Week 2 Side Quest

Anonymous15Anonymous15 Member Posts: 12
edited June 2022 in General Discussion
Why is week 2 side quest much harder than week 1? For the pros, this side quest is a piece of cake no doubt. But for the newbies, this is almost impossible. Even in Epic difficulty, Aarkus’s cold snap deals a sh*t load of damage, and then there’s the node itself. Half of my newbie Ally couldn’t even 100% this week 2 side quest on Epic difficulty, while having no trouble going thru week 1’s side quest. If week 1 difficulty is a 2-3/10, this week 2 SQ is dialed up to 11/10 in term of b*tchiness.


  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    I will say, aarkus is the only one that actually gave me trouble
  • Anonymous15Anonymous15 Member Posts: 12
    BigBlueOx said:

    I thought it was easier…

    Again, for skillful pros with right champs, it’s not hard. But for newbies who r limited in champs and limited in skill, it’s a punch in the face compare to week 1 SQ.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,810 ★★★★★
    Do you have someone who is coldsnap or amor break immune? They’ll work against aarkus.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,443 ★★★★
    Doom/torch. Both made mincemeat of aarkus
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    It is more difficult. Sufficiently so that I can see why it would be a surprise to some of those that could get thru all of last week. I haven’t the slightest what nodes were on last week, and this week I actually read them. I mean, at least on the boss. Well, I didn’t READ them, but I did notice something was draining my power, she was going unstoppable, and she had powershield? I also noticed that sym supreme chewed most of that up before I really had to do anything about it. But I’ve no notion what was on last week.

    They certainly chose some more challenging defenders in the path, tho.

    Weirdly, I was on my second way thru legendary before I even noticed the striker had changed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Yes, it's a pain.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    edited June 2022
    It's hard when I need to use all science champs, no big trouble when I use diversified team.
    Legendary I count on CAIW, HT and Spiderham.
  • Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 172
    I agree this week is harder. I had to restart a couple times for Science objective.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    Reference said:

    It's hard when I need to use all science champs, no big trouble when I use diversified team.
    Legendary I count on CAIW, HT and Spiderham.

    I liked having MrF and She Hulk, so all of HTs and S2099 debuffs also gave power sting.
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 241 ★★

    Even a 4 star doom can take down Aarcus.

    Not helpful for the science objective
    Go right for the science objective
    Use the right champs and clear the map, then take the easy line and use all Science, you only need to run 1 line using Science for the rewards and you are able to go back over a line thats already completed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★

    Yes, it's a pain.

    *Should specify. The Objective was a pain. Otherwise no issue really. Never realized how little I depended on my Science Champs.
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,833 ★★★★

    Even a 4 star doom can take down Aarcus.

    Not helpful for the science objective
    Go right for the science objective
    I did this, got the science objective on the right path and then Kitty Pryde solo the whole left path 🤣
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian

    Yes, it's a pain.

    *Should specify. The Objective was a pain. Otherwise no issue really. Never realized how little I depended on my Science Champs.
    Same, never really had to go up against aarkus with science champs. Also I just failed with torch because I wasn't paying attention
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Show your science roster and maybe we can give some other options.

    Torch with preflght is ideal if you have him. Should mince him down pretty fast. And he's immune to coldsnap.

    Armor break can be avoided (reduce the amount anyway) by using heavies to create space and backing away - which is good for torches play style anyway.

    Play aarkus like you would an aegis node or plan to reparry to be safe since he can shrug it off with tenacity. And even though he has power gain, try to bait sp1 as it is pretty easy to evade (and for me, the sp2 is not).

    Last, do you have willpower? That can mitigate some of the armor break damage if you keep them in check. Masteries really help... Willpower, despair, petrify and even pacify are really good for torch and many science champs.

    Have a Mr. Fantastic? Use all 3 of his prefights to help whatever champ you decide to use for aarkus - it will make a prefight enabled torch even better if you can.
  • daveyj_196_daveyj_196_ Member Posts: 442 ★★
    edited June 2022
    Yes there are some roadblocks, it is frustrating and I think I restarted 3 or 4 times. My science run certainly wasn't itemless and I had to revive a couple of times, but then again not everyone should expect to run these events itemless, it's not a right. 2nd run with your choice of champs was nice... Venom and Doom for the win.
  • edited June 2022
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  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,269 ★★★★
    edited June 2022
    Aarkus on one side, mysterio on the other. Kabam were like, "pick your poison". Both champs lag my phone lol, but i find mysterio more manageable so I went for the right side with a team of -

    6* r2 spidey 99 (unduped)
    6* r1 Anti venom (unduped)
    6* r1 She hulk (sig20)
    5* r4 She hulk (sig20)
    5* r4 Quake (sig20)

    Quake pretty much carried me through the entire path, I'm not even a good quake player. I only used spidey 99 for the boss and Prof x (Prof x can counter quakes evade so I used spidey to be safe).

    This quest was quite difficult though ngl, at least imo. If I didn't have quake I wouldn't be able to do it at all with my current roster. I even struggled on the comparatively easier epic difficulty until I pulled out my trumpcard (quake).
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,070 ★★★★★
    I'm gonna run double torches, ibom, red hulk and ihulk. Should be good lol.
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  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    edited June 2022
    Do MLL combos against Aarkus and then back off. Play off intercepts, not parries.
    He's the only annoying path fight.

    Final boss is wormfood for any nullifier.
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 573 ★★★
    Doom: Aarkus?? Who's Aarkus?
    LOL 😆
  • Killswitch01Killswitch01 Member Posts: 687 ★★★
    Went with CAIW, Ihulk, Ibom, Spider ham, and torch
    I followed the right path. Spiderham was MVP
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    I used Torch for Arkus
    Although I used a duped 6* R3 but I think even a 5* R4 can do it with Nova Flames & some small boosts if necessary
    Using a 4* or 5* R3 might require 1 revive but u can use other champs on the team to bring him down if the team is in a healthy condition
    Using Thing for Yondu might be a safe option but longer fight than most other champs
    I agree with u that week 2 is significantly harder than week 1 & will definitely be an annoyance for average mid-level players
    To manage the Fury node try this combo
    Parry - MLLM > Parry - Heavy > Parry - MLL
    By this time I was able to reach Sp1 in most fights
    Take a few more parries or blocked hits if close to 1 bar
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,768 ★★★★★
    If Aaarkus is the problem, the full F4 team is a potent answer also addresses the Science requirement if you then add your best science option as a 5th. MrF prefights are key here too, might be worth bringing along a 3star just for those to help limit the power gain.

    HT and Thing both ignore coldsnap damage from aarkus fir different reasons too. I used HT because the armor break debuff combined with having willpower mastery unlocked gives you free healing.

    If you don’t have those options developed suggest accomplishing the science objective by going right, even if you already did that path since the quest is free energy it will only cost you time.

    After that your Aarkus counters expand greatly. You can still bring any rarity MrF you have to help if you don’t have a great mystic option like Doom. Unconventional mystic options might be Manthing, Sasquatch, or Mangog. All armor break immune so no coldsnap. You could also bring skills that shrug like Kingpin, MoleGod, Fury, Elsa, etc. In the case of kingpin and MoleMan aarkus actually accelerates their ramp ups so you can get into their big damage faster.

    And then there is always Colossus… armor break immune against non-Tech, coldsnap immune and if he’s awakened like Kingpin and MoleMan you get into his big damage real fast. Other mutants also do really well against aarkus like Kitty or are usable like iceman. Magneto X prefight can also help you with the tenacity shrugging stuns, I’d put that as a lower priority to the MrF debuffs though that can help reduce his power gain and damage of DoTs.

    It’s not just fully developed rosters that help get through content or insane skills, some creative thinking usually let’s you deal with most problems in this game these days

  • RyBootheRyBoothe Member Posts: 35

    Yeah my Science roster is rough. I just got to be Uncollected but I do not have the Science champs to do this on Master as you can see.
  • jbxotiicjbxotiic Member Posts: 145
    Reference said:

    It's hard when I need to use all science champs, no big trouble when I use diversified team.
    Legendary I count on CAIW, HT and Spiderham.

    thats literally who i used too lol. Found the path with aarkus easier than the other path because of sersi. Used torch for him
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