[MERGED] Parry Issue Fix



  • JJJmJJJJJJmJJJ Member Posts: 141 ★★
    iPhone 12 pro
    it is just happened using Colosso on secondary event against Longshot but didn't happens using Magneto in summer pain
  • StarhawkStarhawk Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Galaxy S20

    Don't really notice much difference for Parry but if I Parry and follow that right after with a Heavy sometimes instead of doing a heavy the character will dash back. This started to happen last night.
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  • LordabckLordabck Member Posts: 297 ★★★

    Good morning everybody.

    Thank you all for the information you've provided. We're working on a few theories right now, and want to add 2 more questions to the list. We're trying to see if this helps us pick up any sort of pattern.

    What device are you using?
    Which Champion were you fighting? (If you can remember specifics)

    Iphone Xs
    All the champions
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★

    Catmanndo said:

    Seriously, I know you hate hearing it Kabam, but COMPENSATION should be considered.
    I’m on a new iPad Pro and I’ve had zero issues other than the help button in arena freezing my game. This is unquestionably making arena, events and all challenges unplayable.

    Oh, I can't find where we said there wouldn't be any... :tongue:
    What are the plans for Aq that starts in 4 minutes and war that starts in a few hours
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,466 ★★★★★

    Catmanndo said:

    Seriously, I know you hate hearing it Kabam, but COMPENSATION should be considered.
    I’m on a new iPad Pro and I’ve had zero issues other than the help button in arena freezing my game. This is unquestionably making arena, events and all challenges unplayable.

    Oh, I can't find where we said there wouldn't be any... :tongue:
    What are the plans for Aq that starts in 4 minutes and war that starts in a few hours
    Suffer through it :(
  • _Xasky__Xasky_ Member Posts: 1

    Hey everybody,

    Want to confirm that we are investigating this on our end. If you have the time and the answers to the following questions, it could help us find the root of the issue.

    • When did parry fail when previously it wouldn't? Was it an early parry? a late parry?
    • What were the effects of parry failing? Did you get hit into the block? did you not block at all and get hit instead?
    • Did you see the character block before you took the hit?
    • Do these parry issues occur when you try to re-parry or the first-time parry?
    1) Re-parry always fail for me, doesnt matter if is early or late
    2) Get hit into the block
    3) Yes, character was blocking, but i dont see animation between hits, i usually dont see character taking off cover when I release block, before tap it again.
    4) For me normal parry seems to work, but re-parry ALWAYS fails

    PD: Im playing on Android, using OnePlus 8T
  • rischiorischio Member Posts: 163

    Hey everybody,

    Want to confirm that we are investigating this on our end. If you have the time and the answers to the following questions, it could help us find the root of the issue.

    • When did parry fail when previously it wouldn't? Was it an early parry? a late parry?
    • What were the effects of parry failing? Did you get hit into the block? did you not block at all and get hit instead?
    • Did you see the character block before you took the hit?
    • Do these parry issues occur when you try to re-parry or the first-time parry?
    Would like to help here!
    Question 1 not sure what it means. I have a feeling that my parry timing is now a bit late, like if the parry window was anticipated compared to what I am used m to.

    Parry fails and I get hit straight on the face.

    I can't say if I see the character parry

    It happens a lot on first parry. There is usually no chance of reparry because I get hit in the face.

    Additional questions
    Iphone 11 newest OS, newest game version
    Dark hawk pwned my mags a lot on summer of pain, but I faced the same with colossus and fury in the epic side quest and overall through my arena grind today.

    I hope it helps and you fix it within tomorrow. Today we have parry curse in AQ, so doesn't really matter :p
  • StarhawkStarhawk Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Kappa2g said:

    Hopefully your team evaluates thoroughly how much this has impacted players, this is essentially a basic function in the game being bugged and affects everything from solo questing to alliance content to arenas

    I'm guessing they never noticed because so many champs now have unblockable they figured during testing it was normal for parry not to work :smile:
  • Team_SlyTeam_Sly Member Posts: 97
    Yes I’m experiencing the same issues, on iOS, go to parry and you just get melted. Please fix this ASAP.
  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★
    No contingency plan at all, even though these bugs are as regular as clockwork. I’ll just auto fight the new EQs until fixed.
  • AtomixX33AtomixX33 Member Posts: 63
    i only get the issue when fighting xl champs besides that everything is fine for me
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★

    Good morning everybody.

    Thank you all for the information you've provided. We're working on a few theories right now, and want to add 2 more questions to the list. We're trying to see if this helps us pick up any sort of pattern.

    What device are you using?
    Which Champion were you fighting? (If you can remember specifics)

    iOS, new iPad Pro, and it has happened in RoL against WS and other champs, in AQ against Magik just now. Has happened to any champ I use.
  • StarhawkStarhawk Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Xygon said:

    It's not just parry is off. The timing is off, such that I go to evade, and get a parry instead. Everything timing-wise is just pushed back by about a ms.

    yes i think you are correct. Sometimes my champion dashes back when i'm trying to throw a heavy and that started last night after the update
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
    Totally killed in the side quest when parry doesn't work. Kabam are you going to give us an extra Club of Hephaestus? I'm not to spend units because the parry is all screwed up.
  • MikeTheMighty1MikeTheMighty1 Member Posts: 17
    You should not have started AQ. It is infuriating to waste pots on failed AQ fights after all that spending this weekend.
  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★
    You need to make AQ and war potions free while this bug is up. Charging us money while your bugged game kills are champs is down right despicable. If you guys have any decency in you you will make all potions free until
    This is fixed
  • DarindeshDarindesh Member Posts: 35
    First fight in Map 7 w/ “Prove Yourself” node. Would be nice to be able to block constantly to get a 15 hit combo.
    I see it’s being looked into but you should have not even let AQ start today without it being fixed…
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  • Man_BatMan_Bat Member Posts: 332 ★★
    @Kabam Miike Please acknowledge that there is an issue here. It's not reassuring that you haven't done so yet.
  • XygonXygon Member Posts: 123
    If I parry early, I get it. If I parry later, I get hit. If I evade late, I get a parry instead.

    Evading Gwen’s unblockable s1 was impossible.

    7x5 AQ35, usually itemless. I’m now two revives and three heals into day 1.
  • IkthulisIkthulis Member Posts: 122
    edited July 2021
    It’s not just parry for starters, it’s dexterity as well. A number of times my champ just doesn’t move. I’ve experienced this like 7-8 times in AQ just now. It’s costing me lots of items and eventually I’ll run out. Considering I’m doing map7 and I’m having trouble on my first path, my alliance won’t be too happy with me. Unblockable specials from Vision(sp1) and Bishop(sp2) are killing me. Often dexterity turns into a parry, I don’t understand it. Can’t parry an unblockable special with my champs. It feels like the timings are just a pinch off, too early.

    “When did parry fail when previously it wouldn't? Was it an early parry? a late parry?“

    I would assume on time parry, possibly late.

    “What were the effects of parry failing? Did you get hit into the block? did you not block at all and get hit instead?”

    No blocking at all.

    “Did you see the character block before you took the hit?“

    No, I did not see my champion block. I can’t record my fights so, if it does, I can’t see it.

    “Do these parry issues occur when you try to re-parry or the first-time parry?“


    I’m using an iPhone XR if that is relevant.

    Please also look into the dexterity issue. I swear it’s got to be the same issue.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★
    Starhawk said:

    Kappa2g said:

    Hopefully your team evaluates thoroughly how much this has impacted players, this is essentially a basic function in the game being bugged and affects everything from solo questing to alliance content to arenas

    I'm guessing they never noticed because so many champs now have unblockable they figured during testing it was normal for parry not to work :smile:
    I can't imagine what would happen if there was a problem with unstoppable. Finding a needle in a needlestack...
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