New Arena Structure Feedback



  • GriffoplayGriffoplay Member Posts: 269
    For a long time, players have been asking for a rethink of arenas and what is being proposed now has a positive side but many other negative ones.
    The only positive addition, and it is a great news, is the certainty that your efforts will be rewarded in taking a 3 or 4 star character through the milestones (many players do not make anything of the 3 and 4 stars now but this is another problem).
    The downsides are:
    - It takes much longer to reach all the milestones;
    - Different groups of players have merged into fewer arenas.

    Taking everything into consideration, it seems to me that the new system is worse than the old.

    Another aspect is related to the Merc or what they call those who, for money, make arenas for others. I noticed that for the ranking of the fastest in the new act 7.2 something has been done about it and I hope that a check in this sense will be extended not only to the war seasons but also to many other aspects of the game and to the arenas.

    In the last month I have read and heard of many players who abandon the game because the monthly event is extremely boring and repetitive, the alliance quests of a deadly boredom (great the fact of having removed the tied knots anyway), the alliance wars seasons are very unbalanced (those who arrive among the first will always arrive among the first and the gap is increasing considerably), the back issues were something innovative and fascinated everyone, but the last two were boring and questionable are the rewards.
    What is keeping so many players still inside is the fun experienced in act 7 and some fights of the previous acts (not to mention the sense of belonging to the community)

    This is a years old game if kabam plans to revitalize it with these kinds of changes I think there is a problem.
  • AbisAbis Member Posts: 12

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
    We wanna hear from you about your decision. We want old arena back as most of us can't go on with this new arena system. We play mcoc for entertainment but it's getting stressful with new arena structure. Please come here and let everyone know what you decide so then we will decide about staying or leaving mcoc. Thanks in advance

    i really dont think they care about FTP players man..
    we don`t keep the server / game alive..only the money guys.

    i hope they will rework again the arenas to be fair for ALL players but after 46 pages i am losing hope.
    This number should be an alarm signal for them to change it at once.

    Like i said before

    Create 1 arena for the big guy with 50+ of 6* to fight for the 6*
    Create 1 arena for those who have under 50 of 6* to fight for a 5*
    Create 1 arena for those who have 50+ of 5* to fight for a 5*
    Create 1 arena for those who have under 50 of 5* to fight for a 5*
    Create 1 arena for the featured 4*
    Create 1 arena for the featured 3*

    or something like that...

    You have so many did the same with the tier of incursions .
    If you need a guy who thinks like a player...let me know..i will break it down for you
  • LorddrewLorddrew Member Posts: 297 ★★
    Ive seen that the will stick with the 3 arena system, but make it atleast the unit milestone the same point as it was.
    Or even better lower, arena should not be a neccesity for clearing content or having a chance with cav crystal.
    My mistake was buying 5k cavalier for shang chi. I did not calculate having arena grind problems for 4th of july.
  • Inferior_IronmanInferior_Ironman Member Posts: 16
    This does not address all of the issues brought up by the community, but it is my own contribution to finding a solution.

    Make the reward of the featured/basic champs based on raffle results. Each milestone starting with 1.5 mil (where you can qualify for rank rewards) gives a 'raffle ticket'. You could grind out 3-4 or if you have the roster, you could grind out 8-10. Your odds of winning are increased but not guaranteed. After the 6* winners have been determined, the remaining players' raffle tickets are used for 400 winners for the 5* featured champ. Everyone else gets their rank rewards.

    Additionally, you could implement 1 or 2 milestones near or at the top end that give a token. Those tokens could then be used for featured 5* crystals down the road (could be saved for when that champ hits the featured crystal). Each of those crystals would cost 2-4 tokens depending on how rare they are (in 1 or 2 milestones). An added incentive for those who can manage the grind, but no one gets additional chances at the featured champs beyond farming the milestones (rank rewards would be the only reason to grind past the last one). This would help to reduce the feeling of wasted time and reduce the incentive for bots/farmers/pilots to grind 120mil+ points.
  • Darth_SaintDarth_Saint Member Posts: 26
    Top 250 scores should get the 6-star version of the champion. Top 750 should get the 5-star version. The current setup is too stingy.
  • hajahashajahas Member Posts: 4
    Sabahtan akşama kadar arena kas ele geçen tatmin edici bir rozet ve kredi yok. Daha fazla yorgunluk daha fazla ama sonuç eskiye oranla ele geçen daha az birim. Acil düzenleme bekliyoruz
  • Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    Its a shame honestly. I kinda was on the fence about going for the Mr. Negative bundles just because of how awesome his character appears to be but not until arenas are fixed. Or at the very least acknowledged that a fix is on the way.
  • Badass84Badass84 Member Posts: 317 ★★★
    Just an idea:
    The biggest problem is, that there are four kinds of arena-player.
    1st. The Milestone-Grinders. They want to get DC and units as fast as possible and do not want to refresh champs.
    2nd. The Shard-and-Champ-Grinder. They want the newest champs or at least crystal-shards.
    3rd. The Sometimes-I-have-a-litte-time-for-arena-players. They just want some shards, some units and mostly some DC to buy tickets for higher AQ-Maps.
    4th. The Bot-User. They laugh at kabam for this ne area and are the only one which are happy with new arena. It's a pitty.

    So. What could be great for all players but the 4th kind (ban them for lifetime!!!)?

    Create new arenas:
    One Shard-Arena. For reaching milestones you get little DC, Units, Gold but a lot Grandmaster- or Kavalier-chrystal-shards and 4* to 6*-Shards and the best get Kavalier-chrystals.

    One Champ-Arena. For reaching Milestones you get little DC, Units, Gold but a lot of Sig-Stones 5* to 6* and the Champ as 3* and 4* and as usual the best top-players get 5* or 6*

    One Grinding-Arena. For reaching Milestones you get a lot of DC, Arena-Chrystals and Units but nothing else. The top-players get uncollected-arena-crystals or even thronebreaker-chrystals.

    Each of these 3 arenas should come in 2 ways. One limited to 1*, 2* and 3* and one for 4*, 5* and 6*.

    So any player can choose for what he is going for. Shards, Champs or Units.

    English is not my foreign language. I hope you understand what I mean. In my head it makes perfect sense.
  • VermatVermat Member Posts: 1
    Awful changes to arena. Another disappointment. Getting used to this now. Thank you Kaban for making life even harder.
  • ancient_marinerancient_mariner Member Posts: 16
    I am not a big spender on this game, not because I don't want to but because I can't afford to. I mean I spend occasionally for some summoner sigil or maybe for some good deal of catalyst or crystals but never bought any unit bundle. I do love this game, in fact the only game I play but the change in the arena is really making me rethink and evaluate my love for this game.

    As I do not spend on unit bundles, I heavily rely on arena grind. Let's say I want to clear a path in variant or act 6 or act 7, I estimate the cost of it and head into the arenas! One week's grind of 5* Featured, 4* featured and 4* basic gave me 810 units plus battlechips (2 rounds of arena over a week) which is often more than enough. But with this new arena system I can only grind for maybe 600 units over a week but only if I spend significantly longer times in arena than before, which is not possible due to other commitments. Therefore, clearing new contents will become significantly harder for me!

    I understand kabam needs to make the money to keep the game afloat and I appreciate all the developers who are working hard night and day to continue to let us enjoy the game but this change in arena was not well thought. I mean, kabam has the data and probably did anticipate this outcry but went on with the change anyway. On top of that, latest response from kabam mike shows no indication as to when we can expect the change (or revert back) in the arena! So.....

    Nonetheless, thank you kabam!
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,018 ★★★★★
    You guys need to realize that it takes time to figure out how to recourse something like this. Miike said earlier that the team is on it, so we need to just wait until they come up with something. Constantly bombarding this thread with nonconstructive feedback isn't helpful--the new arena sucks, we know that, they know that; tell us why it sucks.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,018 ★★★★★

    You guys need to realize that it takes time to figure out how to recourse something like this. Miike said earlier that the team is on it, so we need to just wait until they come up with something. Constantly bombarding this thread with nonconstructive feedback isn't helpful--the new arena sucks, we know that, they know that; tell us why it sucks.

    The reason is apparent, this thread just showcases the sheer number of people who think it sucks.
    There is only one reason it sucks : The grind is more. A large number of people agree with this. We dont have to solve it, that isnt our job.
    You missed my point. I'm saying the team is already working on resolving it and constantly commenting the same stuff on this thread isn't going to make them fix it any faster. I'm not saying we need to solve it, but if you're gonna comment on it, make it constructive instead of just saying "Kabam Bad"
  • Orange75Orange75 Member Posts: 9
    About me: I'm completely free to play and have fully explored all standing content in the game excluding 7 of 9 of Carina's challenges, and Variant 1 (that will happen in time, but rewards are outdated. To do this, I use energy and units carefully and try to be precise both in how I get them and how I spend them. With the help of the two Carina's challenges I have done, I now possess 45 5* champs and have no standing content to get more champs until tomorrow with 7.2.


    There are issues with the devaluation of 3* and 5* champs that until recently were valuable for arenas and now are notably not. Those are a concern, but not my concern. My concerns are:

    1.) It takes more matches with the best champs available to get the units previously available. Points are not the best measure; matches are, and it is more matches with the ideal champ for the arena.

    2.) Because 3* and 5* champs are not ideal for any arena, fewer champs can be used to get the points. This is especially true of two 6* arenas that double up on one rarity of champion, but is also true because of the absence of a home for 3* and 5* champs.


    I lightly grind for units, and my experience is that I would typically do the 4* basic for units, between 10-20 matches. My goal was always to get about 60 units per cycle. I also tended to do about 3 matches in the 3* arena, two in the 2* arena, and 5-10 in the 5* arena. That let me pick off the easy units across the board, and it let me use the appropriate champs (worth the most points) in each place. Given the restrictions on 6* refreshes and the real lack of utility for 5* and 3* champs, my units will be fewer and further between.

    I would like to see the units bumped in the 4* trials arena and have that geared towards allowing units for newer (not yet Uncollected) players: 200 units for that arena as opposed to 135, and it creating an opportunity for people lightly farming units to get some as they complete content. This could be done by pushing up the units across the board.

    The change that is most concerning is how far the units are pushed back in the milestones. This is especially true in the 6* arena. Without boosts, it's roughly 5-6 matches (suicides help) per 1 million points, just as it was for the 4* basic. But now, the higher rewards for units are pushed further back, and that actively harms casual grinders and free-to-play players. My full roster of 6* champs nets me about 2.5 million points, and I've done all of the content.


    1.) Increase units in the 4* arena to 200, while keeping the milestone structures otherwise as is for this arena. It will immediately ease the unit concern by adding more possible units, even though most players are unlikely/unable to farm all 600 units that would be available in the arenas.

    2.) Increase the points multiplier on 4* and 5* champions in the 6* basic arena (only) by 20-35%. This will allow a home for 5* champions while still rewarding more points for 6* champions. Alternatively, 6* points in this arena could be scaled down by the same factor (as determined by data on how many people actually completed milestones for both 6* arenas), but that would require a rescaling of rewards.

    These two solutions would provide the units to players needed (the primary concern I hear), increase the utility of 5* champions while preserving the 6* growth desired in the arena, and generally will support player morale and the health of the game.
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 751 ★★★★
    Orange75 said:

    About me: I'm completely free to play and have fully explored all standing content in the game excluding 7 of 9 of Carina's challenges, and Variant 1 (that will happen in time, but rewards are outdated. To do this, I use energy and units carefully and try to be precise both in how I get them and how I spend them. With the help of the two Carina's challenges I have done, I now possess 45 5* champs and have no standing content to get more champs until tomorrow with 7.2.


    There are issues with the devaluation of 3* and 5* champs that until recently were valuable for arenas and now are notably not. Those are a concern, but not my concern. My concerns are:

    1.) It takes more matches with the best champs available to get the units previously available. Points are not the best measure; matches are, and it is more matches with the ideal champ for the arena.

    2.) Because 3* and 5* champs are not ideal for any arena, fewer champs can be used to get the points. This is especially true of two 6* arenas that double up on one rarity of champion, but is also true because of the absence of a home for 3* and 5* champs.


    I lightly grind for units, and my experience is that I would typically do the 4* basic for units, between 10-20 matches. My goal was always to get about 60 units per cycle. I also tended to do about 3 matches in the 3* arena, two in the 2* arena, and 5-10 in the 5* arena. That let me pick off the easy units across the board, and it let me use the appropriate champs (worth the most points) in each place. Given the restrictions on 6* refreshes and the real lack of utility for 5* and 3* champs, my units will be fewer and further between.

    I would like to see the units bumped in the 4* trials arena and have that geared towards allowing units for newer (not yet Uncollected) players: 200 units for that arena as opposed to 135, and it creating an opportunity for people lightly farming units to get some as they complete content. This could be done by pushing up the units across the board.

    The change that is most concerning is how far the units are pushed back in the milestones. This is especially true in the 6* arena. Without boosts, it's roughly 5-6 matches (suicides help) per 1 million points, just as it was for the 4* basic. But now, the higher rewards for units are pushed further back, and that actively harms casual grinders and free-to-play players. My full roster of 6* champs nets me about 2.5 million points, and I've done all of the content.


    1.) Increase units in the 4* arena to 200, while keeping the milestone structures otherwise as is for this arena. It will immediately ease the unit concern by adding more possible units, even though most players are unlikely/unable to farm all 600 units that would be available in the arenas.

    2.) Increase the points multiplier on 4* and 5* champions in the 6* basic arena (only) by 20-35%. This will allow a home for 5* champions while still rewarding more points for 6* champions. Alternatively, 6* points in this arena could be scaled down by the same factor (as determined by data on how many people actually completed milestones for both 6* arenas), but that would require a rescaling of rewards.

    These two solutions would provide the units to players needed (the primary concern I hear), increase the utility of 5* champions while preserving the 6* growth desired in the arena, and generally will support player morale and the health of the game.

    I physically do not understand how you have done everything 100% (Abyss, LoL, Act 6 etc..) and have only 45 5* and getting 2.5m a round.

    We are opening like 10-15 5* a month at
    Minute from quests etc.. without any spending
  • _wasabi__wasabi_ Member Posts: 102 ★★
    There might be an easy solution to this, that would please everyone.

    - Keep the arenas milestones exactly as they are.
    - Move 3* champion on an earlier milestone.
    - Remove units from the milestones altogether, milestones are extra for those that gather
    points in an effort to get the champion, shards, GMC and battlechips.

    Now the units.

    After each individual fight, players in arena get 30 or 40 battlechips and an extra 300 battlechips for the whole round.
    After each individual fight, award the player with 1 single unit. Therefore, he will get 30 battlechips and 1 unit for finishing one single fight. Thats it, problem solved.
    If you are worried, that someone might do 2000 fights and that this could upset the game economy, cap it at 600 units to be obtainable this way in each arenas reset.

    By doing this, everyone gets the SAME AMOUNT for the SAME EFFORT, regardless of the champions used or the title. If someone who is uncollected fights 500 times with 3 stars, he will get same amount of units as thronebreaker who fought 500 times with six stars.
    It also stays very similar to effort needed in old arenas as 500 fights for 500 units is something around streak 133, which was about the same. Everyone is happy, whether you are f2p or p2w you will be able to earn the same as everyone else. Do you need just one revive> Do only 40 fights and there you go, 40 units in your stash. Do you want to buy a cavalier crystal? do 175 fights and its yours. Grinders can grind the whole amount if they want to save units.

    If this is for some reason hard to implement, you could make an extra objective tab instead, to where the objectives/challenges are. Tab called Arena, one simple bar 0/550, lets call it arena brawl bar. Each fight in arena fills the bar by 1. At the end of the arenas, when they reset, you can claim as many units as there are points in the arena brawl objective.

    Ultimately, this would be fair solution for everyone. Those who want to go for 3,4,5 or 6* champion need to accumulate points and get some extra items on the milestones as they are set now.
    Those who grind to save units, regardless of their title, can do so by investing time and effort by fighting.
  • _wasabi__wasabi_ Member Posts: 102 ★★
    Bean said:

    _wasabi_ said:

    There might be an easy solution to this, that would please everyone.

    - Keep the arenas milestones exactly as they are.
    - Move 3* champion on an earlier milestone.
    - Remove units from the milestones altogether, milestones are extra for those that gather
    points in an effort to get the champion, shards, GMC and battlechips.

    Now the units.

    After each individual fight, players in arena get 30 or 40 battlechips and an extra 300 battlechips for the whole round.
    After each individual fight, award the player with 1 single unit. Therefore, he will get 30 battlechips and 1 unit for finishing one single fight. Thats it, problem solved.
    If you are worried, that someone might do 2000 fights and that this could upset the game economy, cap it at 600 units to be obtainable this way in each arenas reset.

    By doing this, everyone gets the SAME AMOUNT for the SAME EFFORT, regardless of the champions used or the title. If someone who is uncollected fights 500 times with 3 stars, he will get same amount of units as thronebreaker who fought 500 times with six stars.
    It also stays very similar to effort needed in old arenas as 500 fights for 500 units is something around streak 133, which was about the same. Everyone is happy, whether you are f2p or p2w you will be able to earn the same as everyone else. Do you need just one revive> Do only 40 fights and there you go, 40 units in your stash. Do you want to buy a cavalier crystal? do 175 fights and its yours. Grinders can grind the whole amount if they want to save units.

    If this is for some reason hard to implement, you could make an extra objective tab instead, to where the objectives/challenges are. Tab called Arena, one simple bar 0/550, lets call it arena brawl bar. Each fight in arena fills the bar by 1. At the end of the arenas, when they reset, you can claim as many units as there are points in the arena brawl objective.

    Ultimately, this would be fair solution for everyone. Those who want to go for 3,4,5 or 6* champion need to accumulate points and get some extra items on the milestones as they are set now.
    Those who grind to save units, regardless of their title, can do so by investing time and effort by fighting.

    I like this idea except the unit per fight. Yes it does make since but being able to gather than many units that early on would be unbalanced. Someone who didn’t have a roster to gain all the milestones in the old arenas can now gain way more units then they should be able to. Unless it was limited to progression level or some other way then there’s no incentive to rank champs other than content then.
    I see. I understand where you coming from. My overall impression tho is, that kabam is trying to make things easier for newbies. It still wouldn't be super easy for them until they build their roster.
    Even so, this is really just a minor detail, there could be very simple work around that.
    My point was, that something like this would make units grinding fair and same for everyone, while those who want the champions, can still grind the points.
    By removing units from the milestones and changing that grind to other alternative still based on how many fights you have done, these arenas do not need to be changed at all.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Chikel said:

    This made me laugh out loud. I was using my 4* and getting 5* r3 opponents when this suddenly showed up. I had to slap myself to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I used 4* the second time and once again, 6* r3. I have seen death matches but this one takes the cake.
    Fix the matchmaking algorithm or just tell us that this is a 5/6* arena

    That is simply because your champions are too low in PI. If you can keep them above 15000 together you should be save. It has always been this way in 5* featured aswell.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    GOTG said:

    They probaly wont change Arena, so find a way to live with it.

    This may be true, but I can honestly say that with the way the current economy is set up I probably will not last 6 months with arena like this. It's not a threat or an ultimatum. It's a fact. I'm hopeful they work around the milestones because right now I estimate around an extra 33% total arena time (so 50% above before) which isn't sustainable and shouldn't have to be.

    But that's just me. Kabam won't miss me as much as I'd like to think. Maybe there are more people like me. Maybe there aren't. Only time will tell
    Im free to play now too and it affects me as well. Lets see how it turns out. Im willing to use all my units for 7.2 then 4 Carina Challenges left then lets see how long it takes for me to build up units again. If it is too slow, will have to find a way.
This discussion has been closed.