Got one objective now. Heard AA is good for mutant but I haven't tried. So far way easier than CB
I don't called easy a figth that took you 10 minutes. For me is a well designed figth, it's a skill based figth, there champions that made the work easily but can be done for great variety of champs. I'm happy with the challenge.
wasn't bad outside of the random Fury/Unstoppable ... nope i didn't parry and nope I didn't put any shocks or incinerates on him .. he just sometimes went unstoppable on intercept or even at the beginning of a fight .. seemed so random.
That's because he's immune during Mighty Charge so intercepting applies to all debufs.
I tried to film a 5* Havok solo. It’s a long video, so if you don’t fancy watching all 18mins of it, check out the last 3 minutes to see what happened 😭.
Used Prof X obviously.
I wanted to only use SP3’s but I had to throw some SP1’s and SP2’s to manage the distance and remove detonates.
2mins 20 sec solo