SEE black panther does have a beard and If the argument is that its all covered up by the black panther mask what about ironman or hulkbuster their face is covered right
The MCOC counterparts aren't based on their MCU counterparts. Iron-Man and Hulk-Buster have their comics appearance and most likely have the tag because Tony Stark in comics has a beard
The MCOC counterparts aren't based on their MCU counterparts. Iron-Man and Hulk-Buster have their comics appearance and most likely have the tag because Tony Stark in comics has a beard
The MCOC counterparts aren't based on their MCU counterparts. Iron-Man and Hulk-Buster have their comics appearance and most likely have the tag because Tony Stark in comics has a beard
What would you call Captain Marvel (Movie) then? 😂
Joking aside Comic BP *usually* doesn't have a Beard/Mustache, however the Movie One Does. Simple way to fix that would be keep BP Classic without the Tag, but give the Tag to BPCW since that one is obviously based on the MCU. (Also I find it odd they didn't give the Tag to BPCW but did give it to Killmonger)
The MCOC counterparts aren't based on their MCU counterparts. Iron-Man and Hulk-Buster have their comics appearance and most likely have the tag because Tony Stark in comics has a beard
What would you call Captain Marvel (Movie) then? 😂
Joking aside Comic BP *usually* doesn't have a Beard/Mustache, however the Movie One Does. Simple way to fix that would be keep BP Classic without the Tag, but give the Tag to BPCW since that one is obviously based on the MCU. (Also I find it odd they didn't give the Tag to BPCW but did give it to Killmonger)
In the Civil War comic series, BP doesn't have facial hair.
The MCOC counterparts aren't based on their MCU counterparts. Iron-Man and Hulk-Buster have their comics appearance and most likely have the tag because Tony Stark in comics has a beard
What would you call Captain Marvel (Movie) then? 😂
Joking aside Comic BP *usually* doesn't have a Beard/Mustache, however the Movie One Does. Simple way to fix that would be keep BP Classic without the Tag, but give the Tag to BPCW since that one is obviously based on the MCU. (Also I find it odd they didn't give the Tag to BPCW but did give it to Killmonger)
In the Civil War comic series, BP doesn't have facial hair.
The BPCW in Mcoc is Clearly based on the Movie Civil War, like it's The Costume and came out around the same time as the Movie. BP Classic is the Comic Version.
The MCOC counterparts aren't based on their MCU counterparts. Iron-Man and Hulk-Buster have their comics appearance and most likely have the tag because Tony Stark in comics has a beard
What would you call Captain Marvel (Movie) then? 😂
Joking aside Comic BP *usually* doesn't have a Beard/Mustache, however the Movie One Does. Simple way to fix that would be keep BP Classic without the Tag, but give the Tag to BPCW since that one is obviously based on the MCU. (Also I find it odd they didn't give the Tag to BPCW but did give it to Killmonger)
In the Civil War comic series, BP doesn't have facial hair.
The BPCW in Mcoc is Clearly based on the Movie Civil War, like it's The Costume and came out around the same time as the Movie. BP Classic is the Comic Version.
The MCOC counterparts aren't based on their MCU counterparts. Iron-Man and Hulk-Buster have their comics appearance and most likely have the tag because Tony Stark in comics has a beard
What would you call Captain Marvel (Movie) then? 😂
Joking aside Comic BP *usually* doesn't have a Beard/Mustache, however the Movie One Does. Simple way to fix that would be keep BP Classic without the Tag, but give the Tag to BPCW since that one is obviously based on the MCU. (Also I find it odd they didn't give the Tag to BPCW but did give it to Killmonger)
In the Civil War comic series, BP doesn't have facial hair.
The BPCW in Mcoc is Clearly based on the Movie Civil War, like it's The Costume and came out around the same time as the Movie. BP Classic is the Comic Version.
Look at the Civil War comic series
I'm not talking about the Comic Series, the "Black Panther Civil War" in Mcoc is the Movie Version.
The MCOC counterparts aren't based on their MCU counterparts. Iron-Man and Hulk-Buster have their comics appearance and most likely have the tag because Tony Stark in comics has a beard
What would you call Captain Marvel (Movie) then? 😂
Joking aside Comic BP *usually* doesn't have a Beard/Mustache, however the Movie One Does. Simple way to fix that would be keep BP Classic without the Tag, but give the Tag to BPCW since that one is obviously based on the MCU. (Also I find it odd they didn't give the Tag to BPCW but did give it to Killmonger)
In the Civil War comic series, BP doesn't have facial hair.
The BPCW in Mcoc is Clearly based on the Movie Civil War, like it's The Costume and came out around the same time as the Movie. BP Classic is the Comic Version.
Look at the Civil War comic series
I'm not talking about the Comic Series, the "Black Panther Civil War" in Mcoc is the Movie Version.
Suits are identical. Event containing BPCW released the Same Month as the Movie.
The MCOC counterparts aren't based on their MCU counterparts. Iron-Man and Hulk-Buster have their comics appearance and most likely have the tag because Tony Stark in comics has a beard
Because his design is from the movies. Movie tie in champs are usually based on the movies - CapIW, IMIW, CMM, Sparky, BWDO, RG, while the rest are based on comics.
The team realises that they have missed the glorious facial hair on T'Challa in Civil War... Somehow! While we're unable to add Black Panther (Civil War) into the Bewhiskered Crystal at this point, the team was able to add him to the list of bearded Champions that award points in the Solo Event. It's a great catch, folks! We're very sorry we missed it. We hope this helps with the Solo Event!
The team realises that they have missed the glorious facial hair on T'Challa in Civil War... Somehow! While we're unable to add Black Panther (Civil War) into the Bewhiskered Crystal at this point, the team was able to add him to the list of bearded Champions that award points in the Solo Event. It's a great catch, folks! We're very sorry we missed it. We hope this helps with the Solo Event!
Wow that was fast, thanks!
Any possible Hints at a Buff for him too would be Even More Appreciated... 😉😂
The team realises that they have missed the glorious facial hair on T'Challa in Civil War... Somehow! While we're unable to add Black Panther (Civil War) into the Bewhiskered Crystal at this point, the team was able to add him to the list of bearded Champions that award points in the Solo Event. It's a great catch, folks! We're very sorry we missed it. We hope this helps with the Solo Event!
Wow that was fast, thanks!
Any possible Hints at a Buff for him too would be Even More Appreciated... 😉😂
i think they should just go ahead and release one line of his spotlight every day up until when he's buffed next month
The team realises that they have missed the glorious facial hair on T'Challa in Civil War... Somehow! While we're unable to add Black Panther (Civil War) into the Bewhiskered Crystal at this point, the team was able to add him to the list of bearded Champions that award points in the Solo Event. It's a great catch, folks! We're very sorry we missed it. We hope this helps with the Solo Event!
Wow that was fast, thanks!
Any possible Hints at a Buff for him too would be Even More Appreciated... 😉😂
i think they should just go ahead and release one line of his spotlight every day up until when he's buffed next month
That'd work! 😂
He was first Champion I won in Arena and used him as a 3 Star for a Lot of the Early back when that lasted longer than a day, so he's got a Special Place in my Roster and have been Patiently Waiting for his Rework!
Hi folks, sorry about the delay. Yes, this is intentional. We included Tigra in the spirit of celebrating all forms of facial hair... But we had reached the limit in our tagging, hence she could not be tagged. Tigra cannot be tamed! But, you'll see that she is awarding points, as promised.
And now regarding BPCW too.
So when you say that BPCW is being added (for points, not in the crystal), will it be same situation as Tigra. Where he will get points, but can NOT have the actual “TAG” added to his profile (like Tigra wasn’t able to be Tagged with it due to exceeding the Tag limit) ??
Hi folks, sorry about the delay. Yes, this is intentional. We included Tigra in the spirit of celebrating all forms of facial hair... But we had reached the limit in our tagging, hence she could not be tagged. Tigra cannot be tamed! But, you'll see that she is awarding points, as promised.
And now regarding BPCW too.
So when you say that BPCW is being added (for points, not in the crystal), will it be same situation as Tigra. Where he will get points, but can NOT have the actual “TAG” added to his profile (like Tigra wasn’t able to be Tagged with it due to exceeding the Tag limit) ??
That part confused me, is the Tag System Really that Dependant on Marvel's Final Say? (They've always said in the Past Marvel Higher Ups are the ones that get the most Input on Tags) Cause them not having the Tag is a bit more annoying when you select Only Champions with the Bewhiskered Tag to appear, it's fine they aren't in the Crystal but what's the reason for not giving them the Actual Tag for sorting sake?
Hi folks, sorry about the delay. Yes, this is intentional. We included Tigra in the spirit of celebrating all forms of facial hair... But we had reached the limit in our tagging, hence she could not be tagged. Tigra cannot be tamed! But, you'll see that she is awarding points, as promised.
And now regarding BPCW too.
So when you say that BPCW is being added (for points, not in the crystal), will it be same situation as Tigra. Where he will get points, but can NOT have the actual “TAG” added to his profile (like Tigra wasn’t able to be Tagged with it due to exceeding the Tag limit) ??
That part confused me, is the Tag System Really that Dependant on Marvel's Final Say? (They've always said in the Past Marvel Higher Ups are the ones that get the most Input on Tags) Cause them not having the Tag is a bit more annoying when you select Only Champions with the Bewhiskered Tag to appear, it's fine they aren't in the Crystal but what's the reason for not giving them the Actual Tag for sorting sake?
Probably should've specified this is me assuming this "Tag Limit" or "how many Champions can have a Tag" is limited by the Marvel Higher Ups which have had big impacts on the Tags in the past.
Hi folks, sorry about the delay. Yes, this is intentional. We included Tigra in the spirit of celebrating all forms of facial hair... But we had reached the limit in our tagging, hence she could not be tagged. Tigra cannot be tamed! But, you'll see that she is awarding points, as promised.
And now regarding BPCW too.
So when you say that BPCW is being added (for points, not in the crystal), will it be same situation as Tigra. Where he will get points, but can NOT have the actual “TAG” added to his profile (like Tigra wasn’t able to be Tagged with it due to exceeding the Tag limit) ??
That part confused me, is the Tag System Really that Dependant on Marvel's Final Say? (They've always said in the Past Marvel Higher Ups are the ones that get the most Input on Tags) Cause them not having the Tag is a bit more annoying when you select Only Champions with the Bewhiskered Tag to appear, it's fine they aren't in the Crystal but what's the reason for not giving them the Actual Tag for sorting sake?
Probably should've specified this is me assuming this "Tag Limit" or "how many Champions can have a Tag" is limited by the Marvel Higher Ups which have had big impacts on the Tags in the past.
I think it is maybe a programming limitation instead. And might be different from just Hero or Villain, which I think are under a different “section” of tags than what Organizations are. What is the next highest # of champs in an Organization TAG, is it Avengers, or X-Men ? Are there more of those than what this numerical limitation for Bewhisked is ?
Or might be the other way around, maybe a champ itself can only have so many Tags ? But doubt that would be the case with Tigra (can’t imagine she has so many, although without looking in game).
Hi folks, sorry about the delay. Yes, this is intentional. We included Tigra in the spirit of celebrating all forms of facial hair... But we had reached the limit in our tagging, hence she could not be tagged. Tigra cannot be tamed! But, you'll see that she is awarding points, as promised.
And now regarding BPCW too.
So when you say that BPCW is being added (for points, not in the crystal), will it be same situation as Tigra. Where he will get points, but can NOT have the actual “TAG” added to his profile (like Tigra wasn’t able to be Tagged with it due to exceeding the Tag limit) ??
That part confused me, is the Tag System Really that Dependant on Marvel's Final Say? (They've always said in the Past Marvel Higher Ups are the ones that get the most Input on Tags) Cause them not having the Tag is a bit more annoying when you select Only Champions with the Bewhiskered Tag to appear, it's fine they aren't in the Crystal but what's the reason for not giving them the Actual Tag for sorting sake?
Probably should've specified this is me assuming this "Tag Limit" or "how many Champions can have a Tag" is limited by the Marvel Higher Ups which have had big impacts on the Tags in the past.
I think it is maybe a programming limitation instead. And might be different from just Hero or Villain, which I think are under a different “section” of tags than what Organizations are. What is the next highest # of champs in an Organization TAG, is it Avengers, or X-Men ? Are there more of those than what this numerical limitation for Bewhisked is ?
Iron-Man and Hulk-Buster have their comics appearance and most likely have the tag because Tony Stark in comics has a beard
Bewhiskered means mustache???
Joking aside Comic BP *usually* doesn't have a Beard/Mustache, however the Movie One Does.
Simple way to fix that would be keep BP Classic without the Tag, but give the Tag to BPCW since that one is obviously based on the MCU. (Also I find it odd they didn't give the Tag to BPCW but did give it to Killmonger)
BP Classic is the Comic Version.
Suits are identical.
Event containing BPCW released the Same Month as the Movie.
Movie tie in champs are usually based on the movies - CapIW, IMIW, CMM, Sparky, BWDO, RG, while the rest are based on comics.
Any possible Hints at a Buff for him too would be Even More Appreciated... 😉😂
He was first Champion I won in Arena and used him as a 3 Star for a Lot of the Early back when that lasted longer than a day, so he's got a Special Place in my Roster and have been Patiently Waiting for his Rework!
So when you say that BPCW is being added (for points, not in the crystal), will it be same situation as Tigra. Where he will get points, but can NOT have the actual “TAG” added to his profile (like Tigra wasn’t able to be Tagged with it due to exceeding the Tag limit) ??
Cause them not having the Tag is a bit more annoying when you select Only Champions with the Bewhiskered Tag to appear, it's fine they aren't in the Crystal but what's the reason for not giving them the Actual Tag for sorting sake?
Or might be the other way around, maybe a champ itself can only have so many Tags ? But doubt that would be the case with Tigra (can’t imagine she has so many, although without looking in game).
Bewhiskered has 29 Champions while X-Men has 31 (currently).