Who is the best Champion in the game that covers the most content individually?

I recently was able to obtain a 5* and 3* Hercules in the recent Bewhiskered Cav crystals and was finally able to play around with him. I was able to awaken the 3* but not yet for the 5*. After messing around with various content and observing what other content creators had to say about him, (I must say I found Karatemikes content extemely informative regarding the champ), I came to the thought that Hercules may be the best champion in the game especially considering what I could do with the awakened 3* alone.
Considering the current state of the game and the plethora of content options available, which of the following Champs do you think make them the best champion in the game. I know the standard opinion would say its Quake but considering her skill cap for new/practicing players etc, and the varienty of nodes availble in the game atm, Act 6 bosses, incursions, AQ, AW and so on, I would strongly argue that Hercules is at the top of the game at the current moment. From the champions I have available, I would say that BWCV, Corvus and Warlock are some personal favourites of mine for smashing a wide range of content, but Hercules is something else but I am curious to what everyone else thinks.
I have added what I think are the top 9 champs for overall content but also added an other option in case I missed anyone important out (coment below what they would have been if you select other).
I would like to add that the above is my personal opinion from what I have experienced so far on this game and I like to see the opinions of other summoners.
Thank you
Considering the current state of the game and the plethora of content options available, which of the following Champs do you think make them the best champion in the game. I know the standard opinion would say its Quake but considering her skill cap for new/practicing players etc, and the varienty of nodes availble in the game atm, Act 6 bosses, incursions, AQ, AW and so on, I would strongly argue that Hercules is at the top of the game at the current moment. From the champions I have available, I would say that BWCV, Corvus and Warlock are some personal favourites of mine for smashing a wide range of content, but Hercules is something else but I am curious to what everyone else thinks.
I have added what I think are the top 9 champs for overall content but also added an other option in case I missed anyone important out (coment below what they would have been if you select other).
I would like to add that the above is my personal opinion from what I have experienced so far on this game and I like to see the opinions of other summoners.
Thank you

Who is the best Champion in the game that covers the most content individually? 141 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
He is also Tech and XL Champion for Variants
Did I miss anything?
Forget my Previous Comment.
This is the true Champion
Also, CGR deserves a spot on this list more than a lot of the people on the list.
Imo, warlock can take on so much content its actually insane.