Is 7.4 completion offer worth it if still unable to reach paragon?

pete8388pete8388 Member Posts: 142 ★★
I have completed all content other than the last abyss path of carinas challenges.

Between finishing that carinas challenge and 7.4 completion offer (when it comes back) that will leave me 9k t3a short of paragon.

Is the 10k unit offer still worth it that I have no guarantee I will be able to get the last t3a when EOP drops?

Being just short also means to me that most likely I miss the first objective which I suspect also means I am unable to reach top rewards. I am making a few assumptions there of course, but the only reason I want the offer is in order to do the EOP content that seems still just out of reach.

Is 7.4 completion offer worth it if still unable to reach paragon? 57 votes

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Deadbyrd9PerfectExampleThe_ChumpFeeney234Jazz_MessengerGarloTheHeroDeservedAckbar67Wicket329DannyB01RockyshockybrandinhoIvarTheBonelessPikoluDwhalen8554Angryneeson52DeaconMaratoxFit_Fun9329Uvogin 36 votes
World EaterSpeedbumpyossAdvMigginslyredsoxpatsfan89Kappa2gKRANꓘChriissRTimeGenesisRenaxqqawesomesauce30ish7714dtlCeltic1981JenskeDdHusstlewillrun4adonutDrDrillLucifire 21 votes


  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,482 Guardian
    Get the offer
    Even if you're short. You'll be closer than if you don't go for it at the discount rate. The other option is you wait and have to spend 12k units
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,415 ★★★★★
    Get the offer
    EOP will be repeating over the course of the year, so even if you miss the top rewards this time, you’ll be able to get them next time. Whereas if you skip the offer, you might miss the next time as well.
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  • The_ChumpThe_Chump Member Posts: 141 ★★
    Get the offer
    If you can, you should. You'll be so close. If you don't, and could have, you'll probably regret it when you get that 9k t3a and know you coulda been paragon but now need another 1 1/2 t6b and t3a
  • Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Member Posts: 684 ★★★★
    That t3a should be in the coming months side quest, be silly not to grab it
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 7,981 Guardian
    Get the offer
    One EoP should be able to get you the t3a you need, but it might not give the 1.5 cats of each you need.
  • Angryneeson52Angryneeson52 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    Get the offer
    Buy it.
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