Compensation gone, but problems still exist greater than ever

It will be interesting how long this thread lasts. Compensation is gone I think kabam mike said the 4th was the last package fair enough, but the game was suppose to be fixed which is clearly isn't.
One massive issue I have personally is the updating of the AI consistently making the game so very different on a almost monthly basis, it's hard to actually tell what has been fixed.
Personally I have disabled beta inputs as I was getting parried and couldn't land a parry, there was a suggestion timing will need to be adjusted. So from broken timing to even more broken timing.
A few questions remain,
Beta inputs make my personal experience worse
AI is so ridiculously OP, backdrafting, very passive special use particularly in the pain quest and alliance quest.
Recovery from receiving a hit from special
Recovery from heavy attack
Hitting through my block.
Sometimes my hits completely miss like they have phased
Intercept specials
Alliance members still saying there are massive input issues with ois phones
The list can go on, but the problematic issues it doesn't happen all the time, but that's a revive or 2 per map sometimes roughly 150 units or more.
Ending survival compensation should be dealt with a large compensation which was promised 12months ago, they have had 12 months to deal with this, but, no.
All the problems I have listed above there have been numerous treads no with no really acceptance.
90% of ally members don't post here because it's like no one cares.
I think the biggest factor is these problems only affect the bottom 90% of players yotubers with their skill can rapidly adapt others can't this comes at a cost.
Finally, should compensation end YES! but only when the game is fixed and unfortunately it's not
One massive issue I have personally is the updating of the AI consistently making the game so very different on a almost monthly basis, it's hard to actually tell what has been fixed.
Personally I have disabled beta inputs as I was getting parried and couldn't land a parry, there was a suggestion timing will need to be adjusted. So from broken timing to even more broken timing.
A few questions remain,
Beta inputs make my personal experience worse
AI is so ridiculously OP, backdrafting, very passive special use particularly in the pain quest and alliance quest.
Recovery from receiving a hit from special
Recovery from heavy attack
Hitting through my block.
Sometimes my hits completely miss like they have phased
Intercept specials
Alliance members still saying there are massive input issues with ois phones
The list can go on, but the problematic issues it doesn't happen all the time, but that's a revive or 2 per map sometimes roughly 150 units or more.
Ending survival compensation should be dealt with a large compensation which was promised 12months ago, they have had 12 months to deal with this, but, no.
All the problems I have listed above there have been numerous treads no with no really acceptance.
90% of ally members don't post here because it's like no one cares.
I think the biggest factor is these problems only affect the bottom 90% of players yotubers with their skill can rapidly adapt others can't this comes at a cost.
Finally, should compensation end YES! but only when the game is fixed and unfortunately it's not
Someone posted about this last week in the bugs forum and that thread got nuked. It's always, we didn't mean to have this not go out or this accidentally went out...
StormX vs korg in BG.
His back was against the wall and he was hard blocking, went in to tap on his block and got parried.
And the defender recovers AWFULLY FAST from stuns and specials and they counterattack way faster than what is possible at least by us and our attacker
Same thing has been happening to me as well. It’s very frustrating
Swiping back doesn’t even register
There are definitely a lot of people raising concern and giving feedback in a numbers of threads on various problem especially since the May update and the Beta Input, and you would thought, firstly these threads would be merged into to get a better overview of the problem, and secondly getting the respond from Kabam regarding these problems and as well a plan going forward, but nothing seem to happy.
As for the AI Parried while holding Block (i.e. not from Well-Time Block), I have post it in the thread below, Kabam is aware of this I believe, but no further update.
It definitely feels better for me, but better isn’t the what the game should aspire to. It’s a binary fixed or not fixed and it just isn’t yet. I probably spend around £1,200 a year on this (pennies compared to some) but the reality is that’s about the equivalent of 20x PS5. The issue is related to the fundamental game mechanics, not a random bug on a new champion. How we play the game is literally still broken. But I’m the idiot for paying money on a game I can play for free.
But anyway, compensation shouldn’t be stopped yet.
These aren’t little problems. Failed special input cost me a solo on EoP CB, which is fine since it only took a L1 revive and pot to finish.
But these things stack up…
Dr. Zola
But very frequently I get severe frame rate degradation. It gets extremely choppy and feels like 5 fps for about 15-20 seconds. Seems like this happens every 3 to 5 fights. I use a Iphone 12 pro so my device is up to the challenge.
Anyone else in the same situation?
Not sure why these weekly packages stopped coming. I don’t see a new update or any change. Shouldn’t these have stopped after a new update confirmed widespread that the issue is nonexistent not before? So puzzling how kabam treats us.
As we've mentioned in the past, the Input System Refactor is brining a whole new timing to the game, and we expected that there would be some adjustment time. We also mentioned that there would probably be other issues that arise that need to be addressed, and that we're committing time and resources to make sure that we can address those as quickly as possible.
While we've definitely heard from many of you that there are different issues that have arisen, and things like Dropped Inputs etc, we're not getting the Bugs reported in a way that we can investigate them accurately. We're working on a new way for players to report those bugs so that we can address them and get them fixed as soon as possible, but in the meantime, please use the Bugs and Known issues forum to report bugs with the template! We want to get these irregularities sorted out as soon as possible.
We have a hotfix coming out today (might already be out for many of you) that addresses one of the issues mentioned here and around the community where the Defender is able to Parry the attacker when blocking, but without a well-timed block.
That said, AI behaviour should not have been affected by this fix. So things like the Defender not throwing specials might not be related, but is being reported for investigation.
My champs are throwing heavies out of blue and denying to block or Dex sometimes.
Firstly thank you very much for the comprehensive responds, it at least give the community an sight into Kabam's perspective.
So based from what you say, would it be correct to summarised as:- Kabam believe players will need time to readjust to the new input system, awhile at the same there maybe other bugs and glitches may arrived with the launch of the new system. Therefore there will be "teething" window to review how the new input system play out and then discuss the final big compensation if/when the input is confirm fixed.
If this is correct then would it not make sense (at least for the players perspective) to continue the weekly and monthly compensation while we are still in the window is testing this "teething" window, as it is clear that players are still struggles with the inputs (this is even mentioned in a lot of video from CCP and other very highly skilled players on Youtube).
The true is for me (just myself personally), I actually spend more time in solo content, so there weekly compensation doesn't even matter much for me, but I can imagine it is extremely helpful during this time.
Hope this is something you can relay this back to the team and review this discussion, as you can see on the amount of posts and thread in forum, it is having a large negative impact to the players.