Loyalty Update



  • SergioYakSergioYak Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2022
    This sort of change makes the war mode really expensive in units terms and really pay to win but there are no really compensation to it.

    I mean, I do agree with loyalty store having the rankup 4 materials so a couple lower tier allies can also got them but this makes you choose between one of these 2 things:

    - spend a lot (I mean a FREAKING LOT) of units in war resources so you can try to reach higher war season rewards then save ALL your loyalty for the materials;
    - not spending a single thing and not caring if you win, loose, finishes whichever tier it is... And buying the resources with the loyalty (that you'll probably wont get assuming you will loose a bunch of times playing like this).

    Just some numbers to exemplify it. Even if you are an ally like gt40 that manages to win 11 out of 12 wars in tier 1 per season, you will only get something like a 1kk loyalty. To buy any rankup materials those guys would need to spend a bunch in units... How exactly Kabam thinks this makes war seasons attractive to players at all?
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Wait until they update season rewards to include loyalty and it will make more sense while bringing back the incentive.
  • KRosendallKRosendall Member Posts: 2
    If they let us sell potions/boosts for loyalty, that would solve a big problem. I have bought around 500k worth of potions that are sitting in my inventory.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Just let us use glory for war potions again. That would be a major beneficial change.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,320 ★★★★★

    Wait until they update season rewards to include loyalty and it will make more sense while bringing back the incentive.

    I think a big reason for the blowback on this is that they didn’t lead with the season reward buff or release them simultaneously. It probably would’ve saved everybody a lot of heartache if Kabam had made the announcement of “Next season, along with updated War Rewards, we will be releasing a new Loyalty store.”

    Would it have solved the problem completely? No, there will always be pushback on change. But it probably would’ve been smoother than this.
  • PlantesanPlantesan Member Posts: 335 ★★
    Not sure if this was covered early on, not yet, or weren’t worried…has there been any word on whether kabam will consider bumping up the daily loyalty cap from the Alliance help tab? It feels to me that would be a good place to start with making sure there is some small buffer to the issue at hand.

  • Peteyaces_72Peteyaces_72 Member Posts: 29
    Loyalty store looks awesome. I’m super bummed that I bought unstoppable colossus a couple weeks ago. I literally said to myself “what else will I ever spend this on?”. Couple weeks later this comes out :’(
  • GoDlyZorGoDlyZor Member Posts: 150
    xNig said:

    People tend to want others to tell them what to do cause it’s the easier way out. If you want to rank high in AW, max boost and pot to full each fight. It’s easy.

    But with the loyalty store changes, everyone contemplating that choice will have to ask themselves, “Every pot I spend is 20k loyalty further from that 6* AG that I could have sooner, should I? Or should I just die and 40% revive for 1 loyalty? But what about my death count?” etc questions.

    It’s much tougher psychologically imo.

    (Love the loyalty store update though.)

    If you could choose between pushing in war and using all loyalty towards potions and boosts WHILE STILL getting equivalent rewards in ranked season rewards as a "reward" for your efforts OR not pushing and collecting loyalty and getting these rewards from loyalty store, then yes.. it would be a choice between pushing in war or not pushing. But as is, there is no incentive to push. There is no choice. the "choice" is between pushing in war, spending hours fighting in a competitive way to get outdated rewards OR relax, do no stress wars, and get better rewards.

    This change makes no sense.

  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,328 ★★★★★
    GoDlyZor said:

    xNig said:

    People tend to want others to tell them what to do cause it’s the easier way out. If you want to rank high in AW, max boost and pot to full each fight. It’s easy.

    But with the loyalty store changes, everyone contemplating that choice will have to ask themselves, “Every pot I spend is 20k loyalty further from that 6* AG that I could have sooner, should I? Or should I just die and 40% revive for 1 loyalty? But what about my death count?” etc questions.

    It’s much tougher psychologically imo.

    (Love the loyalty store update though.)

    If you could choose between pushing in war and using all loyalty towards potions and boosts WHILE STILL getting equivalent rewards in ranked season rewards as a "reward" for your efforts OR not pushing and collecting loyalty and getting these rewards from loyalty store, then yes.. it would be a choice between pushing in war or not pushing. But as is, there is no incentive to push. There is no choice. the "choice" is between pushing in war, spending hours fighting in a competitive way to get outdated rewards OR relax, do no stress wars, and get better rewards.

    This change makes no sense.

    Yeah I agree with you. It makes no sense to push for war if pushing means spending all loyalty.

    I guess, at least for next season, the war ratings will shift towards each alliances’ equilibrium rating instead of the grossly inflated ones shown now, aided by boosts and pots.

    It’s most likely that a new AW season rewards is in the works and it includes some mechanism that isn’t introduced in the game yet, hence the later update to it.
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 856 ★★★★
    Personally I think most people can’t see the forest for the trees on the issue of r4 mats. 6 months ago we were begging kabam to make r4 mats more available to the average player and kabam has done just that. Like one person said it’s about choices but everyone complaining don’t realize we didn’t even have these choices a few months ago. The game is moving in a positive direction for once.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★
    Once again, this encourages hoarding, just what Kabam said they were trying to solve with the trade in store in December. Thanks! I have 4.4M in loyalty so I will continue to hoard things!
  • Dwayne55Dwayne55 Member Posts: 123
    Well I'm glad I've spent 1.7 million of my 2 million loyalty the last few seasons for gold 3 rewards to see this roll out. I don't even have enough loyalty to buy potions for the upcoming season let alone R4 Mats. We're not even getting enough loyalty after a war match to buy a team potion that's worth anything. So out of touch with the player base it's unreal.
  • A3G0NA3G0N Member Posts: 75
    Been hoarding this for a long time. Maybe I’ll buy AG to test it out. Don’t need more R4 mats at the moment.

  • Saru2244Saru2244 Member Posts: 182
    Is the new Shop live today (pre Saison) or at 17th August (Start of the Main Saison)?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,328 ★★★★★
    Shaktiman said:

    You guys are saying that now no one would buy health potions and would just use 1 loyalty based revives.

    Tell me what would you do if Kabam increase the revives from 1 loyalty to lets say 20k loyalty?
    You would stop playing AWs entirely?

    No. We would just clear 1 section first and hold 4 guys as reserve on node 23, then prioritize taking the boss down before we go for exploration of the last section.

    That was how war was played mostly before the map change.
  • Badass84Badass84 Member Posts: 317 ★★★
    Dwayne55 said:

    Well I'm glad I've spent 1.7 million of my 2 million loyalty the last few seasons for gold 3 rewards to see this roll out. I don't even have enough loyalty to buy potions for the upcoming season let alone R4 Mats. We're not even getting enough loyalty after a war match to buy a team potion that's worth anything. So out of touch with the player base it's unreal.

    Don't want to be harsh, but 1.7 Mio sounds a lot to me for G3. We finshed close to P3 and I spent about 250k or less.
  • Badass84Badass84 Member Posts: 317 ★★★
    Shaktiman said:

    You guys are saying that now no one would buy health potions and would just use 1 loyalty based revives.

    Tell me what would you do if Kabam increase the revives from 1 loyalty to lets say 20k loyalty?
    You would stop playing AWs entirely?

    No, we just would accept, that 100% isn't needed anymore to get nearly ok rewards.
    Just do the math.
    If you have to use let's say 1kk of loyalty for a season and for most people it could be a lot more, just to get a 5* Nexus and 20k 6* Shards and some R3-rankup-material (P4) or you just ignore that loose some wars and get R4-material instead?
  • JJ4JJ4 Member Posts: 44

    Why are the new loyalty amounts for season 36 shown for wins and losses almost identical to what was supposed to be implemented in season 33?

    Does that mean that the changes we were supposed to get never actually happened ?
  • JJ4JJ4 Member Posts: 44
    Or proposed in season 33 should I say
  • Dwayne55Dwayne55 Member Posts: 123
    Badass84 said:

    Dwayne55 said:

    Well I'm glad I've spent 1.7 million of my 2 million loyalty the last few seasons for gold 3 rewards to see this roll out. I don't even have enough loyalty to buy potions for the upcoming season let alone R4 Mats. We're not even getting enough loyalty after a war match to buy a team potion that's worth anything. So out of touch with the player base it's unreal.

    Don't want to be harsh, but 1.7 Mio sounds a lot to me for G3. We finshed close to P3 and I spent about 250k or less.
    Over 3 seasons? 250k is super low you were probably taking one of the easiest lanes like lane 3 and only doing 4 or 5 fights a war. That's 12 level 4 potions. Not including any of the 3 war based boosts, power boosts for not only war but other content, and others. I was taking all 3 fights between section 1 and 2 and normally 3 fights including boss in last section while only dying probably once or twice a season. Gold 2 and 3 Still has the majority of Champs as 6* R3 now on all those fights. The only difference is the nodes are tweeked a little. Could I have taken most of them without healing up my Champs before hand? Sure but the whole point of war is to limit deaths and we had no prior insight this change was going to happen so why wouldn't I heal up before fights?
  • OwrnsOwrns Member Posts: 33
    What annoys me is it 500k for paragon for t6b but 750k for throne breakers. Seems a bit un fair
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    I don't think that in Alliance that has a mix of Paragons and TB players, the rewards (loyalty) for alliance events like AW should have a different value for the same effort. TB players has a cap limit of 1 (instead of 2) and the cost is 50% more than Paragons.
    Paragons players already get more from deals, calendar, solo events etc each I can understand... there is no place for rewards based on progression level in alliance events!
  • ArifuteraArifutera Member Posts: 210 ★★★
    Jax, any update on this
  • Dark_Claw1Dark_Claw1 Member Posts: 139
    They should give everyone a 2 week heads up that they are going to delete all loyalty form everyone’s account and leave everyone with 15k. Then they should mimic the glory store with loyalty store and adjust all the costs to reflect it.

    Also, moving grey boosts to the unit store without a way to get them without units is also wrong.
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