Allowing 4*s in Act 6 would allow diverse Carina challenges

I know the whole 4*s in act 6 thing has been discussed countless times, but the reasons behind that has gone out the window with the introduction of these challenges.
I do not think asking us to use 3*s in act 5 is easier by any mark than us using 4*s in act 6. I understand why Kabam initially put this in place, but we can probably all agree the game has moved well well past this. Us using 4 *s in act 6 could open up lots of challenge for not only thronebreakers, but cav and uncollected players too.
These Carina challenges have been well recieved by the community becuase not only are most of them fun, they give is a reason to use the lesser *level champions in our rosters again.
I think just throwing out challenges for Cav players such as "use only 4* #mutants for 6.1.2" for something like 2000 6* shards and a 5% t5cc would not only spark interest in peoples 4* rosters, but extremely easy to pump out for Kabam. It would not take long for Kabam to think of these (implimentation is another issue alltogeher).
Basically we all have a large amount of 4*s ranked up sitting in our rosters and I think Kabam are shooting themselves in the foot by not allowing 4*s in act 6 and 7. Its not crazt for me to say a lot of people have lost interet in MCOC with the lack of content in 2021 so far. This would be a pretty easy way to add content for ALL progresion levels, not just us Thronebreakers as TB isnt the only progression level you can be bored at.
I do not think asking us to use 3*s in act 5 is easier by any mark than us using 4*s in act 6. I understand why Kabam initially put this in place, but we can probably all agree the game has moved well well past this. Us using 4 *s in act 6 could open up lots of challenge for not only thronebreakers, but cav and uncollected players too.
These Carina challenges have been well recieved by the community becuase not only are most of them fun, they give is a reason to use the lesser *level champions in our rosters again.
I think just throwing out challenges for Cav players such as "use only 4* #mutants for 6.1.2" for something like 2000 6* shards and a 5% t5cc would not only spark interest in peoples 4* rosters, but extremely easy to pump out for Kabam. It would not take long for Kabam to think of these (implimentation is another issue alltogeher).
Basically we all have a large amount of 4*s ranked up sitting in our rosters and I think Kabam are shooting themselves in the foot by not allowing 4*s in act 6 and 7. Its not crazt for me to say a lot of people have lost interet in MCOC with the lack of content in 2021 so far. This would be a pretty easy way to add content for ALL progresion levels, not just us Thronebreakers as TB isnt the only progression level you can be bored at.
Step 2: put champion requirements so people don’t do stuff like accidentally bring 5-star Quake, or get confused about one/both Cyclopses.
There. I solved it in 2. Now go beat the Champion with a team of 4-stars.
Allowing 4*'s in act 6 opens a can of worms no one at Kabam wants to deal with.
Allowing 4*s in act 6 only for the purpose of carina’s challenges makes sense but it’s too much of a leap to allow them whenever.
Anyone who's done Act 6 from the beginning, wanted 4*'s for synergies. That's all anyone wanted them for. If you open act 6 up to 4*'s then people will want them in act 7 or question why act 6 only with act 7 is 10 times easier than act 6.
I've read your post. I don't need to go back and read it again. If Kabam does anything, they need to do it like @BitterSteel said and allow it for people who have it 100%.
It's not even about I did it when it was difficult mentality, most people who explored act 6 pre-nerf are tired of seeing posts about how cash-grabby act 6 is now because of the gate. Can't you see the cav eq is insanely hard posts this month?
I agree with @BitterSteel that they could allow players with "Breaker of Thrones" title to use 4 stars to do some content. It's not even that difficult, we had a key after exploring ROTL which allowed us to enter LOL before AOL was released. They could do the same thing, add a key with the exploration rewards and allow us to use 4 stars in Act 6.
They started something in act 6 which was viewed as very bad at that time, but as time has gone on many people have agreed that it was the right move. Class gates, when implemented correctly makes content fun. Roster gates, done correctly makes it very enjoyable. Just look at V7. The class gates are not hated because Kabam learned from 6.2 fiasco.
A 4* cap on completion and exploration of Act 6 could be a ‘fun’ challenge for the sadists amongst us after having got through it with our 5/6*. It’d be something for the real end gamers to plug away at while they wait for Act 7 etc.
I disagree with the notion that 3*'s in act 5 will be just as easy as 4 stars in act 6. Act 6 is way harder than act 5 to the point where I would prefer a 3 star challenge in act instead of 4* challenge in act 6. But I would open to it for sure.