Hey kabam, with OVER 200 champions in the game now, isn't it about time....

We revisit the topic of the wish crystals? At this point, even the dual class crystal pools are too big to make a difference or get the Champions we want or need (I've opened over 40 of them chasing apocalypse with no luck). They were YOUR idea, and the idea was received with excitement from the vast majority of the community, yet getting any information or updates about them has been like screaming at a wall.
Will these things ever exist, or was that announcement just to placate us while you continue to dilute the pool?
Will these things ever exist, or was that announcement just to placate us while you continue to dilute the pool?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Personally champion acquisition is 90% of why I play the game at this point as a TB player, but opening 6* crystals as of late has hardly held the same level of excitement as it had previously when my 6* roster was tiny and I was happy to get anyone. Now, being left with the choice between a generic 6* crystal and a featured 6* I can't help but feel less motivated to garner up shards for more disappointment. At least with dual class 6*s or a wish crystal I would feel like I'm making more progress and work amounts to more. Right now there's just so much disappointment after you put in a lot of work to finish challenging content only to get a 6* crystal that delivers you a 5th juggernaut
That means creating multiple layers of interfaces and techno-mumbo-jumbo that I could not even begin to comprehend. And it would have to be done in a way that doesn’t massively clutter their systems.
As was recently discussed on the forums, Kabam’s servers don’t care how many of a crystal you have, but every individual type of crystal in the game begins to bog it down. Wish Crystals are infinitely variable. Every time you get one you may pick different champions to put in it, thereby creating a unique crystal that would add clutter to the game. If I am right about each crystal counting as a unique crystal type, this could very easily become a massive problem that overwhelms the servers.
This is all just my theory about it. I’m by no means a programmer or even particularly tech-savvy. But based on the information that has been made public, this is my theory about the challenges behind making this new crystal type.
Keep wishing
At absolute most, 11k, I don’t think more is a good idea.
Its probably just gonna be an annual, or twice a year thing. Choose 10 get 1, kinda like incursion crystals but you choose the pool.
And these things are likely given, not bought. But thats just my assumption
1. Mysterio
2. Electro
3. Doc Ock
4. Rhino
5. Green Goblin
6. Vulture
7. The April Spidey villain
8. Kraven
9. Ultron
10. Mojo
Wouldn't be as good obviously but it would be better than nothing and it would allow Kabam to focus resources elsewhere. Maybe even increase the cost to 300 units and make them Nexus.
I feel sorry for newer players, who are trying to progress against the rosters of players who built up theirs from as more limited pool. Yes, newer players have access to a wider pool of champions but that is assuming that all champions are equal in total viability - which they are certainly not.
I'd scribbled down half a dozen ideas.- some are better than others but there's two obvious ones to me.
- A 'Featured Cavalier', or a 'Featured Cavalier Nexus'. It has the same champs as in the 6* Featured.
- In the last week of an event, allow the direct purchase of the event crystal, such as the Cavalier Sinister Synergy crystal, for units.
I don't think this is a priority for Kabam. But it is for many players. That is why a regular Dev Roadmap is useful, to let us know what Kabam's priorities are. We can then set our expectations accordingly.Featured crystals contain 24 champions. Of those, 6 are new and thus high-value, 6 are trash and thus low-value and 12 are inbetween and thus mid-value.
Wish crystals would make sure you can pick 6 champions out of the high-value pool, 12 out of mid-value and 6 out of low-value. The odds to pull what you really want stay the same: 25%. You have 50% chance to get a consolation prize. 25% chance to get something you didn't want at all, but is at least of your own choosing.