Petition to give proxima midnight ability to choose her mission order in prefight

Heading. It's too annoying when its completely up to chance in matches on what mission she has first. Trying this Emma frost, first I have to see whether she has intercept or not and THEN out of those select few occasions have to get whole fight perfectly or die, it gets too damn frustrating. Be better if we could choose for eg here intercept mission to appear first. Or maybe allow missions all at once or be done in any order
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
The missions don’t really bother me, she finishes fights in 104 hits without Corvus or 79 with Corvus unless there’s a damage cap and she doesn’t actually need all 4 missions. Her Sp2 still does north of 100k on 2 missions which can still be reached very easily.
Sure, it’d be nice to carry a mission over but it’s not essential. A combo shield mechanic - e.g. save 50% of your combo count if you get hit, and increased block proficiency.
I think her real issue is mission 1 and 3 (usually) require blocking... and her block proficiency is awful. Even with 6 parries I was losing so much health to Emma that by the time I was ramped my R1 6* was at half health. Really needs a way to reduce block damage.