Which Class of Nexus will you choose for SoP rewards and who is your ideal pull?

I’m thinking Skill for me - trying to awaken my Fury but I’d be happy with a Mole Man pull as a backup.
Which Class of Nexus will you choose for SoP rewards and who is your ideal pull? 206 votes
Unless i choose to go Skill, in which case i want Nick.
X-23 would be a nice second pick. Awakening her might push me over the edge of taking her to R3. Also wouldn't mind Namor although he won't get any resources until he's duped and high sig level.
Also, do these crystals update the pool as new characters are added? If so, there's a 0.00001% chance I'd wait and see if Wolverine is ever added to the 6* pool.
2. Awaken AA
After that it’s just best available.
I have a stacked mutant 6* which includes
OR, namor, red & white mags, sunspot, colossus, havok, bishop & a few others I can't remember rn.
So if I was to go mutant I'd only really be after omega dupe, new stryfe or Colossus dupe.
Now I have a skill T5 so I could go skill as I only have 4 skill 6*s stealthy (personally don't like him & having him as a 5/65 I've used him 3 times) Elsa and can't remember the other 2 duds. I like Elsa but I'm not super keen to R3 her so I'd only really be after mole god. Or nick but then there's the issue of duping him.
Science I'd only want ibom.
Have torch, void duped & there's no one else I'm after.
Mystic. Have a few good mystics but don't have Doom, bwcv or alcoholic snoop dog so there's an option too.
Have a tech 2% from being formed and my tech 6* roster is poor
But there's too many bad tech champs for me to risk it as I'd only really want warlock.
I'm stuck and have no idea what to choose 😭
Or science, for cap. Seems like mutant is obvious.
I want Apoc.
I won't get Apoc, but I want Apoc. In any case, my Mutant roster sucks.
If I magically get Apoc 5* or above, I'd seriously consider Mystic. I'd love a Claire or Doom, or a Diablo dupe.
It doesn't really matter though. I don't hope anymore, as hope is just a marinade for pain.
I'll just toss coins and decide once rewards are out...