How do you explore the monthly eq?

How do you explore the monthly eq? No matter what difficulty it is, I am interested in hearing the rest of the communities methods.
How do you explore the monthly eq? 218 votes
Complete it then do random paths in random quests until I’m done
Then move to UC doing the same
Since the autoplay feature got added, I now seem to autoexplore Master first. Just feel like being lazy at the start of the month, I guess.
And if you're on Marvel Insider, completing the first 3 difficulties is where the big monthly points come from so it's worth the completion on auto fight and even if you use energy refills, yiu get them back in units for the completion.
The others I do once through before I explore.
Usually do the hardest path running through the first time.
After that, I start with final chapter and work backwards
Most would probably start exploring from Quest 1 and work their way up.
Not me, I go from the hardest and longer quests first, the last two quests obviously, as they are the ones with the new characters.
So then when I do Chapter 1 and 2, I don't have to think "man these characters are BRUTAL how am I supposed to explore this month?"
If you’re interested in previous data
After cav is explored I go back in difficulty then run through the quests and keep hitting replay on last map go back to map 1 just replaying same team till done. It stops me from having to change teams and I can just keep moving as far as my e will take me to keep wasted time and lost e to a minimum.
Autofight through lower difficulties when I'm at work, or it's a Hero Use day.
For the initial clear of cav i specifiaclly do NOT read boss nodes. Figure if its easy enough not knowing what im facing it is easier when i know.
I also choose my path rotation by starting at 12 o'clock and working paths clockwise