Dev Diary: Spring into Summer 2021



  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    MattMan said:

    Spidey983 said:

    Kabam is more transparent than the White House. This looks great and I'm looking forward to what you all have planned for the year. Thanks for considering and actually listening to your player base. Not many games do that.

    Don’t kid yourself.
    Player base has told them again and again they don’t want gear...yet here it comes.
    *Some* of the players have said they don't want gear. But there are others who have said they want a post R5 progression system that doesn't involve the next higher rarity. Whether they implement that with "gear" or "unlockable skill trees" or "higher tier awakenings" is irrelevant: it is all just terminology. The properties of all roster progression systems in this game will involve a) hunting for resources and b) applying them to champions (aside from actually hunting for the champions themselves). And since that's how most people define gear, players have been basically asking for gear.

    Anything you can do with gear I can do with masteries. Literally anything. I can make masteries unlockable with resources you have to hunt for in crystals. I can make masteries apply to a subset of champions, or even one. Anyone who says gear is bad but masteries are good doesn't understand how technology works.
    I never said anything about masteries one way or the other. As the game is now, masteries are different than the gear being discussed. Thanks for the word salad though.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Can't wait for Deadpoolooza. That's the first event quest I played when I joined the game.
  • sarangsagar20021414sarangsagar20021414 Member Posts: 25
  • KINGLEOKINGLEO Member Posts: 85
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★


    Did you not read the Project Genessis part? Kabam have given out many bug fixes for many bugs over the past few months, some successful, some not-so successful.
    then how come the the game continuously crashes after one or 2 round of fights for people? how come they haven't bothered to fix the constant lag, glitches or crashing? how come the game will frreeze & crash just opening or looking at a menu screen? how come the game will go black screen but will continue the game giving the only option of quit & lose half your health or try to fight blind. this has been going on for OVER A YEAR with no fixes. they won't give you any updates even if you tell them about the problems instead all they will do is give a stock response which helps no one & shows that all they care about is your money.

    let's look at the bug forum for android or ios and see how many bugs that have been repeatedly told about but have not been fixed? every update more bugs come into the game but every update they fail to even bother fixing the old bugs the last update caused. look at posts that are saying that people can't even play the game anymore. did kabam respond & help them try to figure out the problem? NOPE. people in the forum had to guess what the problem is & hope that they were right.

    if they actually cared they would respond to the posts & giving us updates but instead the just tell people to lump all their problems in those posts & completely disregard the comments.

    we don't need flashy graphics which are causing a lot of the problems we need a functioning game. thing sp.1 or doom sp.2 causing your game to crash or lag isn't fair to people or their alliance. those are just 2 of the many champs which have caused problems.

    i'm not against updating the game i just want a game that doesn't constantly crash. make the updates every 2 months so it gives them time to fix a lot of the old bugs & to test & fix the bugs that are bound to be there in the new update before it releases.

    Dude, did you not read what I said? They haven't been successful all the time in their bug fixes. It's tricky, otherwise the bug wouldn't have been there in the first place. And based on what you are describing, seems like a device problem too.

    The quitting game part and losing health is there to prevent exploits. Additionally, if you login 10 mins after the crash, you don't loose health.
    Plus how many responses do you want from them over the same issues again and again. If they don't give a response, you type of people will say "loOk oNlY cArE fOr mOneY, nO fIx bUg" and if they do, all they can give is a standard response based on the updates on their side and you type of people will then bash the mods for their standard response. What do you expect? Personalized respons for each and every post on that thread giving everyone a detailed look at the game's engine and functioning, showing what all they are doing for the bug? Kabam really can't win with this community.

    And again, that's what they aim to do with Project Genesis, it's only just been announced. Give them time.
    they have not been successful in bug fixes because if they were the bugs that people have been complaining about for months would of been fixed by now.

    i shouldn't have to wait 10 minutes to have the fight recovery system to kick in. not everyone has the time to wait for the game to recover because of kabam's bad servers. it also doesn't help if it happened in incursions, AQ or AW.

    when it comes to responding to problems if multiple people are reporting the same problem that's something you should repond to. for the 1st response then could easily say that their looking into & will give us updates bi-weekly. doing that simple task would show the people that are dealing with those bugs that they actually care & will keep them wanting to playing the game.

    project genesis focusing on load times which is good but if the game still constantly freezes or crashes that doesn't help at all.
    2nd thing genesis is focusing on is graphics. graphics are 1 of the things that are causing the problem for a lot of people. you don't need high end graphics for a mobile game. what you need is a game that is actually playable for everyone. would you rather as a gaming company want the player to buy a new phone which you make $0 from or have a game that runs on older phones that those player would buy units from your store they they make $$$$ from. we are still in the middle of a pandemic & will be for awhile. everyone can't go out a get a new phone right now when they've lost their jobs or had their hours reduced drastically. that $ that they are still getting is going towards food, utilities, medical bills, rent/mortgage, phone/internet. a new phone isn't a priority & if they had to choose no reasonable person is going to choose to buy the phone over being able to live.
    3rd thing is improved map for quests. that's great that they want to do that but if the bugs that people have told you about aren't fixed their not going to be doing maps because it's going to be hard for them to stay in an alliance if they keep getting k.oed.
    4th thing is just an update to menu screens. that does nothing to fix the bugs that are the problem. they need to focus on fixing problems & menu screen layouts aren't a problem.a game freezing on a menu screen that's a problem that should be fixed.

    if they want to fix the game make a version that doesn't focus on high end graphic. look at the best selling game of all time minecraft. graphics aren't high end but people play it because its simple & fun. look at among us & it's basic graphics again but it's fun to play. they've made a decent amount of $ of dlc consisting of a map & costumes.
    during this pandemic a lot more people have been playing this game as a escape from their stress & anxiety. a game constantly crashing on you getting your alliance angry because your not doing your part is just going to cause stress & anxiety. if quality of life really is important to kabam they need to stop worrying about graphics & focus on fixing bugs & creating fun gameplay for every device they say it can run on.
    I literally said that they haven't been succesful in all bug fixes but they are trying.

    Many a time, bug fixes take longer. Updates can take far longer than 2 weeks to form. Also, what update do guys require bi-weekly? You wanna know the code that they are changing? You literally were bashing them for giving stock responses so idk what you expect.

    Not everything to Kabam is about money. There's also a certain standard that they like to uphold in terms of their game look ,design, animation,etc which is probably one of the main reasons behind no graphics customization yet. They are clearly doing well already with no graphic customization. However, this is one of their most heavily requested features and as a mid-tier device user from 2019, I hope this is done. This can also be done to increase performance and loading times across the board, so I hope they implement this.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    100 is too small. Player base grew exponentially. Should be at minimum 150-200.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,512 ★★★★★
    Zuko_ILC said:

    100 is too small. Player base grew exponentially. Should be at minimum 150-200.

    Eventually it will. Unfortunately, 6* are some of the strongest in the game (since you can r3 them).
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    I'm really looking forward to all these changes that are proposed till next year. Most of them sound really fun.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,317 ★★★★★
    Elwind said:

    If Relics come this game, it would be the end of the game...

    Maybe if the effect is same as this, could be quite interesting.

  • Amizzy1Amizzy1 Member Posts: 29
    Can we please get the release of 6* hyperion??
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    TyEdge said:

    Fakesclg said:

    The removal of 4 star of basic arenas for uncollected players, really really sucks for me. My units will definitely take a hit, plus some champions who I really really want I grind for(I got CGR and doom). Plus this entire roadmap is completely made for Endgame and whales(Relics and strikers, summer of pain, all that stuff, literally every single piece of content, Galactus raids, Carina's Challenges(could have made a toned-down uncollected version), Variant 8). What about the F2P players trying to finish act 5, why are they just not thought about? I'm not being negative, I like the initiative. I'd love to hear the rest of all of your thoughts as well. I like the aw changes and the masteries 2.0 but other than that. Not great for me atleast

    They actually already released a toned down version of Carina’s challenges. Instead of doing act 5 with 3-stars and getting rewards, you can clear it with 4, 5 and 6-stars and get rewards. The same is true for the three Labyrinth challenges and the act 6 challenges that limit you to cosmics, 90s X-men, or Kamala.

    Where is it mentioned?
  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    One day left! :)
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★

    TyEdge said:

    Fakesclg said:

    The removal of 4 star of basic arenas for uncollected players, really really sucks for me. My units will definitely take a hit, plus some champions who I really really want I grind for(I got CGR and doom). Plus this entire roadmap is completely made for Endgame and whales(Relics and strikers, summer of pain, all that stuff, literally every single piece of content, Galactus raids, Carina's Challenges(could have made a toned-down uncollected version), Variant 8). What about the F2P players trying to finish act 5, why are they just not thought about? I'm not being negative, I like the initiative. I'd love to hear the rest of all of your thoughts as well. I like the aw changes and the masteries 2.0 but other than that. Not great for me atleast

    They actually already released a toned down version of Carina’s challenges. Instead of doing act 5 with 3-stars and getting rewards, you can clear it with 4, 5 and 6-stars and get rewards. The same is true for the three Labyrinth challenges and the act 6 challenges that limit you to cosmics, 90s X-men, or Kamala.

    Where is it mentioned?

    Got em
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