
As the title suggests that’s all I can honestly say about 8.1
I’m deeply saddened that it’s just act 7 all over again, after act 6 concluded we’ve gone from having new exciting things to the map designs all being almost unrecognisable from each other. All of the quests are exactly the same 6 paths of 6 fights where all enemies have the same nodes and we end on a selection of 3 bosses.
I miss the days of act 5 and 6, excitingly waiting for the new content to drop because they always had something interesting in store for us with cool map designs.
Act 5: in 5.1 we got thrown into the deep end with a huge step up in difficulty, 5.2 we again got some new hard content with really well designed nodes and it concluding in the collector fight, 5.3 we got the key system and even though some people weren’t fans of it I liked it because it was something new and fresh, 5.4 we got the locked maps that made the first few weeks a challenge
Act 6: in 6.1 just like 5.1 we were thrown in the deep end with difficulty and it was a good step up, 6.2 we got all of the gates and just like the key system not everyone likes it but it’s still something new and along with it we got some of the most memorable bosses we still talk about today, 6.3 they gave us boosts on paths that could help us take on other tricky paths, 6.4 we got a boss fight that completely changed what we define as a boss fight with the grandmaster.
If I were to be shown an image of some map anywhere in act 5 or 6 I’d instantly be able to recognise it and tell you where it is and what boss is there but I’m afraid I can’t say the same for all of act 7 and now act 8.
I really hope that we get some innovation soon because this isn’t working
I’m deeply saddened that it’s just act 7 all over again, after act 6 concluded we’ve gone from having new exciting things to the map designs all being almost unrecognisable from each other. All of the quests are exactly the same 6 paths of 6 fights where all enemies have the same nodes and we end on a selection of 3 bosses.
I miss the days of act 5 and 6, excitingly waiting for the new content to drop because they always had something interesting in store for us with cool map designs.
Act 5: in 5.1 we got thrown into the deep end with a huge step up in difficulty, 5.2 we again got some new hard content with really well designed nodes and it concluding in the collector fight, 5.3 we got the key system and even though some people weren’t fans of it I liked it because it was something new and fresh, 5.4 we got the locked maps that made the first few weeks a challenge
Act 6: in 6.1 just like 5.1 we were thrown in the deep end with difficulty and it was a good step up, 6.2 we got all of the gates and just like the key system not everyone likes it but it’s still something new and along with it we got some of the most memorable bosses we still talk about today, 6.3 they gave us boosts on paths that could help us take on other tricky paths, 6.4 we got a boss fight that completely changed what we define as a boss fight with the grandmaster.
If I were to be shown an image of some map anywhere in act 5 or 6 I’d instantly be able to recognise it and tell you where it is and what boss is there but I’m afraid I can’t say the same for all of act 7 and now act 8.
I really hope that we get some innovation soon because this isn’t working
Do you have any suggestions on how they should improve it or make it different? That might make this into usable feedback instead of just pointing out contentions.
Personally, I think they could have added something different with the boss islands. Don't get me wrong, I love the single champion choice part, but maybe changing the number of bosses available, or having three bosses in a row that you could travel to and either fight the final one, the final two, or all three. This could give an increased difficulty, but also allow for a bad run to just take the final boss, while on a run that you finish with mostly full health, you could choose to fight all of them. Would take some serious champion choice and strategy decisions, but that is one of the fun aspects of the SOP/EOP fights.
Also, there has been a trend for a while of allowing players to switch between paths/nodes at least halfway through, allowing for interesting interaction and team planning. It could be fun/challenging to have mandatory switches halfway through paths so your team has to account for two different nodes and their associated defenders.
Just some thoughts. Don't sue me.
There's no fun in it. Nothing exciting to really grab your attention. It's vanilla flavored ice cream. They could at least try for French vanilla.
I also feel like we’re gonna need act 10 before we get content that’s even as hard as act 6, and by that time we’re gonna have rank 4 7*s, or relics or whatever the progression is.
Maybe it’s just something that we need to accept, that act content will always be relatively pretty easy going content, but I feel that I just loved having some content that I couldn’t just blast easily, no revives unless I can’t be bothered to restart and use a refill. I loved planning out a path, thinking right who do I use here?
Act 7 is decent, it’s alright content. I’m sure 8 will be too. But all I do with it is think, ok, Heroes, skill champs, power control, or whatever the one issue with the path is.
I get that EoP and gauntlet type things are the new end game content, but it doesn’t have the longevity of Act 6, you’re done with them in one day. They’re fun in their own right, and this is nothing against them but they’re not a replacement for act 6, they’re an addition to it. Act 6 type content being got rid of and EoP type content being brought in doesn’t balance the scales in my view.
TL:DR I miss having long term content to challenge us and make us plan for. Act 7/8 is mindless, load a team in 15 seconds and go.
The overtuned nature of Act 6 was primarily because it was designed to be an obstacle for the top Players. Unfortunately, when you follow that path, it becomes an arc that is increasingly harder for other Players to grow into. Story is progressional content. It's meant to be a progression. When you bump it up too much, it becomes a stifling roadblock.
Story content should be a challenge and development for people.. grow your skill and roster and the. Compete it when you can. honestly where is the fun in completing it within a day or two - making content this easy (such as Act 7) juts causes the drive for more content as people get it done so fast.
Act 6 made people better, and it made everyone who did it better. Unfortunately, people who couldn’t do act 6 complained that they didn’t like it. Which is fair, not everyone has to like it. But I think there’s a fundamental issue with this attitude, because there wasn’t enough drive to get better and beat the content.
I think on the back of that feedback, Kabam should have listened to *some* of it, and maybe dial back some of the crazier node combinations. But instead, they went wayyy overboard and gave us act 5 and a half, instead of a proper act 7.
Yes, act 6 had issues, it wasn’t perfect. But Kabam heard the feedback and gutted story content. It used to be my favourite part of the game, now it feels like what Thronebreaker EQ should feel like, and we’re stuck with Cav EQ. Then we get a bi-annual end game content piece like gauntlet or EoP that lasts a few weeks. I miss act 6 or abyss dropping and you knowing that you have to get better, and plan this out for months.
I get some people see walking over content as enjoyment. But that is what variants were designed for - after v1 (when they again decided it was too hard for average players)
What did happen, is I waited and waited and waited until I finally pulled the champ to do specific fights. Real fun.
Absolute snooze fest is Act 8 😴
Not one bit of creativity from Kabam in Act 8. Very ordinary
1. Create more cuts scenes and change the layout. Maybe add new colors.
2. Bring in new organizations like A.I.M. or Roxxan corporation with NPC that will eventually make their way into the game (Jessica Jones comes to mind). Even if you make her super basic (with the promise that one day you'll bring her into the game with a completely overhauled kit), it would pique the community's interests.
3. Create new stages (this one might be a little bit more complicated)