6* AG is unfair.



  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Coppin said:

    thepiggy said:

    Texas_11 said:

    thepiggy said:

    Fuskie said:

    I am in the same position as most here. I had 3 Generic AG when this started and after opening the 1 5* AG crystal I had I got lucky and pulled a 3rd Science to get Generic number 4 and that's where the luck ended I had 2 Mutant and 2 Mystic going into all the trades I ended up pulling 2 more Science, 1 Cosmic, 1 Skill, and 1 Tech out of the 5 for trade. Now I have 4 Generic and 2 each in Mutant, Mystic, Cosmic, Science, and Skill!! Am I sure if I managed to get another Crystal it would almost definitely be Tech too give me 2 of each. Because that's how the RNG goes when it's something you really want. The bigger issue I see is how didn't Kabam see this coming with setting the limit of trade in Crystals at 5 when to get 3 of a certain class from 0 you would need at least 10-15 crystals to maybe get lucky and get 3 of the same. But even for people who have 1 or 2 of a few different classes it takes great LUCK to get that 3rd one out of 5. So for all the people in here talking all of this garbage about not deserving it because we aren't this player or that player is absolutely nonsense. I have sat here watching this post now for 3 days and I couldn't stay quiet any longer. This post has become toxic and so many people on here are just on here to try and push people's buttons. If you already got your gem there is no need for you to be here honestly. Kabam isn't going to give anyone anything cheaper than they gave it too anyone else if they do trust me they will reimburse you what you paid they always do. But for people to sit here and say so and so doesn't deserve it because they don't have this or didn't complete that is absolute B&$LS@+T!!!! Now the other thing is where is Kabam you can't tell me that a post has over 12k posts now and hundreds of people watching that they haven't seen it? It's the most watched post on the forum right now lol! Just give an answer before this gets even worse and people are just downright fighting in here over something none of us can control!!

    Preach man. I should stop arguin with people who talk like they knew this was coming and i am stupid and luck didnt play role. Luck played ALL THE ROLE and to sit here and argue with people who won the lottery and are so high in their ss to come and flex on us for being unlucky (calling it a bad judgment on our part) is stupid of me... people like this are everywhere... i should start ignoring...
    No one's flexing. I get the frustration of being so close and missing, especially if they're in the target demo this trade-in is geared to, but some of the other stuff here is classic forum complaining.

    "I used all my gems on my top profile champs that I use everyday, Kabam. If I had known this trade in was coming, I would have waited!"

    "I burned 7 gems for fun on champs I'll never use or rank up, this is not fair!"
    No one on here that I have seen is using 5* champs anymore.

    What were you saving your gems for ?
    Some here wasted their gems on arena champions, it sucks missing but poor resource management is also to blame.

    Most of my gems came from 2020 gifting and I kept them because I have no use for 5 stars.

    Poor resource management, are you kidding??

    Those 5* ag have no value, until this offer come out, hoarding them make no sense unless you still valuate them.

    If kabam do the same 3 months later people will get it and you can't get it.
    5* AG had real good value, a lot of people don't understand that...
    The 5* AG even the class one has an ENORMOUS value for champs that require max sig...
    Yeah u could be really happy if u pulled and dup OR naturally.. or Void... Or CaIW... But do u maximize his awakened ability with a sig20?...
    Of course im talking on a r1 or maybe an r2 against a 5r5... 6* R3.total different story.
    AA is an example.. great champ for a lot of nodes that require AAR... A 5*R5 at over 100sig in my opinion is better than a 6* at sig 20
    Yeah 5* AG had value for you not for us, i have all those champs as a 5* at sig 200,(dr doom, AA, cmm, void, caiw, Or, guardian ... and more), and i have many of them as a 6* like sig 200 (dr doom/silver surfer/cmm/warlok... ) i never use my 5* void/AA since i have both awakend with decent sig... just i give exemples, i have 27 r3 6* ..

    So the 5* ag have no value for me i just used them for fun or to test some champ sig ability, i don t use my 5* on anything except for fun or in eq..

    So this is why i wasted some of my 5* ag, if i thought kabam can release this kind of offer i wouldn t use them at all.

    🙄 There is new champs every month that might meet the criteria...
    Every point made is not based on what u have at sig 200.. also what u could get...
    But fine ...
    The main argument on my side is that everyone asks for a trade that is fair to their own need...
    If 3 class 5* AG = 1 5* Generic AG, it wouldn't be fair to do 3 different class = 1 Generic... If that was the case i would have to be compensated in some way for using 5* generic AG right from the bat when i could have traded some class ones in excess...
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian
    Graves_3 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Graves_3 said:

    damianohm said:

    Stuck on 3 generic AGs with no more than 2 of any class, looking like this is impossible for me and sucks because of how RNG related it feels.

    Yup same story. If they help us out would be cool to know sooner. Than i will need to explore 4 paths of lab and i dont have THAT much time if i will only have 1 day :(
    I don’t think the 6* gem was offered with players who haven’t even finished 5 year old content…..
    Then who was it offered for? Just asking since my level 45 alt account Which is uncollected has a ton of colored gems and 2 generics. By trading the class gems, I can easily reach 5 generics. All I need to do is grind out cavalier to get the six star AG which I am not interested in doing.
    I don’t have the same luck on my level 60 breaker of throne main account which has 17r3’s. Would you like to tell me who is it offered for?
    The people who had them and were not using them. For the most part, that would be players who were no longer investing in 5* champs. The fact that other accounts besides those could take advantage of the offer is neither here nor there. The game cannot target offers to mindset, no matter what the resource fixing conspiracy theorists claim.
    I agree with you. I was responding to the condescending tone adopted for someone who had not completely explored labyrinth of legends.
    i get that 6* AGs have super high value to some, and that means emotions are going to be heated whenever an opportunity arises to get them that some players can't take advantage of. But I think everyone needs to take a breath, and realize the players who spent those AGs mostly did so in good faith, and while I think they can't blame Kabam for doing so, they took a reasonable approach to playing the game and might feel shorted by the store. And the players who had these AGs and were rewarded by the trade in store were not doing silly or stupid things: many players (such as myself) thought they were playing intelligently and efficiently, and see the trade in store as a reward for playing efficiently.

    We're talking about playstyles, and the people saying the store is completely fair can sound like they are saying the players who spent AGs played "wrong" and vice versa: the people saying the store is unfair can sound like they are saying the players who didn't spend the AGs played the game "wrong." No one likes to be told they are playing a game wrong.

    I think sometimes the game rewards certain things, and not all players will be able to take advantage of those things, and it is fine to be happy if you're one of the players who can, and it is fine to be upset if you're one of the players who can't. But that anger should be tempered by the fact that the game isn't going to make every opportunity available for every player, and sometimes you'll be one of the players who can, and sometimes you'll be one of the players who can't. And no player's resume entitles them to everything anyone else gets. I've said this about opportunities I could take advantage of, and those I couldn't. My opinion is not based on whether I'm in either group.

    If you don't like the trade in store, tell Kabam you don't like the trade in store. If you like the trade in store, tell Kabam you like the trade in store. There's plenty of room for disagreement on how the store should work, but that disagreement should be focused on the design of the store, not on the players expressing their opinions on the store.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
    Well then they should give anyone who used 5x5* Generics a Generic 6* awakening gem..
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Texas_11 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
    He can awaken MORE CHAMPS. Will the amount of AG worthy 5 stars that you get each month (you dont) outrun the amount of class AGs you get EVERY month? No. Why keep more than reasonable amount of gems? Theres non. But hey ITS INTELLIGENT STYLE.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian

    thepiggy said:

    thepiggy said:

    Texas_11 said:

    thepiggy said:

    Fuskie said:

    I am in the same position as most here. I had 3 Generic AG when this started and after opening the 1 5* AG crystal I had I got lucky and pulled a 3rd Science to get Generic number 4 and that's where the luck ended I had 2 Mutant and 2 Mystic going into all the trades I ended up pulling 2 more Science, 1 Cosmic, 1 Skill, and 1 Tech out of the 5 for trade. Now I have 4 Generic and 2 each in Mutant, Mystic, Cosmic, Science, and Skill!! Am I sure if I managed to get another Crystal it would almost definitely be Tech too give me 2 of each. Because that's how the RNG goes when it's something you really want. The bigger issue I see is how didn't Kabam see this coming with setting the limit of trade in Crystals at 5 when to get 3 of a certain class from 0 you would need at least 10-15 crystals to maybe get lucky and get 3 of the same. But even for people who have 1 or 2 of a few different classes it takes great LUCK to get that 3rd one out of 5. So for all the people in here talking all of this garbage about not deserving it because we aren't this player or that player is absolutely nonsense. I have sat here watching this post now for 3 days and I couldn't stay quiet any longer. This post has become toxic and so many people on here are just on here to try and push people's buttons. If you already got your gem there is no need for you to be here honestly. Kabam isn't going to give anyone anything cheaper than they gave it too anyone else if they do trust me they will reimburse you what you paid they always do. But for people to sit here and say so and so doesn't deserve it because they don't have this or didn't complete that is absolute B&$LS@+T!!!! Now the other thing is where is Kabam you can't tell me that a post has over 12k posts now and hundreds of people watching that they haven't seen it? It's the most watched post on the forum right now lol! Just give an answer before this gets even worse and people are just downright fighting in here over something none of us can control!!

    Preach man. I should stop arguin with people who talk like they knew this was coming and i am stupid and luck didnt play role. Luck played ALL THE ROLE and to sit here and argue with people who won the lottery and are so high in their ss to come and flex on us for being unlucky (calling it a bad judgment on our part) is stupid of me... people like this are everywhere... i should start ignoring...
    No one's flexing. I get the frustration of being so close and missing, especially if they're in the target demo this trade-in is geared to, but some of the other stuff here is classic forum complaining.

    "I used all my gems on my top profile champs that I use everyday, Kabam. If I had known this trade in was coming, I would have waited!"

    "I burned 7 gems for fun on champs I'll never use or rank up, this is not fair!"
    No one on here that I have seen is using 5* champs anymore.

    What were you saving your gems for ?
    Some here wasted their gems on arena champions, it sucks missing but poor resource management is also to blame.

    Most of my gems came from 2020 gifting and I kept them because I have no use for 5 stars.

    Poor resource management, are you kidding??

    Those 5* ag have no value, until this offer come out, hoarding them make no sense unless you still valuate them.

    If kabam do the same 3 months later people will get it and you can't get it.
    Resource management is different for everybody. For me, 5*s AGs are useless because using them would add 0% progression, but it could in the future.

    Future content needing only 5s...
    Future OP champs like the next Ghost or Quake I can't easily pull as a 6*...

    I didn't keep them expecting a trade in, I saved them because burning them on nothing is infinitely worse than future possibilities.
    You talk like you were planning this to happen lol, useless resource is a useless ressource especially in mcoc, resource easily loose there value, there is no resource management, it is just a pure luck, because kabam decided to bring out this kind of offer, and normally that shouldn't happen, like you excpect them to bring an offer to trade high/full 5* champ with a 6* champ one day?? And why kabam never come out with a trade to 4* ag to a 5* ag when 5* has value ??
    I'm sorry, but you're wrong. MCOC has always been in part a resource management game, and it has over the years run into all sorts of situations where it was clear resource management was a critical part of the game. That's why we don't have rank down tickets: once you spend resources on a rank up, you don't get to have them back. You're supposed to decide whether to use those resources now or save them for later. You don't get to do both: spend now *and* save for later by reclaiming them. That's why the glory store exists: to give players agency in the rewards they get from AQ to assist them in balancing resources. Players who say they don't have enough T1A but also say they never spend glory on T1A because "it would be a waste to spend glory on T1A" are being penalized for having poor resource management skills.

    A lot of people have said that 5* AGs are worthless to them, and for their particular playstyle perhaps they are. But the game doesn't balance resources based on any one player's playstyle. Resources have an objective value in the game economy that is independent of whether any one player uses them or not. And the way to know what that objective value is, is to ask the question: how hard is it to get or replace? 5* AGs are not easy to get or replace on short time scales. That means they have high intrinsic value within the game. Setting high objective value resources on fire just because you don't personally have a use for them is not efficient resource management.

    like you excpect them to bring an offer to trade high/full 5* champ with a 6* champ one day??

    Actually, sort of, yes I do. That's why I went for 5* Deadpool. You needed the 4* Deadpool to shoot for the 5* Deadpool. What do you suppose the prerequisite will be to one day shoot for the 6* Deadpool? Of course, Deadpool isn't all that useful, except for the part where they made an entire Variant that makes him useful.

    I'm constantly asking questions like that. That's part of good resource management. Before Thronebreaker came out, I made sure to pile all my selectors into the class I had the most fragments for, to get to a whole T5CC as fast as possible. I didn't know TB would require a rank up. But I knew that R3s were the future, and having one whole one was going to be better than having half of a couple. That's not luck, that's a calculated risk that paid off. Keeping the AGs was a calculated risk that paid off. And here's another calculated risk: even knowing this store exists, I am not trading in my class AGs for generics. That's what you do if you're preparing for this store to come back. That's not what I'm doing. Another calculated risk.

    There's a difference between random chance and luck. Random chance is a real world factor you can strategically account for. Luck is when you think you have no agency in life. Good resource management converts chance to risk management. Poor resource management makes risk management look like luck.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
    Well then they should give anyone who used 5x5* Generics a Generic 6* awakening gem..

    They should have let you earn it.

    They are saying 3 color gems are worth 1 gray gem. Any colors are fine as long as you have 3.

    I have the quantity of colors just not the right set due to spinning the crystals.

    There are also no more opportunities to spin for the one you needed. Imagine if they didn't have the random AG in store.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
    Well then they should give anyone who used 5x5* Generics a Generic 6* awakening gem..

    They should have let you earn it.

    They are saying 3 color gems are worth 1 gray gem. Any colors are fine as long as you have 3.

    I have the quantity of colors just not the right set due to spinning the crystals.

    There are also no more opportunities to spin for the one you needed. Imagine if they didn't have the random AG in store.
    But anycolor 3 gem is not worth 3 gems of the same color ..
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
    Well then they should give anyone who used 5x5* Generics a Generic 6* awakening gem..
    Untill admins get here and ban me i will keep saying it. You greedy little hateful
    DNA3000 said:

    thepiggy said:

    thepiggy said:

    Texas_11 said:

    thepiggy said:

    Fuskie said:

    I am in the same position as most here. I had 3 Generic AG when this started and after opening the 1 5* AG crystal I had I got lucky and pulled a 3rd Science to get Generic number 4 and that's where the luck ended I had 2 Mutant and 2 Mystic going into all the trades I ended up pulling 2 more Science, 1 Cosmic, 1 Skill, and 1 Tech out of the 5 for trade. Now I have 4 Generic and 2 each in Mutant, Mystic, Cosmic, Science, and Skill!! Am I sure if I managed to get another Crystal it would almost definitely be Tech too give me 2 of each. Because that's how the RNG goes when it's something you really want. The bigger issue I see is how didn't Kabam see this coming with setting the limit of trade in Crystals at 5 when to get 3 of a certain class from 0 you would need at least 10-15 crystals to maybe get lucky and get 3 of the same. But even for people who have 1 or 2 of a few different classes it takes great LUCK to get that 3rd one out of 5. So for all the people in here talking all of this garbage about not deserving it because we aren't this player or that player is absolutely nonsense. I have sat here watching this post now for 3 days and I couldn't stay quiet any longer. This post has become toxic and so many people on here are just on here to try and push people's buttons. If you already got your gem there is no need for you to be here honestly. Kabam isn't going to give anyone anything cheaper than they gave it too anyone else if they do trust me they will reimburse you what you paid they always do. But for people to sit here and say so and so doesn't deserve it because they don't have this or didn't complete that is absolute B&$LS@+T!!!! Now the other thing is where is Kabam you can't tell me that a post has over 12k posts now and hundreds of people watching that they haven't seen it? It's the most watched post on the forum right now lol! Just give an answer before this gets even worse and people are just downright fighting in here over something none of us can control!!

    Preach man. I should stop arguin with people who talk like they knew this was coming and i am stupid and luck didnt play role. Luck played ALL THE ROLE and to sit here and argue with people who won the lottery and are so high in their ss to come and flex on us for being unlucky (calling it a bad judgment on our part) is stupid of me... people like this are everywhere... i should start ignoring...
    No one's flexing. I get the frustration of being so close and missing, especially if they're in the target demo this trade-in is geared to, but some of the other stuff here is classic forum complaining.

    "I used all my gems on my top profile champs that I use everyday, Kabam. If I had known this trade in was coming, I would have waited!"

    "I burned 7 gems for fun on champs I'll never use or rank up, this is not fair!"
    No one on here that I have seen is using 5* champs anymore.

    What were you saving your gems for ?
    Some here wasted their gems on arena champions, it sucks missing but poor resource management is also to blame.

    Most of my gems came from 2020 gifting and I kept them because I have no use for 5 stars.

    Poor resource management, are you kidding??

    Those 5* ag have no value, until this offer come out, hoarding them make no sense unless you still valuate them.

    If kabam do the same 3 months later people will get it and you can't get it.
    Resource management is different for everybody. For me, 5*s AGs are useless because using them would add 0% progression, but it could in the future.

    Future content needing only 5s...
    Future OP champs like the next Ghost or Quake I can't easily pull as a 6*...

    I didn't keep them expecting a trade in, I saved them because burning them on nothing is infinitely worse than future possibilities.
    You talk like you were planning this to happen lol, useless resource is a useless ressource especially in mcoc, resource easily loose there value, there is no resource management, it is just a pure luck, because kabam decided to bring out this kind of offer, and normally that shouldn't happen, like you excpect them to bring an offer to trade high/full 5* champ with a 6* champ one day?? And why kabam never come out with a trade to 4* ag to a 5* ag when 5* has value ??
    I'm sorry, but you're wrong. MCOC has always been in part a resource management game, and it has over the years run into all sorts of situations where it was clear resource management was a critical part of the game. That's why we don't have rank down tickets: once you spend resources on a rank up, you don't get to have them back. You're supposed to decide whether to use those resources now or save them for later. You don't get to do both: spend now *and* save for later by reclaiming them. That's why the glory store exists: to give players agency in the rewards they get from AQ to assist them in balancing resources. Players who say they don't have enough T1A but also say they never spend glory on T1A because "it would be a waste to spend glory on T1A" are being penalized for having poor resource management skills.

    A lot of people have said that 5* AGs are worthless to them, and for their particular playstyle perhaps they are. But the game doesn't balance resources based on any one player's playstyle. Resources have an objective value in the game economy that is independent of whether any one player uses them or not. And the way to know what that objective value is, is to ask the question: how hard is it to get or replace? 5* AGs are not easy to get or replace on short time scales. That means they have high intrinsic value within the game. Setting high objective value resources on fire just because you don't personally have a use for them is not efficient resource management.

    like you excpect them to bring an offer to trade high/full 5* champ with a 6* champ one day??

    Actually, sort of, yes I do. That's why I went for 5* Deadpool. You needed the 4* Deadpool to shoot for the 5* Deadpool. What do you suppose the prerequisite will be to one day shoot for the 6* Deadpool? Of course, Deadpool isn't all that useful, except for the part where they made an entire Variant that makes him useful.

    I'm constantly asking questions like that. That's part of good resource management. Before Thronebreaker came out, I made sure to pile all my selectors into the class I had the most fragments for, to get to a whole T5CC as fast as possible. I didn't know TB would require a rank up. But I knew that R3s were the future, and having one whole one was going to be better than having half of a couple. That's not luck, that's a calculated risk that paid off. Keeping the AGs was a calculated risk that paid off. And here's another calculated risk: even knowing this store exists, I am not trading in my class AGs for generics. That's what you do if you're preparing for this store to come back. That's not what I'm doing. Another calculated risk.

    There's a difference between random chance and luck. Random chance is a real world factor you can strategically account for. Luck is when you think you have no agency in life. Good resource management converts chance to risk management. Poor resource management makes risk management look like luck.
    Everyone tried to form one tier 5 class cat instead of choosing to get 6 piles of 44500 fragments of every class while everyone runs with 6* rank3s. What are you even comparing?? Trying to look smart and stuff. Your writing is much better and looks polished but dont let that trick you into connecting it with your GAMER IQ. Your not special. And kabam just made AGS into a bitcoin and you are running around preaching you KNEW THE FUTURE WAS BITCOIN. Get down from your high horse. Your just a psycho horder who rewarded. Nothing more nothing else.
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
    Well then they should give anyone who used 5x5* Generics a Generic 6* awakening gem..

    They should have let you earn it.

    They are saying 3 color gems are worth 1 gray gem. Any colors are fine as long as you have 3.

    I have the quantity of colors just not the right set due to spinning the crystals.

    There are also no more opportunities to spin for the one you needed. Imagine if they didn't have the random AG in store.
    But anycolor 3 gem is not worth 3 gems of the same color ..
    If i was your math teacher i would die. If i was your pearant i would do worse 🤣
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    Graves_3 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Graves_3 said:

    damianohm said:

    Stuck on 3 generic AGs with no more than 2 of any class, looking like this is impossible for me and sucks because of how RNG related it feels.

    Yup same story. If they help us out would be cool to know sooner. Than i will need to explore 4 paths of lab and i dont have THAT much time if i will only have 1 day :(
    I don’t think the 6* gem was offered with players who haven’t even finished 5 year old content…..
    Then who was it offered for? Just asking since my level 45 alt account Which is uncollected has a ton of colored gems and 2 generics. By trading the class gems, I can easily reach 5 generics. All I need to do is grind out cavalier to get the six star AG which I am not interested in doing.
    I don’t have the same luck on my level 60 breaker of throne main account which has 17r3’s. Would you like to tell me who is it offered for?
    The people who had them and were not using them. For the most part, that would be players who were no longer investing in 5* champs. The fact that other accounts besides those could take advantage of the offer is neither here nor there. The game cannot target offers to mindset, no matter what the resource fixing conspiracy theorists claim.
    I agree with you. I was responding to the condescending tone adopted for someone who had not completely explored labyrinth of legends.
    i get that 6* AGs have super high value to some, and that means emotions are going to be heated whenever an opportunity arises to get them that some players can't take advantage of. But I think everyone needs to take a breath, and realize the players who spent those AGs mostly did so in good faith, and while I think they can't blame Kabam for doing so, they took a reasonable approach to playing the game and might feel shorted by the store. And the players who had these AGs and were rewarded by the trade in store were not doing silly or stupid things: many players (such as myself) thought they were playing intelligently and efficiently, and see the trade in store as a reward for playing efficiently.

    We're talking about playstyles, and the people saying the store is completely fair can sound like they are saying the players who spent AGs played "wrong" and vice versa: the people saying the store is unfair can sound like they are saying the players who didn't spend the AGs played the game "wrong." No one likes to be told they are playing a game wrong.

    I think sometimes the game rewards certain things, and not all players will be able to take advantage of those things, and it is fine to be happy if you're one of the players who can, and it is fine to be upset if you're one of the players who can't. But that anger should be tempered by the fact that the game isn't going to make every opportunity available for every player, and sometimes you'll be one of the players who can, and sometimes you'll be one of the players who can't. And no player's resume entitles them to everything anyone else gets. I've said this about opportunities I could take advantage of, and those I couldn't. My opinion is not based on whether I'm in either group.

    If you don't like the trade in store, tell Kabam you don't like the trade in store. If you like the trade in store, tell Kabam you like the trade in store. There's plenty of room for disagreement on how the store should work, but that disagreement should be focused on the design of the store, not on the players expressing their opinions on the store.
    You didnt play INTELLIGENTLY. you just went brian grant style and congrats on being rewarded for that. But the reward shouldnt only go to your psycho super hoarder style ok? And not to the super spender careless types. It should be for us. The reasonably balanced MIDDLE-HIGH CLASS players who kept 2-3-4 generics and couple of class gems. Cause in NO WORLD would you need that much in one month. Any EVERY MONTH new ones come through side events and its bs to suggest its INTELLIGENT playing. You would eat dirt for a year and i would eat good balanced diet with cheat days in between and at the end of.the year you would have 500$ more and would say I LIVED SMART. Just because you EXIDENTLY invested into bitcoin doesnt mean your INTELLIGENT MANAGER OF RESOURCES. Your just not living life (talking about the game life i suppose but who knows)
    Username does not check out
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★

    DNA3000 said:

    Graves_3 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Graves_3 said:

    damianohm said:

    Stuck on 3 generic AGs with no more than 2 of any class, looking like this is impossible for me and sucks because of how RNG related it feels.

    Yup same story. If they help us out would be cool to know sooner. Than i will need to explore 4 paths of lab and i dont have THAT much time if i will only have 1 day :(
    I don’t think the 6* gem was offered with players who haven’t even finished 5 year old content…..
    Then who was it offered for? Just asking since my level 45 alt account Which is uncollected has a ton of colored gems and 2 generics. By trading the class gems, I can easily reach 5 generics. All I need to do is grind out cavalier to get the six star AG which I am not interested in doing.
    I don’t have the same luck on my level 60 breaker of throne main account which has 17r3’s. Would you like to tell me who is it offered for?
    The people who had them and were not using them. For the most part, that would be players who were no longer investing in 5* champs. The fact that other accounts besides those could take advantage of the offer is neither here nor there. The game cannot target offers to mindset, no matter what the resource fixing conspiracy theorists claim.
    I agree with you. I was responding to the condescending tone adopted for someone who had not completely explored labyrinth of legends.
    i get that 6* AGs have super high value to some, and that means emotions are going to be heated whenever an opportunity arises to get them that some players can't take advantage of. But I think everyone needs to take a breath, and realize the players who spent those AGs mostly did so in good faith, and while I think they can't blame Kabam for doing so, they took a reasonable approach to playing the game and might feel shorted by the store. And the players who had these AGs and were rewarded by the trade in store were not doing silly or stupid things: many players (such as myself) thought they were playing intelligently and efficiently, and see the trade in store as a reward for playing efficiently.

    We're talking about playstyles, and the people saying the store is completely fair can sound like they are saying the players who spent AGs played "wrong" and vice versa: the people saying the store is unfair can sound like they are saying the players who didn't spend the AGs played the game "wrong." No one likes to be told they are playing a game wrong.

    I think sometimes the game rewards certain things, and not all players will be able to take advantage of those things, and it is fine to be happy if you're one of the players who can, and it is fine to be upset if you're one of the players who can't. But that anger should be tempered by the fact that the game isn't going to make every opportunity available for every player, and sometimes you'll be one of the players who can, and sometimes you'll be one of the players who can't. And no player's resume entitles them to everything anyone else gets. I've said this about opportunities I could take advantage of, and those I couldn't. My opinion is not based on whether I'm in either group.

    If you don't like the trade in store, tell Kabam you don't like the trade in store. If you like the trade in store, tell Kabam you like the trade in store. There's plenty of room for disagreement on how the store should work, but that disagreement should be focused on the design of the store, not on the players expressing their opinions on the store.
    You didnt play INTELLIGENTLY. you just went brian grant style and congrats on being rewarded for that. But the reward shouldnt only go to your psycho super hoarder style ok? And not to the super spender careless types. It should be for us. The reasonably balanced MIDDLE-HIGH CLASS players who kept 2-3-4 generics and couple of class gems. Cause in NO WORLD would you need that much in one month. Any EVERY MONTH new ones come through side events and its bs to suggest its INTELLIGENT playing. You would eat dirt for a year and i would eat good balanced diet with cheat days in between and at the end of.the year you would have 500$ more and would say I LIVED SMART. Just because you EXIDENTLY invested into bitcoin doesnt mean your INTELLIGENT MANAGER OF RESOURCES. Your just not living life (talking about the game life i suppose but who knows)
    Username does not check out
    ? Didnt understand what that means. What username? Who i aimed it for? Dna guy with rogue pic
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Untill admins get here and ban me i will keep saying it. You greedy little hateful
    How am i greedy when i paid the price that was asked?.. You are basically begging for a discount or "an arranged payment" and i am greedy?...I'm just you are the greedy one who wants the item on your own terms ..
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian
    Texas_11 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
    Well, yes, that would be a difference. If you're asking if the AG should be purchaseable with five rainbow AGs instead of five generics, I'd be fine with that. But we're not going to get perfection from the trade in store, and for every player we help with a five to one trade in, there will be players who say that's unfair to the players who want to trade in three science and two cosmics, and what's the difference between them and you. The line would have to be drawn somewhere, and the store technology currently cannot deal with permutation currency. Meaning: to allow players to trade five to one, we'd have to put six additional trades into the store, one for each possible way to trade five to one. To go even further and allow any five, and not just five different, would require dozens of different trades.

    The alternative, and I'm not sure if I mentioned this previously or not, is intermediate currency. But intermediate currency has all sorts of other problems, mostly due to players not using it correctly and begging support to fix mistakes. Intermediate currency would work like this: trade one 5* AG of any type for a 6* AG ticket. You'd need exactly six different trades (one per class) to do this. Then trade five tickets for a 6* AG crystal. That's seven total trades to make this work.

    I'd be all for that, except for the part where players start opening support tickets because they accidentally traded for six instead of five and need one reversed, or someone trades for three then goes on vacation and forgets to trade the rest and gets stuck with tickets, or whatever. If this system was 100% buyer beware, I think it would be perfectly reasonable to allow players to trade any five 5* AGs for one 6* AG crystal, and this mechanism would allow you to do that without filling the store with a ton of different individual trades of all possible combinations.

    I think this is fair, reasonable, and easy to implement. The only problem would be players not reading instructions or being completely careless with their valuable resources. Which, you know, is a thing that actually happens.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
    Well then they should give anyone who used 5x5* Generics a Generic 6* awakening gem..

    They should have let you earn it.

    They are saying 3 color gems are worth 1 gray gem. Any colors are fine as long as you have 3.

    I have the quantity of colors just not the right set due to spinning the crystals.

    There are also no more opportunities to spin for the one you needed. Imagine if they didn't have the random AG in store.
    But anycolor 3 gem is not worth 3 gems of the same color ..
    If i was your math teacher i would die. If i was your pearant i would do worse 🤣
    This are not numbers.. are values ..
    I guess you are a juvenile who doesnt understand how the world works...
    A car is a car... Sure it is..
    A ferrari is not worth the same as a Honda..
    3 Hondas are not worth a Ferrari...

    I know it might be hard for you to understand..
    If they put 3 of the same class for 1 generic
    3 of different class are not worth 1 generic ..
    I know its reaaaaaally hard for you to assume your defeat to this trade... Bashing anybody that pretty much proposes something that wouldn't solve your issue...
    I seriously hope during gifting event u get many many AGs... Class and generic.. so that everytime u get one u can be reminded on the 6* AG u couldnt get... Me.. i will look at it differently.. i would say yay i will get one the next time too!
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Coppin said:

    Untill admins get here and ban me i will keep saying it. You greedy little hateful
    How am i greedy when i paid the price that was asked?.. You are basically begging for a discount or "an arranged payment" and i am greedy?...I'm just you are the greedy one who wants the item on your own terms ..

    Still bringing the DISCOUNT cause you think 3 different ags are LESS valuable than 3 same class ags. Does your little hateful twisted brain comprehend that 3 different ags are MORE VERSTILE? They can awaken 3 different classes and 3 same? YOU DONT HAVE 3 5* MYTHICS TO RANK UP RIGHT? IF YOU GOT THE DEAL? I will remember you and think of you IF (and i hope so) kabam agrees with us and will have you in my dreams crying and screaming and beating yourself, slashing yourself at just HOW UNFAIR WAS IT TO YOU THAT EVERYONE IS HAPPY INSTEAD OF ONLY YOU. I will wake up with a smile remembering somewhere in the world you are torturing yourself for peoples DESERVED FAIR EARNED HAPPYNES WITH NO DISCOUNT. And i will imagine all the players who are happy after and will smile even more.

    I am off to sleep. Good luck guys. Hope kabam hears us
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Coppin said:

    Untill admins get here and ban me i will keep saying it. You greedy little hateful
    How am i greedy when i paid the price that was asked?.. You are basically begging for a discount or "an arranged payment" and i am greedy?...I'm just you are the greedy one who wants the item on your own terms ..
    Still bringing the DISCOUNT cause you think 3 different ags are LESS valuable than 3 same class ags. Does your little hateful twisted brain comprehend that 3 different ags are MORE VERSTILE? They can awaken 3 different classes and 3 same? YOU DONT HAVE 3 5* MYTHICS TO RANK UP RIGHT? IF YOU GOT THE DEAL? I will remember you and think of you IF (and i hope so) kabam agrees with us and will have you in my dreams crying and screaming and beating yourself, slashing yourself at just HOW UNFAIR WAS IT TO YOU THAT EVERYONE IS HAPPY INSTEAD OF ONLY YOU. I will wake up with a smile remembering somewhere in the world you are torturing yourself for peoples DESERVED FAIR EARNED HAPPYNES WITH NO DISCOUNT. And i will imagine all the players who are happy after and will smile even more.

    I am off to sleep. Good luck guys. Hope kabam hears us

    If Kabam agrees with u i will have more Generics for the next time . Its a win win for me .. but thats way too complicated for you to understand
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian

    Everyone tried to form one tier 5 class cat instead of choosing to get 6 piles of 44500 fragments of every class while everyone runs with 6* rank3s. What are you even comparing?? Trying to look smart and stuff. Your writing is much better and looks polished but dont let that trick you into connecting it with your GAMER IQ. Your not special. And kabam just made AGS into a bitcoin and you are running around preaching you KNEW THE FUTURE WAS BITCOIN. Get down from your high horse. Your just a psycho horder who rewarded. Nothing more nothing else.

    Actually, the forums and the Reddit were full of people saying they were funneling their selectors into the class they wanted to rank up the most, not the class they had the most fragments in, and as a result because of "bad RNG" they would not be able to do a rank 3 to get Thronebreaker when the title launched. No one who was around at the time would say that "everyone" was funneling selectors into the class they had the most of to form their first one as soon as possible, because that wasn't the majority strategy.

    Also: Gamer IQ? Bitcoin? Did Buzzfeed decide not to renew your contract?
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    edited December 2021
    Here bro. I love you and good night or day to you. Wherever you are 😅
  • TheOneYH_01TheOneYH_01 Member Posts: 21 ★
    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
    Well then they should give anyone who used 5x5* Generics a Generic 6* awakening gem..

    They should have let you earn it.

    They are saying 3 color gems are worth 1 gray gem. Any colors are fine as long as you have 3.

    I have the quantity of colors just not the right set due to spinning the crystals.

    There are also no more opportunities to spin for the one you needed. Imagine if they didn't have the random AG in store.
    But anycolor 3 gem is not worth 3 gems of the same color ..

    Hope you found a use for your 6* AG, seems like you got lucky for the first time of your life, and you didn’t want to share this luck with anyone, thanks god you’re not kabam.

    I will not sheck this forum again, so even if you answer I will net read, I am done with this.

    Only kabam has the solution for this situation, so why bother with you.
  • This content has been removed.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Coppin said:

    Texas_11 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    It's really not that hard to consider. I've used some. I don't have enough to get the Gem. That's all there is to it. I'm not owed the Gem.

    Well it's the truth. We're not entitled to have it if we can't meet the cost of it. We can go back and forth until the cows come home, but it's the same as anything else I can't afford. I can't ask the store to lower the price. Certainly not outside a flea market.
    We aren't discussing the cost, we are discussing the rng. While I do think the cost is high , we aren't talking affordability.

    We aren't asking the store to change the price.
    So where do we draw the line in that? One side feels it's unfair, so they adjust the cost. What happens when someone feels that adjustment is unfair because they're still excluded? It's a slippery slope.
    For all intents and purposes, I'm not really telling people not to ask for what they want. Nor am I being "pro Kabam". The previous Poster asked us to consider the RNG and how unfair it is. I expressed my own personal feelings on it.
    I've been here for over 6 years. I've used some and have some. I could make good use of that Gem. For me, it's irrelevant because it's not about me. It's about the cost. If I can't meet the cost, then I don't have enough. That's about as simple as it gets for me. I don't feel I'm entitled to it because I couldn't trade my way up to it. Which I tried myself. It's just how it is for me.
    Anyone else can speak for their own feelings.
    As mentioned in previous comments. There needs to be a way to earn them, problem solved. This is a very rare resources that can easily sell for $300-$500 bucks, but it's limited to those who decided to hoard, at no cost to them. Not to mention , you also get a chance to reroll your gem to the class you need.
    If every time an offer arises that requires resources there's also a way for most players to earn that resource immediately to take advantage of the offer, that is tantamount to saying the game will never reward efficiency. I'm never going to agree with that philosophy. The game arbitrarily rewards tapping a screen with your fingers. That's fine, but it is entirely arbitrary: the people who think that's some higher form of game play compared to resource management are conflating preference for obviousness. If efficiency never gets you anything that inefficiency can always catch up to immediately, half of the game is rendered mostly pointless.

    Combat is the tactical part of the game. A huge amount of the rewards in the game are gated behind it. Resource management is the strategic part of the game. Fewer rewards are gated behind it, but it is no less important. Arguably resource management has a greater impact on game progress: how you use resources to progress is at least as important as how you earn resources. Rewarding efficiency seems entirely reasonable, and declaring that this is unacceptable and should never happen is entirely unpalatable to me.
    I have multiple Ags of every 5* AG class. Even traded some to get unlucky.

    If I can awaken any champ that comes my way and you can do it as well. What's the difference? Yours are generic and mines aren't?
    Well then they should give anyone who used 5x5* Generics a Generic 6* awakening gem..

    They should have let you earn it.

    They are saying 3 color gems are worth 1 gray gem. Any colors are fine as long as you have 3.

    I have the quantity of colors just not the right set due to spinning the crystals.

    There are also no more opportunities to spin for the one you needed. Imagine if they didn't have the random AG in store.
    But anycolor 3 gem is not worth 3 gems of the same color ..

    Hope you found a use for your 6* AG, seems like you got lucky for the first time of your life, and you didn’t want to share this luck with anyone, thanks god you’re not kabam.

    I will not sheck this forum again, so even if you answer I will net read, I am done with this.

    Only kabam has the solution for this situation, so why bother with you.
    Completely the opposite... It seems i was satisfied and you are the one who depended on luck.
    And worst case scenario i might have gotten lucky once.. but it seems like you never did...
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Everyone tried to form one tier 5 class cat instead of choosing to get 6 piles of 44500 fragments of every class while everyone runs with 6* rank3s. What are you even comparing?? Trying to look smart and stuff. Your writing is much better and looks polished but dont let that trick you into connecting it with your GAMER IQ. Your not special. And kabam just made AGS into a bitcoin and you are running around preaching you KNEW THE FUTURE WAS BITCOIN. Get down from your high horse. Your just a psycho horder who rewarded. Nothing more nothing else.

    Actually, the forums and the Reddit were full of people saying they were funneling their selectors into the class they wanted to rank up the most, not the class they had the most fragments in, and as a result because of "bad RNG" they would not be able to do a rank 3 to get Thronebreaker when the title launched. No one who was around at the time would say that "everyone" was funneling selectors into the class they had the most of to form their first one as soon as possible, because that wasn't the majority strategy.

    Also: Gamer IQ? Bitcoin? Did Buzzfeed decide not to renew your contract?
    I told you. With you its polished english. Gamer iq is what you are trying show everyone you have plenty of (you call it resource managment and risk calculation. How high up in your hoardy ss are you). Bitcoin comparing to AG is a PERFECT comparison since it had no value and now has extreme value. Most of the people went for the t5 class that first couple of crystals they pulled most of. Not just you and couple of your GENIOUS MANAGER reddit friends. And i have no idea what buzzfeed is. Good night
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Everyone tried to form one tier 5 class cat instead of choosing to get 6 piles of 44500 fragments of every class while everyone runs with 6* rank3s. What are you even comparing?? Trying to look smart and stuff. Your writing is much better and looks polished but dont let that trick you into connecting it with your GAMER IQ. Your not special. And kabam just made AGS into a bitcoin and you are running around preaching you KNEW THE FUTURE WAS BITCOIN. Get down from your high horse. Your just a psycho horder who rewarded. Nothing more nothing else.

    Actually, the forums and the Reddit were full of people saying they were funneling their selectors into the class they wanted to rank up the most, not the class they had the most fragments in, and as a result because of "bad RNG" they would not be able to do a rank 3 to get Thronebreaker when the title launched. No one who was around at the time would say that "everyone" was funneling selectors into the class they had the most of to form their first one as soon as possible, because that wasn't the majority strategy.

    Also: Gamer IQ? Bitcoin? Did Buzzfeed decide not to renew your contract?
    whenever you use the word actually and follow it up with a big para (which is all the time) I'm reminded of the "akshually" meme . Reality could not be farther
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021

    DNA3000 said:

    Everyone tried to form one tier 5 class cat instead of choosing to get 6 piles of 44500 fragments of every class while everyone runs with 6* rank3s. What are you even comparing?? Trying to look smart and stuff. Your writing is much better and looks polished but dont let that trick you into connecting it with your GAMER IQ. Your not special. And kabam just made AGS into a bitcoin and you are running around preaching you KNEW THE FUTURE WAS BITCOIN. Get down from your high horse. Your just a psycho horder who rewarded. Nothing more nothing else.

    Actually, the forums and the Reddit were full of people saying they were funneling their selectors into the class they wanted to rank up the most, not the class they had the most fragments in, and as a result because of "bad RNG" they would not be able to do a rank 3 to get Thronebreaker when the title launched. No one who was around at the time would say that "everyone" was funneling selectors into the class they had the most of to form their first one as soon as possible, because that wasn't the majority strategy.

    Also: Gamer IQ? Bitcoin? Did Buzzfeed decide not to renew your contract?
    And i have no idea what buzzfeed is. Good night
    Check them out. They are also truth seekers like you
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★

    DNA3000 said:

    Everyone tried to form one tier 5 class cat instead of choosing to get 6 piles of 44500 fragments of every class while everyone runs with 6* rank3s. What are you even comparing?? Trying to look smart and stuff. Your writing is much better and looks polished but dont let that trick you into connecting it with your GAMER IQ. Your not special. And kabam just made AGS into a bitcoin and you are running around preaching you KNEW THE FUTURE WAS BITCOIN. Get down from your high horse. Your just a psycho horder who rewarded. Nothing more nothing else.

    Actually, the forums and the Reddit were full of people saying they were funneling their selectors into the class they wanted to rank up the most, not the class they had the most fragments in, and as a result because of "bad RNG" they would not be able to do a rank 3 to get Thronebreaker when the title launched. No one who was around at the time would say that "everyone" was funneling selectors into the class they had the most of to form their first one as soon as possible, because that wasn't the majority strategy.

    Also: Gamer IQ? Bitcoin? Did Buzzfeed decide not to renew your contract?
    And i have no idea what buzzfeed is. Good night
    Check them out. They are also truth seekers like you
    I have no way of telling if your making fun of me or not (you probably are 🤣🤣🤣) but ok i will check buzzfeed out once i wake up. I have a feeling i should know it even if its a trash website or something.
This discussion has been closed.