New Arena Structure Feedback



  • Yale007Yale007 Member Posts: 39

    Yale007 said:

    Why don’t you make the 6* arena for thronebreaker only and have it have no milestones. The top 100 get the champ. If they do the 6* arena they are locked out of all other arenas. Then Revert the arena system back to what it was. You literally poisoned your fanbase against you to appease 100 people who will get the 6* champ. It’s just mind boggling myopically tone deaf.

    Wait, so you want to punish all the players who wanted to just grind the featured arena for milestones?? Why? How does that help you? Let me get this straight. So you what the majority of the players who decide to grind in that arena (all but 100) to receive absolutely nothing for their grind? Why is your anger directed at other players? They didn't create this system. And Kabam has said they will fix it. .
    Huh? No.

    Actually read what I wrote.

    Make the NEW 6* arena just for the 6* champion. REVERT the arena system back. Which means YOU get all your previous arenas with all the old milestones.

  • GoDlyZorGoDlyZor Member Posts: 150
    Yale007 said:

    Make the NEW 6* arena just for the 6* champion. REVERT the arena system back. Which means YOU get all your previous arenas with all the old milestones.

    That just seems awful though. Currently, I can grind 1 arena and get the 3* champ, 4* champ, and either go for some good ranked rewards or maybe even push for a 5* champ all in the same arena. Unless you mean revert the old arenas and keep the new 6* arena with the same milestones we have now. Then that would be adding way too many units and stuff to the total amount of stuff available even if not many people can feasibly take advantage of that. I don't think that's the best solution, imo.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,280 ★★★★★
    Yale007 said:

    Yale007 said:

    Why don’t you make the 6* arena for thronebreaker only and have it have no milestones. The top 100 get the champ. If they do the 6* arena they are locked out of all other arenas. Then Revert the arena system back to what it was. You literally poisoned your fanbase against you to appease 100 people who will get the 6* champ. It’s just mind boggling myopically tone deaf.

    Wait, so you want to punish all the players who wanted to just grind the featured arena for milestones?? Why? How does that help you? Let me get this straight. So you what the majority of the players who decide to grind in that arena (all but 100) to receive absolutely nothing for their grind? Why is your anger directed at other players? They didn't create this system. And Kabam has said they will fix it. .
    Huh? No.

    Actually read what I wrote.

    Make the NEW 6* arena just for the 6* champion. REVERT the arena system back. Which means YOU get all your previous arenas with all the old milestones.

    I read what you wrote. Did you read what I wrote? There's a whole paragraph (at least) about how there is a whole percentage of the player base who want to grind the 6 star arenas for shards and milestones. That's the disconnect I'm talking about. That (and forgive me if I'm mistaken) you believe that there's only two groups of players grinding arena. Unit grinders and a few crazy people who are going for the champs. And I just wanted to point out that one of the crazy people is BG. One of the most popular ftp YouTubers. Just so folks understand it's not just whales who were interested in new arenas. My point was there's also a huge portion of the community who wants to grind the 6 star arenas (with a choice to play one or both) just for shards and milestones.

    Tons of players were excited about finally getting new arenas after 3 years. Now, does it suck that the way it was actually implemented totally ruined the experience for a huge group of players? Of course, it's really bad. I'm just asking folks to not make suggestions to "fix" it that could turn around and ruin the arenas for a whole different group of players. That's literally doing the exact same thing everyone is mad about the current system, yeah? Except just switching which group is being punished.

    And when you said MY arenas, it feels like you didn't read. I want to play the NEW arenas. Trust me, I've been there and done that already. People seem to think veteran players just started that way. We started exactly where everyone started. I did arenas with 3,4 and 5 stars for already, for 4 years. The first champ I won in the arena system was a 4 star Cap WW2 lol... I worked really hard to get him. He was actually considered good then, before all the cool champs we have today came out.

    Anyway, all is to say that after playing the old arenas for years. I want to play the new arenas. For milestones, shards or whatever. Can you now see why your suggestion to remove all milestones from one of the 6 star arenas is completely ruining the arena system for me, and many others like? And my point was just asking folks to think about what they are asking for when posting. Cause if it hurts someone else, it's just a different version to the current system. Only the group it hurts is shifted. I hope they fix it soon for everyone though, sincerely. ✌️
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,280 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    I do think that it's possible that limiting the type of, or total amount of arenas any particular player can participate in might end up being part of the solution. In order to provide every player with an arena or a set of arenas that is tuned for them. Tuned to be a fair grind for their roster. Of course, within each group, there will be entry level and more advanced rosters (relative to that group). That's just part of the game. But maybe there can be a set of arenas for each subset of players. Whether progression based or whatever. I mentioned this earlier, but it wasn't met with enthusiasm.

    The biggest challenge with adding more and more arenas is that it creates the possibility for extra units to enter the economy. How do you combat that? Well, if every player has access to every arena, the only choice is to strip units or shards from all of them so the added arenas don't increase the total amount. The problem with that is it makes each particular arena less valuable. What's the other solution? Well, what Kabam tried to do was merge them all into 3. That obviously didn't work... 😂

    Some are calling for a full reverse back to the previous system. While that might be a solution that works for them, it does nothing for all the players who were actually waiting for new arenas forever. And who were excited at the prospect.

    What if the 3 arena system is actually viable? Except, instead of a one size fits all (which is next to impossible as we have seen), what if Summoners have 3 arenas available to THEM? Not 3 in total, but 3 that are tuned for their personal progression/roster level. Each set of 3 arenas could have it's own economy. Total units available equals X for each set of arenas. Maybe the idea for a 3 arena system wasn't a bad idea after all. Just implemented incorrectly. What this tiered arena system looks like, I'm not exactly sure, but just throwing it out there.

    Or.. it could just be a "pick 3" situation. If we don't want to force anyone into a particular subset. All arenas are presented as you enter the menu. You can choose to participate in up to 3 of them. Of course, as part of the tuning/economy it might have to be predetermined sets of 3. And not select ANY 3. Cause this could again upset the unit economy and the tuning.
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  • BassanioBassanio Member Posts: 162
    I like this new Arena. Maybe the new structure would prevent BOTs get units easily. As for normal decent players, new arenas provides a good way to get champs and shards.
  • Kevin30705Kevin30705 Member Posts: 125
    I’m not sure if my last post went through, but I copied it and text it to myself in case I didn’t see it on here because I don’t think I’ve ever posted on the forums before, but this was a HUGE change for me. Not only because of what I put in the post that I’m about to repost BUT also because the old arena set up gave us PHC crystals which I’ve not seen mentioned on here. Building up PHC’s helped us mid level players get ISO that we desperately need. So I’m kinda glad I’m reposting my original because I had forgotten to mention the PHC part of it. I love this game but this is the worst change I’ve seen and I’m a moderate spender but I only have like seven 6*’s and about eight maxed 5*s.
    Please change the arenas back. Here is my original post:

    I’ve seen a lot of changes over the years I have played and enjoyed MCOC, but NOTHING that would affect the players that really put in a lot of work and time and real money like this change does. I see this as very discouraging to many many players. And a lot of them that I actually got interested in the game initially.
    I don’t have an extremely deep 5* maxed roster and tons of 6*’s that anyone would need to benefit this change.
    All those 2*s and 3*s helped in getting units and battle chips if you worked hard. Now they do nothing because if you have a deep 4* roster ( like most do ) then you’ll hit the last milestone on that arena WAY before you have to use 3*s ( which by the way ALSO makes all those wonderful 3* arena boosts useless as well )

    Then when you go to the
    5* - 6* arena, if you aren’t stacked with 5 & 6 Star champs that have been ranked pretty high, it’s almost impossible to even have chance at reaching the levels needed to advance. Also, this change came right after the announcement that you can no longer sell any champions. So for all the work people put in for 3*s and 2*s and leveled and ranked them early in their game career, it’s just out the window. They are good for nothing and you can’t sell them.
    As a business, I’m sure that the FTP aspect is not a good thing but I would venture to say that the greatest portion of players ( by far ) are neither strictly FTP or whales but the ones that spend a moderate amount of money. That is your business base in my opinion. I recently had to quit playing for about 6 months as I was in a coma and on life support for 21 days and in the hospital for over 2 months. This game ( as crazy as it sounds ) has helped me with my physical and mental therapy and dexterity in my hands as well as something to occupy my mind.
    To jump from an arena where the final milestone is
    2.15 Million to the next arena where the final milestone is
    16.5 Million is a big jump.
    I implore you, please don’t make this type of arena standard.
    It takes away from the diversity of the game in so many ways.
    Please take these comments and suggestions into serious consideration as I truly believe this adversely affects 90% of the players that are here and have enjoyed this most wonderful game for years.
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  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★

    Monk1 said:

    If your f2p and like these arenas is seems this is not allowed to be a valid opinion across many threads.

    These arenas finally give more
    Purpose to the grind.

    Old arena having to do 22-24m for the 5k shards was painful when milestones stop at 12m.. now it less painful.

    And yes I save all units from arena for content but also Values shards more as they give champs need to complete content.

    It's better for you and me with large rosters, but for most others their grind times just shot up 2-10x.

    These changes literally killed the whole point of f2p and semi-f2p. The few crumbs of units they now get from arena isn't enough to sustain them, and it's not enough to motivate them to grow their accounts and support the game if they haven't already done so.

    I mean, good luck being f2p if a massive cross section of players just quit and Kabam comes looking to us for monetization.
    I 100% agree with you..

    The issue is Kabam seems to be set on only giving 540 (ish) units per arena round. So if they add in another lower arena they have to suck the units from Somewhere else.

    There is also then the issue of massive shift in arena % brackets/prizes (which I care more about than units) if another arena comes in.

    I can therefore understand why there is no quick fix
  • Kingfisher_98Kingfisher_98 Member Posts: 1
    If they up the units from 7 to 10 per milestone in the summoner trials, that would really do some good for a lot of f2p players who grind the arena mainly for units.
  • N1nthcloudN1nthcloud Member Posts: 343 ★★★
    edited May 2021
    I personally dont enjoy arena's much.
    I never grind them i dont have the time.

    But i see the problem.

    Its the free units being harder to get is what has everyone up in arms... be it from less arena's & higher milestones.

    To gain units you have to pay in time or money.

    All these people paying in time feel like they just got a demotion in MCOC
    in their hourly mcoc arena wages

    What you need to be looking at kabam is.
    If Y = sweetspot
    (Arenas • roster = time) • units = Y

    How much units should people be getting for how much time?
    You need to look at previous data at the time people spend grinding arena's in relation to their rosters. For x ammount of units.

    You just need to figure out how much time is acceptable for x units.
    That you & your playerbase are comfortable with.

    On one hand if units are too easy to get. Why buy them?

    On the other hand if you make them too hard to get or you anger your free to play player base.
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  • Xva23Xva23 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    OK, I've made 5 comments about the problems regarding the new arena, so I'd like to offer a solution. I recommend keeping the same arena format, and just decreasing the max milestone and also reducing the number of points between milestones. I recommend having the max milestone at 6-8 mil, since it'll be tougher than the 4* featured, but not as much as the 5* featured. I also recommend locking out 6*s in the basic arena, and only have them usable in a single arena, ie the featured. This combination I believe would bring some more use for 5*s, which basically doesn't exist anymore in the new format. It would also push mid level grinders to try and push to the final milestone. I also recommend putting the 3* featured champiom at 3-4 mil, since it's where we got them in the 4* featured arena, and put the 4* champ at the last or 2nd to last milestone. Thoughts?
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