At the end of the road The Champion stands, while Kingpin lurks around the corner ...

Under the tutelage of Dr. Strange’s astral form she pushes the limits of her strengths, however her abilities have been wreaking havoc across The Battlerealm, leaving Ægon and the Summoner to clean up the mess while villainous elements take advantage of the madness.
Is this a subtle hint that Ægon could be MVP in Act 6 Chapter 2 which yet again demands a wider roster with both Class and Rarities combination?
And how far could a parry based gameplay progress even if The Champion Boss Fight was Updated ?
Crawling through the forum, these hints;
i/ Just finished completing Act 6 Chapter 2, here's my thoughts
ii/ Act 6 Bosses Tips
are invaluable.
Act 6.2.1
Parry and heavy still works here.
Act 6.2.2
The orginal E.M.P. Modification node on Mister Sinister was changed to Caustic Temper. I ranked up both Vision and Angela and brought along Heimdall for this fight.

Angela works as well if only I have the skill and mastery setup so I relied on Vision.
Act 6.2.3
The Omega Red fight caused much more problems than Mister Sinister. How to get rid of the furies without being able to parry and heavy?
It is one thing to rank up a champ for a fight but quite another to know how to use the champ effectively again. After the fight, then only I read Angela is a very good counter.

Act 6.2.4
Kingpin and Destructive Feedback.
Looks like I need a break and some help.
Is this a subtle hint that Ægon could be MVP in Act 6 Chapter 2 which yet again demands a wider roster with both Class and Rarities combination?
And how far could a parry based gameplay progress even if The Champion Boss Fight was Updated ?
Crawling through the forum, these hints;
i/ Just finished completing Act 6 Chapter 2, here's my thoughts
ii/ Act 6 Bosses Tips
are invaluable.
Act 6.2.1
Parry and heavy still works here.
Act 6.2.2
The orginal E.M.P. Modification node on Mister Sinister was changed to Caustic Temper. I ranked up both Vision and Angela and brought along Heimdall for this fight.

Angela works as well if only I have the skill and mastery setup so I relied on Vision.

Act 6.2.3
The Omega Red fight caused much more problems than Mister Sinister. How to get rid of the furies without being able to parry and heavy?
It is one thing to rank up a champ for a fight but quite another to know how to use the champ effectively again. After the fight, then only I read Angela is a very good counter.

Act 6.2.4
Kingpin and Destructive Feedback.
Looks like I need a break and some help.
6.2.5 is just a series of atrocious nodes culminating in the most bs fight of the game after the Collector. He's got a lot of counters, just find out who works for you. I tried Sorcerer and She-hulk before using AA. He was better for me.
The Champion is the champion. Sorcerer was my MVP due to her ability to tank block damage. Getting him to 10% is easy and that's where the fun starts, you units start reducing and revives go down the drain. I would recommend not counting revives in this fight.
You should be throwing 4 hit combos, dash back and intercept him when he rushes in. repeat till he's above 1 bar of power. Then bait his sp1, punish and repeat the 4 hit intercept game. That's the way to handle that fight, with ANY champ. Avoid his sp2, evading his sp1 and punishing it, is where it's at. You need this skill a lot in Act 6, and act 7 and newer cav eq nodes where parries are punished with disorient.
Once you can do this pretty reliably, you'll feel a lot better tackling more story content, harder difficulties in monthly eq and special events like SoP or celebrity challenges.
Destructive Feedback.
All champs knocked out on reaching The Hood.
Kingpin was and is difficult for me because I read nodes and champ abilities, but don't understand, so ...
I do thank the community and also request an excuse for putting out a red herring in this post, the intention was hoping to roll a 6-Star skill champ. I'll pop that 6-Star crystal on the last day of the current 14-day calendar.
After digesting the comments, I tired using champs without DOT and only hit when the timer is on cooldown. And I was surprised why CMM was gaining health fighting War Machine.
On to next stop and exactly how murderous is Mordo? Can HT + White Mags burns through?
I don't know why but Mordo decided to hold block and let NF bleed him dry with a heavy.
As usual, I have the champs but don't know how to use them properly.
Miles looks interesting also.
1/ Rank up The Champion to practise against The Champion. Mine is a 4-Star rank 4 at sig. 60. I have zero Cosmic T4CC so he can't get any higher.
2/ Read the nodes and abilities of The Champion sitting on the final tile. Well, can only do it when I get there.
3/ Check who are the counters.
I have Doom, Sym Supreme, CAIW, Colossus, She-Hulk and is MD really needed?
4/ Learn backdraft intercept.
5/ Get to the final boss with at least one champ surviving? My very first run.
6/ Patience.
Good Luck!
Do I need to put back Pacify to deal with Magik?
Abilities of The Champion with Power stone.
Removing the 3 Indestructible Charges was the relatively easier part.
And this ... for 12k units
Also, I really must commend you on that units stash, I would have spend it all on cavs ages ago!