New Arena Structure Feedback



  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,280 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    Wubbie075 said:

    I've seen people say that restoring the old arenas while keeping the new ones would throw the unit economy out of whack. I've also seen defenders of the new arenas say they need the new arenas because the old ones did not offer what they were looking for. And of course, there are all the people saying it is now impossible to get the things they used to get in the old arenas.

    With all this in mind, I am not seeing how restoring the old arenas and keeping the new ones will unbalance anything.

    Those of us who want the old arenas back are still not going to play the new ones. I know I wouldn't.
    And, unless they are lying about what they really want, it does not seem like the people who like the new arenas are going waste their time in the old arenas. Even if they wanted to, It does not seem like there is even enough time.

    The only accounts that would probably benefit greatly from this are the bots, and those should be dealt with regardless of the arena structure so they are essentially irrelevant to the discussion.

    Instead of limiting our choices with fewer arenas, give us more options, but make choosing each option only worthwhile if you commit to that option. Everyone gets what they want, and no one loses what they had.

    Another alternative might be adding more lower level milestones in the 6* arenas, frontloading the unit awards to the lower milestones, so again, we unit grinders can get what we want, and the shard/champ grinders can get what they want.

    I'm one of the folks talking about unit economy. Here's the thing, I actually agree with you. The problem will be if the developers do not. Maybe I'm wrong, and they will agree with you. Here's hoping for a good solution one way or the other soon.
  • Valentinos13Valentinos13 Member Posts: 400 ★★★

    R_jay0027 said:

    I do think that it's possible that limiting the type of, or total amount of arenas any particular player can participate in might end up being part of the solution. In order to provide every player with an arena or a set of arenas that is tuned for them. Tuned to be a fair grind for their roster. Of course, within each group, there will be entry level and more advanced rosters (relative to that group). That's just part of the game. But maybe there can be a set of arenas for each subset of players. Whether progression based or whatever. I mentioned this earlier, but it wasn't met with enthusiasm.

    The biggest challenge with adding more and more arenas is that it creates the possibility for extra units to enter the economy. How do you combat that? Well, if every player has access to every arena, the only choice is to strip units or shards from all of them so the added arenas don't increase the total amount. The problem with that is it makes each particular arena less valuable. What's the other solution? Well, what Kabam tried to do was merge them all into 3. That obviously didn't work... 😂

    Some are calling for a full reverse back to the previous system. While that might be a solution that works for them, it does nothing for all the players who were actually waiting for new arenas forever. And who were excited at the prospect.

    What if the 3 arena system is actually viable? Except, instead of a one size fits all (which is next to impossible as we have seen), what if Summoners have 3 arenas available to THEM? Not 3 in total, but 3 that are tuned for their personal progression/roster level. Each set of 3 arenas could have it's own economy. Total units available equals X for each set of arenas. Maybe the idea for a 3 arena system wasn't a bad idea after all. Just implemented incorrectly. What this tiered arena system looks like, I'm not exactly sure, but just throwing it out there.

    Or.. it could just be a "pick 3" situation. If we don't want to force anyone into a particular subset. All arenas are presented as you enter the menu. You can choose to participate in up to 3 of them. Of course, as part of the tuning/economy it might have to be predetermined sets of 3. And not select ANY 3. Cause this could again upset the unit economy and the tuning.

    See now you are making it even more complex then kabam did.
    The top end players need an arena or maybe even 2. Again that's all kabam had to do. Add choice and in adding choice if tmore people went after the newer arenas then it would have sorted itself out. Give people the old arenas and one new to start and if it succeeds and the better players want another thats fine as well.
    But kabam basically shat on the little guy. Loyal little guys. Tough to be loyal now.
    Respectfully, the part you are missing is that can't just keep adding more arenas. Because Kabam doesn't want any to increase the total amount of units available from all arenas combined. I mentioned this in the first two paragraphs of the idea as the problem that has to be solved. The only way to keep all the arenas indefinitely is to nerf the units you get from each one. Which just hurts the players. Make sense? That's why every player can't have access to every arena of the number of arenas keeps growing.

    There are only 3 choices:

    Nerf the units in each arena so the total is the same across all as it was before.
    (This would be bad, as it would force players to grind more for the same units)

    Condense the number of arenas into less, but larger arenas.
    (This is what Kabam tried to do and it was awful/current system)

    Limit the number of arenas any player can grind per cycle so that there is a maximum units any player can grind.
    (This is what I'm proposing. This could be worked in a way that would allow each player to have an opportunity to grind in up to 3 arenas that are best tuned for success with their roster. While also letting the grind for the max allowable units if they wish.)

    If there's a fourth idea, that doesn't ignore the fact that Kabam will likely never add more units to the total available, that would be great to hear.
    Keep it as is, but the units be on the earlier milestones, enough to correspond to previous grinding time.. On the higher milestones add something else, maybe some 4-5 star shards or gmc shards, or something among this lines, I don't know what it will be possible to be put there
  • captainraymondcaptainraymond Member Posts: 2
    The removal of beginner, intermediate, and advanced players brackets in the arenas is unfair. I made a side account about a month ago so I should be in the beginner to intermediate range. Not only can I not participate in arenas for specific champs since I’m not uncollected, but now the level 60 accounts with every four star available are in the same arena as me and I can’t get good rewards from the summoner trials arena. I feel this is very unfair to new players because we don’t have as many champions and can’t get as high of scores as older accounts. I’ve also noticed a lot of cheater or fake accounts on the leaderboard. There are so many accounts with very similar names and suspicious profiles. It hurts that I might have gotten top rank rewards if these accounts had been investigated and removed, as they probably should have a LONG time ago. In conclusion, this new arena is great for accounts that have been around for five years. But for everyone else this new system sucks and needs to be fixed.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,517 ★★★★
    This has made the arenas only good for those with large 6* roster or those with 5*s that are 5/65. Not only that, but the death matches show up way too much. The match up between fights is clearly unbalanced and the milestone to get the featured 3*s is ridiculous. You used to get the featured 3* using 3*s for 640,000 now it requires you to reach 6,250,000 to get the featured 3* and unless you have a large enough 6* roster and all your 5*s at around rank 4 55 it is going to be difficult and defeats the purpose of their "quality of life improvements." Amazing them adding the featured 3* in the 3* arena at the final milestone was good (back in September/October last year) and then they do this.
  • DH_forum_1DH_forum_1 Member Posts: 81
    edited May 2021
    I did all milestones in featured arena. My rank rewards were identical to what i used to get for casually scoring 9M in previous 5* featured arena. This took more of my time then before, i got less milestones, and because i had to rely on my 6* roster to get there it was mostly boring. Out of my 50 6* i have about 15 or 20 that i actually care to use because the vast majority is outdated and tedious to even use. I have dozens of rank 5 5* champs that are pretty much useless for this game mode now. What a terrible update to this system that already felt like something I HAD to do rather than something I WANTED to do. I'm F2P with exception of cyber Monday and 4th of July. I still have to explore you're terribly punishing and cruel act 6 and arena milestones makes this possible.... or at least, it used to.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    As a new cavalier player with not that many champions, I managed to collect just 5 million points in the stadium. This corresponds to a reward of 3250 grandmaster shards and 65 units. My rank: 16634. That corresponds to 500x 5 * shards.

    That should be a reward for a Cavalier who had to work like crazy to get only 5 million points in a stadium together?

    This is sheer madness that you have caused with these new stages. The programmers at Kabam have no idea about the calculation. I am very upset about this incompetence

    I got the same for 9 Mil, so it seems the gaps are large.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    As a new cavalier player with not that many champions, I managed to collect just 5 million points in the stadium. This corresponds to a reward of 3250 grandmaster shards and 65 units. My rank: 16634. That corresponds to 500x 5 * shards.

    That should be a reward for a Cavalier who had to work like crazy to get only 5 million points in a stadium together?

    This is sheer madness that you have caused with these new stages. The programmers at Kabam have no idea about the calculation. I am very upset about this incompetence

    I got the same for 9 Mil, so it seems the gaps are large.
    *Mind you, I stopped at the 4* by choice. I'm just pointing out that there are large groupings.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,488 ★★★★★
    OwGss said:

    Waaay too much effort for a +1 5* sig since I already own him... least let it be a true dupe and iso and 275 shards on top... sure 1k 6* is not bad but considering the massive pool and 10% of random mediocre pull I’ll get... never again...

    U grind for a dups u knew it wil only be a basice so it perfectly fine
  • ClumsyNewClumsyNew Member Posts: 4
    You dumb. Instead making it obvious you're devaluing units you shouldn't cut into peoples' time in the process.

    Here's a smart idea. Make units more spendable and put some content to make them spendable. Pump out 7* and get some decent content out for people to spend their units rather than slow down economy...
  • MAERvelGODMAERvelGOD Member Posts: 322 ★★★

    Good job this is ridiculous

    Yes, it is but it's not unexpected

    I predicted 125-150M
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★

    Monk1 said:

    Finished with 9 hours to spare.. Sunday is a day off from game for me.

    thanks Kabam for finally giving me something to use my whole roster on rather than finishing in a day

    Now hopefully secure 1.5k 6* shards and be very happy. Go again on Monday

    Just a whale who doesn't care about the community as a whole..... maybe Kabam is hiring... you should apply Monk1
    😂 far from a whale.. I don’t spend, just maximise what’s available in the game.

    Less time moaning and more time getting the skills for end game content will see you r accounts grow
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