Thoughts on no side quest



  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★★

    Woah woah woah, wait a min people. We have 3 days for some objectives? 3 DAYS?! I didn’t check the timer because I assumed it’s for the entire month, but we have only 3 days for a certain objective? Someone please clarify this

    @Thanos1149 its this
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,358 Guardian
    I like these objectives. They are things I will do anyways in the game, just means that take on exploration I will want different champs to beat peni and spooderman. The "grind" on the Spiderman objectives are easily done in 20 minutes with rttl 1.1.3. The vision ones are easy with 5 duels a day. Over the span of the whole month, it really isn't that grindy. The sinister 6 fights are 8-16 fights every 3 days, so it really isn't an issue. I way enjoy this more than the SQ that was the same thing over and over again for the same rewards. I like the store because I can choose my own rewards. I don't need sig stones, but I really lack iso so definitely grabbing those 4*, 5* and 6* shards with their nexus's. Overall I really enjoy this month.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    *I am not speaking for everyone but for myself.*

    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    When it comes to the enjoyment of SQ's I look for a few things.

    Length of quest is a big thing. If a SQ has more than 3 paths (not including rifts or things like mutant treasure island) I will find it just as monotonous as the EQ. These should be quick and easy to get through.

    Along with this is difficulty. TO ME there is no reason that the end boss in a SQ should be as hard or harder than the end boss of the EQ. I might get push back saying "But Liss its legendary, it's meant to be hard" And I agree legendary should be hard but hard is subjective and to me if its just as hard as the EQ end bosses I do not find it enjoyable. Likewise too easy is never fun either, if I can auto fight to the end what's the point other than to waste energy/spend more time in the game. I would like to see auto complete of lower levels, progression based. Like TB's and Cav's can auto complete easy/heroic/master, and UC's can do up to heroic. Or include an objective that would give you the rewards of the lower ones. We had something like this a while back, I just cant remember when. It allowed to to complete objectives of lower difficulty if yo did them on a higher one.

    I find them enjoyable when there is multiple options to take down paths/nodes not being relegated to a small select few champs. if you make the fight too restricted to where it only comes down to roster depth and not skill, its not enjoyable. But when you allow for skill to be shown and displayed its super enjoyable. Armor break immune on an Emma Frost for example is NOT fun, it is painful (PUN)

    Also when rewards help. What I mean is helps you get to the next level, not when its geared for your level/below. Things like T5CC shards, 6* shards for Cavs. Once you breach a progression level, reward after that should help you move to the next, not keep you where you are. Selectable rewards as well, like we had in Mutant Treasure Island.

    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    Repetition, my god I can not express how boring and soul sucking the Herc side quests were. SAME FIGHTS OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Day in day out, multiple times a day if you had overflow of keys. I had an alliance mate have 20 keys they had to use in 1 day/night. We have seen that you are able to change champs on the maps upon re-entry, you have done this in the past. Not doing it shows your designers are lazy that month or just do not care, and that's my opinion. If you have the ability to do something and you do not, there is no reasonable explanation for it. There is nothing fun about the same fight same nodes every day for 30 days.

    I do not enjoy randomized loot/rewards. Rifts come to mind, yes they are fun but severely disappointing. To watch a live stream of someone Seatin-g down in a chair, or a bald guy who once ate 3 bananas on a stream, or I martial artist named Mike, run these rifts and resoundingly land on the best rewards while the rest of us pull T2/3CC in the two highest difficulty makes us scram, cry, and feel demoralized. And to add to that why are materials for 3*'s even in those? It makes no sense.

    Buffs that entirely neuter a champion are not fun. Putting true strike/or whatever the newest version of it is, on EVERYTHING to counter Quake/Ghost players just seems like a kick in the teeth. We all get that those 2 are cheat codes, but they also take skill to use well. Or buffs that limit champ selection, if I do not have one of the counters, I will be forced to spend/pots my way to the end, and that is not fun when if you took 1 buff off it would open the fight up to more than 3 champs.

    Buggy content, back and forth stances from Kabam. This could get a little bit touchy, so I will do my best to explain. A while back we had an even that allowed people to collect massive amounts of 5* shards, because of poor coding/oversight/limited thinking. And Kabam came down hard, as they should have, on those who accumulated massive amounts of them, and banned those players. Then there was another event where the same thing happened, this time Kabam let them keep those rewards and did not ban. Then after that there was another one that, Kabam went back to their first way of handling it and banned players. Now I am all for people being banned for knowingly exploiting a bug to accumulate enough shards to open 100 5's in a day, but you can not take the same level of punishment on those who ran the quest 2 or even 3 times before finding out it was bugged. There needs to levels of punishments for each offense, starting with removal of the extra rewards then taking time to find out who deserves harsher. The last bugged SQ I remember they brought it down in less than an hour of it being up, but a few times they have left it untouched. This makes enjoying content stressful, because it might not be working the way Kabam intended, and we might not even know.

    Locked content, stupidest thing ever. I get you like to prolong the time over a day/month people log in, you have metrics exactly for that. But to get a part of a month long even done day 1 (Wednesday) and then have to wait a whole week to enjoy the next, seems convoluted to me. I do not understand what the difference is between beating it all day 1, versus beating it all day 1 of each week. I could KIND of see it with with Gwenpool Goes To The Movies, but other than that it just seems like a tactic to pad those metrics.

    Energy drain content. If we have SQ's that require energy and also the EQ that requires energy, it is a balancing game that I hate playing. Some times I have very limited play time so I have to decide what rewards to forgo. Or buy refills. HINT Raise the energy cap/give us more levels.

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    Objectives, my god I love these. When regular game play rewards me with extra stuff.....magnificent. I would like to see some objectives require the use of forgotten champs/non god tier champs though. Like give me an objective that has me killing 20 villains with OG Spider-Man, or something like that. Class limitations are fine and all, but god tiers will make these objectives bland.

    I like being able to log in for a quick session and play a few fights and knock out an objective or 2. Usually when I take a "bathroom break" at work, or listening to my husband complain about how stupid our Governor is while we listen to reality shows.

    Cooperation, can we PLEASE bring back Bounty/Merc missions where you worked with your alliance to open quests, have alliance milestones for events like those? Those were fun, once you figured out how to implement them better. The first one was buggy and weird but the one after that seemed to run smoothly and was super fun. It brought much needed refresh to the stale repetition of AQ/AW/AQ/AW..........AQ/AW/AQ/AW. And it kept some of us engaged and there was a greater sense of what it means to be an alliance.

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?
    The forcing of game play on those who do not like those modes. For those who do not like arenas I see this month being a pain for them. To have to do arena for rewards could be just as draining as having to do the same fight 100 times.

    Linear objectives and auto progressing. This is something that has happened before and then goes away then comes back. If we are to fight 10 science champs beating them with a light attack then 10 beating them with a medium and then again with a heavy so on and so on, it it frustrating to mess up and kill them with the next ability and it not count. Or if you are at 10 kills and you start on the next one without collecting it doesn't count. There was one time that I know for a fact that if you went above the threshold for a linear objective that it added those to the next line. I would like to see them broken up and each made to individual objectives, and if you have an ending bonus item set that to a chain that does not give rewards or gives a gold rewards per main met.

    Feeling like we are losing rewards because we do not have a SQ up. I know each SQ brings different rewards and amounts of items, but without a SQ, to me it feels like we are getting less rewards than we would if a SQ was running. It also feels like a lot more is going on too. Do this to get this and do that to get that. Go here for this go there for that. It feels like a poorly designed IKEA dresser that ends up looking like a chair.

    Just my thoughts on the matter.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,105 ★★★★★
    I'm in the minority on this, but I like these Objectives as a break. They require me to think as opposed to just button pressing. Having said that, I wouldn't want this every month. Just in the rotation now and then.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    A quest that's all laid out nicely for me and I don't have to hunt for champions. Especially since the duel system doesn't work.

    I don't enjoy when they are the same every time (hercules quest) even different defenders to spice it up would be nice. I don't expect an elaborate every changing hogwarts stairs type quest and I think that some monotony should be expected, however some changes are nice every once in a while (every day/week)

    Objectives are nice because theres no entry fee, just do them on your own time.

    I have to hunt to fight champions, make sure I beat the cav boss with the right class type (not super scary but with game crashes and lag that I experience it puts me on edge).
  • JustinU21JustinU21 Member Posts: 75 ★★
    I love side quests, but I think they can be frustrating when they are too time consuming while being repetitive (i.e. running the same SQ against the same defenders every day and the path takes 10-15 mins) OR if they are overly complicated. A laundry list of objectives would fall under the category of overly complicated for me.

    What I do really love is when side quests change during the month, like dimensional rifts, or the times when you have the same quest for the first two weeks, and a different one for the last two weeks with different rewards options. I also have truly enjoyed Summer of Pain, and if there could be side quests that are similar to that structure I think it would be very enjoyable. A rotating challenge every week gives us something to get excited for, as most side quests lose whatever enjoyment they gave after the first week or two.
  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 877 ★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    The main thing that makes me like this month's system is that I can grind out the rewards at my own pace for the most part (except for the 3 day solo events and arena). Instead of the previous system of having to login everyday to unlock a quest and not get good rewards till the end of the month. The old system would be great if we could unlock the entirety of side quests on the get go and do it at our own pace. And since sometimes SQ ends up costing energy anyways, then this month's system seems better overall.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    I think the design this month is to push us into arena, the spider verse arena specifically has a lot of sinister 6 and spider verse champs for different objectives, and extra currency for the bugle store, which is a great range of rewards
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  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 820 ★★★
    I’m not reading all of those posts😂.

    We don’t have a “side qiest”. BUT we do have a “side quest”.

    In order to get a lot of those rewards, we HAVE to do as many of those missions= daily normal side quest grind.

    I will say that I prefer it this way.

    I like that no one is fully nosed. It’s just basic arena fights, basic duels, basic quest to repeat over and over for mission completion.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,778 ★★★★★
    The "catch a spider in action" is bugged, I defeated 6 spiderverse champs with light attacks and the counter is still the same.
  • DeadPooopDeadPooop Member Posts: 236
    This is objective based rewards make last side quest look like a blessing.
    For a game that is progression based, making u go and almost explore Normak and Master difficulty seems a bit stupid.
  • DeadPooopDeadPooop Member Posts: 236
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    No sidequest and objectives can be nice... But making players with a certain level of progression such as Cavallier and Thronebreaker almost explore lower level difficulties seems a bit insane.
    Completing the onjective on a higher difficulty should complete the lower ones as well automatically.
  • VanillaCokeVanillaCoke Member Posts: 1,519 ★★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    As somebody who wants to enjoy the game but still have a life outside of the game - I’d prefer if it was (1) a low maintenance side quest (ie: no energy & no daily entries) or (2) no side quest like this month but you have 30 days to get what you want to get done.

    I DISLIKE the side quests that force you to play everyday because sometimes after a long day at work, I simply just want to get my one or two lanes done in EQ and that’s it - other times I just want to log in for the calendar and call it there. Forcing me to log in just turns me off from playing the game for a time period.

    The last side quests I really enjoyed was the Spider Ham side quests because (1) you had 7 days to complete that week’s chapter and (2) low energy so I can do my EQ run and then head over to the Side Quest no problem. Not to mention how you guys blessed us with a great amount of Cavalier Crystals for our efforts was superb.

    Overall, I’d prefer something that’s low maintenance, low energy cost, something that’s rewarding, not tedious/repetitive. I will add I dislike how tedious it was to complete the “finish this fight against spider verse doing X task” - it’s annoying. I also find it annoying that you have a 3 day recurring event of fighting Sinister Six champions - I don’t want to be forced to play arena so often in a month. If you guys left the 14 day arena as it is without the 3 day event, I would have been ok with that.
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★

    Woah woah woah, wait a min people. We have 3 days for some objectives? 3 DAYS?! I didn’t check the timer because I assumed it’s for the entire month, but we have only 3 days for a certain objective? Someone please clarify this

    @Thanos1149 its this
    Ohh ok thanks!
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,653 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    The "catch a spider in action" is bugged, I defeated 6 spiderverse champs with light attacks and the counter is still the same.

    did you use a skill champ?
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,778 ★★★★★

    Searmenis said:

    The "catch a spider in action" is bugged, I defeated 6 spiderverse champs with light attacks and the counter is still the same.

    did you use a skill champ?
    Of course!
  • This content has been removed.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,778 ★★★★★
    marino123 said:

    Searmenis said:

    Searmenis said:

    The "catch a spider in action" is bugged, I defeated 6 spiderverse champs with light attacks and the counter is still the same.

    did you use a skill champ?
    Of course!

    Light attack is the single tap attack. Did you use that or the dashing swipe attack? Swipe attack is a medium one. Also are you sing DOT champs? Maybe spideys are dying with the DOT?
    No and no, I really careful with this kind of "obstacles", because I don't want to do this over and over again. There was something similar 5-6 months ago if I remember correctly, and I had no problem back then. I m 100% sure it's a bug, except if Venom is not a spiderverse champ anymore, he's the one I duel all the time in arenas.
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Searmenis said:

    marino123 said:

    Searmenis said:

    Searmenis said:

    The "catch a spider in action" is bugged, I defeated 6 spiderverse champs with light attacks and the counter is still the same.

    did you use a skill champ?
    Of course!

    Light attack is the single tap attack. Did you use that or the dashing swipe attack? Swipe attack is a medium one. Also are you sing DOT champs? Maybe spideys are dying with the DOT?
    No and no, I really careful with this kind of "obstacles", because I don't want to do this over and over again. There was something similar 5-6 months ago if I remember correctly, and I had no problem back then. I m 100% sure it's a bug, except if Venom is not a spiderverse champ anymore, he's the one I duel all the time in arenas.
    It’s only spider verse heroes, not spider verse champs
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,778 ★★★★★

    Searmenis said:

    marino123 said:

    Searmenis said:

    Searmenis said:

    The "catch a spider in action" is bugged, I defeated 6 spiderverse champs with light attacks and the counter is still the same.

    did you use a skill champ?
    Of course!

    Light attack is the single tap attack. Did you use that or the dashing swipe attack? Swipe attack is a medium one. Also are you sing DOT champs? Maybe spideys are dying with the DOT?
    No and no, I really careful with this kind of "obstacles", because I don't want to do this over and over again. There was something similar 5-6 months ago if I remember correctly, and I had no problem back then. I m 100% sure it's a bug, except if Venom is not a spiderverse champ anymore, he's the one I duel all the time in arenas.
    It’s only spider verse heroes, not spider verse champs
    Oh, I missed the heroes part... I ll try it, thank you!
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 810 ★★★
    First, thanks to turn the thread in a constructive way!

    My profile: 6-year of activity, Cavalier, late on some activities regarding my status of veteran.

    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    In the end, the much better rewards than for the event quests, and a significantly better ratio rewards / spent time.

    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    Another activity while there is (still) so much to do for an average player that has to choose:
    - Special events like SoP, boss rush or specific arenas
    - AQ and AW
    - Arenas
    - Event/monthly quest
    - Regular story
    - Variants
    - The activities « of Legends »
    Last month I only did the Uncollected level of the event quest plus some 1.1 and 1.2 paths for rewards. I spent more time on the Olympus side quest.

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    A little break!
    The rewards of the objectives that allow to buy some interesting items in the store, instead of useless iso or 4* champion crystal shards in the regular objectives. Moreover they are doable.

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?
    Too many objectives for a break, the record for 1 month. The list is frightening at first sight! It made me want to put the phone rather than playing.
    Specific arenas in addition to the event quest.

    By the way 1: the cavalier style for the monthly event crystal is a good idea.

    By the way 2: the communication for the new events is generally too long to read. OK, it tries to anticipate a lot of twisted questions of players and to put a context. But more highlighted words to read quickly the most important parts (and go quickly to the fights) would be appreciated.
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,721 ★★★★
    This no side event is easy peasy and far less drama the. Repeating the same boring side event we’re used too.

    Day 3 and the loot I have picked up is awesome
  • mattressmattress Member Posts: 494 ★★★
    I usually enjoy the SQs but I think it'll be less of a grind overall and the store has pretty decent rewards to compensate for it. The arena grinding should be quick and the objectives aren't terrible. Aarkus fights will be 8 days with duals, spidey objectives were done in about an hour, and I usually explore heroic- UC EQ every month anyway so Its really maybe extra day or two to run on normal. I'll probably have more time to do story content before the next event starts
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 855 ★★★
    At first i was happy to not have a side quest but not that ive realized i need to play through every difficulty to earn the top tier rewards its annoying. At least the SQ are usually energy free, right now im burning through refills to earn the snapshots.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    I like hard, short side quests that don't make me grind multiple paths and multiple difficulties. I liked the early labs when you only had to do one path. The node combinations were interesting and I liked trying to do them without the randomizers. The last one had more than one path and it became a grind and stopped being enjoyable. There are enough things to grind in the game without grindy side quests. I like the objectives on this experience except for the fact that if we want to do everything we not only have to complete every level of EQ (which isn't bad) but we have to run 3 paths on two quests of every difficulty. All in all it's good though.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,019 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021
    Id rather have a quest than these tedious objectives

    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    Good rewards and fun/interesting fights. 3-5 fights max per day.

    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    When they're overly grindy or complicated. Last month's 10 fights a day were AWFUL. The summer event is so confusing that no one likes it.

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    I can do it at my own pace. Don't have a clock to follow

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?
    I HATE such specific objectives. The Vision ones are garbage. P2099 and G 2099 2 times each is just way too annoying. The class ones are pretty awful too cause you have to play the arena and keep track of the killing move.
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