Share your Ikarus EoP Counters

I used Psylocke, she completed mutant and control counter objectives so a two for one for TBs.
I’m uploading it to YouTube now, but will take a while for it to be live since it’s 8 mins long and my wifi hates me.

Other options I’d considered were BWCV, Havok maybe?
I’m uploading it to YouTube now, but will take a while for it to be live since it’s 8 mins long and my wifi hates me.

Other options I’d considered were BWCV, Havok maybe?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Ronan could probably stun lock, but he doesn't fulfil objectives.
An alliance mate used Prof X, he said bait heavy, stand up intercept, throw heavies after he uses an Sp1, spam SP2s. A mutant power booster could probably come in handy here.
On a side note, I hate when content punishes suicide masteries this heavily. Too lazy to switch up my masteries though lol
If you hit him with medium he applies a debuff that’s the opposite of power sting. You get damage if it expired without you using a special
Immune to incinerate so don’t go into incinerate stance with claire or he will go unstoppable
Against non mystics he does damage if you reduce his power when he’s above 7 energise (I think this counts for him using a special as well) so you need to either stop him using specials, or take his energise buffs away
Don’t parry him, because he will get a fury and go unstoppable
Learn to heavy counter his sp1 so you can knock him down easily
Only light attacks give him energise buffs, so you can control the buffs that way if you need to
That’s the short version, feel free to ask any questions
Edit: added info on light attacks
Dr. Zola
I solo’d with prof x. General strategy as follows:
- DON’T hit him with your light attack.
- Use mediums only to hit into block and create space
- Utilise your falter into heavy, and heavy counter his sp1
- Go for one full SP3 cycle to build up your prowess
- Afterwards use only sp1’s and keep refreshing your prowess stack
- Keep pushing him to sp1 and counter with heavy to knock him down
- Mutant power boost is really useful.
Use Voodoo that’s above r4 5* and spam l1s regardless of the count. And don’t get hit when he has 12% left.
Follow those instructions and you’ll do better than me.
Maybe the block damage is too much, could be worth trying
i got an easy solo with Claire, it took forever but she got it done.
i guess i need to figure out how to do with r2 ProfX using only mediums and Heavies.
Upon reflection you probably don’t need to go to a special 3 - just get through one special cycle so you can build up a bunch of prowess. After that you can use your mediums and keep spamming sp1’s to avoid the detonation damage.
I only went to a sp3 because I was running a 200% power boost and I was testing to see if I could sp3 spam
She's not the best for power control (as it is difficult to reach SP2 due to the Power Detonation debuff), nor for controlling the Energize buff (as you need to reach SP2 as well). You can't really use the Incinerate mode, as unlike most BWCV matchups, the immunities can't really be taken advantage of.
Getting the knockdown to remove protection isn't too bad - easy to bait Ikaris heavy and then heavy counter, or heavy counter after dashing back twice from Ikaris SP1.
In general, one could theoretically heavy counter the entire fight - avoids Power Detonation and Energize.
I will have to plan out which Mutant champion I want to use for my next run. Don't have a Prof X, and Apocalypse would only have 1 Prowess charge.
very bad option.
the Ikaris in quest does 508 energy damage per energize buff... smh.
This was fun