How do you like to explore a new event quest?
Personally, I usually go for completion the first day, then work on exploration as soon as my energy refills. Not about to spend units or the equivalent just to get things done as fast as possible.
How do you like to explore a new event quest? 182 votes
Usually takes only a couple days, ain't nobody got time to go through it all on day one
I usually complete and on quiet days do the 2 energy quests and save the 3 energy quests for busy days as it’s easier to burn the energy. This month I’ll probably try get through it before V7 drops.
I’ve spent the last 2 weeks only autocompleting daily catalyst quests though, deciding that master/heroic weren’t worth it.
What I do do though is go for completion then work my way backwards doing the most difficult paths in final chapter first, gradually down to easiest paths in chapter 1 so I have an easier time as I go through the entire quest.
Then do the subsequent easier paths for each quest.
Reality: Do them as soon as possible because I want rewards and I want them now.
Alternatively: Dont do them at all because I dont feel like it.
So currently working my way from beginning to end exploration... Feels weird.