[MERGED] Parry Issue Fix



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  • CritCapCritCap Member Posts: 76
    I’m just waiting for the AW rewards
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  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Kabams handing out thousand units worth of items weekly in alliance **** and about 200 units worth of revives monthly for solo players. Why? Because normal revives are applicable in various pieces of content whereas alliance war and AQ only have one field you may use these items. Probably why we aren’t getting real compensation but it’s whatever, that one big package was good enough for me personally. Would just say grind arena if you need revives because boycotting ain’t working, and arena is where you would normally farm units for revives anyway.
  • gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 704 ★★★★
    edited October 2021
    Consider this perspective; they are a business, yes, but that makes us THEIR CUSTOMERS. I cannot think of a single other type of business that can get away with this kind of relationship/communication/treatment with their customers.

    It seems that nothing short of damaging their bottom line will get them to even communicate with us, so maybe you guys are on to something with this boycott talk.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Typhoon said:

    Hey everybody,

    First, we want to apologize for being so quiet on this topic. It’s been a little while since we’ve addressed it, but it’s not because we didn’t want to; it’s just that we haven’t had much to add since we made our last post, which is still relevant.

    As we mentioned in that post, measuring the effect of the input bug is very difficult for several reasons, including mixing up what the bug is and if it affected a fight. For example, we still see reports from users that are playing on devices that are unaffected by the input issues. While that doesn’t mean they are unaffected by bugs or issues, those are not likely to be the issues for which we started these packages. These should be reported in the Bugs Forum to ensure we can address them and factor them into the compensation plan if needed. As a reminder, we also have more fixes coming in the 33.0 Release that help address the Memory Leak issue that some have been confusing with this input issue.

    While many have these Alliance Potions and Revives in their stash, we will continue to send them to all players, even if some are lucky enough not to need them. These packages contain Map Crystals for Alliances that may have decided to step down due to the issues and potions and revives for those that wish to keep pushing.

    We still plan to continue sending Single Player potions and revives and plan to send our next package on Wednesday, November 3rd, when new content is released.

    Thank you all for your patience, and we look forward to sharing more about the progress in fixing this issue when we have more information.

    Can you please explain why alliance quest and alliance war mode packages are sent weekly and single player mode packages are not?
    I think he hinted towards it being due to new content dropping at the start of the month, and new AQ series start every 8 days. I'm not sure on the cadence of War compensation, haven't been paying as much attention, is that every week?
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    Typhoon said:

    Hey everybody,

    First, we want to apologize for being so quiet on this topic. It’s been a little while since we’ve addressed it, but it’s not because we didn’t want to; it’s just that we haven’t had much to add since we made our last post, which is still relevant.

    As we mentioned in that post, measuring the effect of the input bug is very difficult for several reasons, including mixing up what the bug is and if it affected a fight. For example, we still see reports from users that are playing on devices that are unaffected by the input issues. While that doesn’t mean they are unaffected by bugs or issues, those are not likely to be the issues for which we started these packages. These should be reported in the Bugs Forum to ensure we can address them and factor them into the compensation plan if needed. As a reminder, we also have more fixes coming in the 33.0 Release that help address the Memory Leak issue that some have been confusing with this input issue.

    While many have these Alliance Potions and Revives in their stash, we will continue to send them to all players, even if some are lucky enough not to need them. These packages contain Map Crystals for Alliances that may have decided to step down due to the issues and potions and revives for those that wish to keep pushing.

    We still plan to continue sending Single Player potions and revives and plan to send our next package on Wednesday, November 3rd, when new content is released.

    Thank you all for your patience, and we look forward to sharing more about the progress in fixing this issue when we have more information.

    Can you please explain why alliance quest and alliance war mode packages are sent weekly and single player mode packages are not?
    I think he hinted towards it being due to new content dropping at the start of the month, and new AQ series start every 8 days. I'm not sure on the cadence of War compensation, haven't been paying as much attention, is that every week?
    Aq and war are given on same time
  • The_Mighty_ToeThe_Mighty_Toe Member Posts: 132
    Will it be fixed in the 1Q of 2022 or later? Want to know when to start playing again.

  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Kidding, don't take that statement above seriously. I think the current timetable is early 2022, but there hasn't been an update in a few weeks if i remember correctly
  • 2StarKing2StarKing Member Posts: 855 ★★★
    Kabam said each patch should make parry situation a little bit better. The final fix is 2022.
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  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★

    Hey everybody,

    While many have these Alliance Potions and Revives in their stash, we will continue to send them to all players, even if some are lucky enough not to need them. These packages contain Map Crystals for Alliances that may have decided to step down due to the issues and potions and revives for those that wish to keep pushing.

    Just regarding this part, I wondered if you could explain the decision to drop the glory aspect of the packages? You say alliances step down due the the issues, but that comes with a lack of glory in rewards and a lack of rewards themselves. Glory helps to bridge the gap by firstly the reduced glory from dropping down maps, and also the reduced items from dropping down maps which can be bought using said glory.

    Because people actually complained about getting too much Glory..
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    I can understand, someone the lack of a solo package. One because people will complain it’s not enough or it didn’t have this or that in it.

    As well as they can’t create a solo package that fits everyone’s needs. Much like how the AQ/AW packages were kind of a lump for everyone.

    Also what about those people who don’t need a solo package with potions and or revives? What will they get? The short end of the stick? How will they know how much of a player’s progression was halted because of the issues?

    Or how much their package will help a player get past a roadblock they otherwise wouldn’t have gotten past of not for those potions?

    And if at any time you thought to yourself. “Well if they don’t need the potions don’t use them” or “just because they didn’t use them doesn’t mean I didn’t/won’t” remember the same can be said for the AQ/AW packages.
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