What was the most hype champion reveal for you?

We are now a couple of years into MCOC and A LOT of champions have been added into MCOC. This got me wondering, what champion got you most excited when it was revealed they were finally coming into MCOC? For me it was Mysterio no doubt, still remember being super excited seeing the news and one day will be just as excited when I finally pull him.
So who is yours?
So who is yours?
Cap’s my favorite comic book character of all-time, and I loved all of the Cap movies and F&WS on Disney+. If there is anyone worthy of carrying the shield going forward, it’s Sam Wilson.
His question has your answer within it too. "Hype" lmao
Knull was a big one as well. As was Doom. But I think I still have to go with Professor X. He was the one I went "YES YES YES!" for in a way I haven't for anyone else, really.
CGR & SM2099 were also very hyped but I still think Surfer's hype was on another level
The one that I ws most hyped about is probably Knull
NGL I ws a little disappointed with his kit even though he is great, bcoz I wanted a very different set of abilities for him & wanted him to be the best ever OP cosmic champ