, can keep adding things, but they will always have most of them. That's never, ever going to happen.

    This game is built in large part on the chase. It can change what you chase. It won't eliminate the chase, or the effects of random rewards on the chase, or the timelines for pursuing the top tier stuff. It is reasonable to assume that Kabam is looking to the future and trying to decide what shape that chase will take. But the chase represents the boundaries of those possibilities. They can experiment with different colors, but they will still have to paint within the lines of the chase.
    This is true, however, I think the point that people are trying to make is to reduce the repetition, people like to experience new things so if game just repeats it self in the manner of hunting down champs over and over then most people are gonna go off seeking the hottest new game instead. Chasing new is good, chasing some old is not. So chasing ghost gear would be far more interesting than chasing another ghost, especially if it gives her another cool ability at least in my opinion.
    It is not unreasonable to ask for the chase to be cosmetically different. But I don't think that's what most people are asking for. And it is worth noting that while Ghost gear might seem better for people who already have Ghost, such a thing would be far worse for people starting now or people who don't have Ghost yet. Right now people complain about having to get lucky just to pull Ghost, or awaken Ghost. Imagine having that only be the start, and then having to chase yet another thing to fully unlock End Game Ghost. Or multiple things. It would be like having to dup the champion several times instead of once. That could be very punishing to people who don't already have very wide rosters.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    I honestly cannot fathom 7-stars. For real. I cannot wrap my mind around it

    I play the game for collection purposes, love testing kits and love testing buffs. I do like clearing content but it’s not my primary focus each and every month. Been here since Day 1 and have no plans to leave

    What I am saying is that I honestly cannot wrap my mind around what a 7-star transition would look like/feel like

    6-stars feels about right for me, with the health pools and nodes and overall difficulty

    It’s truly difficult for me to fathom rosters with a dozen or more 6-star Rank 3s, let alone the Rank 4s that are coming

    This isn’t me being negative. I want the game to survive and thrive

    This is just me saying that I have, I think, 50 or so 6-stars and I don’t even have the time or ability to really rank those up, acquire all those resources. That’s not anyone’s fault, just my reality

    I cannot even imagine what a 7-star transition would look like
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    ESF said:

    I cannot even imagine what a 7-star transition would look like

    If it happens, probably similar to how 6* champs rolled out, with some modifications. They'd appear around the same time as or before rank 5 6* became possible, and r1 7* champs would probably be comparable in strength to R4 6* champs. But they would almost certainly be even more expensive to rank up or sig up relative to 6* champs.

    The idea would be that the whales and the top progress players would be expending way more effort and resources to basically get the same thing - 6* r5 vs 7* r2 - for the opportunity to be the first to eventually have a 7* r3. This temporarily lowers the gap between the two groups of players while still giving the top players something to pursue.

    That's more or less what happened during the 5* to 6* transition. It only really creates more than a small gap in performance when R3 shows up, which is much further downstream. You can't forestall that change in performance forever. But you can smooth it out during the transition and try to soak up as much pent up resources and (human) energy as possible while doing it.

    The players today that can't even imagine building up or ranking up large 6* rosters have to understand that in a post 7* world, 6* champs will no longer be the top pursuit rarity anymore. At the same time 7* champs arrive, they would start loosening the reins on acquiring and ranking up 6* champs. Consider all the 5* rank up gems we can get in Variants today. That stuff is almost giving away for free what used to be the absolute hardest stuff to get before 6* champs arrived. That acceleration is a side effect of the next tier up coming out, and the current top tier being pushed down to an intermediate tier thing.

    Kabam cannot, and does not want to, manage a blizzard of rarity tiers. As new ones get added, lower ones lose importance, and the game tries to "push us" towards higher rarities faster than before. Players starting today barely have time to assemble 3* teams before they start getting 4* champs due to this acceleration. In a sense, everything lower than 4* rarity has been devalued as tiers of progress. They haven't been made completely moot in the game, but the game no longer wants us to linger there. One day, that will probably be true of 4* champs as the game focuses on 5*, 6*, and whatever comes next.
    So this was brought up on another thread. If r4 6 stars or 7 stars are released what is Kabam going to do about the potion situation. We're now talking about 50-60k health minimum. So we're still going to have 250, 3k, and 6k potions? Kabam has a lot to address before we make the next transition if it is actually going to make sense.
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    edited April 2021
    I don't think they will release 7*, at least not soon. They realized their mistake in releasing 6* when they did and slowed down the progression for players to rank up their 6*s, that's why people still can't take them up past R3. As some have said, people were saying 6*s would break the game and it didn't, but I do think 7*s would most likely ruin the game because veterans who have worked so long and hard to build up their rosters would be ticked. The game hadn't been going as long as it has been now when 6*s were released. Not even close. After playing for 5-6 years, by the time they may release 7*, the game could be 7-8 years old and I think a lot of long time players will be done with the game. Players need something to chase, but simply adding a higher tier of champs is not a good idea at this point in the game. But obviously I don't know what WILL happen, just speculating like everyone else.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian

    DNA3000 said:

    ESF said:

    I cannot even imagine what a 7-star transition would look like

    If it happens, probably similar to how 6* champs rolled out, with some modifications. They'd appear around the same time as or before rank 5 6* became possible, and r1 7* champs would probably be comparable in strength to R4 6* champs. But they would almost certainly be even more expensive to rank up or sig up relative to 6* champs.

    The idea would be that the whales and the top progress players would be expending way more effort and resources to basically get the same thing - 6* r5 vs 7* r2 - for the opportunity to be the first to eventually have a 7* r3. This temporarily lowers the gap between the two groups of players while still giving the top players something to pursue.

    That's more or less what happened during the 5* to 6* transition. It only really creates more than a small gap in performance when R3 shows up, which is much further downstream. You can't forestall that change in performance forever. But you can smooth it out during the transition and try to soak up as much pent up resources and (human) energy as possible while doing it.

    The players today that can't even imagine building up or ranking up large 6* rosters have to understand that in a post 7* world, 6* champs will no longer be the top pursuit rarity anymore. At the same time 7* champs arrive, they would start loosening the reins on acquiring and ranking up 6* champs. Consider all the 5* rank up gems we can get in Variants today. That stuff is almost giving away for free what used to be the absolute hardest stuff to get before 6* champs arrived. That acceleration is a side effect of the next tier up coming out, and the current top tier being pushed down to an intermediate tier thing.

    Kabam cannot, and does not want to, manage a blizzard of rarity tiers. As new ones get added, lower ones lose importance, and the game tries to "push us" towards higher rarities faster than before. Players starting today barely have time to assemble 3* teams before they start getting 4* champs due to this acceleration. In a sense, everything lower than 4* rarity has been devalued as tiers of progress. They haven't been made completely moot in the game, but the game no longer wants us to linger there. One day, that will probably be true of 4* champs as the game focuses on 5*, 6*, and whatever comes next.
    So this was brought up on another thread. If r4 6 stars or 7 stars are released what is Kabam going to do about the potion situation. We're now talking about 50-60k health minimum. So we're still going to have 250, 3k, and 6k potions? Kabam has a lot to address before we make the next transition if it is actually going to make sense.
    Yes, there's a lot that has to happen either before, or during the release of 7* champs, if 7* champs are actually decided to be the next tier. But even we get there, the game won't be exactly the same as it is now.
  • Dawnbringer_1Dawnbringer_1 Member Posts: 268 ★★
    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Instead of 7*, why not just keep adding levels to 6*? So R6, R7, etc. Maybe after R5 they add a new signature ability(for sig levels 200-400). It keeps the game moving without having to chase champs again

    You said it yourself: it makes it so you don't have to chase champs again. That is the good part. It is also the bad part.

    You're not going to eliminate the chase itself. You're going to be chasing something. If it is not champions, it will be something else. And whatever that thing is, it will have similar properties to champions: there will be tiers of that stuff just as there are rarity tiers of champions. And there will be lots of it, it won't just be like catalysts where we're chasing just a couple of them.

    Suppose Kabam decided to stop at 6* champs and go a different route. Let's say that route was an advancement system that sit on top of 6* champs. Some games have gear-like or skill tree-like end game systems (think advanced mastery trees). Instead of chasing every single champion they would probably introduce special advancement gear specific to each champion that you would have to chase like a champion-specific awakening gem to unlock new progress.

    So you wouldn't be chasing Ghost and Quake and CGR again. You'd be chasing Ghost quantum amplifier gear and Quake enhanced bracers and Cosmic Ghost Rider, uh, sapphire fish bowl helmet instead. The chase would be just like it is now, except instead of having to chase a 7* version of a champ you have to chase the end game gear of that champ on top of also chasing the champ as a 6* rarity.

    I think people are making the common mistake of assuming that they are aware of all possible options, and ask for the one they think they wouldn't suffer the problems they want to avoid. But it is trivially easy to not introduce 7* champs but still reproduce the exact same chase occurring now, just refactored in a different cosmetic way. It could, in fact, be even worse. What those people are really asking for is for the chase to be mostly over. They want to see the end of the tunnel, where the only things left to chase are the small number of things they don't already have. Kabam, can keep adding things, but they will always have most of them. That's never, ever going to happen.

    This game is built in large part on the chase. It can change what you chase. It won't eliminate the chase, or the effects of random rewards on the chase, or the timelines for pursuing the top tier stuff. It is reasonable to assume that Kabam is looking to the future and trying to decide what shape that chase will take. But the chase represents the boundaries of those possibilities. They can experiment with different colors, but they will still have to paint within the lines of the chase.
    This is true, however, I think the point that people are trying to make is to reduce the repetition, people like to experience new things so if game just repeats it self in the manner of hunting down champs over and over then most people are gonna go off seeking the hottest new game instead. Chasing new is good, chasing some old is not. So chasing ghost gear would be far more interesting than chasing another ghost, especially if it gives her another cool ability at least in my opinion.
    It is not unreasonable to ask for the chase to be cosmetically different. But I don't think that's what most people are asking for. And it is worth noting that while Ghost gear might seem better for people who already have Ghost, such a thing would be far worse for people starting now or people who don't have Ghost yet. Right now people complain about having to get lucky just to pull Ghost, or awaken Ghost. Imagine having that only be the start, and then having to chase yet another thing to fully unlock End Game Ghost. Or multiple things. It would be like having to dup the champion several times instead of once. That could be very punishing to people who don't already have very wide rosters.
    Yeah this is why I recommended above that the newer stuff should be based on a grind that’s not possible to just spam open a ton of crystals to get, would be better for longevity rather than placing it in the hands of RNG alone, after all for those who get luck on first try will once again be at endgame on day one of full release. This may not make the whales happy but it at least gives you a reason the play the game on a day to day basis.
  • Little_Crocodili29Little_Crocodili29 Member Posts: 349 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Instead of 7*, why not just keep adding levels to 6*? So R6, R7, etc. Maybe after R5 they add a new signature ability(for sig levels 200-400). It keeps the game moving without having to chase champs again

    You said it yourself: it makes it so you don't have to chase champs again. That is the good part. It is also the bad part.

    You're not going to eliminate the chase itself. You're going to be chasing something. If it is not champions, it will be something else. And whatever that thing is, it will have similar properties to champions: there will be tiers of that stuff just as there are rarity tiers of champions. And there will be lots of it, it won't just be like catalysts where we're chasing just a couple of them.

    Suppose Kabam decided to stop at 6* champs and go a different route. Let's say that route was an advancement system that sit on top of 6* champs. Some games have gear-like or skill tree-like end game systems (think advanced mastery trees). Instead of chasing every single champion they would probably introduce special advancement gear specific to each champion that you would have to chase like a champion-specific awakening gem to unlock new progress.

    So you wouldn't be chasing Ghost and Quake and CGR again. You'd be chasing Ghost quantum amplifier gear and Quake enhanced bracers and Cosmic Ghost Rider, uh, sapphire fish bowl helmet instead. The chase would be just like it is now, except instead of having to chase a 7* version of a champ you have to chase the end game gear of that champ on top of also chasing the champ as a 6* rarity.

    I think people are making the common mistake of assuming that they are aware of all possible options, and ask for the one they think they wouldn't suffer the problems they want to avoid. But it is trivially easy to not introduce 7* champs but still reproduce the exact same chase occurring now, just refactored in a different cosmetic way. It could, in fact, be even worse. What those people are really asking for is for the chase to be mostly over. They want to see the end of the tunnel, where the only things left to chase are the small number of things they don't already have. Kabam, can keep adding things, but they will always have most of them. That's never, ever going to happen.

    This game is built in large part on the chase. It can change what you chase. It won't eliminate the chase, or the effects of random rewards on the chase, or the timelines for pursuing the top tier stuff. It is reasonable to assume that Kabam is looking to the future and trying to decide what shape that chase will take. But the chase represents the boundaries of those possibilities. They can experiment with different colors, but they will still have to paint within the lines of the chase.
    :o Just give this man the job of head of development already!!

    This would be a fabtastic direction for the game to switch to. I can't bear the thought of starting all over again with 7* . For me it's already very unexciting pulling a 6* of a 5* I already maxed out.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021
    The bottom line for me, as DNA elaborated on, is that there will inevitably be something to chase. I'm not keen on a Gear system for this game, nor do I think it's reasonable for the number of complex and individual Champions. So 7*s are the next logical step, when we get to that point. This isn't a finite Roster type of game. We're never going to be able to achieve Max and stop working on it indefinitely. That would be the end of the future of this game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    For the record, people acting blasé about R4s doesn't change the history. Something new comes and people will always want to chase after it. That's how the game has gone as long as I've been playing.
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,188 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    Instead of 7*, why not just keep adding levels to 6*? So R6, R7, etc. Maybe after R5 they add a new signature ability(for sig levels 200-400). It keeps the game moving without having to chase champs again

    You said it yourself: it makes it so you don't have to chase champs again. That is the good part. It is also the bad part.

    You're not going to eliminate the chase itself. You're going to be chasing something. If it is not champions, it will be something else. And whatever that thing is, it will have similar properties to champions: there will be tiers of that stuff just as there are rarity tiers of champions. And there will be lots of it, it won't just be like catalysts where we're chasing just a couple of them.

    Suppose Kabam decided to stop at 6* champs and go a different route. Let's say that route was an advancement system that sit on top of 6* champs. Some games have gear-like or skill tree-like end game systems (think advanced mastery trees). Instead of chasing every single champion they would probably introduce special advancement gear specific to each champion that you would have to chase like a champion-specific awakening gem to unlock new progress.

    So you wouldn't be chasing Ghost and Quake and CGR again. You'd be chasing Ghost quantum amplifier gear and Quake enhanced bracers and Cosmic Ghost Rider, uh, sapphire fish bowl helmet instead. The chase would be just like it is now, except instead of having to chase a 7* version of a champ you have to chase the end game gear of that champ on top of also chasing the champ as a 6* rarity.

    I think people are making the common mistake of assuming that they are aware of all possible options, and ask for the one they think they wouldn't suffer the problems they want to avoid. But it is trivially easy to not introduce 7* champs but still reproduce the exact same chase occurring now, just refactored in a different cosmetic way. It could, in fact, be even worse. What those people are really asking for is for the chase to be mostly over. They want to see the end of the tunnel, where the only things left to chase are the small number of things they don't already have. Kabam, can keep adding things, but they will always have most of them. That's never, ever going to happen.

    This game is built in large part on the chase. It can change what you chase. It won't eliminate the chase, or the effects of random rewards on the chase, or the timelines for pursuing the top tier stuff. It is reasonable to assume that Kabam is looking to the future and trying to decide what shape that chase will take. But the chase represents the boundaries of those possibilities. They can experiment with different colors, but they will still have to paint within the lines of the chase.
    :o Just give this man the job of head of development already!!

    This would be a fabtastic direction for the game to switch to. I can't bear the thought of starting all over again with 7* . For me it's already very unexciting pulling a 6* of a 5* I already maxed out.
    This is true indeed. While I should be excited after pulling Aegon, Sorcerer Supreme (twice), Omega Red, CAIW, Void, etc. who I already have as 5*R5 S200s as 6*s once again, I am not. While they will be used after building them up again (rankup and sigs), they are not any different from my 5*s except for bonus stats and adrenaline mechanic. I only "need" to build them up again from scratch because my 5*s (that I worked hard for) will be outdated sometime in the future. Right now, I'd rather have new champions that I didn't use as 5*s when I was progressing as it gives me a fresh feeling of excitement. This is why I suggest the second awawkening or DNA3000's gear on top of 6*s, as it will give us a chase for new abilities that will excite us and not just another rarity that will reset our progress with nothing really new to offer.
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,188 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021

    For the record, people acting blasé about R4s doesn't change the history. Something new comes and people will always want to chase after it. That's how the game has gone as long as I've been playing.

    Yea, that's why we're suggesting something new to add, not just 'this is the status quo and we should accept it', not just another start from scratch in the form of 7*s because we want something new that will keep us playing this game because we like it.

    I kinda understand your POV as you are slow, though.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,953 ★★★★★
    I might be in the minority here but by for the game to continue and thrive, eventually weren’t going to need another rarity. This shouldn’t happen for a lot time but eventually it needs to. I feel like the biggest thing endgame players need right now is not more rarities or ranks on 6*s but harder content with larger health pools. I would not consider myself an endgame player but I’ve completed 7.1 and it really wasn’t that hard with the handful of maxed 5*s I had at the time especially compared to act 6 (while I really enjoyed a lot of post nerf).
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    For the record, people acting blasé about R4s doesn't change the history. Something new comes and people will always want to chase after it. That's how the game has gone as long as I've been playing.

    Yea, that's why we're suggesting something new to add, not just 'this is the status quo and we should accept it', not just another start from scratch in the form of 7*s because we want something new that will keep us playing this game because we like it.

    I kinda understand your POV as you are slow, though.
    I think you can comment without insulting. I have faith in you.

    Adding another Rarity serves a purpose. First off, it opens a new goal. Secondly, it frees up future content in spades. Thirdly, it relieves tension on sought-after Resources.
    Also worth pointing out that at no point do people start over. They use the pervious Rarities just the same until they get better. That's how it works. You don't just start over from scratch.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    ESF said:

    I cannot even imagine what a 7-star transition would look like

    If it happens, probably similar to how 6* champs rolled out, with some modifications. They'd appear around the same time as or before rank 5 6* became possible, and r1 7* champs would probably be comparable in strength to R4 6* champs. But they would almost certainly be even more expensive to rank up or sig up relative to 6* champs.

    The idea would be that the whales and the top progress players would be expending way more effort and resources to basically get the same thing - 6* r5 vs 7* r2 - for the opportunity to be the first to eventually have a 7* r3. This temporarily lowers the gap between the two groups of players while still giving the top players something to pursue.

    That's more or less what happened during the 5* to 6* transition. It only really creates more than a small gap in performance when R3 shows up, which is much further downstream. You can't forestall that change in performance forever. But you can smooth it out during the transition and try to soak up as much pent up resources and (human) energy as possible while doing it.

    The players today that can't even imagine building up or ranking up large 6* rosters have to understand that in a post 7* world, 6* champs will no longer be the top pursuit rarity anymore. At the same time 7* champs arrive, they would start loosening the reins on acquiring and ranking up 6* champs. Consider all the 5* rank up gems we can get in Variants today. That stuff is almost giving away for free what used to be the absolute hardest stuff to get before 6* champs arrived. That acceleration is a side effect of the next tier up coming out, and the current top tier being pushed down to an intermediate tier thing.

    Kabam cannot, and does not want to, manage a blizzard of rarity tiers. As new ones get added, lower ones lose importance, and the game tries to "push us" towards higher rarities faster than before. Players starting today barely have time to assemble 3* teams before they start getting 4* champs due to this acceleration. In a sense, everything lower than 4* rarity has been devalued as tiers of progress. They haven't been made completely moot in the game, but the game no longer wants us to linger there. One day, that will probably be true of 4* champs as the game focuses on 5*, 6*, and whatever comes next.
    Thanks for taking the time! Appreciate the insight
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    SWORD78 said:

    7 stars on the border will look weird 😂

    Yeah, if 6stars are done I'd prefer we call the next tier rarity something else other than 7stars
  • ZanerJayZanerJay Member Posts: 131
    Would another 40 XP levels and a Mastery point every 10 levels really break the game, could be somthing to look at for kabam to keep players interested, Im only UC and really just starting out my 6* roster so I really hope they only slowly progress towards 7*’s
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