Are you guys joking with this side quest design

This is by far the most absurd thing difficulty wise in a SIDE QUEST...this isn't story mode or summer of pain it's a side quest...up the middle ...u got super skrull , Korg , and terrax then annihlus as the boss....good thing I chessed it last week because this is absolutely not worth the time ...10minute fights in a side quest , Ludacris
Difficulty is a major factor of it.
I've barely touched the side event this month due to said factor.
Can we keep the 5 character limit? Forced to only use 3(2 if you take one of the Eternal 3 stars) makes it quite frustrating enough as is.
At least with 4 or 5 viable champs, when one champ dies, we're not as stressed with 4 or 5 in comparison to the 2-3 characters.
Of course it would still be brutal as heck but it's a start. Especially with that middle path.
Side note: almost every side event that has the limited character amount tends to be the least good ones(looking at you Endgame event).
Also this 2 man team side quest thing is fine and all but you’re running them at a point where the game is riddled with bugs making it highly likely you’ll miss a parry, get intercepted punishing a special or get stuck in the corner keep parrying instead of dexing. Chances are at that point you need to start the quest again. 🤷🏽♂️
But yeah 5 revives and that every 2 months. Cheers.
400hp Korgs/Terraxes are going to be slogs. Last week Magneto could destroy the middle lane so it wasn't so noticeable.
I 100% this week’s SQ already using 2 champs only - 6r3 CGR and Doom. For all lanes. the middle lane in legendary was probably the most brutal, long fight - as I used doom for korg, skrull and cgr for terrax and annihilus.
CGR for all annihilus boss difficulty and the rest of the paths were either doom or CGR. I hope this helps.
Remember when we used to have mutant island, or the squirrel store. These type of side events were great. We don’t need to have OP rewards but the difficulty were perfect and the events were fun.
The fun aspect of the game is really being strangled away.
Someone probably used revive and potions to finish it... And will never get back.. .