Kitty Pryde has got it all

As we all probably know by now Kitty has some incredible utility with her phasing and that she can do some decent damage but after pulling her as a 6* from the early access bundle along with a 6* Peni i’ve done a lot of testing and experimenting to see what exactly she is capable of. The clip below is of an unboosted 6* r2 Kitty Pryde without suicides against Realm of Legends Winter Soldier and well… i’ll let the clip speak for itself

That’s also very impressive
And, true focus is here to stay
but “she is just a defender” is utter ridiculousness
I mean, even Korg for example has some offensive abilities
she can very much be both. Excellent offensive potential and a solid defender to boot
Though they do spend half the time trolling and being generally unhelpful.
She's really quite ridiculous.